Chapter 142

As the "hee hee hee" and "hee hee hee" scenes were completed and left the group, the set was quiet for most of the time. Only then did everyone in the group realize that the importance of Zhao Si and Wu Gang is not only in the start-up shooting time.

But compared to the past month, even some young people who were tired before and felt that it was a waste of energy to talk too much, are now full of energy.

Finishing soon!
In the past two months or so, the conditions were difficult, but the main reason was that the psychological gap was repeated again and again. The whole person was really frightened. First, he was impoverished, and then suddenly became rich. After filming for half a month, another disaster happened. below the poverty line.

Whether it is an actor or a staff member of each group, there is always one thing in fear, whether Zhang Jing and Hua Ming will leave one day and never come again.

This is not an uncommon thing. It is not uncommon in the current industry for half of the capital to run away during filming. As for the final payment of remuneration, naturally there is no need to count on it.

A week later, when Xu Rong and Feng Anhe finished their last sentence, they heard the sound of "click" coming from behind the monitor, and they were speechless.

While I was relieved, I was also full of regrets, and I always felt that I was still not enjoying myself.

The two of them each took the flowers from the production director and Shuangmawei, and smiled silently at the same time.

Feng Anhe said: "My wife is back now, and my child is grown up, so I have more time and space. Let's cooperate again when we have a chance."

He didn't do much acting in the past many years, because his wife went abroad to study, and he wanted to be both a father and a mother to take care of the children, so he didn't have the time and energy to come out to film.

Xu Rong was quite astonished when he heard this. Although he had known Feng Anhe a lot, he was not as familiar as Wu Gang, Zu Feng, and Cao Bingkun. The three of them even ate dishes cooked by Cao Bingkun himself.

Cao Bingkun has a grandfather who is a famous Peking opera artist, but he didn’t choose to engage in drama or film and television at first, but became a chef. The reason why he stepped into the film and television industry by accident is that he I applied to Nortel with the idea of ​​giving it a try, but I received the admission letter out of nowhere.

Feng Anhe doesn't communicate much with them usually, probably because of the relatively large age difference.

Seeing Xu Rong's astonishment, Feng Anhe scratched his head and said, "It's really enjoyable to act with you, haha."

Xu Rong understood the other party's meaning, just like in the past, he was also willing to play with Li Youbin, because he didn't have to think about whether the other party could catch it, and he didn't need to take care of the other party's feelings, he could act whatever he wanted, the other party would definitely be able to catch it, It can even be received unexpectedly, and perhaps a wonderful spark can be collided with it.

This is another level of recognition of his professional ability.

"Okay, just don't forget to take me with you when Mr. Feng accepts the play." He answered with a smile.

"Haha, you're too modest, I don't have the face to ask you to have one male and one male two." Feng Anhe also smiled, "If you meet a suitable role and think I'm okay, recommend it, and the remuneration is negotiable .”

"Finish it!"

The production crew finally showed a rare generosity. After two months of no meat in the food, the wrap-up banquet was held in a five-star hotel.

When the crew's car came to the hotel entrance, one by one looked at the majestic front entrance of the hotel, and there was a sense of unreality. Did the driver go to the wrong place?
Although the food in a hotel with a high star rating may not be delicious, it is definitely not a problem to be expensive.

Could the air in this kind of hotel be breathable by a poor crew like us?
The car door was opened for seven or eight seconds, but no one dared to get out. If it was really wrong, it would be a joke.

Hua Ming looked happy, took the front car and got off, and said: "Get out of the car, there is still a little money left in the account, I thought it must not be enough for the announcement, and there is no need to save it, everyone can eat and drink freely .”


After entering the hotel and taking a seat, Hua Ming said a few words first, then Zhang Jing and Jiang Wei lamented the difficulty of filming, but they didn’t say much. After two months of hard life, I almost forgot what meat tastes like.

As Kakina hit the head, the wine became watery.

Xu Rong didn't pay attention to what kind of wine he drank and how much he drank, nor did he have time to pay attention.

What he remembers clearly is that from the beginning to the end, he only picked up two peanuts and one broad bean.

Just after a round of toasting, Song Jia came to him carrying a chair, holding a wine bottle in one hand and a wine glass in the other, stepping on the chair with a white thigh.

"Teacher Xu, let me respect you first."

Xu Rong originally thought that Song Jia was born in the Northeast and had a carefree personality. She should have a temperament that does not hold grudges, but she did not expect that she was saving.

She actually remembered every word he scolded her clearly and verbatim, and it was used as an excuse to persuade her to drink.

Then he was justifiably knocked down.

