I'm just an actor

Chapter 150 Awards

Chapter 150 Award Presentation (Change First, Then Change)
At five o'clock in the afternoon, Xu Rong picked up Yang Mi, who was wearing a low-cut dress and clutching her chest, and began to circle the venue in a car.

Xu Rong's state of mind was calm, and Yang Mi obviously gave up struggling as well.

In this year when the competition is more intense, the two have almost no chance of winning the prize.

After getting in the car, Yang Mi asked, "When are you going back to school?"

Today is already August 8th, and school is about to start. As the last year of university, there are not many learning tasks left. The only big thing is the graduation performance, but it is still early, and it will not be too late to prepare after another year .

"Tomorrow." Xu Rong glanced at her. He had never been alone with her so closely for three years as a classmate, and he didn't know if it was because of the heavy make-up. At this time, Yang Mi's lines were soft. His face always made him feel a little strange, "What about you?"

Yang Mi gave him a helpless look, and said, "My family is originally from the capital, so it's almost as good when I go home as when I go back to school."

"Haha." Xu Rong wanted to embarrassingly touch his nose a few times to block her view, but when he raised his hand halfway, he realized that this was inappropriate, so he could only laugh dryly, "I'm sorry, I forgot about this."

After the few words on the scene were finished, the small space suddenly fell into silence. The rain outside the window became heavier and heavier, and the window was blurred. The car was driving slowly. Let me have a few words.

But the atmosphere was a little awkward. Although the two were classmates, the days when they were real classmates were few and far between. If it wasn't for her sharing a dormitory with Xiao Zhang, it would inevitably appear in Xiao Zhang's words, and he might not even remember it. Too clear her name.


The viscous and stagnant air probably made the driver's breathing difficult. At a certain moment, he coughed twice abruptly.

"Xu Xing."

"Xu Xing."

Xu Xing, a person they all knew, should have been a good topic to talk about, but when the two of them said it at the same time, the embarrassment value in the air soared all the way, and it directly brought embarrassment to grandma's house.

Judging others by oneself, this is a topic that can be talked for a long time without so many scruples.

The two stopped their mouths at the same time, and after looking at each other, they smiled at the same time.

Yang Mi covered her chest, looked at him carefully, and said, "It feels like we don't look like classmates."

She didn't need to mention it, Xu Rong also felt it, but if she didn't answer the words, the two of them could only remain silent as before, so they asked, "What do you feel like?"

"If I say it, do you think we can laugh and chat for the remaining 20 minutes?!"

Xu Rong laughed, but he was completely convinced by the organizer in his heart, even if he was arranged to go with Zhu Yuwen, at least he would be much happier.

Seeing that Yang Mi had never left her hands on her chest since she got into the car, she skipped the topic and asked, "I see you're covering your hands all the time. Really, is there any?"

She wore a low-cut long dress today, and she was visually vacuum.

Yang Mi still smiled and said, "I won't argue if you say that, anyway, I'm the biggest in our dormitory!"

"Well, pretend I didn't say it." Xu Rong said dryly. He really couldn't refute this point. Xiao Zhang's talent is limited.

"Car No. 3 is ready to enter the field, car No. 3 is ready."

Hearing the voice on the intercom, Yang Mi said: "Get out of the car later, don't forget to open the door for me, and then pick me up."

Xu Rong looked at her in surprise: "Don't you have hands and feet?"

"Pfft. Cough cough." The driver laughed out of time, and found that the two people behind him were staring at him, and immediately explained: "Well, my throat is itchy, my throat is itchy."

Yang Mi lowered her voice and said, "You have to act like a gentleman, and there are so many media filming. Have you ever seen a red carpet group that was run down by a woman?"

Xu Rong thought about it, and it was indeed the case, and said, "Yes, I know, I know."

"You..." Yang Mi's eyes widened, she felt that Xu Rong was dealing with her, "Don't forget."

"Also, don't run so fast when you leave later, we have to leave time for the media to take pictures, and then we have to wave to the fans and audience, and keep smiling."

"When taking pictures, remember to profile your face and lower your head at 45 degrees. That way the effect is the best. In addition, there must be a snapshot at the moment after signing the autograph. You must keep smiling at that moment."

"I'm talking to you, are you listening?" Yang Mi was talking, and suddenly found that Xu Rong was frowning, lost his mind, and stretched out his hand to shake in front of him.

Xu Rongyou turned his head and said, "I suddenly remembered something, I haven't practiced my signature yet."

Yang Mi felt a rush of blood rushing straight to her forehead, she seemed to be not on the same channel as Xu Rong at all, and said, "Do you remember what I told you?"

"It's almost all written down, it's all trivial." Xu Rong said with a wave of his hands. Yang Mi thinks the red carpet is too important. She sighed, "Whoever can marry you will be a blessing in eight lifetimes!"

At a young age, the potential to be a mother is not small.

