I'm just an actor

Chapter 143 Life

Chapter 143 Life
After finishing the second stage, Xu Rong stopped writing. The previous insights were all relatively simple, but they were either important insights from that time period, or problems that had been bothering me for a long time.

What I want to record next is the experience of more than a year, which is relatively complicated, which is roughly equivalent to the "taste" part of the color and aroma of cooking ingredients.

He didn't start writing right away, but took out another slightly old notebook and flipped through it page by page.

What he wants to do is a highly condensed purely technical summary, rather than a diary-style journal or mood record. Some thoughts and feelings at that time are already hard to remember. Looking through the creative notes at that time, it is also good to look back at that time period. Ideas, problems encountered, and subsequent solutions.

Many past thoughts and doubts, judging from his current perspective, are quite naive and even ridiculous, but he still needs to think, why?
The answer is naturally caused by the increase of practical experience and the enrichment of skills, but why are there two completely different cognitions before and after due to the difference in practical experience and skill capacity?

Where is the key point?

Why did a certain technique solve a problem that had puzzled him for a long time?
Xu Rong didn't know if his peers would do the same as himself, because so far, he hasn't heard of any friend around him who can write creative notes, small summaries, and big summaries.

Those who are famous have enough schedules, plus all kinds of trivial matters of the family, they don't have the mind to put them on it at all, while those who are not famous, and they are busy with their lives all day, they don't have such leisure time at all.

The vast majority of actors, with time and repeated accumulation of shooting experience, gradually deepened the impression of a certain technique and gradually formed a habit.

Before shooting, experience life with your heart, even among the artists of the previous generation, they can already be classified as "dedicated".

As for ideas, biographies, sketches, and summaries, etc., they are gradually abandoned because they are too troublesome and labor-intensive, or they may not have much meaning in the current fast-paced life.

This is what he discovered from the occasional words and phrases mentioned in the creation experience of some old-school drama and drama actors.

Not sure if it works, but it's a habit after all.

In addition, it is probably due to the self-consciousness of the stupid bird. He never thinks that he is smarter or more intelligent than others. In this case, he has to work harder in the old profession on which he relies to survive, so as not to fall behind.

Because he needs repeated practice and memorization to be proficient in skills, maybe some talented people can remember them in their brains just by glancing at them, and can use what they have learned.

Of course, judging from his current feelings, that is not realistic. Right now, his talent should be considered top-notch.

Xiao Zhang, who was studying carefully by the side, noticed Xu Rong's movement, raised his head, opened his mouth slightly, and opened his eyes wide, looking at the writing on his notebook, at the same time unscrewed his water glass, put to the lips.

"Ton ton. Ton."

Looking at the tilt of the water glass, she drank almost half of it in one breath.

When Xu Rong turned her head, she seemed to realize that she drank too much, so she shrunk her neck and smiled. She wanted to stick out her tongue, but this action failed, and was given by another instinct of the body. Forcibly blocked.


Xu Rong stretched out his hand and rubbed her head, and looked at her suspiciously. Today's classmate Xiao Zhang is a bit strange, and he studies too seriously.

"Why drink so fast?"

Usually, when she enters the study room or library, she always seems to have lost half her life, her limbs are weak, her energy is listless, and she is sleepy. Go back three years.

That is, when she was preparing for the college entrance examination.

Xu Rong was not used to it for a while, but considering that Xiao Zhang should have been out of school for more than two months, he was afraid of failing the class, so he didn't ask any more questions.

"I'm so absorbed in studying that I forgot to drink water!" Xiao Zhang said proudly, "I'm going to take the postgraduate entrance examination."

When Xu Rong heard the second half of her sentence, his eyelids twitched. He could already imagine what would happen tomorrow.

Xiao Zhang didn't seem to see his helplessness, and raised his glass and asked, "Do you want to drink?"

Xu Rong first nodded his chin lightly, and when Xiao Zhang handed him the water glass, he didn't answer it, but shook his head with a smile, and said softly, "I don't want to drink like that."

