I'm just an actor

Chapter 140 Miracle

Chapter 140 Miracle
"The extras are off work, the extras are off work."

Half an hour before meal time, Fu Wei shouted at No. 30 group performer with a loudspeaker.

He was answered with high or low complaints and scolding voices.

"Fuck, I've never seen such a stingy, soul-deprived crew!"

"It's like this and it's like this. When it's open, you get off work and when you eat, you can't even manage a meal?"

"If you don't leave work after dinner, the show will be empty in the end. If you don't let dinner after work, you bastards of the crew!"

The crew can take care of a meal, but since the hard drive has no hope of repairing, the entire crew has thoroughly interpreted the philosophy of stinginess to the extreme.

Not to mention the coffee and tea in the past, even drinking water has quietly become bottled water, and the water dispenser didn't cost a penny.

The hotel was also changed back to the original one, and the Jinbei and Iveco of the film crew were also refunded. Every time they came back and forth, the photography crew had to be very nervous, lest the bus driver would be inattentive. Knocked the device.

In order to help the crew save money, Xu Rong also offered to return the nanny car that the crew rented for him.

In the early days of filming, there was no nanny car, and now everyone is tightening their belts to live a hard life, and he alone has the same conditions, so it is inevitable that there will be contradictions between few and uneven.

In addition to frenziedly saving money in all aspects other than filming, the crew's shooting plan has also been adjusted, and the shooting schedule has been compressed, because every extra day when the machine is turned on, food, drink, food, housing and transportation are also a considerable amount of money.

Xu Rong also heard something from Zhang Jing. In order to ensure that the filming of the trick was completed, Hua Ming did not reserve any more publicity fees.

However, Xu Rong was not too worried. As one of the investors, Southern Television Station, in order to earn back the investment, coupled with Huaming's right to speak in the station and his influence in the southern region, this drama will definitely be decided. golden hour.

As for the follow-up sales and the recovery of advertising costs, it depends on the audience's feedback.

Of course, at the current stage of filming, we rely on the collaboration of six NO.70 members of the whole group.

Although the production crew was jingling poorly, they still had a lot of fun. After confirming the reshoots of the location scenes, Hua Ming organized another group tea party after the meeting.

Only tea, no snacks like melon seeds and peanuts.

The purpose is to let everyone talk about their feelings about the show, the crew, and other people.

Hua Ming was the first to speak. He first reviewed his deficiencies in several aspects, and promised to make corrections as much as possible in the future, and asked everyone in the crew to supervise and criticize, and then caught Jiang Wei and Xu Rong to beat him up.

Then Wu Gang, who has a relatively active personality, spoke, the content was roughly similar, but there were many jokes in it.

The atmosphere became active within a few minutes.

After speaking for nearly four hours, the sense of distance has inexplicably shortened a lot, because when speaking, it is inevitable to talk about other people, and under the leadership of Hua Ming and Wu Gang, there are actually fewer words Many taboos.

Form Xu Rong always had a feeling of deja vu. He thought about it afterwards. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that there was something wrong with the speeches of the first few people. The shortcomings and advantages of the other party, especially those in the two systems of Hua Ming and Wu Gang, seem to be quite familiar with this set of procedures.

After taking a moment, he asked Wu Gang, and finally understood what was going on.

Good Nima, no wonder the effect is so good, even borrowed the main meeting form of the world's largest party to maintain advanced combat effectiveness and cohesion.

Although the cohesion of the crew has suddenly increased under Huaming's flashy operation, it can't stop the fact that the backlog of filming is exhausted every now and then, especially the staff of each group. You can fall asleep if you spread it on the floor, but the man sleeps crookedly.

For the reshoot, the only two actors who are more excited are two actors, one is Xu Rong, and the other is Fan Yulin who usually doesn't talk much.

Ever since he began to observe Zhang Guofeng carefully, Xu Rong always felt a little regretful about his early performance, like the scene where he went to meet Cuiping with Ma Kui. When he was holding the pistol, he felt that if he did it again at this time, he could express Yu Zecheng's mental activities more abundantly.

Now it is considered a wish, but this kind of thought can only be quietly thought in the heart, and cannot be said, just like Fan Yulin.

