Chapter 145
Wang Qingxiang's body was completely immersed in the hot spring, only his head was exposed, and he sighed: "Hey, this exercise is over, let's take a bath again, it's comfortable."

He said, his face suddenly turned to look at Xu Rong, and said with a smile: "Tell me, what's the matter, the old saying is good, there is nothing to be courteous, it's either adultery or robbery, don't just say that you are in a good mood to invite me Come out and relax."

Xu Rong didn't go down, but sat by the pool, half-turned, holding a fruit plate, and sent watermelon to his mouth one after another, saying: "Look at what you said, it seems that I am very utilitarian, just now After filming a scene and making some money, you don’t drink alcohol, so you call out to take a bath, thinking so much every day, aren’t you tired?”

The night before yesterday I went back to school after playing with Deng Chao until [-] o'clock. Yesterday I reviewed for a day, and at noon, I ran around the house after dinner and urged my classmate Xiao Zhang to take the driver's license test.

Early this morning, he made an appointment with Wang Qingxiang.

His four-year practice summary still has five elements empty, and if he doesn't fill in those few lines, he will feel depressed all day.

Lao Wang is not too young, and he used to hurt his brain because of drinking, just in case, just in case, one day he will look like Teacher Yu when he opens his eyes, and he can't even remember what name Xu Rong is , that is really a great pity.

Furthermore, after working continuously for half a year, the physical exhaustion recovered quickly, but the mental energy could not be relieved for a while, so I also came out to relax.

The relaxation method introduced by Deng Chao is not very effective. After going crazy, there will be endless emptiness, and the rest time will be delayed.

"Heh." Wang Qingxiang sneered, closed his eyes, and said leisurely, "It's up to you, anyway, I have nothing to do, let's invite you once, let's invite you eight times. We have plenty of time to spare."

Xu Rong was not in a hurry, and said, "Old Wang, when you were filming "Da Ming", did you expect us to take a bath together one day?"

"That's not true. There's such a big difference in age. If it weren't for the incident later, neither of us would be able to say a few words."

"That's true, but speaking of it, you played Hu Zongxian really well at that time." Xu Rong pinched the fork and gave him a thumbs up, "It was the first time I saw your play, and I was really shocked , Even when I think about it now, I still find it unbelievable that you are a relatively typical positive character, and you have no expressions on your face from the beginning to the end. "

As he spoke, he pricked a piece of watermelon, stuffed it into his mouth, and said vaguely, "How did you design it in the first place?"

"I'll just say it." Wang Qingxiang slightly raised his eyelids, glanced at him with a smile, and said, "Bring me a glass of water."

"Did you say you were looking for trouble? I asked you just now that you don't want it! It's just a matter of bowing your head, and you can still quench your thirst after drinking it."

Xu Rong made fun of him, but still sat up, slapped a red rubber bell next to him, and said, "Please send me a glass of boiled water and a plate of fruit, nothing else, just watermelon."

"Okay, sir, wait a moment." A sweet female voice came from the bell.

Wang Qingxiang didn't answer his question right away, but asked instead: "Actually, I'm curious about one thing, that is, you said you haven't graduated from university yet, so what's the rush? Ordinarily, your bowl of rice is enough for you to eat, what's the matter?" , is it possible that you still want to grab food from our age group?"

"Tuk Tuk Tuk."

Xu Rong put the empty plate aside, pulled the towel aside and put it on his lap, and said, "Come in."

The door of the open-air compartment was pushed open, and a long-legged girl in a white shirt and black skirt walked in. Kneeling half-kneeling, she gently placed the tray in front of Xu Rong, and said with a very natural smile: "Sir, you water and fruit."

"Thank you."

After watching the girl go out, Xu Rong gave Wang Qingxiang a sideways glance, and said, "I said, old Wang, you keep staring at people's butts, people are old-hearted."

"Eating sex is also!"

"The body of a greedy person is the body of a greedy person, and there are so many fallacies."

"What the hell are you putting your eyes in the right place?"


Xu Rong laughed twice, and stopped talking about this topic, and said, "By the way, it's the one just now, how did you design it?"

"You haven't answered my question yet."

Xu Rong looked at him suspiciously and asked, "What did you ask?"

"You're only in your twenties, so what's the rush?"

