I'm just an actor

Chapter 144 Experience

Chapter 144 Experience
In the summer evening, the afterglow of the setting sun illuminates the golden city everywhere, as if it has been plated with gold.

At the gate of Beidian School, Deng Chao slightly pushed the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, looked at Xu Rong's proper student attire in short-sleeved trousers, raised his eyebrows, looked at him sideways, and asked, "Brother , you just finished class with this outfit?"

Xu Rong got into the car, sat on the co-pilot, and glanced at Deng Chao, but he didn't see that he was much better than himself. He had a white short-sleeved shirt on his upper body and casual trousers on his lower body. He smoothly put the bag he was carrying on the back seat. , Said: "Don't talk about me, just finished the meeting?"

Deng Chao scanned the logo on Xu Rong's bag, then took a closer look at his clothes, and said uncertainly, "Your clothes are not as expensive as this bag, right?"

"Well, it's far away." Xu Rong nodded, "The price of this bag can buy seven or eight clothes."

"I am convinced today. You are dressed like this, and the only branded item is an LV bag!" Deng Chao doubted his own values ​​at this time, "The key is that it is on the shoulders!"

Xu Rong smiled wryly and said, "A gift from a friend."

"Let me tell you, on the way I came, I called out two little girls from Beiwu, don't you consider changing your body?" Deng Chao reconfirmed before starting the car.

"Isn't this face enough?" Xu Rong looked at him in surprise and asked, "Don't just talk about me, you don't look like you are going out to have a good time."

"This is a special situation for me." The corners of Deng Chao's lips twitched slightly, "Of course, don't doubt my family status. I always say what I do at home."

Seeing that Xu Rong didn't seem to be trusting, Deng Chao didn't defend himself, but instead said: "My equipment is in the trunk, I'll find a place to change it later, so you can see what a real hashion is!"

Xu Rong was stunned for a while before realizing what Deng Chao meant, but it was not easy to dispel it directly, so he turned his head and asked, "Brother Chao hasn't started learning English yet, has he?"

"How do you know?" Deng Chao asked subconsciously.

It seems to be a trend for first-line artists to learn English in the past two years, because with the rise of national power, there are more and more foreigners in some business activities, and in the eyes of fans, a fluent foreign language can add a lot of points.

But one of the pain points is that artists generally do not have a high level of education. There are many people with a score of three to four hundred in the college entrance examination. Like Xu Rong, who has more than 600 in the culture test and still applies for Nortel, there are only a very small number of them.

And the higher the popularity, the fuller the schedule. Usually, there is not enough time to rest, so how can I have the energy to learn English?

Xu Rong smiled and said: "My agent has been urging me to practice speaking, but my foundation is too poor, and I will get a headache if I look at it more."

While driving the car, Deng Chao asked, "Your school seems to require you to pass level four for graduation, right?"

"Is there still such a requirement?" Xu Rong really heard of such a thing for the first time, because no one had told him this kind of worry before, "But it's okay, I passed the sixth level."

Deng Chao was silent for a while, before he said: "Didn't you just say that your foundation is poor?"

Xu Rong nodded seriously, and said: "Yes, I got a big score in English in the college entrance examination, and only got 115 in the exam."

"Only? 115?" Deng Chao looked at him strangely, "Brother, are you kidding me?"

"I'm really not kidding." Xu Rong said with a wry smile. He really didn't want to show off at all. Seeing Deng Chao's increasingly strange expression, he suddenly came over, "Oh, yes, my total score is 617."

"No, then why did you report to Nortel? Could it be that Qingbei is far away from home?"

Xu Rong glanced at him speechlessly, and said: "Brother Chao, my family is from Yu Province. When I took the college entrance examination, I got 558 in one line. Let alone 617, even if I got 671 in the exam, I have to work hard to apply for Qingbei."

Deng Chao nodded clearly. He had heard that the college entrance examination was relatively difficult in several major provinces, but he did not expect it to be this high. He asked, "Is the competition so fierce in your place?"

"Let me tell you something. There is a buddy in our school who is a few grades older than me. He took the college entrance examination in 99. He took the national exam. He scored 900 points in the college entrance examination. He didn't have any extra points. By the way, at that time The total score is 900."

"My god, is this still a human?"

"So, my 617 grade, compared with that kind of person, I have to doubt my life."

Deng Chao suddenly felt that this topic was too heavy, and his English foundation was also poor. At first he thought that Xu Rong and him had the same disease, but he didn't realize that there is a difference between a poor foundation and a poor foundation.

On the way, Deng Chao parked the car on a remote side of the street. Under Xu Rong's puzzled eyes, he got out of the car, ran to the back, and took out an inconspicuous black car from the trunk. Toolbox, then got into the backseat.

