Chapter 139
Looking at the calm expression of Hua Ming who was sitting diagonally opposite, Zhang Jing reluctantly collected a mess of thoughts and began to think about solutions to the problem.

Although Hua Ming also said that she would try to recover the data, but the hard disk was damaged and became what she is now, she didn't have too much expectation in her heart. The only good thing is that the filming team started filming for more than half a month.

And every time she thought of her nephew who had run away and hadn't heard from her, she felt a deep sense of powerlessness welling up in her heart.

More than two months ago, when the crew was preparing for the production, a relative entrusted her to her, wanting her nephew to join the production crew to learn, so as to master a skill, so as not to idle around all day and take the wrong path.

At that time, she agreed without thinking too much. Anyway, it was just an extra mouth, and it didn't cost a lot of money. Besides, after working hard for a long time, she felt more and more reliable that her family, who knew the bottom line, was more reliable.

Especially in the past two years, investment in film and television is like buying a lottery. The hype is full of love and sincerity, but in fact it is a question of whether it can be made into a film.

As a director, Jiang Wei brought five assistant directors and director assistants alone, so she specially arranged for her nephew to learn from editing. If she followed Jiang Wei, she might not even be able to grab the opportunity to serve tea.

Editing doesn’t just mean cutting according to the script. It’s a profession with a very low limit and a high limit. A good editor must have his own understanding of the script, just like a top make-up artist, who often also serves A stylist, who designs the most suitable styling for the actors.

The industry's top editors can cut a play, and the cost can catch up with half of the first-line actors.

And editing is the easiest career to transform into a director besides photography, actors and screenwriters.

She has worked so hard for so many years and started a company. She thought that all the hard work would be rewarding, but she didn't expect it to be the case.

The company does not have its own director. She has cooperated with Jiang Wei several times, and it is inevitable that there will always be disagreements about the selection of actors. The actors she wants to use are cheap and easy to use, but Jiang Wei always likes to choose expensive ones.

Because Jiang Wei firmly believes that expensive is the embodiment of value. An actor's salary is extremely high, and he can still receive plays, which proves that his professional ability is recognized by both inside and outside the industry.

Except for a very few artists, the remuneration of actors is directly proportional to their professional ability.

She understands this truth, but as an investor, she can't just consider this, so she plans to train her nephew to be a director.

But just after she started her journey of thousands of miles, her plan was completely aborted. She never expected that such an honest child would make such a big mess and even run away secretly.

Where are you going?
Hua Ming looked at Jiang Wei and Zhang Jing silently, only looked at himself, and said, "But we have to make two preparations. Of course it's a good thing to recover, but what if we can't? Now let's call people over and discuss what can't be done." recovery plan."

Jiang Wei seemed to have calmed down, he let out a long breath, and said, "Okay, let's see if everyone has any good ideas, and I can also vent my breath."

As he spoke, he turned his head to look at the two ponytails who were waiting at the door, and said, "Xiao Zhang, call someone over for a meeting."

"Okay." The two ponytails replied, and she waited outside the door, neither coming in nor leaving.

The assistant director or director's assistant is doing eye-catching work. When they have enough qualifications and learn to brag, they can recruit a group of people to engage in art or make money.

The room was quiet, no one uttered a sound, only Jiang Wei and Hua Ming continued to refill their exhausted cigarettes. Usually, when encountering such a situation, Zhang Jing would laugh and make a few jokes, but at this time, she He didn't even frown any more.

At a certain moment, Hua Ming raised his head, looked at Zhang Jing, and said, "The problem must be solved, and the responsibility must be investigated. Producer Zhang, do you have any objections?"

He had already learned about the situation before, and knew that the editing assistant who ran away belonged to Zhang Jing, and seemed to be her relative.

Zhang Jing didn't answer him immediately, but asked in a low voice: "How to investigate?"

"It depends on the situation. Even if it can be recovered, I guess it will cost tens of thousands of dollars." Hua Ming paused when he said this, and pressed the cigarette butts into the ashtray with a small pile of cigarette butts scattered, " If you can't recover, you will be compensated according to the price, and you will be compensated as much as you lost, and we don't care about your age or anything, since you have entered the society and made a mistake, you should be punished."

Zhang Jing hesitated for a while, then nodded, and said, "I will contact his parents."

