I'm just an actor

Chapter 147 Chapter 7

Chapter 147 Seventh
Xu Rong got into the car, looked at Jin Fangfang in the driver's seat, and asked, "What's the matter? We have to meet and talk."

Jin Fangfang looked at him with big eyes for a while, and said: "In the future, you should wear long hair, it looks better than short hair."

"Put your seatbelt on."

When Xu Rong came back from the filming of "Latent" two days ago, he pushed his hair into a short cut.

save trouble.

Besides, he doesn't rely on it for a living.

But for a long time, no one has made similar comments to him. Except for Xiao Zhang, for others, even if he has a particularly ugly hairstyle, people will only praise him in person.

But classmate Xiao Zhang always wanted him to shave all his hair and perm six ring scars.

As for netizens' comments, who cares who is autistic.

This is a lesson that current artists must learn. As the Internet enters thousands of households, its role in public opinion has begun to become prominent. The reason for the riots is that Chen Guanxi completely quit the entertainment circle, and the careers of other actresses involved were almost overnight. The collapse is the end, in the final analysis, it is the amplification effect of the network.

If it is placed in the era of traditional media, the public's mouths and eyes are covered, and what they can see and what they cannot see are determined by a few people.

The Internet is not as good as reality, and there is almost no need to bear any responsibility for speaking, and there is no evidence, no matter the reason, even if it is simply not pleasing to the eye, it can also be called the reason for the attack, and the starting point is really difficult to measure.

Xu Rong heard from Huang Xiaoming that he seldom reads comments about himself on the Internet now. The good ones can praise him to the sky, and the vicious ones wish that his whole family would die. After that, the mood will become extremely bad in an instant.

This kind of irritability will still be with me like a shadow, and it will not be relieved for a while.

Over time, depression is almost a matter of course.

Xu Rong's attitude towards online evaluations is simpler and more direct, because if the other party's evaluations and decisions are always correct, then his real identity and status will inevitably rise, and evaluations will naturally be transmitted to his ears through actual channels.

Since there are no waves in reality, there is no need to care about the evaluation of some losers whose decisions and judgments are always wrong.

Because their assertions are always wrong.

This is completely different from the opinions or suggestions of friends or elders around you.

Always caring about all kinds of criticism on the Internet will only fall into constant self-doubt.

Maybe he will miss some positive suggestions because of this, but he can achieve today's results, at least it proves that most of his past decisions are correct.

Why do you have to live the way others want you to?
Being an actor is his profession and part of his life, but not everything.

He even laughed off the criticism of his performance on the Internet.

Just like the singing talent show that has emerged in recent years, a group of people who are relatively top in their respective fields go to be judges and comment on the performances of the contestants.

It's amazing who's falsetto is so high.

It is roughly equivalent to giving "Sunflower" to some people who do not know who the author is for evaluation.

Can this also be called a sunflower?

What rubbish!
It is enough to have a few colleagues around who often speak harshly.

Xu Rong rubbed his head and said, "I'm not an idol, by the way, I heard you've been promoted? Congratulations."

Jin Fangfang rolled his eyes at him, and said, "I was demoted to change jobs. I was promoted after one year in the job. What can I congratulate?"

"Ha ha."

Xu Rong smiled and didn't answer. The reason why Jin Fangfang came to Hairun at the beginning was because of the good money he promised, so he had to turn his attention to other places at this time.

Turning his head, he caught a glimpse of a white high-heeled shoe on the car seat behind him, fixed his gaze, and then quietly tilted his head to glance at Jin Fangfang's feet.

Jin Fangfang was wearing a pink dress, a small white suit, and flesh-colored stockings, but at this moment she was holding a sneaker on one foot, and the other was just a pair of high-rise shoes with the one on the back seat. and.

He froze for a moment, and asked, "No, why do you have different feet?"

Jin Fangfang rolled his eyes at him and said, "You can't expect me to drive in high heels, can you? Eight centimeters away."

"Haha, your clothes look pretty good." Xu Rong smiled, but then, he realized something was wrong, "Wait, no, why do I wear different clothes every time I see you?"

When she came back a few days ago, she should have been wearing a white short-sleeved skirt and a gray pleated skirt with a narrow waist. She didn't wear today's stockings, but a pair of white sneakers with bare legs.

