I'm just an actor

Chapter 148 Trivia

Chapter 148 Trivia
Xu Rong pinched his resume, frowned, and looked at a round-faced girl about his own age who was standing stiffly not far away.

The characteristics of her eyes are the most prominent, Danfeng eyes, the end of the eye is smooth and slightly upturned.

Similar to her figure and appearance, Xu Rong can vaguely feel that this is a slightly fierce little girl.

He felt as if he had seen her somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"Mr. Xu, hello."

"Your name is Wang Yaqin?" Xu Rong asked, "Have I met you somewhere?"

Being sized up by the three of them, although Wang Yaqin couldn't let go, her eyes widened quietly, and her tone was as calm as possible, and she said, "Mr. Xu, I have stayed in the art team of "North Wind" before. Save the one, thank you for your help."

Xu Rong is happy. What he cares about is not that he will meet the other party here, but that she forcibly suppresses a little emotion in her tone. When she said the word "Xu" for "Teacher Xu", her tone was slightly higher, although she immediately slowed down on the word "old". , but the emotion was still captured by him.

"Why did you sign up to be an assistant?" Xu Rong looked at her and asked suspiciously, "In other words, do you have any dreams?"

Guo Si and Jin Fangfang were a little confused, they didn't have any wine or food, so why did they start talking about their ideals?
Wang Yaqin looked at him in the same amazement. After a while, she shook her head and said uncertainly, "No, I just can't find a job, and I don't want to be idle."

"Yeah." Xu Rong nodded with a smile and said, "Study hard."

"Okay." Wang Yaqin nodded and said, "Mr. Xu, Mr. Guo, Sister Fangfang, I'll go back first."


After Wang Yaqin went out, Jin Fangfang turned to Xu Rong and asked, "How is it?"

"It's okay." Xu Rong flipped through her resume again. The little girl dropped out of high school to work part-time. Coming to be an assistant has a relatively rich resume.

But you can also imagine the hardships involved, just like the question just now, if you ask classmate Xiao Zhang, she can immediately answer "Of course she is a movie star", but Wang Yaqin has been tortured by life and dare not dream.

He put down his resume and said, "However, we can recruit another candidate. After a few minutes of contact, it doesn't matter much, and she changes jobs too frequently, so it's hard to say how long she will be able to work."

Jin Fangfang immediately took a pen and wrote it down in the notebook, and said, "No problem, besides carefulness, hard work, and good looks, are there any other requirements?"

Xu Rong shook his head and said: "No, it's not necessary to look good, it's almost enough, and it's not looking for a wife."


"This is the script of two dramas recently prepared by the company. Take time to read it and give me an answer as soon as possible. The urging upstairs is very urgent." Guo Si got up, took two notebooks from the desk, and put them in front of him .

"Okay." Xu Rong took it, glanced at it, and already sentenced the two scripts to death in his heart, both of which were anti-Japanese war films.

Without pausing, he said, "My contract expires in two years, right?"

Guo Si was stunned and said, "Yes, there are still two years and four months left."

"That's still early." Xu Rong said with a smile, seeing that Guo Si was about to open his mouth to speak again, he continued, "I'm still pointing at our company's listing to subscribe for shares."

Xu Rong felt that Guo Si had become another Chang Jihong before, but now it seems that she is too far behind Chang Jihong.

The foundation of a manager's survival is the artist's approval, but Guo Si thinks it is the chairman's favor.

Perhaps the chairman's assignment of Sun Li to her subordinates gave her some kind of illusion.

Xu Rong disregarded Guo Si's not-so-good-looking face, and comforted her with a smile: "Don't worry, my sister, I haven't started to think about this matter yet. We came here together through thick and thin, and we have made a decision. Can I discuss it with you?" ? Let's go, I haven't sat down for a while, let's have a meal together, please."

On the way, Xu Rong roughly flipped through the two scripts and told the two of his decision not to accept.

Half a year is short or long, he needs to accumulate life experience instead of living in the crew all day.

At the same time, it is also preparing for the filming that will start after the Chinese New Year.

Now that you know what you lack, even if you can't make up for it completely, you should try to make up for it. Only when you are full can you have the strength to work.

After the final exam, Xiao Zhang was sent to the plane with a full face of reluctance.

Then he happily packed his luggage and prepared to go to Shanghai.

At a certain moment when he stuffed the clothes into the suitcase, he actually laughed out loud by himself.

Smiling, he looked at himself in the mirror, and was quite puzzled, what was he happy about?
Is it possible that Xiao Zhang is happy when he finally returns home?

You can't think like this, you can't think like this, it's wrong, but I really can't help it hahahahahaha.

Before leaving, he suddenly received a call from Li Youbin.

He planned to change the house, and asked him to help the staff.

