I'm just an actor

Chapter 137 Thoughts

Chapter 137 Thoughts
There are not many extremely smart people in this world, and there are only a few extremely stupid people. If a person can take a small step ahead of his peers, his talent is partly due to his talent, but if he is a big step ahead, it cannot be attributed to his talent alone.

Song Jia is such a person.

Under her carefree appearance, there is a strong personality hidden. During the period when she just stepped into the university, she was not always confident, because she suddenly found that in the class, she was not good-looking at all, and the talent she was proud of in the past Specialties, in comparison, are not outstanding.

Because the person is neither beautiful nor outstanding, it is impossible to receive the admission notice for the show.

Because of these experiences, she gradually became less confident than she was in high school, and even a little inferior.

This change of mentality is also thanks to my mentor Li Zhiyu.

He once praised her as the most talented student in the class in front of all his classmates.

From that time on, she realized the powerful energy in her body. On the other hand, she felt that she couldn't let the teacher's boast become a joke.

She took one step at a time. During this process, she suffered a lot and received a lot of scolding, but she got over it slowly.

After so many years, she has developed a strong self-confidence. Her talent is good enough and she works hard enough. After a long time, she has gradually become accustomed to being chased by her peers.

But the more she shoots recently, the more pressure she feels, and this kind of pressure has surrounded her since she stepped into the set, and it has never been far away for a moment.

After five years out of school, she has met many people and experienced many things. She has been able to calmly face people who are braver and brighter than herself. She will be envious, but she will never be jealous, because she believes that one day, It can emit more powerful heat by itself.

But it's one thing to accept that someone else is better than you, and quite another to actually feel the pressure.

This is the most incredible crew she has ever been in. Except for Xu Rong and Zhao Si, everyone else is not famous.

Zhao Si is Shen Ao Jun, Shen Ao Jun is her stage name, her surname is Zhao Mingyan, she is the fourth eldest at home, and because she is very active in the group, she gradually got the nickname of Zhao Si.

But these people who are not well-known in the film and television industry are simply not human when they play soaring.

Like Feng Anhe, Wu Gang, and Zhang Guoqing, they are either old opera actors or old drama actors, and she is used to this, after all, people probably eat more salt than she eats rice.

But Xu Rong, Zu Feng and Cao Bingkun were from Nortel, so it's unbelievable that they can act so well.

Nortel, heh.

The most perverted one was Xu Rong. After three days of his retreat, she thought that his acting was good enough, but since a certain day, his handling of the performance has become extremely abrupt and delicate.

The suddenness caught her off guard.

She realized very early on that Xu Rong's talent is not bad either. As an actor with high acting talent, she is very clear that in the technical industry of acting, talent is far from everything, just like a chef cooking, Talent can only guarantee that the food served can be eaten. As for how delicious it is, it is not just a problem that talent can solve.

What made her feel powerless the most was Xu Rong's age. When she was filming "Crossing the Guandong", she felt that the two were evenly matched, but she hadn't seen each other for more than a year, and the other party had left her far behind.

When filming, she always had a certain illusion that Xu Rong was living under the camera, while she was filming.

His every move seems very natural, from starting to expressing, there is no sense of disobedience.

She has seen his efforts, but the results of his efforts are presented step by step. How can the handling become more delicate than most actresses overnight?

Does she not work hard?
Asking herself, she feels that she works harder and desperately than 99% of her peers.

For this reason, she even deliberately tried the little trick that Xu Rong mentioned inadvertently in the past, not letting the assistant play the role, and doing it by herself.

But the effect was even worse. Facing the cloud of air, she couldn't make an ideal response at all.

Xu Rong looked at the blush on Song Jia's face that couldn't be covered by foundation, and asked, "Not feeling well?"

Song Jia silently shook his head.

Xu Rong waved at Song Jia's assistant and said, "Go get a thermometer and measure it for her."

Neither Xiao Zhang nor Xu Xing came over today. Xu Xing is on her period, and Xiao Zhang stays in the hotel to take care of her.

Song Jia instinctively refused. She was filming in a weather dozens of degrees below zero, but she managed it anyway, no matter what the current little problem.

Under the high-intensity shooting and stress these few days, she seemed to have a fever, but after taking some medicine later, she would be able to pass it by clenching her teeth.

Xu Rong looked at her with a smile, and said: "Your condition is not very good. If I were you, I would definitely take a rest. It is the responsibility to shoot the trick well, not to finish it as best as possible. Don't worry, our crew has money, so we are not afraid of delays." One or two days."