Although Fan Yulin didn't say anything, his brisk pace and the subconsciously raised corners of his mouth completely betrayed his heart.

Xu Rong looked at Fan Yulin who was sitting not far away, covering most of his face with a black sun hat, his eyes were closed, but the corners of his mouth were quietly raised, and asked: "I said Lao Fan, I heard Zhao Si said that before During the interview, you complained to the media that there were too few scenes?"

In the past, every time Fan Yulin talked about dramas, he always expressed regret intentionally or unintentionally: "Oh, it's just a pity, tsk, I feel that feeling anyway, it's a pity anyway, you said Ma Kui is such a person , died so suddenly, what a pity."

He didn't say anything specific, but his unhappy expression took advantage of the "regrets" that kept coming out of his mouth, revealing his purpose clearly.

And since the tea party, as he and Jiang Wei became more acquainted, at night, Fan Yulin went to Jiang Wei's room if he had nothing to do.

His idea is also very clear, try to ask Jiang Wei to add a few scenes.

But after running for a week, Fan Yulin couldn't get what he wanted.

"Oh, who's to say it's not." Fan Yulin opened one eye, squinted at him, and sighed, "How can you say that a loyal and hard-working soldier and tough guy like Ma Kui can just die? At the very least, at the very least, it must be vigorous."

Xu Rong looked at him with a smile and said, "You can tell the director about this, it's useless to complain to me."

"Oh, it's really a pity to die."

Xiao Zhang heard Xu Rong's voice and gave him a sideways glance. She was a little unhappy.

Her unhappiness has been going on for some time.

Specifically, from the night when the editing assistant had to run away, Teacher Xu came out of the director's room, chatted with the fairy in the corridor, and hugged the fairy.

She didn't pay attention at that time, because the goblin was crying and threw herself into Mr. Xu's arms by surprise.

She saw that Teacher Xu kept winking at her at that time, and spread her hands.

She didn't mind it at the time, she knew it was just comfort among friends, and the goblin was not pretty, and most importantly, she didn't have long legs.

Teacher Xu secretly told her that he likes those with long legs.

But the subsequent development of the matter was completely beyond her expectations. As long as the goblin was on the set, she would go to Teacher Xu's room every night!

Sometimes it’s just to say hello with fruit, and sometimes it can sit for half an hour at a time. Even if her real girlfriend is there, she doesn’t restrain herself at all, saying that she is observing how a good actor performs his tricks.

Anyway, she didn't believe it, especially the goblin would always look at Teacher Xu in a daze.

Xiao Zhang must be at a loss, otherwise he would have to swallow Teacher Xu head to toe? !

Xu Rong glanced at Xiao Zhang and smiled gently. Of course he was aware of Xiao Zhang's dissatisfaction. Zhang Jing's emotions a few days ago were on the verge of collapse.

In the final analysis, it was her nephew who caused the shit. She turned her face on her relatives and she had to pay to plug the hole herself.

But her company is not her own, it is a partnership between her and her husband.

But just like the vast majority of couples, after all the hardships are over, there are fundamental problems in the relationship.

Because of the 300 million hole, she quarreled several times with her husband as a partner.

Xu Rong didn't know what Zhang Jing would do under the madness, but what was certain was that there was a high probability that the filming of this scene would fail.

He has to hold her steady.

He talked about these thoughts with classmate Xiao Zhang, who said he knew, and then asked a question on the spot: "What if I get very close to a man for filming?"

The question really caught him off guard.

That night, Xu Rong had a much deeper understanding that the performance should start from himself.

He is an actor, and his job is to make good plays and make good plays.

But before being an actor, he is first of all an ordinary person. No matter what kind of role he interprets, he has to express it in his own way. identity of.

For example, Xiao Zhang's boyfriend.

With the steady advancement of the filming plan, among the main creators, Zhao Si's role was first completed.

She didn't have many roles in the first place, and the previously lost material had nothing to do with her.

After the hard drive incident, the filming progress of the production crew was unbelievably smooth, it seemed that the bad luck was exhausted all at once.

On the other hand, Huaming was stationed in the crew almost all the time. When everyone was exhausted to the limit, he would look at the bad weather and take the whole crew to a hot spring, or drink beer at the food stall at night. Bragging about eating barbecue.

