I'm just an actor

Chapter 138 Fragmented

Chapter 138 Fragmented

"Sister Xiaofei arrives at the set in 10 minutes!"

Seeing the thoughtless message Xu Xing sent more than 20 minutes ago, Xu Rong couldn't help frowning.

What do you mean?
What is Xiao Zhang doing on set?
He subconsciously stretched out his hand to touch his slightly numb lips, and glanced at the ruddy Zhao Sihou not far away, and suddenly understood.

Someone informs!

He slowly turned his head to the two little girls in the make-up group, who usually ate snacks from Xiao Zhang.

The two little girls were looking at him, and as soon as they saw him looking over, they just touched him lightly, as if they had touched a red-hot soldering iron, and immediately moved away in unison.

Xu Rong withdrew his gaze calmly.

Come on, what are you afraid of?
Anyway, it's over!
At best, it's just a blank stare.

At this time, he couldn't help but feel proud of his previous brainstorm. The filming process was not very smooth. A kiss scene took more than an hour to shoot.

Because the two of them couldn't kiss the effect that Jiang Wei wanted, "A long farewell is better than a newly married!", "Dry firewood meets a raging fire!".

Xu Rong understood what Jiang Wei wanted to express. Normally, he would only be so close to Xiao Zhang if he hadn’t seen him for a long time. With Zhao Si, he didn’t have much contact with him, and the tacit understanding was not that high. It is inevitable that there will be bumps and bumps, so many people on the set looked at him strangely.

In the name of filming, some male actors deliberately catch good-looking actresses to kiss them a few times, which is very common, after all, they are all for the sake of filming well.

After failing to take three consecutive live shots, Jiang Wei, who was in a hurry, held the air and pouted to demonstrate in person, as if he would go on stage in person if he failed.

After a kiss scene was filmed, Xu Rong's impression of Zhao Si changed a lot. Before the filming started, she first chewed gum and then borrowed his mouth spray.

A girl with a very kind heart, at least when she guesses about people, she thinks in a positive way.

Although the process was not smooth, it made Xu Rong no longer feel as in awe of the kiss scene as he used to.

Since filming "Golden Love" with Chen last time, and after communicating with brother Huang Xiaoming, he has learned that most famous actresses are used to eating garlic, leeks, durians and other disgusting things before kissing scenes. It's called self-protection.

It made him feel a little afraid of the kissing scene now, every time he mentioned the kissing scene, he couldn't help but think of Chen's strange smell that was more complicated than ammonia, which made people dizzy.

He didn't know if the beauty's excrement stinks or not, but the tone of the beauty was really good.

Xiao Zhang came in a hurry, before Xu Rong could think of what to say, he saw her trotting into the studio from a distance, with sweat on her forehead.

Seeing her attacking straight at him, with an unprecedented seriousness on her little face, Xu Rong couldn't help but mutter.

Things are not going well.

"Teacher Xu."

Xu Rong originally thought that even if she wasn't angry, she would at least have to complain a few words or have a bad face.

But that was not the case at all, when she came to her, there was no trace of displeasure on her face or eyes.

Classmate Xiao Zhang stuffed the notebook he was carrying into his hand, and said, "I met Sister Song Jia in the hotel just now, and I thought the show would be changed temporarily, so I brought this here for you, I'm afraid you will use it arrive."

Xu Rong stared blankly at the notebook in his hand, then raised his head to look at classmate Xiao Zhang, he doubted his previous guess a little.

Does Xiao Zhang not know about the kissing scene?
But when he looked back and thought about it, he felt that something was wrong. He would not be using this notebook for the time being. He should remember everything in his mind. As for the performance experience, he had just recorded it. new touch.

And Xiao Zhang is too normal, as if nothing happened.

But she came too suddenly, plus Xu Xing's inexplicable news before.

She might know, no, she sure did.

Xu Rong suddenly felt as if he had done something wrong. Although the mouth of the kiss was a little numb, but hugging a beautiful woman, the kiss was too long, too passionate, and too involved, which inevitably produced some unknown reactions and psychology throbbing.

If classmate Xiao Zhang gets angry or complains, he won't mind it anymore, but it's this attitude of pretending not to know when he knows it, which makes him feel uncomfortable.

In the end, he decided to tell the truth. It was filming in the first place, and there was no need to hide it, and I am afraid there will be more in the future.