Hua Ming nodded and said: "Producer Zhang, we are old friends, let me start with the ugly words first, don't blame me for being merciless then, I will definitely shoot this scene, if they are willing to pay , then there’s nothing wrong with it, if you don’t want to, I will go through judicial procedures.”

Zhang Jing opened her mouth, but for a long time, she didn't say anything. Not only was the other party one of the employers, Hua Ming also represented Southern TV Station, so she couldn't offend him.

After 10 minutes, the heads of the crew were all together. Hua Ming briefly explained the matter. Seeing everyone stunned, he looked at the little financial girl and said, "Xiao Wang, if the reshoot Is our budget enough for location scenes?"

"Add another 300 million to the existing funds." He said, and glanced at Zhang Jing. This number is the bottom line based on past feelings.

The person named Xiao Wang by Hua is a 27-year-old girl with a round face. She took the calculator she brought with her when she came here, and after four or five minutes of counting, she raised her head and said, "There is probably a shortage of 5 million. Not including the remuneration of the actors and teachers, these will not be calculated for a while."

Hua Ming closed his eyes and clicked his chin twice to express his understanding, then looked at the executive director Fu Wei, and said, "Director Fu, be prepared, if you fail to recover, communicate with the relevant actors immediately, and try to arrange the schedule properly , to leave the group, when the time comes, you and Producer Zhang will go there in person, after all, you are asking for help."

Fu Wei nodded, expressing his understanding.

After Hua Ming finished speaking, he turned his head to look at Xu Rong again, forced a smile, and said, "Mr. Xu, you also understand the situation. Now the budget is stretched, and there is really no money to spare. Your side?"

The reason why he called Xu Rong over was because he considered the current situation. Xu Rong is the biggest player in the crew. If the filming is re-shooted, Xu Rong's salary will inevitably increase, but the current situation is that the budget does not allow it.

Xu Rong said without thinking, "I don't have any other plans for this year, it doesn't matter how long I shoot."

"Well, thank you, Teacher Xu." Hua Ming let out a long breath, as if he had put down a big rock, "Also, I have to ask Teacher Xu for something, Song Jia and Zhang Xiaofei's work haha, just treat it like a big brother I beg you to do me a favor."

"Zhang Xiaofei's side is fine, Song Jia's side, I can only say my best now."

He didn't tell the truth, Song Jia was not Xiao Zhang's classmate, she was not related to him, and it was impossible for him to guarantee anything that involved interests.

"With Mr. Xu's words, I feel relieved."

Seeing Xu Rong's response, Hua Ming turned to look at Jiang Wei again, and said, "Director Jiang, you are the backbone of the set, and you don't need to think about anything else. Starting tomorrow, just concentrate on doing one thing, keep the quality and quantity, and try your best." It may be quick to shoot the trick."

"no problem."

Hua Ming urged again: "We must ensure the quality, even if the budget is really not enough, we must ensure the quality."

"it is good."

Hua Ming's stature is very short, and his body is quite thin. Standing next to Xu Rong, only reaching his shoulders, sitting on the sofa, he looks like a half-grown child, but his voice is very steady, causing the room to Ten or so people couldn't help but focus on his thin face and thick eyebrows.

"Xiao Zhang, the day after tomorrow you will contact the location where the previous location was shot, try to negotiate the price, and coordinate with the team in terms of time, so as not to crash into the car and cause unnecessary waste."

"The same goes for the rented vehicles and equipment. Let's have a meeting to discuss it the day after tomorrow."


Hua Ming's words didn't pause for a few seconds, it seemed that he had thought about everything, and after he answered, he looked at the other leaders in the group and said, "That's the thing, everyone I understand, and I hope I can understand the difficulties of the production crew. Starting tomorrow, you can’t spend any unnecessary money. Everyone should explain this to their subordinates when they go back, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings and conflicts. "

"is that OK?"



In the end, Hua Ming glanced around and said, "What I said earlier was to prepare for the worst, and I don't want to really implement it, but if that's the case, I have one more word to warn everyone."

His eyes flicked across the several producers and the group leaders, and he said in a low voice: "Usually, there are people in our group who use various names to get money out of their pockets, and today I won't name them. Who is it, who took it, who didn't take it, we are all clear in our hearts, I just pretended I didn't see it before, but from today onwards, put my hands away, otherwise don't blame me for being merciless."