After Xiao Zhang paused for a second, his eyes widened a little, his neck shrunk, and he quickly glanced at the study room. There were two girls sitting in the back row of the classroom.

Classmate Xiao Zhang poked his head over and whispered in his ear, "Mr. Xu, there is someone here, you can't drink like that."

Of course she knew what Teacher Xu wanted to drink.

"Haha, let's learn from you, there is one more exam, so don't fail it."

"I know, I know, oops, Mr. Xu, you are not allowed to say that you are failing, I want to take the postgraduate entrance examination!"

"Okay, okay, you take the postgraduate entrance examination, you take the postgraduate entrance examination."

Seeing that classmate Xiao Zhang shifted his gaze to the book in front of him again, Xu Rong flipped through the notes for a while, and started writing slowly again.

This time, he wrote rather slowly, trying to eliminate meaningless nonsense as much as possible.

The third stage starts from Wang Yimin and ends with Yu Zecheng.

The role of Wang Yimin should be the dividing point. I didn't realize it at the time, but recently, the more I think about it, the more I think so.

Over the past year, I have learned, explored, and doubted. Some characters excited me, such as the handsome red soldier. I really feel like a young man in his twenties. This proves that my experience is successful. Although the character has passed not long ago, there is no impression in his mind, such as Wang Yimin.

Wang Yimin is a very simple character. He started preparing for the script of "Night" at the beginning of last year, but he really didn't think there was anything to prepare for such a simple and positive character.

After Wei Duanben, Shuai Hongbing, and Yu Zecheng, looking back now, on the contrary, this should be the most difficult role I have taken so far.

Perhaps it should also be the most important role, and its importance is even greater than that of Shen Yishi.

How to play a positive role?
Always confident, always righteous, this is always a positive person.

What is the result presented?carrying it.

Judging by the standards of an idol drama, it is naturally extremely perfect, but from the perspective of artistic creation, this may not be the case.

And the more I think about it recently, the less it is.

Recently, I suddenly realized that it is actually much more difficult to create positive characters than negative characters, because there are too few such people in reality. In the process of shaping Wang Yimin, I dragged this character from the sky with brother and sister love.

But looking at it now, it's still a bit too late, which was caused by the previous conflict.

There is no doubt that a three-dimensional, positive person with flesh and blood is successful.

I think of Hu Zongxian played by Lao Wang in "The Ming Dynasty", and I have some ideas, but I am not sure. I have to talk to him about this in two days.

How to create a three-dimensional positive character?
(empty five elements)

After learning from Wei Duanben, Shuai Hongbing and Yu Zecheng, I understood the following aspects:

([-]) Handle the relationship with the director well.

If you have a good director, you will also have a good script. This is the premise of everything.

([-]) Life is the source of creation
At present, I feel that we need to talk about two aspects. The first is the general life of a person, such as sleeping when sleepy and drinking water when thirsty. The second is pretending to be a dragon like a dragon or a tiger like a tiger. But first, you must know the dragon and the tiger Tiger.

In short, one is to start from the self, and the other is to create a character image.

([-]) Three elements of action

Basic training cannot be left behind.

what have I done?Why do you do this?How to do?
First of all, it is to analyze how to do it, to design, to reject design, is to ignore ingenuity.

Second, pay attention to the desire of the character.

In the end, moving is better than sitting and analyzing.

([-]) Internal and external
There are differences, but there are also connections. If you have the external, you may not be able to arouse the internal, and if you have the internal, you may not have everything.

I completely understood Yu Zecheng, but I didn't realize the external lack until I met a special contract.

The two can inspire each other, but they must not be used as substitutes for each other.

([-]) Mental imagery is necessary, but character and character traits must be distinguished
In real life, there is never a thought without personality, but some people's external personality characteristics do not have too much color, and some scripts do not require characters to have too many personality characteristics.

Just like Gogol once said: A smart actor must try to obtain the general performance of the character before he can grasp the small idiosyncrasies and small character traits he found from the outside.
([-]) The inner state is often active
An actor must aim to pursue a high artistic realm, so that the audience loves him for life and hates him for death, instead of being complacent about a little talent and gradually turning himself into a piece of wood.

