I'm just an actor

Chapter 149 Testimonials

Chapter 149 Testimonials
".Welcome to you, open up the world for you, the charm in the flow is full of vitality"

The atmosphere of the Olympics is becoming more and more intense. Except for the relevant signs that can be seen everywhere, the theme song is surrounded by stereo.

Song Jia's appearance was inexplicable, and her departure was equally elusive.

Xu Rong didn't care either. He and Song Jia had known each other earlier. When they first met, although the two of them had filmed a lot of scenes, strictly speaking, they were still newcomers regardless of their status or qualifications. Not many, but the friendship is relatively deeper.

Coupled with the fact that she had just finished filming a few days ago, it was reasonable that she hadn't completely gotten out of Cuiping's emotions.

Although the personalities of the two are very different, the choices they make are not much different in the strict sense. They are based on professional ability and supplemented by crooked ways.

That's right, it is supplemented by crooked ways.

Xu Rong has a very clear understanding of himself. A large part of his journey can be attributed to luck, but luck itself can be won.

"Why is it him?" and "Why is it him?" Although they seem to have similar meanings, their connotations are completely different.

I always think "why?" in my mind, and as time goes by, I will only encounter more and more "why?".

Because "Why?" can't solve any problems, but only when you understand "Why?" and have the willingness to fight, can you implement the action of fighting and grabbing.

He had read some analysis reports on artists that Jin Fangfang compiled for him. Of course, the focus was on the fourth-year college students who lived in similar living environments. Among these people, there were many who had a lower starting point than him, and there were also many who were higher than him. Before the end of the year, some fell into the hands of women, some were ruined by money, some were purely overblown or had character flaws, and none of them really went downhill because of "luck".

These "predecessors" taught him a big lesson in almost all kinds of ways, how can he go from hot to cold quickly to no one cares about him.

Of course, some people have made the opposite example, such as senior brother Huang Xiaoming, regardless of his professional ability, he can eat well wherever he goes, and what he needs to learn is to make up for the corresponding shortcomings on this basis.

It is difficult to live in a purely righteous way, living in a social network woven by all kinds of people, especially when the competitive environment in the industry is becoming more and more fierce.

He realized very early on that he could not become another Li Xuejian.

But if you don't want to stand still and stick to poverty, you have to do something. Outside of professional ability, Song Jia chose Uncle Li, and he chose his own behavior.

Whether it is someone who has seen it or not, he tries his best to get along with everyone, and he does not hesitate to show his own value to key people.

The role of background is undeniable, but values ​​are often more universal.

It's like he spends money to study with Tong Zirong, not only wastes time to earn money, but also loses old money.

However, with the deepening of his study, he felt more and more that the money was spent meaningfully. In terms of internal management, he has no major problems now, but the skills of external expression are becoming more and more difficult for him, even if Tong Zirong is in Precepts and deeds aside, the progress is not as good as before.

It was quite a painful process. This was the first time he realized his own ignorance deeply after filming "The Ming Dynasty", and it was also the first time he discovered that a short line can be processed in several different ways to express the same meaning.

Xu Rong heard a saying in the past that acting is like electric welding. The first thing a welder should pay attention to is whether the welding can be done firmly, and the second is whether the connection point is exquisite or not.

He has already mastered the skills of welding, but there are degrees of delicacy. At this time, various skills are combined to form a complete expression, which is roughly equivalent to how to weld so that people can't see that it is welded.

These did not affect his normal life. In the atmosphere of the National Olympics, the Olympic Games opened.

He also took the time to watch a few more interesting events, such as basketball and the 110-meter hurdles, which have just started in the motherland.

After only watching a part of the competition, what impressed him the most was a swimmer named "Flying Fish".

A bit perverted.

After all, it is really fascinating to be able to achieve such an achievement in one field.

But Xu Rong is not most concerned about this, he counts the days and waits day by day.

The Olympics close on August 8.

And "Harbin Under the Night" as a link, will land on CCTV Gold Channel on the 25th.

Since last year's "New Shanghai Beach", there has not been a movie starring him released in the past year. If "Crossing Guandong" hadn't exploded in ratings, the decline in popularity would have been inevitable.

But after a long period of time, there were no such troubles. "Night" may not be able to catch up with "Crossing the Guandong" in terms of evaluation, but the integrity of the story is not too flawed. Coupled with the CCTV platform, the ratings will definitely not be bad. , and by the end of the year, "Drunken Gold" will also be released on Dragon TV.

Next year, if there are no major surprises, "North Wind" and "Latent" will also be broadcast successively.