It costs almost nothing, but the effect is really good.

At least the backlog of grievances due to the difficult conditions and high-intensity shooting tasks can calm down a lot.

When someone throws his lunch box and scolds the life producer because the food is too hard to swallow, he will immediately call a meeting of the whole group, and then take the lead in attacking the bald life producer.

The life producer seems to be like a primary school student accepting criticism from the teacher. After listening to everyone's criticism with his head down, he immediately reviews his work mistakes in a sincere, orderly, clear and fluent manner, coupled with a lot of tearful complaints. He even took out the film that he took time to go to the hospital to shoot, and shouted hoarsely with tears in his eyes: "I don't have much time, the reason why I still gritted my teeth and persisted is to make the trick well, brothers and sisters."

Look at the whole group of men and women crying.

Even though the food didn't improve, it could go well for a while. After all, it's hard for anyone to lose their temper at someone who is about to leave.

As for the truth, you have to think about it in your own heart.

Hua Ming is a demon.

Xu Rong finally understood that Hua Ming was a few blocks away from Jiang Wei and Zhang Jing in terms of grasping people's hearts.

He has been out for more than four years and has met many smart people, just like Yang Zhensheng, the producer of the last film. His eyes are always rolling around and the smile that often wears on his face makes people recognize him at a glance. Look at the cleverness, the cleverness makes people afraid to approach.

Hua Ming is also shrewd, but he never utters witty words, and he is quite honest with people and things. He will not take half a step back when he is supposed to step forward, and he will never pretend to be a wolf with a big tail when he should not step forward. , and even if they deal with the crew with the lowest status, they will save enough face.

But these did not give people the impression that he was weak and deceitful. On the contrary, he was more awed than loved, because on the third day after the reshoot was confirmed, he killed the on-site producer.

Stretched out a hand that shouldn't be stretched out.

Under the command of the experienced helmsman Hua Ming, the filming of "Latent" is gradually coming to an end.

The actors in the group left one by one. After Zhao Si, first Cao Bingkun, who stuttered every day, and then Fan Yulin, who thought he had too little drama all day long, and then sent away the invited Zhang Guoqing because of the schedule.

"It's the last scene." Wu Gang sat on a chair with a cigarette in his hand, and sighed while looking at Xu Rong.

The next thing to be filmed is the last scene between him and Xu Rong, which is also his last scene. After filming, he can return to the capital with his luggage.

"I'm really reluctant, I feel like I haven't acted enough."

"There will always be a chance to cooperate again in the future." Xu Rong said with a smile, this circle can be said to be big or small, just like Song Jia, he never thought that he would cooperate again so soon.

"There will be good scripts calling me in the future."


Seeing Xu Rong nod, Wu Gang took a puff of cigarette and laughed, his face hidden in the lingering smoke, and said, "I got some inspiration when I rehearsed the play last night, don't be scared later."

"Haha, then I'll wait and see."


Xu Rong was stunned for a moment, and it took two or three seconds for him to realize that it was the system's notification tone.

He hasn't looked at the system since he entered the group.

He closed his eyes, pretended to be emotional, and opened the system interface.

Acting training system
Name: Xu Rong

Expression: A
Lines: A
Body: B+
Eyes: B+
Rhythm: A
Comprehensive evaluation: A-
Experience Points: 100/100
Glory value: 0/100
Trait: Baji Master (unmounted) Baji Introduction (Analysis progress: 68%)

After filming "The North Wind That Blows" and studying with Tong Zirong for more than a month, and after more than two months of filming "Latent", the experience point miraculously reached 100 points.

That's right, it's a miracle, because during the filming of "North Wind", he only got 18 experience points, and Tong Zirong got mixed up with the bulk of the experience points, and his experience points increased by 40 points in more than a month, while the filming of "Latent" Over the past two months, he has actually increased his experience points by 42 points.

He looked at the flickering "+" sign behind his limbs and eyes, and after hesitating for a while, he became ruthless and focused the chance of upgrading on the eyes.

Opening his eyes, he glanced around the crew, still quite puzzled, where did the 42 experience points come from?

(End of this chapter)

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