Xu Rong looked at his series of bewildered behaviors in surprise, and asked, "Brother Chao, what are you doing?"

While unbuttoning his shirt, Deng Chao said, "Change, I can't play in this suit, can I?"

Xu Rong watched Deng Chao change into a hip-hop in a very carefree manner, and hung a thick chain around his neck, and then put his baseball cap on his head. After tidying up, he carefully folded his shirt and trousers Packed neatly into the toolbox.

At the end, I didn't know how to take out a small spray bottle, and sprayed it twice on the clothes in the toolbox.

"Brother Chao, you are very skilled at this?" Xu Rong frowned and asked, smelling the faint smell of alcohol in the car, "Is it alcohol? Why are you spraying this?"

Deng Chao smiled mysteriously, and said, "You don't understand this. If I go back without any smell on my body, your sister will definitely suspect it. Hey, such a spray proves that we really went out to drink."

Xu Rong knew that Sun Li didn't like Deng Chao always going out at nightclubs day and night, and said, "But wouldn't she be more annoyed then?"

"Simple!" Deng Chao rolled his eyes at him with a smile, "Let me tell you a story, for example, you know that there is a treasure buried in a place, and then you dig and dig, and you find a small box, open it, It’s full of gold, silver and jewels, what do you do at this time?”

"Of course, take it away and hide it."

"But what if we dig a few floors below that small box and there is a big box?"


Xu Rong was speechless for a long while before smiling and saying: "I learned it."

"Don't look at me with that kind of look. Your sister has a relatively introverted personality, and she tends to think too much about everything, and she always thinks about the worst. This is a kind deception by me."

"Haha, I understand."

Because of the environment in which she grew up, Sun Li felt rather insecure. He had heard from Deng Chao earlier that she wished she could keep him by her side 24 hours a day.

About 200 meters away from the entrance of Beiwu, Xu Rong saw four slender white thighs from a distance, standing at the entrance and looking around.

"It's just those two, how is it? It's okay?" Deng Chao slowed down the speed of the car, and pointed to the two tall girls in shorts in the distance, "If you go to ride a three-wheeler, it looks really interesting."


Hearing Xu Rongguang's smile, Deng Chao didn't answer, glanced at him, found that he seemed a little nervous, and asked, "You seem a little uncomfortable?"

"First time."


Deng Chao said with a smile: "I feel that you can do what you should do at any age. When you are young, you have to try everything you can experience and what you should experience. At least you know that it is interesting if it is interesting. To what extent, it’s boring, and you have to know why it’s boring.”

"Otherwise, when you get married, you want to play but don't dare to play, let alone aggrieved, just because you haven't experienced it before, you will subconsciously feel that it is very mysterious and exciting, coupled with various temptations, it is difficult to guarantee Make no mistake."

"Come out today to relax, but also to open your eyes."

Seeing that Xu Rong's face became more relaxed, Deng Chao stepped on the gas pedal and said with a smile: "Let go, or you will be laughed at by the two little girls, and we just came out to have fun and nothing else. "

One of the two girls had a long thin face and big eyes, showing two rows of neat white teeth when she smiled, and the other had a round face and long hair, looking quite quiet.

"Brother Chao." The thin-faced girl got into the car, greeted Deng Chao, then turned her big eyes to look at Xu Rong, "Hello, Brother Rong."

The round-faced girl smiled more subtly, but shouted the same way.

Xu Rong turned his head, smiled at the two of them, and said, "Hello, how old are you?"

Just when Xu Rong was about to look away, the girl with a thin face said, "Brother Rong, you will know if you look at it."

Xu Rong looked at the opponent's straightened chest, and felt that he couldn't stand it. This was the first time he encountered such a battle.

But out of vanity, he couldn't let the other party see his guilty conscience, saying: "I have relatively little experience, so I can't see it."

"But if you have time later, we can make an appointment to discuss it in depth."

"Ouch." The three of them were stunned for a while, because they seemed a little cramped after hearing Xu Rong's tone in the first half, but in the second half, it seemed that their true colors were revealed.

The two girls covered their mouths and smiled, and asked with thin faces, "Brother Rong has a girlfriend, right?"

"Yeah." Xu Rong responded, waving his hands and said, "I don't want to talk about this topic today, I just come out to breathe free and fresh air, that's great, you will cover my mouth and nose as soon as we meet. "


Deng Chao looked at Xu Rong in surprise, he suspected that this kid was playing him just now.