Probably aware that the atmosphere in the room suddenly became much more solemn, Hua Ming smiled abruptly to himself, and said: "In my opinion, if I can't recover, it may not be a bad thing. With my years of vision and Intuitively, this drama will definitely get a good rating. I heard from Director Jiang that everyone was not in a good state at the beginning of filming, so let’s treat it as a rehearsal, and the second round of filming should be the actual filming. I believe It will definitely be better and more exciting than before, and when you go out to pick up jobs, you can ask the producer for the price, "Latent" do you know? I was the main force back then!"

"Hehe." There was a burst of sparse laughter in the room.

Hua Ming didn't talk any more, glanced around, and asked, "Do you have anything else to say?"

The producer of life looked at Huaming, then glanced at Zhang Jing, hesitated for a while, and asked in a low voice: "Producer, producer, do you want to save my expenses?"

"Of course." Hua Ming answered without hesitation, "You can save everything you can, such as the hotel we live in, you can change it to a cheaper one, and the others are similar. You can decide for yourself. "

Seeing that someone seemed to be unhappy, Hua Ming asked, "Does anyone have any comments?"

His answer was silence. At this time, even if there were opinions, no one dared to raise them. If such a big incident happened to the production crew, and they still wanted to ensure the material foundation, then it was basically useless.

Hua Ming seemed to be talking to himself, and said: "Since everyone agrees, then let's make a deal, and we can't complain when the time comes."

"Do you have any other questions?"

"Producer, group performances?" Twin Ponytails asked, "That's right, we didn't find many group performances before, but since the funds became abundant, we found two groups of group performances."

Hua Ming pointed at Jiang Wei with a cigarette in his hand, and said: "Let Director Jiang decide this, or the same sentence, what should be saved must be saved, and what should not be saved must not be saved."


"By the way, there is one more thing." Hua Ming seemed to think of something, and said in a slightly relaxed tone, "Don't you young people like to play that blog on the Internet? What happened today should be posted online as much as possible." Go out, don't write specific details, just give a general description."

He thought about it, and felt that it was not appropriate. Although the people sitting here are all the leaders of each group, some people may not have been to junior high school. Therefore, he turned his head and said to Xu Rong: "So, when you turn around, Mr. Xu, you Write it here, everyone will copy yours."

"Producer, that's called reposting." Xu Rong said with a smile, he understood the meaning of Huaming, and asked his public relations team to write an article.

"Repost is reprint, anyway, that's what it means."

Jiang Wei looked at him suspiciously, and asked, "This, isn't it good? After all, it's not a good thing?"

"Why not?" Hua Ming asked back, "You can't look at things from one side. This is not a good thing for us, but this is what the public is most interested in. By the way, it's better to make up the story again." A little more twists and turns, a little more bizarre, not as interesting as watching actor interviews? You don’t need money for publicity, just do what you need, and you can save publicity and distribution costs.”

"Mr. Xu is more professional. When the time comes, you've finished writing it. Let's take a look at it first."

"no problem."

Xu Rong watched Huaming's arrangement silently from beginning to end. When he first entered the house, he saw the fragmented hard drive. He even had the idea of ​​whether this movie could be made or not. As a representative of the investor He is definitely no less flustered than himself, and he may even be punished by Taili and even affect his future.

But in only half an hour, accompanied by one cigarette after another, Huaming clearly made two sets of plans, the most detailed of which was the worst-case scenario.

The most important thing is that Hua Ming took advantage of the situation to force Zhang Jing to bow her head, 300 million, Zhang Jing had to fill in this hole no matter what, and at the same time lowered the cost of the crew in a few words. Normally, such a thing Once it is brought up, there must be a group of people jumping around and scolding mothers.

While dealing with the matter, Hua Ming also solved the problems of the follow-up people along with it.

Most of the people Xu Rong came into contact with in the past were actors or people in related industries, and not many had rich management experience, just like Guo Si. The human mind is doing things.

He seems to have learned something, but before he has experienced the incident, he is not sure whether he can do what Huaming does, put his emotions aside for the time being, and focus on solving the problem.

"Okay, let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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