Chapter 141
Xu Rong hadn't checked the system for a while, and he didn't even react immediately when he heard the beep of "ding".

Today, his dependence on the system is getting lower and lower, and the significance of the system to him is no longer as important as it was in the early days. The comprehensive evaluation of A-, coupled with the solid basic skills he has practiced in the crew all the year round, and the experience gained from many veterans The expression skills learned from the actor, as long as the role is suitable and the state is normal, he can already rub ninety-nine percent of his peers on the ground, and the remaining 1%, some are similar to him, and some are better than him, but even Stronger than him, but also limited.

Those like Li Xuejian and Chen Baoguo who can hold him down are only a few.

There are quite a lot of practitioners in this industry, such as Zhang Guofeng, there are not a few special contractors who have been in major film and television cities all the year round, but there are not many really good actors.

Performance should serve the highest task, and the evaluation standard of a good actor is the degree of interpretation of different types of roles. If you can only play a single type of role, most of the time, you may be playing yourself.

Even Li Youbin, who is trapped by the script, can move around among the three different types of roles: soldier, father, and policeman.

And he had heard from Song Jia that Li Youbin had quietly accepted a new play, playing the role of a soldier, but only as a villain, obviously aiming to win an award.

Thieves don't die!

As for a higher evaluation, Xu Rong is now able to look at it calmly. It can be a goal to pursue, but there is no need to be too urgent. Moreover, if his overall quality cannot keep up, even if the system evaluation reaches S, the difference between the role and himself If it doesn't fit, or the state is not good, it still doesn't make much sense.

Therefore, now he is no longer the same as in the past. He can't wait to look at the system interface several times a day. Only when a movie is finished, or when he encounters a performance that he finds shocking during filming, will he use the system to check it.

But in the actual shooting, there are not many expressions that can shock him. His lines are learned from Tong Zirong, and the overall expression is deeply influenced by Li Xuejian. In the process of studying with the two teachers, he has seen too many More or plain or fancy interpretation.

Coupled with the various film and television materials that he took time to watch before, even if he can't reach that height, he still has a clear concept of what the scenery is like.

To his surprise, "Latent" only took two and a half months to shoot, and the experience value increased by 42 points. Even though it was completely inferior to the explosive increase of three or four points a day, compared to the past two months of 18 points. A little bit of turtle speed, the rise is too fast.

He went through the actors in the group one by one in his mind, and slowly, he was surprised to find that among the actors with more roles, it seemed that Xiao Zhang, who he tutored day and night, was at the bottom?
He originally thought Xiao Zhang's acting was pretty good, but after comparison, whether it was Song Jia's Cuiping or Zhao Si's interpretation of Zuo Lan, he had a deep impression on him.

He didn't know if it was because he was too familiar with Xiao Zhang or because of other reasons, but when he thought of late autumn, he couldn't stop thinking of Xiao Zhang who was giggling.

After a faint, hallucinatory lightness, the system interface has undergone slight changes. The overall evaluation is still A-, but the "eyes" item has been upgraded to A.

Acting training system
Name: Xu Rong

Expression: A
Lines: A
Limbs: B
Eyes: A
Rhythm: A
Comprehensive evaluation: A-
Experience Points: 0/100
Glory value: 0/100
Trait: Baji Master (unmounted) Baji Introduction (Analysis progress: 68%)

The reason why he chose to enhance his eyes, rather than performing more important body parts, was his judgment based on his past experience.

In the current performance theory, eye expression is a part of body expression, which is determined by the development process of performance theory, because no matter what kind of performance system, the starting point is originally to serve the drama in the form of stage.

Can the audience see the eyes of the actors on the stage?

Maybe the front row is in the middle, but the middle and back rows are definitely not. The form of theatrical performance, that is, the spatial distance between the actors and the audience, determines that the theory of performance must focus on body and lines.

The basic courses of the performance majors of the three major colleges and universities and even the major art colleges in China are called "Basics of Drama Performance". Film and television, only a few teachers will mention it.

And the outstanding graduates that the teacher praised in class would only say, look at your senior so-and-so or your senior so-and-so, who won the Golden Lion Award, not that so-and-so won the Golden Eagle Award.

As for film and television performances, heh.

However, after most students leave school, they tend to join the film and television industry instead of going to the theater to live on salary and performance subsidies.

There has been a certain degree of deviation between performance theory and performance practice, and there is very little theory involved in the expression skills of eyes. In a word, it will definitely work if the emotional experience is in place.