"Xiao Zhang, there was a scene just now"

Classmate Xiao Zhang didn't allow him to finish his sentence, so he smiled abruptly and said, "I know, you just kissed Fourth Sister Zhao for 26 minutes and 41 seconds."

Xu Rong's eyes widened suddenly, and he stared blankly at Xiao Zhang.

Who the hell is so free to count down the seconds for him?

He pursed his lips lightly, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Classmate Xiao Zhang grabbed his arm and said in a low voice, "You'll have to kiss me ten times longer."

Until now, she showed some displeasure on her face, wrinkling her nose, but when she saw him pursing her lips, she suddenly smiled again, and said, "Mr. Xu, why are you nervous? I'm not angry anymore."


"Hey, I guess you didn't stick out your tongue, like when we kissed."

"No, you even know this?" Xu Rong glanced around speechlessly. When Zhang Guofeng was around, he spent most of his time observing him, but he didn't expect that someone was watching him all the time, and he could see it. The observation is quite detailed.

"It doesn't matter if you stick your tongue out or not?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang raised his neck and said plausibly: "I practiced it for you, why should others enjoy it?!"

At this moment, Xu Rong really wanted to take out a mirror and look at his face to see what kind of expression he was showing.

There is nothing wrong with the meaning of Xiao Zhang's words, but listening to it, it always feels quite weird.

He looked at classmate Xiao Zhang for a while, and asked abruptly, "Who taught you those things just now?"

"my mother."

Xiao Zhang hurriedly covered his mouth, looked at him with wide eyes, shook his head and said, "No one teaches, no one teaches."

"I'll just say it." Xu Rong rubbed her head with a smile, and now he understood.

It is impossible for Xiao Zhang to understand the truth that the stick is held high but does not fall, and its power is always greater than that of hitting a person.

He remembered a word in her words just now, and asked with a smile: "Enjoy?"

Xiao Zhang's ears turned red in an instant, and he glared at him bitterly, and said, "I'm ignoring you, hmph."

Xu Rong watched her walking straight to the outside of the set, and asked, "Hey, why are you going?"

"go back!"

Xu Rong didn't stop her. Song Jia's scenes today were almost all thrown away, and it's not sure what point will be filmed.

After work in the evening, Xu Rong went back to the hotel to remove her make-up, and then put a large pool of hot water, while applying the mask, while lying in the middle of it, she was soaking in the bath happily. Today, he and Zhao Si were filming for a day, because Due to tacit understanding, the progress is not ideal.

Not long after, he heard men and women shouting and roaring faintly from outside, mixed with dull footsteps.

Then there was an auspicious bang, like someone was throwing something, or someone was fighting in the corridor.

He listened for a while, and when he heard the familiar voice, he quickly climbed out of the bathtub, tore off the mask on his face and threw it into the trash can.

He was a little worried, mainly because he was worried about the safety of Xiao Zhang and Xu Xing.

This floor is full of crew members.

He wiped his body casually with a bath towel, put on a T-shirt and shorts, and rushed out the door.

As soon as he probed, Xu Rong saw five or six people surrounded by the door of Jiang Wei's room not far away, but none of them went in.

At this moment, a roar that was tens of decibels higher than before came from the room: "Run away? Where did you go, as long as you are not dead, go and find it for me, it's all your fault, it's all your fault , I said how can someone who didn’t even go to high school make an edit, but you just didn’t listen.”

"How did I know that something like this would happen? What happened to high school? Who stipulated that if you don't go to high school, you can't do editing?" A sharp female voice sounded immediately, more penetrating and harsher.

Xu Rong looked at the two heads protruding up and down from the door of Xiao Zhang's room not far away, and heaved a sigh of relief.

But the content of the quarrel that came from Jiang Wei's room made his heart sink uncontrollably.

He closed the door and walked lightly to Jiang Wei's room. The men and women who were arguing were none other than the director Jiang Wei and the producer Zhang Jing.

Jiang Wei's temper is very gentle, and he would not easily get angry like this, but since he got angry, he still directed at the producer Zhang Jing, it must be that something bad happened or even an accident.

When I arrived at Jiang Wei's door, I saw three people standing in the room. Besides Jiang Wei and Zhang Jing, there was also a crying woman in her thirties with short hair and a round face. She was the editor of the film crew, Mr. Zhou.

He patted the shoulders of the ponytails in front of him lightly, and asked, "What's going on?"