Always maintain inner activity, just like a stream of water, even if a breeze blows, it will ripple.

In a nutshell, it should be "Lingtai has no plan to escape from the arrow".

This should be an essential factor for a good actor.

that's all.

Xu Rong put on the cap of his pen and looked at the two pages he had written. The content was extremely concise, but each sentence was a high-level summary of his practice and learning experience over the past few years.

In the third stage he recorded, every sentence is inseparable from the basics, such as mental images, movements, and inner feelings, but the recorded content has nothing to do with the basics. They are all skills based on the basics. Write it carefully, start from the basics, and explain it clearly. It is difficult to explain without a few thousand words.

But the purpose of his summary is to prevent these valuable experiences from being forgotten over time, and he only reads them occasionally, so there is no need for detailed analysis.

The empty five elements, that is, the three-dimensional shaping of positive characters, he had some impressions when he watched Cao Yu's creation record of "Brave Sword", but he is still not sure, so it is difficult to write a summary.

"Mr. Xu, what are you writing about?"

Xu Rong rubbed his wrists. He wrote these contents very slowly. He had to think for a while before writing every sentence, and he didn't notice when Xiao Zhang poked his head over.

At this time, she was frowning and staring at his notebook carefully, but after reading it for a long time, she didn't seem to understand it very well.

Xu Rong pressed her forehead, made her sit upright, and said: "You see, it's useless to read these things now. If you really plan to take the postgraduate entrance examination later, you can choose a sentence from here to write a thesis."


Classmate Xiao Zhang looked like a sneaky cat. Hearing what he said, he poked his head over again: "Let me take a look, let me take a look."

Xu Rong didn't hide it either, handed over the book and said, "Here."

She couldn't understand it anyway.

Xiao Zhang took it excitedly, and looked at it carefully for seven or eight minutes. The joy on her face gradually faded, while her mouth kept shrinking. She could clearly see the first half of the first stage and the second stage, but again Going down, she knows every word, every professional vocabulary, she also understands, but after connecting them together, she is confused.

"So that's how it is." After Xiao Zhang finished reading, he closed the notebook, nodded his head knowingly, and handed the notebook back to Xu Rong, "You summed it up fairly well."

Xu Rong looked at her in surprise, and asked, "Can you understand?"

Xiao Zhang said immediately: "Mr. Xu, shall we go have dinner?"

Xu Rong understood, laughed twice, and stopped asking.

Unknowingly, one noon passed, but the results were remarkable.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Xu Rong, who had been in the study room for a while, received an unexpected invitation from Deng Chao.

"Xiao Xu, let's go out and have fun." Deng Chao's voice was low and furtive, as if afraid of being heard.


"You will know when you go." Deng Chao's words suddenly stopped, and then there was a very slight "click" sound, as if he was opening the door lightly, and after a few seconds, the "click" sound fell again, " Your sister won't let me go out, so just tell her that you have something to discuss with me, and then call me."

"By the way, don't take your girlfriend with you."

Deng Chao hung up very suddenly, as if he was engaged in intelligence work.

Xu Rong stood in the corridor, staring blankly at the mobile phone. Deng Chao wanted to make an appointment with him, not only to keep Sun Li from telling him, but also not to let him bring Xiao Zhang, so he could guess a little bit.

He didn't hesitate for too long. Deng Chao had asked him out twice before, but unfortunately, he was on the set both times.

Now it's the third time, if you don't go, Deng Chao may not call him again in the future.

Besides, he actually wanted to see it too.

Life is the source of creation.

Although he is about to graduate from university, he has never been to a bar, nor has he experienced the atmosphere of a disco.

Each of these is a major lack of life experience. For him who aspires to become an excellent actor, it is an inevitable course to learn, and in order to ensure emotional memory, he has to review it frequently.

An actor, in order to perform a trick well, must grit his teeth and make a certain sacrifice.

When classmate Xiao Zhang asked him where he was going, he thought so.

(End of this chapter)

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