Xu Rong didn't care at all, but at Li Youbin's request, he went to his own house first, and then ran to the sales office of Li Youbin's favorite property. After arriving, he found that Li Youbin had already paid the deposit.

Is it still necessary to ask myself to be a staff member?

Li Youbin pointed to the model house and said, "I told your sister-in-law that there is no need to buy such a big one. Good guy, a single floor is more than 180 square meters, so many rooms, how can I finish it? And this swimming pool, you think I will I don’t like swimming very much, what do you want this thing for?”

Xu Rong was quite satisfied with his house at first, but seeing Li Youbin showing off, he was almost out of breath.

Earlier, he heard that Chen Daoming and Chen Baoguo were "comparing" each other, no matter whether it was a car or a house, they both compared to buy.

When he listened to it at the time, he only listened to it for fun, because he felt that comparisons were quite boring, but at this time, he could understand it.

"Monk, why are you leaving in such a hurry, why don't you go home for a meal?"

"Don't eat the air ticket in the afternoon, we will talk later when we are free."


After parting with Li Youbin, Xu Rong immediately called Jin Fangfang: "Where is Li Youbin ranked now?"

"What? Oh, you mean the Golden Eagle vote, right? He's fourth."

"Swipe, at least to the front of him."

He does not doubt Li Youbin's fame, but the voters are mainly young people. It is impossible to expect those over 30 years old who are busy with their lives to take time to register and vote for their favorite actors. In this regard, The young actors themselves took considerable advantage.

"Didn't you say not to use it before?" Jin Fangfang was quite puzzled by his temporary decision.

Xu Rong let out the suffocation in his chest, and said righteously: "I feel that raising my ranking is a recognition of myself. If I don't recognize myself, can I expect others to recognize me?"

It took Jin Fangfang a long time to hold back a sentence: "Your reason is very convincing."

At this point, most of the depression in Xu Rong's heart dissipated, and it was impossible for him to change rooms in a short time.

I made a lot of money in the first half of this year. The endorsement plus the two movies I filmed made a total of 660 million after tax.

But just repaying the foreign debts of the company and Li Youbin killed 400 million yuan, and the decoration of the house can only be done in a simple way. It only cost more than 120 yuan, and there are still many things that I want to buy.

Tong Zirong also spent a lot of money there. Since the beginning, there have been a lot of things, and they are only two hundred dollars less.

In addition to the usual expenses, although it is not conspicuous every time, the accumulation will add up. When he returns from fighting demons this time, he will almost completely return to before liberation.

And he still owes the company 200 million.

But it's not a big problem. Not many of the scenes he filmed have been aired yet. When all of them are aired, whether it's film remuneration or commercial value, it will definitely increase a bit.

200 million, just a lot of busy work.

Although the cash flow was tight, he was unequivocal about his own investment, and he didn't think about discounts or free fees for studying with Tong Zirong.

His relationship with Tong Zirong was different from that of Teacher Li Xuejian. He paid the money with one hand and delivered the goods with the other hand. It cannot be said that there was no affection, but because of the mixed interests, it was not so pure.

Probably thanks to the improvement of material life, Tong Zirong's face turned ruddy a lot, and when they met, he said: "During this time, I have watched your scenes once."

Xu Rong handed him the fruit plate prepared by the company branch, and asked, "How do you say it?"

"No, I'll drink water." Tong Zirong waved his hand at him, then pointed to the glass next to it, which was originally transparent, but was brown because of its age, and said, "I found that the presentation forms of your simultaneous recording and dubbing are different. Big."

Xu Rong nodded and said: "That's for sure. Excluding technical factors, in the process of film and television shooting, the most important thing for lines is to grasp the 'point', that is, to match the specified situation and shots, such as close-ups and close-ups, to be appropriate. Otherwise, it will appear too exaggerated, but if the panorama is not strong enough, it will lack expressiveness, and the microphone is always at the mouth for dubbing, so there is no such concern.”

Tong Zirong nodded his head lightly twice, then shook his head and said: "More than that, even the recording at the same time is different from the usual speech. It must be life-like, but not too life-like."

"Well, that's about it."

"By the way, where did I tell you before?"

Xu Rong flipped through his notebook and said, "It's time to talk about the connection of the lines."

Tong Zirong glanced at his notebook, thought for a while, and said: "You should know something about connection, the forms mainly include fast connection, slow connection, virtual connection, real connection, high connection, low connection, strong connection, weak connection connection, but in the process of actual application, it should be analyzed in combination with the actual situation, and it cannot be said that only one connection method is used, such as weak connection. technology, but we must also pay attention to the skills and methods of external expression. I will not tell you about these separately. I found a few paragraphs from your previous scripts. Let's practice them, and then I will explain the processing and expression to you in detail. .”