Song Jia looked at him, his eyes were more white than black, and said: "Your thinking is very strange."

"Why, do you think I'm not professional when I say that?" Xu Rong sat on the chair, patted the armrest and said, "It's like getting married, do you think it's better to find a suitable one to get married, or do you think it's time to get married?" Age, close your eyes and bite your teeth, just find someone to make do with it?"

Song Jia bit her lip and remained silent.

In the play, Yu Zecheng used various methods to guide Cuiping's transformation. During filming, she could clearly feel his urgency to change himself.

Listening to Xu Rong's words at this time, she was a little confused about what he meant, whether it was simply a matter of fact, or the idea of ​​changing her in the play was extended outside the play, and aimed at herself.

She naturally knew that Zhang Li was not a man suitable for marriage, and she might just be a passer-by in his life, but Xu Rong had never experienced her experience, so she would not understand her thoughts.

When talking, it is natural to stand, and you will not feel back pain.

"You're not even married, so you're pretending to be a wolf with a big tail." She smiled suddenly, and returned to her carefree look.

Xu Rong was stunned for a moment, because what he wanted to talk about was not about marriage. Marriage was just a more understandable example he gave, but it was difficult for him to answer Song Jia's words.

Song Jia obviously thought too much, if he turned around and broke up with Uncle Li because of his own words, and Uncle Li thought that he was messing with things in the middle, it would be too wronged.

"Sister, thermometer."

After a while, Song Jia was dragged back to the hotel by the crew's car.

After Song Jia left and set the scene again, Xu Rong didn't go back to the car to rest, but sat by the side of the set, looking at Zhang Guofeng who was chatting with someone in the distance.

Since the start of the production, there have been a lot of small problems with the crew, but strictly speaking, it can be called quite smooth. During the filming of "My Team Leader, My Team" at the same time, the leader of the pyrotechnic team died accidentally during the blasting demonstration, and then another incident occurred. A bridge collapse accident caused dozens of swarm performers to be injured, and the entire group fell into huge controversy.

In comparison, the crew of "Latent" cannot help but say that everything is going well.

The reason for the blame is that the vast majority of "Latent" are interior scenes, there are no explosion scenes at all, and there are no high-level action scenes, and both explosion and action scenes are scenes that are prone to accidents.

In addition, the director Jiang Wei probably came from a literati background and was relatively timid. Every time he held a meeting, he always emphasized safety first.

"Mr. Xu, next we will film your scene with Mr. Shen." After discussing with Jiang Wei, Shuangmawei came to Tong to know.

Among the main actors, Zhao Si has the least role, but since the role of Sai Xishi in "The Miraculous Doctor Xilaile", his status is not low.

There are only about [-] scenes of her scenes, even if they are spread out, it will take more than half a month.

Jiang Wei made this arrangement now, probably because he wanted to finish filming her scenes as soon as possible.

Xu Rong nodded, took out the script from the start-up box, passed it twice, and put it back.

This is the first scene between him and Zhao Si, but it's familiar to him to see him without looking up all day. The main reason is that Zhao Si's character is too active and quite simple.

Yes, simplicity.

It is logically inappropriate to use such a word to describe a 32-year-old woman, but it is more appropriate to describe Zhao Si. She doesn't have that much thought, otherwise she wouldn't be cheated by six colleagues while dating her ex-boyfriend and foolishly alone Preparing for the wedding room.

Xu Rong looked around the set. He originally wanted to go for a walk with Zhao Si, but seeing her chatting with Wu Gang happily, an idea suddenly came to his mind.

Today is a good day.

Xu Xing didn't come, neither did Xiao Zhang.

And another key person, Zhao Si's current boyfriend, went to the city in the morning.

Zhao Si's current boyfriend is not an insider, but a rather simple-looking middle-aged man who is a diplomat by profession.

Compared to her ex-boyfriend, Nie Yuan, one of the top four college students who couldn't help but make fake plays, this one seemed to be much more low-key and more reliable.

Anyway, no matter how unreliable it is, there is no one more unreliable than Nie Yuan.

Xu Rong heard Xiao Zhang mention before that Zhao Si's current boyfriend is stationed abroad all the year round. The reason why he came to the film crew now is during the rest period, and was pulled over by Zhao Siqiang in order to let him understand the nature of her work. can understand each other.