Frustrated in love, proud in career.

Since the ratings data was released on the 26th, the outside world has generally held such evaluations of Xu Rong.

He didn't specifically clarify the rumors of breaking up with classmate Xiao Zhang. It didn't make any sense. As his popularity increased, it was definitely not the first time and it wouldn't be the last time that such rumors were groundless.

The ratings of "Night" have repeatedly reached new highs, but the audience's evaluation is quite polarized, and it also continues the controversial style of Zhao Baogang's works.

"Struggle" became a huge hit, but there are still a large number of critics on the Internet.

Xu Rong had expected this, but when he saw the sentence "I'm so good, I didn't find a pleat on the actor's windbreaker.", I couldn't hold back at all.

It is very similar to the original "New Shanghai Beach".

"Night" is a huge hit, and the ratings are basically reserved for the top three seats this year. The number one "Crossing the Guandong" should not be too controversial.

But because of the idolization of spy war dramas, controversy is inevitable.

Xu Rong can't do this either, this is Zhao Baogang's consistent style, with exquisite painting style, praising the beauty of human nature, and portraying heroic characters.

The target audience is not some middle-aged and elderly people who will compare with the old version, but the younger generation who lack the general dialectical thinking ability under compulsory education.

The only gratifying thing is that this time his performance has become one of the biggest highlights of the whole play, completely overshadowing the limelight of other actors.

But when reading the comments, Xu Rong was also secretly vigilant, not to be "You Bin", it's okay to play like this once in a while, and the colleagues probably won't be willing to cooperate with him after a long time.

While Xu Rong was studying with Tong Zirong and waiting for the opening of the Golden Eagle TV Festival, a certain deputy director of the editorial office of the drama channel of Mango TV was worried.

Xu Rong has no schedule.

It's not that Xu Rong can't come to the ceremony of the Golden Eagle TV Festival.

The TV station has already greeted the Visual Association. All shortlisted actors, except those who cannot participate due to force majeure, must all be present.

He is worried that the channel is planning to lead several TV stations to invest in a TV series recently, and the candidates have already been delineated.

First of all, the image is good and the acting skills are solid. The key is to be young enough and have a certain appeal. Such a candidate is almost directed at Xu Rong.

Although the producer advocated for his son to play the male lead role, this proposal was not within his consideration at all. He invested in TV dramas to get rid of the "deputy" character on his head, not to sell a TV series that was not good for his promotion. Favors of useless people.

"The Great Ming Dynasty" led by Chen Baoguo has suffered a lot. It is absolutely impossible for him to bet on a newcomer who has never even filmed a scene.

But after the crew contacted Xu Rong's agency, they found out that Xu Rong's schedule for next year was full, and the two plays were all male leads.

There is no room for other dramas to intervene at all.

The middle-aged man stood in front of the window and pondered for a while, then walked to the table, put the cigarette he had just smoked twice by the ashtray, picked up the phone on the table, dialed a number, and waited for a while to connect , sighed and said: "Old Hua, I don't plan to vote for that play. There is no schedule for Xu Rong, and that guy surnamed Zhang always wants to put his son in it. His mother really thinks he is an onion Now, a kid who has never filmed a scene, how can I play with my money?!"

After a while, his face gradually softened, and he said: "Okay, okay, haha, thank you so much, haha, okay, okay, it's settled, when you come, I'll give you a shout No? Hahaha."

April 8st morning.

Before Xu Rong set off from the devil's capital, the weather was foggy, and when he arrived at the destination, there was also drizzle in the sky.

A itinerary destined to accompany the run, a night of performance against one's will.

Before getting off the plane, Xu Rong looked at the drizzle outside the porthole and sighed.

But it’s impossible not to come, this is the first time he has been shortlisted for the Golden Eagle Award, and he is still a semi-newcomer. Only when he comes can he set off the glory of the winners.

And he had to applaud it with great joy, at least so the audience seemed to be.

The only pity is that the voting channel was closed earlier. If it can be closed today, he might still be able to compete for the "Audience's Favorite Actor" award. Although "Night" has some controversies, the ratings are rising steadily , and as of now, there is no criticism about him.

Jin Fangfang picked him up at the airport, and asked after a long time, "What are you wearing?"

Xu Rong specially prepared a suit for today's awards ceremony, because the weather is relatively hot, so he is only wearing a shirt at this time.

He thought that Jin Fangfang felt that what she was wearing was not innovative, and said with a smile: "If I can win the award, whatever I wear will be the focus of attention. If I can't get it, no one will pay attention to me even if I grow three heads."