Xu Rong sighed, and said: "Our business is different from others. It is true that the money comes quickly. I started this business at the beginning, but it is too unstable. Sometimes I can earn money for ordinary people in a month. A lifetime of money, sometimes you may not earn a penny a year."

"More is more." Wang Qingxiang nodded, "But if you say that you earn a lifetime's money in a month, it's too exaggerated."

"I mean me, not you."

Wang Qingxiang simply closed his eyes again and said, "You continue."

"For example, right now the media always say that Zhang Hanyu is a late bloomer, but before he was a late bloomer, why didn't the media talk about how many of his peers were eliminated? How much did he suffer before he became a late bloomer?"

Xu Rong picked up the fruit plate, stuffed another piece into his mouth, and said, "It's just that many people always use the survivor bias to encourage others, without considering the general situation at all. Zhang Hanyu is popular, but how many Zhang Hanyu are not popular? ? You see in those bases, many middle-aged people in their 30s are still doing group performances, maybe they have been actors all their lives, and they can’t even get a line.”

Wang Qingxiang sighed, what Xu Rong said was the truth, group acting really doesn't make money, but it can barely cover his own living expenses.

Xu Rongdao: "Acting is a skillful job, don't you deny it?"

Wang Qingxiang rolled his eyes at him and said, "Aren't you talking nonsense?"

"So, this thing is not about moving bricks. As long as you have great strength, you can move more and faster than others." Xu Rong put down the fruit plate and said slowly, "But some people stand in front of the camera and act. It’s like eating and drinking water, and for some people, it’s both skill and emotional experience, but at the end of the day, it’s still incomparable, this is an innate gap.”

"There is a gap between people and people. If you lack the corresponding enthusiasm and don't think about how to improve, you will naturally not improve and break through. Maybe you can't see the difference for a while, but you can't stop it. How much, then ten years later, that is, around the age of 30, the gap with peers, especially those of the same age who are rewarded by God, will reach an unimaginable level. At that time, it will almost determine the upper limit of an actor's achievements .”

Wang Qingxiang nodded, and said: "Actually, it's not just the actor's job, but other things are also the same. There is no big surprise. At the age of 30, you can basically tell what the rest of your life will be like."

Xu Rong shook his head and said: "I think if we simply talk about career development, there is no surprise at all. Even if the so-called late bloomers, you can see that they improved and improved day after day before they were 'late bloomers'. It’s just an opportunity, it’s impossible to say that an actor, who has spent half his life in a muddleheaded way, and at the age of 40, suddenly knows everything and can act in everything, that’s not a gift from God, it’s an inheritance from God.”

"No." Wang Qingxiang looked at him in amazement, "You're speaking in a decent way, did you think it yourself?"

Xu Rong nodded and said: "After I left the school, I felt more and more deeply, because in school, the biggest gap between people is only the difference between 100 points and 0 points, but in In college, making up for this gap is nothing more than retaking the exam or retaking the exam. Even if it is measured in money, it is only a few hundred dollars for the re-rehearsal fee. But after leaving the school, the gap between people will be realized immediately. measured by the money, fame, and status, and the distance between them is thousands of times or even more than the reconstruction cost."

Wang Qingxiang still didn't fully understand, and asked: "But your current professional level and reputation, you don't have any problems with food and clothing for the rest of your life, right?"

Xu Rong put the towel aside, got out of the pool, picked a comfortable position to lie down, and said: "This is the question of value we mentioned before. Of course, the effect of hype cannot be denied, because an absolute balance between supply and demand is impossible. It exists, but value is always the core. Hype itself is also a kind of value, but one is the level of business, and the other is to replace it with money, but the audience is not a fool. year?"

"It's like opening the door to do business. A product with good quality is advertised on a TV station. In the short term, the product with good quality in terms of sales is definitely not as good as the advertising effect, but I only need to buy it once and I will understand everything."

Wang Qingxiang smiled and said: "Then I can use another person to hype, anyway, it's all about making money, just like Gao Li, with assembly-line packaging, constantly pushing new people, and cutting leeks one by one."

Xu Rong said quietly: "But the old man who held it before is cold."

"And let me tell you something, didn't I talk to you before, am I going to participate in the "Three Kingdoms" that is currently being prepared?"