The pair of ponytails glanced back at him, dragged him to the elevator, and said in a low voice, "Something has happened, Mr. Xu."

"It's like this. We didn't hire a special DIT because we were on a tight budget. Anyway, we can do editing. Then we assigned Mr. Zhou an assistant. The copying and backup work has always been done by the assistant. Just now the director said If I want to see the material I took earlier, I asked the assistant for it, but I didn't see him bring it for a long time."

"Maybe the director felt something was wrong, but when he asked again, the assistant couldn't find anyone and ran away."

Xu Rong was slightly aware of the seriousness of the problem, and asked, "Run away? What do you mean, ran away with the material?"

"If that's the case, it's okay, and you're not a stranger, so you can always find them." The two ponytails shook their heads and said, "It's because the hard disk storing the pre-shooting materials was smashed, and he has been hiding it. The director asked just now, and the result He was afraid, so he ran away secretly."

Xu Rong was startled, and quickly asked, "Is there no backup?"

The pair of ponytails sighed, and said, "I heard from Mr. Zhou that the assistant was negligent. He probably thought it was all right. No one would have thought that the hard drive would be smashed."

"Is it bad?" Xu Rong took a breath and cursed, "This kind of person should die."

"It's all broken, otherwise the director wouldn't be arguing with the producer and throwing things."

After a pause, Xu Rong remembered Zhang Jing who had just quarreled with Jiang Wei, and asked, "Is that assistant the producer?"

Shuangmawei hesitated for a while, then nodded and said: "Now the phone is not connected at all, and no one can be found."

Xu Rong sighed inwardly. He had just lamented that everything was going relatively smoothly with the crew, so how could he think about it so hard.

Hua Ming happened to pass by wearing a coat, and saw Xu Rong standing at the entrance of the elevator with twin ponytails, and hurriedly waved at him and said, "Teacher Xu, hurry up, follow me to have a look."

The people in front of Jiang Wei's door had dispersed. In the room, Jiang Wei was sitting on the sofa, smoking a cigarette with his head bowed. Zhang Jing folded his arms and stared blankly at a small box on the table.

In the box, there are several black hard drives that have been broken into different sizes.

Xu Rong followed Hua Ming into the room. Apart from the clip of wiping tears, both Zhang Jing and Jiang Wei looked up, but they didn't speak.

Hua Ming stared at the broken hard drive for a few seconds, sat down, and then sighed: "Arguing can't solve the problem, so don't say a few words."

He turned to look at the clip and asked, "Mr. Zhou, are you sure there is no backup?"

Teacher Zhou raised his red and swollen eyes, and shook his head slightly: "I have searched everything, but there is nothing."

Seeing that Xu Rong had also sat down, Hua Ming asked again: "What are the damaged ones?"

"It's all from the previous location scene."

Hua Ming took out a cigarette in silence, and lit it three times in succession with slightly trembling fingers before he lit it. He suddenly became like Jiang Wei, as if he had lost his ability to speak.

The location scenes were filmed for a total of twelve days, and even if calculated at 30 a day, the broken pieces would be nearly 400 million.

"I found him. What happened now is my responsibility, and I will be responsible." Zhang Jing raised her head abruptly and said.

Jiang Wei raised his head suddenly: "Are you responsible? How are you responsible?"

"Okay, okay, don't say a few words." Hua Ming shouted with a higher and sharper voice than the two, "Now we have to solve the problem and solve the problem, not here to argue with the neck."

Hua Ming finished yelling, took another puff of cigarette, looked at Teacher Zhou again, and asked with some expectation: "Yes, can you recover?"

"It's not very likely. It's all broken like this. Teacher Hua, I really didn't know before. I thought it was just a matter of copying and backing up. He will definitely be able to do it well." Teacher Zhou said, tears streaming down again trickle down.

"Don't cry, too." Hua Ming waved his hands impatiently, then looked at Jiang Wei and Zhang Jing and said, "Well, no matter whether it can be recovered or not, I will send someone back to the capital with the hard drive and find a professional , see if we can be rescued."

Jiang Wei stared at him, and asked: "If you fall into such a mess, you can recover as a fart."

Xu Rong stared at the hard drive, he really couldn't figure out what the assistant was doing with the hard drive, it could cause such a disaster.

Hua Ming took another puff of cigarette, and said in a low voice: "Don't say no, even if it is really a fart, you have to try it."

(End of this chapter)

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