And this is still a knot, because most of the current performance theories are written and translated by drama actors who have become authoritative.

If film and television actors write a paper like "On the Comprehensive Quality Training of Actors" on a whim, they will inevitably be sprayed to death by a group of experts.

You are a TV drama, what kind of acting do you know?
However, because the distance between the audience and the actors is infinitely shortened in film and television, the expression of the eyes is the most important thing.

If Xu Rong is engaged in the drama industry, then he doesn't have to think about it at all, he must first improve his physical expression.

Although the experience value was strange and the increase was inexplicable, it still felt pretty good, so he didn't delve into it further.

While being refreshing, he secretly made up his mind that after the filming of this movie is over, he has to go to Tong Zirong to see if he can learn something from the bottom of the box. It seemed that he had nowhere to cry.

It would be great if you could add some experience points along the way, and try to get rid of the minus sign of "A-" in the comprehensive evaluation within two or three years.

Opening his eyes, Xu Rong had no choice but to sigh silently, Tong Zirong's research on voice expression skills is really awesome.

The only pity is that he doesn't have Tong Zirong's enviable innate talent, otherwise, even if he can't learn [-]%, [-]% of it is still not a big problem.

The frequency of the natural vibration of Tong Zirong's vocal cords is exactly at the golden section point of the voice.

"Damn it, how did you do it?" Wu Gang looked at Xu Rong and closed his eyes for a while. When he opened them again, his eyes were as clear as a piece of white paper, which seemed to be able to fill any emotion.


"Fuck you." Wu Gang shook his head subconsciously and said in disdain, but immediately, he turned his head and looked at Xu Rong carefully and seriously with his chubby face. The more he looked at him, the more he felt his brain There was a buzzing sound, because he obviously didn't show much expression on Xu Rong's face, but he really felt that he was smiling.

He stared at it carefully for a while, smacked his mouth, and said, "Your talent is really outrageous."

Xu Rong laughed twice, but at the same time he was laughing, he also had some hidden worries. A few years ago, there were not a few people who asserted that he would not achieve too high a performance without acting, such as Li Youbin who often came and went.

He had to think of a reason that could explain it as soon as possible.

Thinking of Li Youbin, a weird idea suddenly popped up in his mind, as the system continues to improve, can his own talent not explode?
The eyes can speak, the voice conveys emotions, and the body empathizes. If you happen to meet a suitable character, and then find a way to draw Li Youbin over, will he doubt life?
Hiss, don't dare to think, don't dare to think.

He was a little looking forward to the loading of the trait of "Introduction to Eight Extremes" soon, and when he had accumulated enough glory points, he would exchange them for experience points immediately.

In Wu Gang's last scene, after Lu Qiaoshan left the Security Bureau, he came to Tianjin again as an inspector of the Second Department of National Defense in order to deal with the student problem, and Yu Zecheng, who had been promoted to deputy station chief, went to visit him.

Xu Rong looked at Wu Gang without saying a word and lowered his head, walking back and forth very slowly, and asked, "Wrong word?"

Wu Gang raised his head, shook his head with a smile, and said, "You've been right for two months, and you're precocious, so don't leave, and go straight to the real shoot."

Standing aside, the two ponytails turned their heads and glanced at Xu Rong. Seeing that he responded, he withdrew from the camera and said, "The audience is quiet."

"Get ready~"


Wu Gang sat on the sofa and put the ashtray and files in his hand on the table.

"Inspector Lu." Xu Rong entered the arena hurriedly, the smile on his face gradually enlarged, "Your Majesty is here, it's too late to welcome you."

As he spoke, he nodded to the actor next to him who was about to go out, and walked up to Wu Gang who was standing up but not moving in two steps, and took the other's hand with a smile and kindly.

"Deputy Station Master Yu, you're still so polite to me." Wu Gang's condition today is also outrageously good. In a word, he was taken a turn for the worse. The accent is added, and the tone of "Yu", "I" and "Genesis" is slightly raised.

And he also continued his usual performance style of body-guided language. When he said "Deputy Station Master Yu", he held his chest slightly, and when he came to the word "follow me", he straightened up again, smiling so close to his eyes became a line.

Because there is no over-the-shoulder shot, Xu Rong's coping methods are extremely limited. At this time, the corners of his mouth are raised higher, and the corners of his eyes are narrowed.