It wasn't until the moment when he was dizzy from drinking that he realized that Song Jia was a woman first before she was a dedicated actor.

Just like classmate Xiao Zhang, once she started arguing with him, she didn't need to think at all, and she could pull out the old things a few years ago as examples like a conditioned reaction.

He only had a vague impression of those things.

When Xu Rong woke up, there was already light outside the window, but in a blink of an eye, he caught a glimpse of the back of his head and messy long hair exposed on the other side of the quilt, and felt the only piece of clothing left in his body. His head was still hurting, but in desperation, he still sat up abruptly.

Who the hell is this?

Xiao Zhang is still here!
He quietly brushed his hair back a little, like scratching a lottery ticket, and gradually saw the side face of the person in the bed.

"Huh, I'm scared to death." He let out a sigh of relief, it's okay, it's okay, he fell asleep when he fell asleep, it's not a mistake.

"Mr. Xu, are you awake?" Xiao Zhang probably sensed the movement behind him, turned over, rubbed his eyes in a daze, looked at Xu Rong staring at him, and said vaguely.

"What are you doing, are you sleeping here?"

Xu Rong glanced out of the window, it was not yet dawn, he quietly lay down again, and hugged Xiao Zhang in his arms, the touch of his hands made him startled, and asked: "Why are you sleeping?" Still wearing clothes?"

Xiao Zhang was probably too sleepy, so he closed his eyes again, and said, "What's more, you held my hand yesterday and refused to let me go, so I became sleepy and fell asleep unconsciously. "

Xiao Zhang originally wanted to lean into Xu Rong's arms, but he only twisted twice, and his body froze instantly, and he didn't move at all, and the sleepiness disappeared.

"Ms. Xu, don't you have a headache?" She opened her eyes wide and asked in a low voice, but she was extremely nervous because she was the one who undressed him last night.

She thought that Teacher Xu's underwear was stuffed with socks, but when Xu Xing didn't pay attention, she reached out to touch it, but it frightened her.

As the emotional mentor of the dormitory, Jiao Junyan often locks the door in the dead of night, invites them to the bed, draws the curtains tightly, and shows them the film with a serious face, watching art.

Therefore, although she has never eaten pork, she has seen many pigs run.

"It hurts, why doesn't it hurt? Not only does it hurt, it also..."

"Then you still..." Xiao Zhang turned his head, but when his eyes met Xu Rong's smile, he stopped talking immediately, his nose wrinkled slightly, "Huh? Teacher Xu, you. You are so annoying~"

Xu Rong moved his body, and wanted to hug him tighter, but classmate Xiao Zhang suddenly screamed: "Oh, you are pressing his hair."

Xu Rong didn't move again, and said, "It's really hot in the room, should you take off your clothes?"

"Mr. Xu, do you want to?"

"What are you thinking about?"

"But, but, then why are you pushing me?"

"Oh, that's because the phone got under the covers."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Xiao Zhang suddenly seemed to be less nervous, and took the initiative to squeeze into his arms, muttered twice, and said in a very low and very thin voice: "Wait, wait until we live in our new house, okay?"

"Okay, but you have to charge some interest first."

Xu Rong has filmed war films, such as "Bright Sword" two years ago. At that time, he was very interested in the prop guns of the crew, and always wanted to touch two if he had nothing to do. The blasting team specifically told him that there were two real guns. The gun cannot be moved.

Because it will go off.

Wipe the gun to avoid misfire.

Although the sky was not yet bright, Xiao Zhang seemed to have no sleepiness at all. He began to talk about how he dragged her to prevent her from leaving last night. Xu Rong didn't listen to a word, because Xiao Zhang was always in his arms. He laughed "giggling" in his mouth, and his body kept grunting.

At a certain moment, Xu Rong suddenly sat up on the bed and said, "I'm going to take a shower."

He felt that Xiao Zhang seemed to be doing it on purpose, because when he got up, he clearly saw Xiao Zhang's face was red.

When Xu Rong went to the bathroom, classmate Xiao Zhang got up, took the mobile phone from the bedside, and searched like flying keys: "Does the boyfriend meeting hurt?"

"Xiao Zhang, what are you doing?"

Xiao Zhang hurriedly stuffed the phone into the bed, stared at Xu Rong who was poking his head over the door with wide eyes, and stammered: "You, you are talking nonsense."


Xu Rong knew that classmate Xiao Zhang was guilty, because every time she said "you are talking nonsense", it meant that she subconsciously admitted that what he said was right, but she didn't want to admit it, and only tried to quibble with a guilty conscience.

After eating something and saying goodbye to the crew, Xu Rong returned to the capital with Xu Xing and Xiao Zhang.