The thought came to him, and he couldn't hold it back anymore. He didn't think for too long, after sorting out his expression, he got up and came to Jiang Wei, who was having a good time talking with others, first patted his arm, and dragged him aside.

Seeing Xu Rong's serious face, Jiang Wei's heart was lifted quietly, and he asked in a low voice: "What's the matter, why did you return it mysteriously?"

He was really frightened by Xu Rongzheng. What if he was shut down again, or delayed for another day, even if the crew had a sufficient budget, they couldn't afford such a toss? !

Xu Rong sighed with a sullen face, and waited for Jiang Wei's expression to become more tense, before whispering: "Director, there is some bad news."

"Why, what's the matter?" Jiang Wei looked at Xu Rong's expression, and hearing his tone, he couldn't speak clearly, "Xu Rong, don't scare me, you are not going to resign, are you?"

The dullness on Xu Rong's face froze, not to mention, Jiang Wei's imagination was a bit too much, he was just laying the groundwork for the next words, but he actually got involved in his resignation.

His face relaxed a little, and he said: "That's right, I found that Zhao Siting cares about her boyfriend, oh, it's Shen Aojun."

Jiang Wei calmed down a little, frowned and asked, "What kind of bad news is this?"

Xu Rongdao: "Think about it, since her boyfriend came here, the two of them wished they could stick together every day, and when the time comes to film a kissing scene, do you think Zhao Si can put more effort into it?"

Jiang Wei waved his hand and said, "You're thinking too much, she's a professional actress, so it's impossible."

"But it's just in case." Xu Rong said worriedly.

"Then what do you say?"

"That's right, director, I came up with a good idea. Since her boyfriend is not here today, let's shoot the kissing scene as quickly as lightning."

"Zuo Lan is an important character. Every time she appears, she must give the audience a particularly strong impression, making the audience like her and sympathize with her. The only kiss scene between her and Yu Zecheng is even more important. Heavy"

Jiang Wei looked at Xu Rong, groping for the meaning behind his words. At a certain moment, he turned his head and glanced at the set, but he didn't see his girlfriend. How could he not understand that Xu Rong was waiting for him here, he Looking at him in surprise, he said uncertainly: "Didn't you just say that because your girlfriend didn't come?!"

Xu Rong's expression turned serious, and he said, "Xiao Zhang and I are both professional actors, would you care about that?"

Jiang Wei suddenly laughed and asked, "What if I arrange a kiss scene between Zhang Xiaofei and Cao Bingkun?"

"As long as it's a good match, I have no objection." Xu Rong nodded and said, "But it may affect my state."

"Fuck, Xu Rong, you are so fucking amazing." Jiang Wei couldn't help but swear, Xu Rong said so, he really didn't dare to try, Xu Rong's current state exploded, in case he was really affected , He has nowhere to cry.

But after thinking about it carefully for a while, he found that what Xu Rong said was not unreasonable, the kiss scene between Yu Zecheng and Zuo Lan was different from that between Mu Wanqiu and Cuiping, because he hoped that Yu Zecheng and Zuo Lan could kiss each other to say goodbye The longing and love of the lover for a long time paved the way for Zuo Lan's death and Yu Zecheng's transformation.

"It's afternoon, it's probably too late in the morning."

Jiang Wei finally nodded, but seemed unwilling to be caught by Xu Rong's words earlier, and mocked: "You are also a coward, so what if your girlfriend is here?"

Xu Rong immediately asked back: "What do you think when you see your wife kissing other men?"

Jiang Wei immediately said: "Impossible."

Xu Rong spread his hands and said: "It's over now, we've caught up with it today, so let's just catch up sooner rather than later, and take this opportunity to finish filming the kissing scene so that everyone will be there when we can, and the kisser will be embarrassed. It’s awkward for people watching, my girlfriend is an actor, she can understand me, but Zhao Si’s boyfriend is not, people may not understand, we can’t destroy people’s feelings, right?!”

"That's right." Jiang Wei waved his hand, "You, I can see it. If you want to say something, you have to walk around the venue a few times before spitting it out, even if people don't agree."

"Hey, who asked you to be the director? I respect you. If I make you unhappy, don't let me act. It's just a matter of words."

"You can pull it down." Jiang Wei smiled with his mouth curled up, "Why didn't you think about these things when you were doing things?"

"Hey, that's not because the director is magnanimous and you won't mind. Besides, it's all for the good of the show."

"Haha, you really can't speak with this mouth."

(End of this chapter)

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