Chapter 146
Wang Qingxiang told me that there are actually not too many complicated techniques in shaping the three-dimensional effect of positive characters. It all comes from the real people you come into contact with in life, and you just add some interesting points from them to the characters when needed.

But in the selection process, pay attention to the point and character distance.

He said that everyone will meet all kinds of interesting people in their lives. What an actor needs to do is to keep their every move, every word and deed in his mind through keen observation, and take them out at the right time.

There are many interesting people around me, but Lao Wang is quite boring.

In this regard, I asked my teacher Li Xuejian again. Although the answer he gave was not consistent with what Lao Wang said, the meaning was exactly the same.

"Don't always think that all problems can be solved through skills. Skills are responsible for the integration and reorganization of materials. If you don't even have materials, how do you design?"

For an actor, the material is very important, that is to say, it is very important to maintain a humble attitude.

Xu Rong held the pen and thought for a while, then closed the notebook with a "snap", leaned gently on the back of the chair, and silently rubbed the space between her eyebrows.

After consulting teachers Wang Qingxiang and Li Xuejian, he has already deeply realized his shortcomings compared with these older generation actors at this time. Whether it is basic skills or skills, he thinks that there is not much difference, but the people and things he has experienced , are not enough, and the level of contact is not wide enough.

In the performance, this is called lack of materials, just like a top-end sports car, except for insufficient fuel, other aspects of configuration are top-notch.

Creating a character who is closer to oneself is like running a short distance. With one kick of the gas pedal, you can easily throw people's face into ashes.

But if you play a role that is far away from you, it's like participating in a long-distance competition.

Can't run.

Because the performance itself magnifies the "truth" to a certain extent, but he lacks the accumulation of "truth".

Xiao Zhang, who was sitting next to him, didn't notice anything. Ever since she came back from the crew of "Latent", she seemed to be in a daze and devoted herself to her studies.

"Xiao Zhang, shall we go shopping?" Xu Rong thought about it for a while, and no longer struggled with it. He took his elbow to classmate Xiao Zhang, and said with a smile, "Eat ice cream and milk tea, that's right, we'll go eat after we're done." Barbecue, watch a movie."

Classmate Xiao Zhang turned his head slowly, frowning, mouth pouted, staring at him angrily.

Xu Rong laughed "hehe" twice, and said, "Then go to the gold shop to have a look?"

This is one of the greatest joys in Xiao Zhang’s life. She may not be able to afford it, but she likes to go shopping. She quietly writes down the gold jewelry she likes, and then buys it when she has enough money.

Xiao Zhang didn't go there as happily as in the past with a "yes", her nostrils came out of her nostrils, and her eyes were wide open, as if they were going to be angry, and even the knuckles holding the pen turned slightly white, and they punched between her teeth. He paused word by word, as if forced out: "Xu! Old! Master!"

"Haha, you go ahead, go ahead." Xu Rong laughed twice, and stopped teasing her. He saw that Xiao Zhang seemed to be really planning to take the postgraduate entrance examination. It's already June, and he didn't know if it would be too late.

Regarding Xiao Zhang's IQ, he really doesn't have full confidence, but as long as he can't find too many problems in the unified test, he can find a way to solve the rest.

Although the teachers in the courtyard always like to hide away when they see him, he often walks around during the New Year and holidays. It is not a big problem to ask the teacher to test his professional courses that can reflect the achievements of the four years of university study.

Of course, souvenirs are still in place.

However, he is still going to look back at the situation. Before the exam, if Xiao Zhang's academic performance is not bad, and he is not too far away from passing the line, he will ask for favors. He took classmate Xiao Zhang to find an effective temple to offer incense.

The difference of more than 100 points is really beyond his ability.

In fact, if Xiao Zhang just wanted to stay in school to teach, it would be much easier to operate, but he didn't want to do that. The school's overall faculty is barely decent. .

However, staying in school does not necessarily mean teaching professional courses or leading classes. For example, courses such as "Career Development Planning" are all bragging anyway, and it doesn't make any difference whoever brags.



Xu Rong took the mobile phone aside, glanced at it, and frowned. It was Jin Fangfang who called.

Holding the mobile phone, he walked out of the study room, and after picking it up, he asked, "What's wrong?"

"There's something wrong. Do you think you came to the company or we went to you?"