"Didn't it mean you don't have many shows?"

"Sincerely, why don't you open which pot and lift which pot?"


"The character has been rejected." Xu Rong said indifferently.

Anyway, sooner or later people will know about this kind of thing, so it's better to say it frankly.

Wang Qingxiang sat up in a daze, and asked, "Is it true? Gao Xixi is out of his mind, right? A character who doesn't have many roles and still can't make up his mind? Does that guy not want to use you?"

"I thought so too." Xu Rong glanced at him, thought for a while and said, "I happened to be working in Shanghai at that time, and Gao Xixi ran to Shanghai overnight to apologize to me for this matter."

"Then your face is decent enough, what's the situation, tell me?"

Xu Rong waved his hand and said, "That's not what I want to talk about. Many directors and colleagues who have worked with me are also willing to cooperate with me for the second or third time. Why do you say?"

"Show off?" Wang Qingxiang drank his saliva, went bald again, and asked with his head tilted.

"Look at you, you have a villain's heart." Xu Rong smiled and rolled his eyes at him and said, "For directors who are sincere in creating, I can present the creative effect they want, it's as simple as that, and Often a good show is produced by such a crew.”

"As for my peers, I have personal experience with this. For example, you are filming a scene, and the male one can't take your scene. You tell him 'through action', but he asks you in a daze, 'Mr. Wang, What’s a coherent action?’, you probably want to bump him to death.”

Wang Qingxiang chuckled and said, "You're talking nonsense, if you can play the male lead, if you don't even understand this kind of introductory stuff, what's the point of doing it? It's better if the crew break up as soon as possible."

Xu Rong shrugged his shoulders and said: "This is the end, everyone wants to work together to do something well, but the premise of cooperation is to be able to communicate smoothly, and now you can't even communicate, so why not cooperate?" ?!"

"Besides, no one is anyone's father, and he has no obligation to teach. The key is that he can't learn this stuff in a day or two. Since he knows that the filming will definitely be bad, it is very possible and necessary to let it go when he is acting. At least you You have to lower yourself to the same level as the other person, otherwise the effect of the shooting will be like two people talking their own words through a transparent mirror."

"As for how low it is, it depends on how low the level of the people you play with is. But then again, you can't expect the film to be good, can you?"

Wang Qingxiang understood the reason, because Xu Rong put himself in the role of the leading man and considered other people's reactions, but after hearing the second half, he suddenly laughed and said, "You remember?"

"I've figured it out a long time ago." Xu Rong rolled his eyes and said, what Wang Qingxiang said was that during the filming of "The Ming Dynasty", Wang Jinsong who played Yang Jinshui, Gan Yu who played Zheng Michang, and Wang Rong who played He Maocai intended to let him.


Wang Qingxiang finished his music, suddenly remembered something, and asked, "I've always been curious about one thing. When I was filming Daming, I felt that your talent could be seen, but what happened later?"

Seeing that Xu Rong didn't seem to understand, he added: "The second time we collaborated was in "Yangcheng", and the third time I watched your real filming was the one you filmed in Harbin. I forgot the name. I went to visit the set at that time. , but I feel that every time I watch your play, you have changed a lot, don't talk about basic skills with me, it doesn't matter."

Although Xu Rong was a little nervous, he had thought about this issue a long time ago, and prepared a set of mysterious words, saying: "Brother, are you afraid that you will forget how old I am this year?"

Wang Qingxiang frowned, thought for a while, and there were several forehead lines at once, and asked uncertainly: "You mean, this talent of yours only began to appear after you became an adult?"

Xu Rong highly affirmed his brain supplement ability, and he did not even enter the water with half of his chin, and said: "I feel that this is the main factor, and on the other hand, it is caused by the growth environment. I have low self-esteem in mentality, I haven't built up confidence in acting, I don't know how to act, and I don't dare to act."

Wang Qingxiang stared at him blankly: "Also, like this?"

"Aren't I just a living example?"

Wang Qingxiang always feels that Xu Rong is talking nonsense, because the talent is established, as for acting confidence, it is quite unreliable, because when Xu Rong was filming "Da Ming", he was obviously very daring and quite confident, regardless of your age He's older than me, but we're about the same level.

(End of this chapter)

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