"Mr. Xu, what you are paying attention to is a bit wrong."

Xu Rong smiled. It is undeniable that Jin Fangfang's dress always makes people imagine.

He also stopped talking about this topic, because when talking about clothes, it is inevitable to mention the figure, which is a kind of harm to Jin Fangfang to a certain extent. too suitable.

He and Jin Fangfang can be said to be bound by a relationship of interests. As long as they can bring benefits to each other, they will not abandon each other. Even the daily care is just a decoration.

But if something else is mixed in, it will inevitably affect the normal direction of the decision.

"You haven't said anything yet?"

Jin Fangfang said: "Four things, the first one is about the Golden Eagle voting. In another month, the voting channel will be closed. Judging from the current estimated votes, the most popular actor is definitely hopeless."

"Golden Eagle voting? What's there to talk about?" Xu Rong looked at her in surprise. His own vote had already been cast for himself on the first day of the opening of the voting window.

It's an acknowledgment of oneself.

Jin Fangfang said: "Swipe the ticket, of course."

Xu Rong was a little moved, and asked tentatively: "Can you get to the first place?"

If this award is won, this year will make a lot of money.

If nothing else, at least double the pay.

Jin Fangfang didn't even want to answer the phone, they would swipe, and others would swipe too, which has been common in previous years.

But this year's competition is too fierce. Zhang Guoli, who was shortlisted for the second time with "Golden Wedding", Li Youbin, who made a breakthrough with "Crossing the Guandong", Wang Baoqiang, who became popular with "Soldiers Assault", and "Struggle" , "Great Craftsman", "Longbai Flower", "Thriller in High Latitude", "Blood in Xiangxi", etc., almost high-quality dramas get together.

Xu Rong saw that Jin Fangfang pursed her lips but said nothing, knowing that she was thinking too much, so she asked, "What about the others?"

"A few days ago, I heard upstairs that you have no plans for the second half of this year. I handed over two notebooks, both of which are male second."

Xu Rong neither shook his head nor nodded, and asked, "Where are the other two?"

"You don't think about it?" Jin Fangfang glanced at him in surprise. The "Jianghu Brothers" produced by the company earlier achieved good ratings in some areas, and this book was also handed to Xu Rong at the beginning, but he didn't catch.

"It's not that I haven't read the book, I'll talk about it later."

If there is a suitable TV series produced by the group, Jin Fangfang will help him pay attention.

He doesn't care now, if he has a good book, he will take it, if not, he will rest.

It's just that since Hairun tasted the sweetness of "Bright Sword", in the past few years, it has been associated with anti-war movies, and most of the TV series it produced are mainly anti-war movies.

Jin Fangfang's tone dropped suddenly, and she said, "The other two are more important. One is to renew the contract, and the other is your new assistant, who is still in training. It may take until next year to officially start the job."

After hearing this, Xu Rong remained silent for a while.

It's time to come.

He has already made up his mind. If the company really opens up in the film market, he will definitely choose to renew the contract. Not too possible.

After pondering for a while, he tilted his head to look at Jin Fangfang, and said with a smile, "Do you think I should renew the contract?"

Jin Fangfang looked at him, smiled as well, and said, "Don't test me, and I dare not make decisions for you in this kind of matter, but if you like it, I will resign at that time."

"Why, are you willing to leave just after being promoted?"

"It's tasteless to eat, but it's a pity to throw it away." Jin Fangfang curled her lips and said slowly, "This company is full of a kind of idea that a small fortune is safe from top to bottom. The biggest expectation of most people is that the company goes public. The chairman has ideas and ambitions, but most of the executives of the group and its subsidiaries have followed him a long time ago. He can't be cruel. If I were to come, the company's management would kill half of them. of."

"Is the problem so serious?"

"Actually, it's not just a matter of not being able to be cruel. Compared with our peers, our company's wages are too low. Just to get a good financial report every year, the benefits of giving three melons and two dates during the holidays are really a little bit stunned." No, but if you want me to say it, you should have high performance and strict assessment, all those small favors will be exempted, the salary of employees should be the highest in the industry or even higher, and one-third of the people will be forced to be eliminated every year in the assessment. You may be very happy. Excellent, but you have to be eliminated if you rank in the bottom third, and I don’t believe that this group of people can still mess around like this.”