"I'll go to the company." Xu Rong thought for a while and replied.

"Okay, I'll pick you up, and I'll be there in about four or ten minutes."

Jin Fangfang usually needs to talk to him face to face, either involving money or his development.

And these two points are not trivial matters that can be finalized in two or three sentences.

He went back to the self-study room to pack his things, and said to Xiao Zhang: "I'm going to the company, I don't think I'll be back for lunch at noon, don't forget to eat when you're done studying, and come back after taking a break."

Xiao Zhang raised his head when he heard the words, and asked suspiciously, "Are you going out again?"

Because Xu Rong had hardly reviewed since he returned to school, she was really worried that he would fail the exam.

"Well, I've been out for a while, and I haven't had much contact with each other. I happened to invite them to dinner while I have something to talk about." Xu Rong thought she complained that the two of them spent less time together these days, "The manager also People, don't use them as tools."

"Oh, okay."

Just as Xu Rong came out of the self-study room, he was about to squat in the pit before returning to the dormitory to put his schoolbag back. Before he entered the toilet, the phone rang again. Seeing the name on the caller ID, he couldn't help scratching his head.

He completely forgot about Wu Gang.

"Ms. Xu, are you free today? I invite you to dinner, and you can choose the place." Wu Gang's voice was too friendly, and even the title became "Ms. Xu" again.

Xu Rong smiled and said, "Let's just leave after eating. How about this? If you're quick, drive to the gate of our school. I'm just about to go out, and I'll bring you the book together later."

"Hehehe, how embarrassing that is." Wu Gang forcibly suppressed but couldn't suppress his laughter came from the other end of the phone, "Okay, I'll be right there in 10 minutes, no, I'll be there in 5 minutes."

"Don't worry, I can't run away, so I will send you off if I say send you off."

"Okay, okay, okay, I'll come right away, right away."

Wu Gang was really in a hurry, Xu Rong hadn't finished squatting, and Wu Gang called again.

"Teacher Xu, where are you?"

Xu Rong put the phone from his ear to his eyes in a daze, looked at the time again, and asked, "Why are you running so fast? It's not even 5 minutes?"

"Hey, I'm out to do errands today, and I happened to pass by your school."

Xu Rong understood that maybe when Wu Gang called him, he was already on the road or even at the school gate.

With the same tone as usual, he said: "Okay, wait for me for a while, and I will pick you up at the school gate."

After hanging up the phone, he was not in a hurry, and squatted leisurely for five or six minutes before pulling up his pants and walking out of the teaching building.

When they got to the school gate, Wu Gang was already standing there waiting.

Seeing him from a distance, Wu Gang was all smiles, trotted all the way, greeted him, and when he came to him, he grasped his hand very eagerly as if welcoming a leader, and said: "Oh, Teacher Xu, this half I haven't seen you in the past month, but I'm thinking badly, to be honest, the previous cooperation is really the most unforgettable experience since I was filming, and acting with you can be said to be my whole life."

As he spoke, his eyes kept glancing at the schoolbag on his back.

Xu Rong shook his hand away, and said: "Okay, old Wu, the bad thing is that I just finished eating, otherwise I would have to be spit out by you disgustingly."

"Hey hey." Wu Gang didn't feel embarrassed at all, "Where are you going, and you're still carrying your schoolbag?"

"It's not where to go, you didn't remind me, I just started my self-study, and the teaching building is near here, so I'll come and pick you up first."

Xu Rongdao: "Let's go, follow me back to the dormitory to get it."

After entering the school gate, Wu Gang asked, "Are you free these days? I'll treat you to dinner."

Xu Rong waved his hand and said, "Don't eat. The final exam will be in two days. After I'm done, I plan to go to the magic capital, and I'll sit down when I'm free."

"Hey, that's fine too."

Entering Xu Rong's dormitory, Wu Gang glanced at it, as if he was blind, and said, "Hey, Mr. Xu, your dormitory is quite tidy."

Xu Rong didn't even bother to talk to him. During the time he was filming, Li Xiaobing didn't clean up at all. It wasn't dirty, but things were thrown in a mess, which couldn't be compared with order.

Xu Rong took out the keys and notebooks from his schoolbag, and opened the bedside cabinet. On one side was a stack of more than a dozen notebooks with black covers. These were his study notes, shooting summaries, and excerpts of some important expositions over the past few years.