Wu Gang was not at all surprised that Xu Rong was able to catch him. He didn't wait for him, and continued, "Sit down quickly."


Wu Gang also sat down, looked him up and down with a smile for a while, then leaned back suddenly, tilted his head and said, "It hasn't changed."

Now that Xu Rong knew what Wu Gang was talking about, he let go a little bit.

The most important thing for a drama actor to participate in film and television shooting is to grasp the scale of expression, just like Wu Gang’s theater colleague Pu Cunxi, who is obviously a very powerful drama actor, but is always criticized for "acting TV in the way of drama".

At this time, Lu Qiaoshan is proud of the spring breeze, and Wu Gang's interpretation of the design is to enlarge the range of the limbs.

But while zooming in, he didn't lose the detail processing, and the micro-expression mobilization is quite rich.

Xu Rong smiled, sighed slightly, and said, "As the deputy station master, I'm a deceitful person. If you're still here, it's my turn to be a villain."


"Besides, when you come to Tianjin to carry out your mission this time, the Bureau of Secrecy can still help you to some extent."

"No need to help." Wu Gang said anxiously and quickly, and put away all his expressions in an instant, his eyelids were drooping, and the white of the eyes was more than the black, like a dead fish, "I will mainly solve the problem of students making trouble this time. , the stronghold is at the Gendarmerie Command, and the police station is there to arrest people. I am not an inspector of the Security Bureau, but a member of the Second Department of the Ministry of National Defense."

Xu Rong's lips moved at first, and the more Wu Gang said, the helplessness in his eyes grew more and more. At the end, his shoulders seemed to rise a little, and he took a breath silently, but he didn't sigh. After a while, he said: "Look, you are like this, how can you let me go on?"




Xu Rong gave Wu Gang a thumbs-up, and said, "Excellent, every word has a different expression and action guide, have you thought about it for a long time?"

Wu Gang smiled smugly, took the flowers handed over by the ponytails, and said, "You took the flowers well, and I made every word and every movement, didn't you too? Haha, this scene was the most enjoyable one I've ever filmed. "

Seeing Wu Gang's suddenly relaxed expression, Xu Rong said, "We will cooperate again when we have a chance."

The cooperation with Wu Gang is very interesting. Wu Gang improvises a lot. Before the actual filming, I can't imagine how he will act, and how I will take it. The pressure is inevitable, but in that state, the opposite is true. Coming here can also stimulate his desire to perform to the greatest extent.

This is a pretty good co-star.

"Of course." Wu Gang didn't even think about it, and then he moved closer, "I'm mainly focusing on TV dramas now. I guess, as long as the books are similar, even if it's just the two of us, we can put together a TV series. The play holds up."

"Haha, thank you, thank you, but you are still too modest, I feel that I can do it alone."

The smile on Wu Gang's face froze, and he said, "It's boring if you say that. By the way, you really don't want to go to the theater to hone your skills?"

Xu Rong neither shook his head nor nodded, and said, "It depends on the situation. In fact, I want to go, and my agency doesn't allow it."

Wu Gang was stunned, and said, "That's right, with your current fame, how can you have so much time to rehearse?"

He seemed to think of something, and said: "When you return to the capital after filming, contact me, and I will treat you to dinner."

"Okay." Xu Rong was startled for a moment, then realized that Wu Gang was thinking about his book.

"Haha, then it's settled." Wu Gang patted him on the shoulder, greeted the actors and staff of each group who had been with him for more than two months, and left the set with brisk steps .

Standing outside the gate of the film and television city, Wu Gang glanced back. His mood at this time was rather complicated. He had regrets similar to Fan Yulin's, but also inexplicably mixed with a sense of relief.

When he received the script, he knew it was a popular script, so he made quite sufficient preparations. For this reason, he even took a look at Zhu Chuanwen in "Crossing the Guandong".

Because apart from Xu Rong, he had never heard of the names Jiang Wei mentioned.

With full confidence, he was full of the idea of ​​playing the role of Lu Qiaoshan as the biggest highlight in the play besides the plot, but looking at it now, how did he get his confidence back then?
In the last scene just now, he almost gave up his maximum energy, but Xu Rong responded with the most typical film and television performance method, without too many body movements, just subtle changes in expression and eyes, but the connection was terrifyingly stable.

There are also Feng Anhe, Zu Feng, and Fan Yulin, standing in front of the camera, all of them showing off.

However, it's a good thing after all, he thought so, holding flowers, and got into the car.

(End of this chapter)

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