Smiling with a thin and long face, he dropped his right leg that was originally pressing on his left leg, gave Xu Rong a blank look, and sighed: "You men, you really don't have a good thing, you always eat what's in the bowl, Look in the pot."

Her tone seemed to be complaining and implying something, but it could make people soften the places that should be soft and strengthen the places that should be strong.

Deng Chao answered, and said, "You can't say that, crows still have white ones."

"Brother Chao, you can pull it down. Anyway, I understand that there are three kinds of men in this world, but none of them is good."

Xu Rong turned around again and asked, "Which three kinds?"

"One is to treat women as goddesses. There are many such men, but they are just agitated by those who can't get it, and they don't even understand it. They say that love is incurable. In fact, they just want to fuck. , From the point of view of us girls, oh, since you regard me as a goddess, I must show you God, and I will definitely leave you far away."


Xu Rong and Deng Chao laughed at the same time, not to mention, this is really an interesting statement, so they asked: "What about the other two?"

"The second type is Brother Chao and you. Regardless of whether they are good-looking or ugly, they are regarded as ordinary people. This kind of feeling is the most comfortable when getting along. Of course, I don't talk about those fake ones. , mainly because Brother Chao, you are more handsome and have money."

"What about the third type?"

"The third type is to treat women as toys. Disgusting is really disgusting, but it really spreads on yourself. This is what women are most willing to do, because men who have this kind of thinking must have this kind of thinking. This is what attracts women, who wants to work hard every day to earn money when she can be a rich wife with peace of mind?"

Xu Rong looked back in surprise, and said: "Your analysis is quite interesting, what about women? How many types?"

The thin and long face put the index finger and middle finger on the edge of the open and closed red lips, blinked at her, and said: "Two kinds."

"Which two?"

"One is your girlfriend, the other is not."

"I thought you'd say one with clothes and one without."

Deng Chao smiled, looked at Xu Rong, and asked, "Is Tang Hui?"

"Okay." Xu Rong didn't know what "Tang Hui" was, so he could only nod.

It was a very interesting experience. Xu Rong understood a little bit why Deng Chao likes to go to nightclubs all the time. He was very relaxed. The wine and women were actually just embellishments in the process.

An adult, after stepping out of school, is full of pressure on his shoulders, and he can't breathe all day long, but amidst the manic DJ sound, in a dim environment, following a group of crazy people together, it is true It is a way of release.

After entering the gate, Xu Rong fully enjoyed the pleasure of indulgence, but when he went out, even though his head was a little dizzy, he quickly sobered up.

"Brother Rong, please leave a phone call?"


Xu Rong hesitated for a while, and left a phone number for the two girls, but when it came time to make notes, he forgot their names, because he didn't bother to remember them, so he could only write "North Dancer No. [-]" and "North Dancer No. [-]." No".

"How is it, is it cool?" In the car, after calling for a substitute driver, Deng Chao slumped on the back seat and kicked Xu Rong who was next to him.


"What do you mean by okay?"

Xu Rong didn't answer his question, but asked, "Brother Chao, aren't you afraid of accidents?"

Deng Chao gave him a white look, and said, "What could happen? Don't think of them as models who can be played for thousands of dollars. Beiwu students are young and beautiful. They must have a degree and a figure. They are all masters who don’t see rabbits and don’t spread eagles, if you don’t show the real benefits, do you really think that people will discuss it with you in depth?”

"How real?"

"Resources, as soon as I yell, they come out. Do you really think that they are here for tens of thousands of dollars? They come out to play with us. To put it bluntly, they are still for the resources we can get."

"It's true that those who don't need money are more expensive than those who ask for money."

"What is this? There is another kind, with a bigger heart and more kung fu. Through the introduction of friends, KTV and bars "accidentally" met. It is purer than high school students. It will satisfy your appetite. Slowly get in touch with it. It's exactly the same as a serious relationship."

"I don't look like it."

Deng Chao shook his head and closed his eyes, because Xu Rong spent most of his time with that round-faced girl, he said slowly: "And don't be fooled by the appearance, the two of them looked at a passionate girl , Xiaojiabiyu is actually a fake, if you don’t believe me, allow the two of them to have a try as the second female in a play, and play as you want at night.”

"Why don't you allow it?"

"It's not worth it."


Xu Rong didn't want to talk too much about it anymore, the purpose of his coming out was just to increase his knowledge and know what was going on.

At a certain moment before, there was indeed some kind of throbbing in his heart, but after Deng Chao said so, looking back now, it was really not quite right.

As he said, why do people come out to play with them for no reason?

The point is that everyone is here, but he really looks like a student. How about cheating ghosts?

But the method is actually quite inferior, how can anyone be fooled by this?
(End of this chapter)

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