Yang Mi was different from classmate Xiao Zhang, she understood the meaning of Xu Rong's words almost immediately, and asked seriously: "The blessings of eight lifetimes? Do you think I talk too much?"

"No, I'm seriously complimenting you."

About 5 minutes before entering the arena, Xu Rong looked at the heavy rain outside the window, suddenly turned to look at Yang Mi, and asked, "Do you want to get angry?"

Yang Mi frowned and looked at him. She had a premonition that Xu Rong definitely didn't have a good idea, so she asked uncertainly, "What are you going to do?"

"I can't tell you now. It's like filming a movie. It would be wrong to tell you your on-the-spot emotions and reactions."

"Will nothing happen?"

"rest assured."

The order of the two's appearances is relatively high. This year is the 24th Golden Eagle Award Ceremony, and it is also the [-]th anniversary celebration of the TV series. Not only are all the shortlisted actors present, but most of the musicians from the music industry are also present.

"Next are two newcomers. Coincidentally, they are also Nortel's classmates, Xu Rong and Yang Mi."

"Wow, what a pair of golden boys." The host's voice stopped abruptly, because Xu Rong got out of the car, seemed to see the heavy rain, took the umbrella from the staff, and ran straight along the red Blanket ran towards the two of them.

Cao Ying and He Hao were taken aback by Xu Rong's bewildering behavior, and hurriedly reminded: "Xu Rong, Xu Rong, your girlfriend, your girlfriend hasn't gotten off the car yet."

"What?" Xu Rong ran halfway, stopped suddenly, and looked at the two hosts who hurriedly signaled to him at the end.

"Your female companion, Yang Mi, Yang Mi."

Xu Rong turned her head slowly, looked at Yang Mi who just got out of the car and stared at her with wide eyes, she looked stupid, and after showing an embarrassed but polite smile at the media on both sides, she trotted all the way to the abductee again. Going back, he handed the umbrella to the staff on the side, and stretched out his hand to Yang Mi: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."


The two entered the arena holding hands. When signing, Yang Mi glanced at Xu Rong's signature and almost laughed out loud. He actually wrote down his name neatly and stroke by stroke.

When it was time for the interview, He Yi asked: "Xu Rong, did you come in so fast just now because you couldn't wait to watch our show?"

Xu Rong shook his head with a smile, and said, "It's mainly because I was thinking, I'll run faster to see if I can get a trophy or something."

"Just now, I saw that something unpleasant happened when the two of you walked over?"

Xu Rong answered Cao Ying with a smile: "It's nothing, we, Yang Mi, have a very good relationship at school, we belong to the kind of friends who talk about everything, close buddies."

"Yang Mi, is that so?"

Yang Mi glanced at Xu Rong, and said, "Well, we really want to talk about everything, otherwise how could there be scandals?!"

"Then the last question, is Yang Mi your ideal type?"

"He is a good friend and classmate."

After Xu Rong finished answering, he immediately got a taste. The two hosts' questions were very interesting, and almost all the controversies and speculations that might have been caused by him and Yang Mi in the past and what happened today were eliminated.

After waiting for half an hour to enter the venue, during the opening dance of the Golden Eagle Goddess Li Xiaolu, this year's Golden Eagle Festival officially opened.

Then the leaders gave speeches in turn.

Xu Rong didn't have the slightest interest in this kind of emotionless reading process, he might as well watch Li Xiaolu dance.

Everyone came to receive the award, and the three leaders read the manuscript for nearly 10 minutes.

Although he knew that there was little hope, Xu Rong still waited nervously.

It's just that things backfired. The only time he appeared on stage was when "Crossing Guandong" won the best TV drama award.

The biggest winner in the audience was Jiang Wenli, who took the stage three times and received awards three times, and all of them received awards.

At the important finale, when the audience's favorite actor award was announced, Xu Rongxin couldn't help mentioning that this award was the top four based on the number of votes, and it was the only award he could win.

After some gags, the award presenters announced: "The winners are Wang Wufu, Lin Yongjian, Wang Baoqiang, and Li Youbin."

Sure enough!

Xu Rong felt a little empty when he heard that he was not there, but then he realized that something was wrong.

There is shady, absolutely shady!
He spent money on this award. According to the "actual" number of votes, his ranking should be higher than that of Li Youbin. According to the rules of the top four awards, Li Youbin who ranked behind him can win the award. He must at least have A trophy is justified.

Although Li Youbin won the "Best Performing Arts Award" at the same time, he was also not very happy. As the ultimate finale award and the most commercially valuable "Most Popular Actor" award, he was eventually taken away by Wang Baoqiang.

Holding Li Youbin's "Audience's Favorite Actor" trophy, Xu Rong had mixed feelings in his heart. Even though he knew that there was little hope, he still felt disappointed when the result was announced.

Really accompany the whole journey.

When it came to the dinner, Li Youbin rarely won a prize again, as if he hadn't won an award, and he hardly saw a smile on his face. Xu Rong looked at him strangely and asked, "Why, you're not happy about that?"