Xu Rong smiled and said, "But then the employees will have no sense of belonging?"

Jin Fangfang glanced at him and said: "Why do I want your sense of belonging? What I want is profit, which is the greatest value that everyone can contribute. Only companies with poor treatment will talk about sense of belonging with employees. You can't do it well." , I won’t tell you about hard work, affection, etc., and I’ll just leave the house.”

"Is it the same for artists?"

"Of course, if you think the company is of great help to you, sign it. If you think it's not as good as other companies, I won't keep it."

"But what is it now? Bureaucracy, nepotism, false assessments, inefficiency, among other things, the content of each issue of the internal journal is the same, and they take turns praising the stinky feet of the chairman. A disease of big corporations.”

Jin Fangfang is obviously very dissatisfied with the current situation of the company. When it comes to this, it is all opinions.

Xu Rong didn't understand these things, and he wasn't good at managing them, so he couldn't argue with her. Moreover, he didn't have any personal experience with these things, because the company was still dedicated to his affairs.

As for the assistant, when Xu Xing proposed not to do it, Jin Fangfang started looking for a suitable candidate. Even if Xu Xing came back later, Xu Rong didn't let her stop there.

He will arrange a few small roles for Xu Xing in the future, so that she can truly feel the difficulty of being a low-level actor.

During the time following him, the directors, assistant directors, and heads of each group she usually came into contact with were all polite to her.

But if it's a rookie actor, those people won't even give him a good face.

After a long time, her mind was confused by these illusions. It seemed that everything was taken for granted, and she even had the illusion that others would only treat her more politely after she became an actor.

Furthermore, getting it too easily does not seem precious.

Guo Si got a little fatter again, and when he smiled, his eyes almost narrowed into a slit. This was Xu Rong's feeling when he saw her again.

"Are you here?" Guo Si smiled and sat opposite him, "I've heard about "Three Kingdoms", don't take it to heart, it's just a pity that such a big production didn't get involved."

Most of the smile on Xu Rong's face faded immediately, and Guo Si mentioned this as soon as they met each other.

But when he thought about it carefully, he felt something was wrong.

Guo Si is not a fool, he can't tell the good from bad, and he can't be a fool if he can sit in that position for so long.

She was talking to him.

The conversation is strategic, especially when it comes to the renewal of the contract. The current situation is that the company represented by Guo Si is in a disadvantaged position, and he should first hit his self-confidence, point out his shortcomings, and then express concern , it will be easier to talk about it later.

Before asking others to make concessions, first tell your own difficulties and difficulties to seek the understanding of the other party, and then make a request. Although the strategy is just the opposite, the purpose is the same.

Xu Rong also smiled, and said: "There's nothing to be sorry about. Gao Xixi only works part-time, and he can't be the master. How can he take what he says seriously?"

Guo Si heard the words, his face also became a little unnatural, and said: "Oh, that's right."

Jin Fangfang heard that the two of them were full of gunpowder when they met, and hurriedly smoothed things over, saying: "Don't always talk about these unhappy things, it's all over anyway."

Although the two of them didn't say it clearly, the meaning of the three people sitting there was clear in their hearts. Guo Si wanted to fight for a favorable position when he came up, but Xu Rong was not a dumb person, and said that she couldn't make the decision and couldn't speak up use.

Seeing that neither of them said a word, Jin Fangfang said, "Let's talk about the Golden Eagle voting. In another month, the voting window will be closed. My opinion with Mr. Guo is to pay some money to see if we can do it well." order?"

Xu Rong turned to look at her and asked, "Is there any benefit?"

"There are many benefits, such as letting investors see your popularity and letting advertisers see your commercial value."

"What's my number now?"


"Can you get to the first place?"


Xu Rong shook his head and said, "There's no need to use it at all. It's meaningless to spend money and not get a reward. It's hard to guarantee that you won't be criticized."

Jin Fangfang and Guo Si looked at each other and said, "Look at my leader, don't you believe me?"

Guo Si smiled wryly and shook his head, but he didn't force it.This is not the point of her calling Xu Rong over today, so she said: "Fang Fang, go and call that Wang Yaqin over and let Xu Rong meet."

"alright, please wait."

(End of this chapter)

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