Jin Fangfang shook her head and said, "No, I mean, you should wear it like this more often. To be honest, this is the most handsome one I've seen you in so many times!"

"Of course, it would be more perfect if the hair was longer."

Xu Rong nodded as he walked, thought for a while, and said, "I accept your criticism."

"Huh?" Jin Fangfang looked at him strangely, "Then I will never criticize you again."

The two first put their luggage in the hotel, ate something to make do, and then put on makeup. After all, it was the first time they walked the red carpet, so it was important.

Jin Fangfang wanted to help him tie the bow tie, but she was limited by her height. After trying it twice, she felt that it was not appropriate, so she stopped forcing it, but stood aside with a smile and asked, "Do you know who you are walking the red carpet with?" ?"

Xu Rong thought for a while, and said, "It should be Song Jia, right? Wasn't she shortlisted for "Crossing the Guandong"? Oh, no, it seems that Uncle Li was also shortlisted for "The Ming Dynasty", and the organizer should arrange for the two of them to leave. How topical it is."

He pondered for a while and asked, "Are you with Zhu Yawen and Qi Kui?"

"You guess again." Jin Fangfang glanced down at the organizer's arrangement, and the expression on his face became more and more strange, "You know this person very well."

After Xu Rong put it on, he looked carefully at the mirror for a while, then stretched out his hand and pulled off the bow tie. It was really nothing new. No matter how you looked at it, it looked like he was going to be the best man. He turned his head and asked: "The actresses I have worked with ?”


"Then how do you tell me to guess?"

Jin Fangfang chuckled and said, "Yang Mi."

"Yang Mi?"

Xu Rong was stunned for a long time before realizing it, and said in a puzzled way: "No, what movies has she filmed in the past two years?"

Jin Fangfang rolled her eyes and said, "If she hears your words, she will probably be pissed off. She is the heroine of "Wang Zhaojun"."

"Oh, I remembered when you said that." This film was filmed relatively early, probably when they first entered college, but the results were not satisfactory.

As Xu Rong said, he opened the suitcase, took out the blue diagonal tie that he wore when he bought the suit, opened the box, straightened it, but froze on the spot, looked up at Jin Fangfang, and said, "You, you know how to wear a tie. ?"

Jin Fangfang looked at him with her mouth open: "My brother, you are going to walk the red carpet, not go to work, so what's the matter with wearing a tie?"

Xu Rong smiled and said: "Look at your reaction, the audience will be more happy then, I must have never seen someone wearing a suit and tie on the red carpet, so let's go."

"Hehe, it's a whole flower job, isn't it?"

As soon as Xu Rong heard the voice, he knew that Li Youbin was coming. He glanced at Jin Fangfang, and saw her make an OK gesture, so he was relieved.

Laugh, laugh, let you cry at night.

"When did you come?"

Li Youbin said: "Just arrived, how about you, are you confident to go home with a trophy?"

Xu Rong shrugged his shoulders and said, "Stop talking, if it wasn't for the association's repeated warnings, I wouldn't have planned to come."

"How much conscience did you say that? A few days before the closing of the voting channel, you just put your effort into swiping votes and pretended I didn't know?"

"You're just spitting blood. My sympathy votes were all caused by rumors of a breakup. Why, are you afraid that I will surpass you?" Xu Rong couldn't talk more about this topic, because he had indeed swiped the votes, and raised his hand Tie said, "Do you know how to wear a tie?"

"Beyond me, are you dreaming?!" Li Youbin also didn't want to say more about it. In order not to be overtaken by Xu Rong's votes, he also spent real money. He stretched out his hand to pull the tie over and said, "Small."

"It's kind of like that." Li Youbin tied the tie for him, patted his chest and said, "I'll go back and get ready. I'm getting old, and my memory is not always good. A speech for an award is not good. It’s long, so I can’t remember it.”

Xu Rong opened his mouth, until Li Youbin went out, he didn't hold back a word to refute, if Li Youbin didn't go back with a trophy today, the judges of the Golden Eagle Award would really not even need a little embarrassment.

This force not only allowed him to pretend, but also pretended to be extremely solid!
After waiting for a while, Xu Rongcai regained his strength and said to Jin Fangfang, "I'll go to see Teacher Li."


Not only because of Li Xuejian in "Thriller at High Latitude", but also Chen Jialin, Zhang Li, Zhang Jian, Gao Mantang, Sarina, Chen Baoguo, Song Jia, Zhu Yawen, Qi Kui, etc. who have worked with him before, he has gone to string together, familiar with If you don't know them well, just say hello and leave.

(End of this chapter)

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