On top of the notebook is a dark red wooden box.

He bought the wooden box specially to keep the books.

"The notes you made?" Wu Gang picked up the notebook that Xu Rong had put aside, flipped through two pages, and asked.

"Well, I have nothing to do when I'm idle, I wrote something randomly."

"What's so ridiculous about this?" Wu Gang turned two pages, his voice gradually lowered, and he turned the page back again, reading word by word.

Xu Rong opened the box, took a look, and sighed inwardly. This book is one of his few "collections". The content of knowledge itself is priceless and cheap, but because of Yu Zhi's autograph and message, it is of great significance for different.

But since he had agreed to Wu Gang, he was not the one to backtrack on what he said. He stretched out his hand to rummage through it, finally gritted his teeth, closed the wooden box again, stuffed it in front of Wu Gang, and said, "Here, I even gave you the box."

Wu Gang was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly picked it up. The joy on his face was undisguised, and he gave a thumbs up and said, "Xiao Xu, that's interesting."

Xu Rong raised his brows and said, "Old Wu, your name has changed quickly enough, hasn't it?"

"Hey hey." Wu Gang smiled and held the box in his arms, "Hey, I keep it in my heart."

"Let's go." Xu Rong picked up the notebook, stuffed it into the cabinet, closed the door and was about to lock it, and said, "I have to go to the company, so I won't talk to you any more."

Wu Gang hurriedly grabbed his arm, pointed to the locked cabinet door, and asked, "Well, can you lend me that notebook you just had?"

Xu Rong glanced at him sideways, and said, "You're all little Xu, what are you looking at? Don't look at it!"

"Hey, I mean it."

Xu Rong rolled his eyes at him and said, "What I said is also true."

Seeing that Xu Rong didn't seem willing to borrow it, Wu Gang didn't force it anymore, and followed him out the door. In his free time, he secretly opened the wooden box and took a look. It was true.

The long-cherished wish has been fulfilled, and I am very happy.

When he was about to reach the school gate, Wu Gang asked, "Where are you going? I happened to be driving here, and I will see you off."

"Don't bother, my agent will come to pick you up in a while." Xu Rong said, just in time to see Jin Fangfang driving to the school gate, pointed out, "Here, come, I'll go first, I'll be free later Let's talk again."

"Okay, you slow down."

Holding the wooden box and going back to the car, Wu Gang didn't start the car immediately, but opened it carefully, and took the book out of the box, especially when he saw Yu Zhi's message on the title page, the corners of his mouth almost reached his ears.

The content in the book is not difficult to find, even if it is genuine, you can buy it for a few hundred dollars, but you can't count on the one signed by Teacher Yu.

Originally, he had already given up any hope, but Xu Rong suddenly said that he would give it to himself.

After returning to the capital, he contacted Jiang Wei once a day, either to ask if there was any re-shooting of his scenes, or to simply say "concern".

He thought that Xu Rong would contact him when he returned to the capital, because this matter was too urgent, but he didn't at all.

But after all, he asked for things from people instead of giving them himself, so he was really embarrassed to take the initiative to contact them.

After waiting for several days, he still didn't get a letter from Xu Rong. He couldn't sit still, because he guessed that Xu Rong might be busy and forgot about giving him the book, because he was going to pass by the school today. Here, he had the cheek to call Xu Rong.

Once he got the book, he was completely at ease. He judged others by himself. Once the book was in his hands, let alone others, even if Xu Rong wanted to leave, there would be no way for him!

But he was having fun, for no reason, and he suddenly felt a little regretful. Xu Rong concluded that he only had time to finish the first stage, and only glanced at the rest.

But just by looking at it, the more he pondered at this time, the more he felt that Xu Rong's summary contained a huge amount of information, because Xu Rong's record did not have any foreshadowing at all, but only wrote some more important results.

He didn't remember to think deeply when he didn't come just now, but at this time, no one disturbed him, and he sat and combined those words with his performance experience, and then slowly found some flavor.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he seemed to have missed something important, and even the joy of just getting the collection gradually faded a lot.

He lowered the window of the car, lit a cigarette, squinted his eyes, and waited until a cigarette had been smoked halfway. By some strange coincidence, he took out his phone again and found Xu Rong's number.

But in the end, he only sighed and closed the lid.


(End of this chapter)

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