Li Youbin said: "I have won both of these trophies, but I have never even touched the popularity award."

Seeing that Xu Rong was not very interested, he smiled and said: "Don't be discouraged, it is a good thing to be nominated, how old are you?!"

"Hey, it's really not easy to put comforting words out of your mouth."

"In the past, I deliberately stimulated you to make you improve. Now we can be called brothers and sisters. There is no need to rub salt in each other's wounds."

"Oh, next time."

"Well, it's hard to say whether there will be a next time."

Hearing the two comforting each other, Gao Mantang couldn't stand it anymore, and said, "You two can do it, one won two awards and the other was nominated, what else is there to be unhappy about?"

While chatting, Jin Fangfang came over, and after whispering something in Xu Rong's ear, Xu Rong put down his chopsticks and said, "Everyone, I have something to do and I have to leave first, excuse me."

Zhang Xinjian, the chief director of "Crossing the Guandong", said with a smile: "You are busy, you are busy, by the way, we have to find a place for the crew to celebrate later, and come over when you are done."

After leaving the seat, Xu Rong looked at Jin Fangfang in surprise, and asked, "Hua Ming, why does he want me?"

"I don't know much about this, but I have something to talk to you about."

"Let's go and have a look."

When Xu Rong arrived at the private room of the hotel and saw the four people sitting there, he couldn't help being slightly surprised. Among the four, he was more familiar with Hua Ming, and the other middle-aged man with a long thin face and small eyes looked familiar to him, as if he was also a An actor, just can't remember his name for a while.

The other two didn't know each other at all.

Hua Ming stood up, led Xu Rong to the three of them, and said, "Haha, it's finally our protagonist."

"Let me introduce you." He said, pointing to the short, bald middle-aged man sitting in the chief seat, "This is the director of Mango Satellite TV's editor-in-chief Zhou Xunzhou."

"Hello Director Zhou."

Then, pointing to the middle-aged man with a slightly hunchbacked Chinese character face, he said, "This is Zhang Jianzhang's producer."

"Hello, Producer Zhang."


"This is director Du Yuming."

"Hi, Director Du."

"Haha, hello, hello, have you just finished your work over there?"

"Well, I kept you waiting for a long time."

After only one meeting, Xu Rong noticed the subtle differences in their attitudes.

Although Zhou Xie was relatively restrained, his smile was quite friendly, Zhang Jian was a little colder, and Du Yuming was in the middle, neither too close nor too uncomfortable for him.

Looking at the few people sitting here, he had a vague premonition that he should be planning to shoot a new movie, but judging by the attitude of the producer and director, this movie is not easy to accept.

After taking his seat, Hua Ming glanced at Zhou Xie, and said, "I invite you to come here today, that's it, Lao Zhou is going to take the lead in a few other local Taiwan investment dramas, and I have contacted your brokerage company before, but I just knew you Next year's schedule is full."

Xu Rong became more and more confused. Since his schedule is already full, what are we talking about? Besides, the two plays next year will be directed by the same director. There must be more to say next.

Hua Ming glanced at Zhou Xie, and said, "Our station is also preparing to cast this drama. See if we can coordinate. Let's give up a month each, and strive to make this drama next year?"

Xu Rong hasn't read the script yet, and he doesn't quite know the extent of the time conflict, but at this time, he expressed his position without hesitation, saying: "Director Hua, Director Zhou, I can't guarantee you now, but you can rest assured , After I go back, I will immediately coordinate and try to free up time."

"Haha, how's it going, how's it going? I'll just say it." Hua Ming raised his wine glass, pointed at Xu Rong with a cigarette in his hand, and said to Zhou Hai, "Mr. Xu is a happy person, come on, let's do it."

After Zhou Hai drank the wine, he put down the glass and asked, "Mr. Xu, are you not worried about the script?"

"Hey, there's no need for that." Xu Rong waved his hands and said, "In the editor-in-chief's offices of major domestic TV stations, if I can't even trust Director Zhou and Director Hua, then I don't have to do this job."

"Haha, come, come, come, follow Teacher Xu's words, go one by one."

Jin Fangfang hesitated to speak, but after looking at Xu Rong, he stopped talking.

Putting down his glass again, Hua Ming sighed: "Actually, Lao Zhou said before he came that if you don't participate in the show, he won't vote for this film. So, for this film to be filmed, you have to do your best."

"Of course, to be honest, since Director Zhou can see it, I must try my best here, but let's talk about it first. If the other side disagrees with life and death, I hope Director Zhou can understand."

Xu Rong had another thought in his heart. The dramas on Mango TV are generally idol dramas, and it is not too laborious to act.

On the way to the celebration banquet, Jin Fangfang looked at him puzzled, and asked: "You didn't get the award today, you were stimulated, right?"

"There are factors in this area." Xu Rong didn't shy away, "Of course, there are other reasons, but it's too early to say, let's wait for a later date."

However, it can be expected that next year will be a very difficult year.

(End of this chapter)

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