"By the way, there is one more thing." Tong Zirong got up, and seemed to suddenly think of something, "We engage in dubbing because of the sixteen characters of 'going up to the sky, pursuing closely, beating around the bush, following step by step', that is, Loyal to the original drama, if you engage in film and television, you must be loyal to the script, how to use it, you still have to thoroughly understand the script."

"I understand that."

"Let's get started."

It was only a few days after Xu Rong arrived in the devil, and suddenly, one after another concerned phone calls came in.

"Hey, Xu Rong, don't be too sad, your body comes first."

"Xu Rong, there's nothing hard to overcome, just take it easy."


Xu Rong put down the phone in doubt, but raised his head and looked at Song Jia who was sitting across from him. He was stunned, and after a while he said in astonishment: "It just so happens that you come here to eat too?"

Song Jia scrutinized his expression carefully, shook his head, and said, "No, I have an announcement here today, so I'll take a look at it by the way."

Xu Rong looked at her suspiciously and asked, "How do you know I'm here?"

"Waiter, add a pair of chopsticks." He said, reaching out and beckoning to the waiter.

Song Jia said, "No need, my assistant is still waiting in the car outside."

Her tone was quite gentle, and she said: "I know you feel uncomfortable, but can't you look forward to everything?"


Seeing that his expression was normal, Song Jia asked after a long while in a low voice, "Didn't you break up with your girlfriend?"

Xu Rongren was dumbfounded, and asked back: "When did I break up with Xiao Zhang?"

"No score?"

"No, where did you hear that I broke up with Xiao Zhang?"

Song Jia took out her mobile phone, handed it to him after a while, and said: "Here, Xu Rongyi broke up with his girlfriend and has been hanging around bars and nightclubs for many days and nights. Is it because he is romantic, or is he drinking to drown his sorrow?"

Below are some pictures of him in and out of bars and wandering the streets on big nights.

Of course, in the article, these are examples of his "lonely" and "unkempt".

As an example, there is also an interpretation of his house inspections and pushes in Shanghai.

It is accompanied by the text "It is not a secret that he bought real estate in the capital, but now he is looking at the house in Shanghai, and he probably has the idea of ​​leaving the sad place. After all, it carries the memories and youth of him and Zhang Xiaofei for four years. How beautiful it is, how biting it is when things change and people change, perhaps, time is a good medicine to heal wounds, staying away is for better forgetting, I hope it is really like what we have seen, starting from scratch and starting again.”

"What the hell!" Xu Rong took a while to understand what was going on. During this time, he was studying with Tong Zirong during the day, and at night, after eating in this restaurant, he usually didn't go back to the hotel, but wandered around. .

Most of the times he was photographed by the media, he broke up with classmate Xiao Zhang.

As for looking at the house, it was mentioned by Deng Chao earlier that he planned to move to Shanghai, and he analyzed the advantages and disadvantages a little bit, but after Xu Rongjing mentioned it this way, he might have to go here after thinking about it, so he planned to turn back When I am rich, I also buy a suite, so I can have a place to stay, so I don't have to go back to the hotel.

"Can you believe what the media says?" Xu Rong rolled her eyes and said, "A few teachers said that I lack materials, so I'm just observing life."

Song Jia looked a little embarrassed, and said with a smile: "So that's the case, I thought you were really drinking to drown your sorrows."

"This group of media is really..." When Xu Rong said this, his neck seemed to be strangled by someone, and he waved to the waiter again, "Help me get a signature pen and a piece of A4 paper."

"Okay, sir, wait a moment."

"What are you doing?"

Xu Rong took a bite of the dish, and said: "This kind of food really doesn't make you used to it. If you say it's sweet, it's not sweet, and if you say it's salty, it's not salty."

"Why? You'll find out later, otherwise it's hard to guarantee that Uncle Li won't be angry when he reads the news tomorrow."

After hearing his words, Song Jia suddenly fell silent.

Xu Rong took the paper and pen brought by the waiter, wrote "We happened to meet" on it, and pasted it straight on the glass window next to it.

Since those paparazzi can take pictures of him wandering around in the past, it is hard to guarantee that they are not following him today.

Bao Buqi will reveal the big melon that "Xu Rongsuspects to have a new love, and has a late-night tryst with Song Jia!" tomorrow morning.

Song Jia looked at him in high spirits, but her own spirits were a little bit low. Xu Rong was photographed eating in this restaurant many times. She wanted to give it a try, so she came over to have a look. arrive.

But the "Uncle Li" that Xu Rong mentioned just now made her feel a little uncomfortable.

Since the filming of "Latent", she has been active in the south and has not returned to the capital.

(End of this chapter)

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