Because the hard disk was damaged, the shooting schedule took half a month longer than planned, but luckily the final exam was not delayed.

But before the exam, Xu Rong had another important thing to do.

Because of the temporary change of roles in "Three Kingdoms", he has completed all the filming arrangements for this year, and he can finally relax a little bit.

In the self-study room, he opened a newly bought notebook and wrote a line:

Summary of four years of practice.

After thinking for a while, he slowly began to write again:
From May 05 to today, 5 films have been filmed, 13 of which are TV dramas and 12 movie.

The four years of working in the industry can be roughly divided into three stages.

In the first stage, Zhang Baojin's previous events

From the dropout migrant worker in "Migrant Workers of Survival", to the young and impetuous Fulin in "The Wind and Cloud of the Qing Dynasty", to the brave and resourceful Monk Wei in "Bright Sword", to the ruffian Zhang Baojin in "Stepfather" , it can be generally summarized that at this stage, I don't know how to act.

The only exception should be Zhang Baojin's last scene, when he began to realize the importance of emotional experience and even basic skills.

The price of acquiring these basic skills is quite low, and the teachers of the school will explain them one by one later.

This is also the reason why I came to Nortel to study.

The second stage starts from Shen Yishi and ends with Wang Yimin.

During this period, five characters, Shen Yishi, Ding Li, Luo Peilun, Zhu Chuanwen, and Wang Yimin, were portrayed. There were more and less scenes, and there were huge differences in age and character. Among these characters, I like Ding Li the most, admire Wang Yimin the most, and sympathize with Shen Yishi the most. , I hate Zhu Chuanwen the most.

But Luo Peilun is a true portrayal of me.

I heard from Mr. Huang that if you want to play a character well, you have to know how he came from.

How did you understand Shen Yishi's madness under his calm back then?

The script was not well written. Before this, I was fortunate enough to read "On the Madman in Art" by the French writer France, which gave me a lot of inspiration. I made it clear that for this character, I should not play his madness, but play The external cause of his madness is the correct thought.

Why is Shen Yishi crazy? After getting the character setting from Liu Heping, I did three things.

([-]) Inner experience

At that time, I consulted many teachers, asking them to look at the role setting, point out my external performance, introduce the stories of such people, and even ask them to think for me: Why am I crazy.

([-]) Write Shen Yishi's autobiography

Combining my own life experience, emotional memory, and indirect materials, I made a biography for Shen Yishi. This is a good habit. From the current point of view, it should also be a compulsory course for a good actor.

([-]) Living in a role
At that time, I didn’t realize the importance of making sketches, but I also tried to adapt to the role in my life. I tried my best to live with the role, especially the eyes, which are the most indispensable in this circle. It is a lunatic under calm, I synthesized the eyes of several friends, and shaped the Shen Yishi I understand.

These three aspects of work had a great impact on me, and helped me grasp the most important things of the role, and gained a lot.

What was the impact on me after the filming of "The Ming Dynasty"?
The good part:

([-]) Insist on going deep into life, sometimes even crazy, but basically correct.

([-]) Standards for acting and watching plays have been established. When watching plays, I don’t like the kind of images that are correctly acted, but not three-dimensional, and have no distinctive character traits. This kind of creation can hardly arouse the imagination of the audience.

([-]) Acting must first have an intention. I have sympathy for Shen Yishi. On the other hand, as an actor, it is necessary for me to use Shen Yishi to expose the era when there is no justice, but only party unity and dissent. This is the intention of this role.

In short, the purpose must be clear. An actor must organize the characters he plays with a certain logic of thought, that is to say, he must consider what the characters he plays will bring to the audience.

Bad part:
([-]) As for writing the autobiography of the character, when I wrote the biography for Shen Yishi, I wrote it with emotion, but although I generally insisted on this practice afterwards, it was just that in the process of writing, it was relatively too rational and did not help the creation. As big as imagined.

([-]) Excessive requirements for the external characteristics of characters, thinking that only by obtaining these external characteristics can I "live freely", otherwise I will become a mere formality, at a loss, and sometimes I have to piece together things that are obviously not what I want, The effect of the creation is not good.

In short, "The Ming Dynasty" is very meaningful to my acting career. On the one hand, I adhere to the correct creative principles of realism, but at the same time, I don't have enough understanding of other important principles and cannot fully grasp them.

Teacher Li Xuejian criticized me for being formalistic and not paying enough attention to experience. I didn't refute it at the time, but I was not convinced in my heart, but I couldn't achieve the goal I pursued with my own method.

With this contradiction, I entered my third year of practice.

(End of this chapter)

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