Chapter 151
Before drinking, Xu Rong's original plan was to return to Beijing early the next morning, because there are many things to be busy in the next six months.

The first is to urge Xiao Zhang to prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination, and the second is to prepare for the filming of next year. He is already familiar with spy films, but the types of dramas he will shoot in the beginning of the year are things he has never tried before.

Furthermore, the coordination schedule proposed by Huaming, although he has not started to do it yet, he can already imagine the difficulties he will encounter, and he must pay a certain price, either in face or in money.

In contrast, he is more willing to pay the latter, because the price of the former is getting higher and higher.

In addition, taking advantage of more free time in the second half of the year, some friends also have to move around. This is not something that can be done in a day or two.

He already has a rough plan, he will go to see whoever is filming, and he will definitely not look at whoever is idle, because the visit to the set is only half an hour at best, and the other party will think that he has face.

With his current popularity and status among the top tier due to "Night", except for a few big names, it can be regarded as a great deal of face for him to visit the class.

There is another thing that he has to plan well, otherwise he will not be able to do it.

But after drinking, he couldn't get up the next morning.

In an awards ceremony, "Soldiers Assault", "Crossing the Guandong", and "Golden Wedding" all made a lot of money, even if they won less awards, they also won the grand finale.

In contrast, as the messy "Struggle" that was also popular, almost all the people were present, but in the end it was nothing.

Even at the ceremony, Zhao Baogang's face was already blacker than carbon.

He threw away all the things that could be dropped in the hotel.

"Xu Rong, tell me, you tell me how to shoot the shit? Now the policy is getting tighter every year, saying that my photos are not grounded. If I really shoot down-to-earth broadcasts Don't let it air!"

Xu Rong can understand Zhao Baogang's resentment. The current general environment is extremely strict on realistic dramas, especially issues involving current social conflicts.

Education, medical care, housing, elderly care, employment, these are all high-risk subjects, and it is common for them to be killed if they are not careful, because the contradictions in reality are already acute enough, and there is no need for meddling film and television industry practitioners to sting the sensitive public nerves.

And if you have to take pictures, at least you have to beautify to a certain extent, so that you can shoot a kind of harmony between hello and me.

His screen debut, "Migrant Workers of Survival", was completely removed from the shelves for rectification before the first round was finished, because "the production level was too rough and affected the audience's perception". an unknown.

That was three years ago, and now three years have passed, and the standards have only risen but not dropped.

For this reason, Xu Rong drank a draft of beer with Zhao Baogang.

In the middle of the night, he rushed to three games in a row. Now, his drinking capacity is slightly better than before, but he can't remember how to go back with such a drinking method.

The next day, I vomited for a long time and ate some noodles before I recovered a little.

But the state is not very good, the spirit is sluggish, the body is weak, and the body feels hollowed out.

Xu Rong raised his heavy eyelids, glanced at the people in the room, and said, "Thank you, you guys go to work first."

The words were not addressed to Jin Fangfang, but to Yang Mi, Zhu Yawen and Qi Kui who stayed behind.

It was Jin Fangfang who asked Zhu Yawen and Qi Kui to bring him back yesterday.

The three of them came to see him this morning, and seeing that he could even vomit out water, they didn't leave at all.

For half a day, the three of them ran back and forth, buying coke, noodles, and porridge, which made Xu Rong quite embarrassed.

The reason why he bought so many kinds was mainly because he felt that he wanted to eat them, but after trying two bites each time, he found that he couldn't eat them at all.

No matter what the reason was, he was very touched by the care of the three of them.

Zhu Yawen smiled and said: "My most important job now is to take care of you, and we don't want to take care of you in vain. Before he left, my father said that he is old and his thighs are not good for hugging. If you want to hug your thighs tightly, at least I don’t have to worry about eating and drinking for a lifetime.”

Because Qi Kui was with Yang Mi and Jin Fangfang, he was embarrassed to talk, but just nodded his head twice with a smile.

"You can pull it down, and when you get rich, don't forget about me."

The "father" Zhu Yawen referred to was naturally Li Youbin.

Yang Mi only chuckled a few times, and said: "I'm fine for the time being, I can't drink like this in the future, you'll have to drink your body to pieces sooner or later."

Xu Rong smiled helplessly, and said, "I'm really envious of those who just warmed up half a catty, it's really too awesome."

"I actually don't understand. What are you and Zhao Baogang drinking so much for?" Jin Fangfang opened a bottle of AD calcium milk and handed it to him. Didn't you say that you don't plan to cooperate with him again?"

In front of Yang Mi and the three of them, Xu Rong didn't answer her, but shook his head with a smile. First, he felt that he didn't drink much and could still drink in the first two games. Second, Xu Xing really needed Zhao Baogang's help.

This was planned a long time ago, but it just happened to happen yesterday.

Because Zhao Baogang always acts as director, screenwriter, producer, and producer himself, the team he leads is relatively clean. In addition, as long as the appearance is good, the requirements for professional ability are not so high.

As for classmate Xiao Zhang, he didn't intend to throw her to others.

After a while, feeling almost done, Xu Rong washed his face and said, "Let's go, go back."

Jin Fangfang asked, "Why don't we leave tomorrow? The road is both by car and by plane, so don't throw up again."

"It's okay, I ate noodles just now, and it's much better."

Zhu Yawen and Qi Kui were not with them. The two of them participated in "Love in the Great Northern Wilderness" directed by Zhang Xinjian again, and they were going to join the crew.

Arrived in the capital, got off the plane, Jin Fangfang sat on the co-pilot and asked, "Where are you going? Back to school?"

Xu Rong thought for a while, and said, "Send Yang Mi home first, and then go to my house instead of going back to school."

"Are you going to move in?"


The driver who came to pick him up from the company heard the address of Yang Mi's home and said, "Then on the way, Mr. Xu's house is closer, why don't you take Mr. Xu off first?"

Xu Rong thought for a while, and said: "Send Yang Mi first."

If you send him off first, you will inevitably have to drive the car in. When Yang Mi sees her house, she will be too ostentatious.

He didn't mention the matter of buying a villa to a few people, especially his schoolmates, there's no need to make his own stand out.

It didn't matter if Yang Mi sent it off first, but seeing Xu Rong's insistence, she smiled and said, "Why, are you still afraid that I will eat your food?"

"Hehe, from what you said, I'm just worried that you'll be homesick."

"I just came out from home yesterday." Yang Mi rolled her eyes, "I just happened to go to see the new house you bought. If it's good, we'll be neighbors then."

Xu Rong opened his mouth, and said that if you are a neighbor, you can do it, as long as the price is reasonable, the one next to you will be sold to you immediately.

A while ago, when he was in Moduhuang, he took a fancy to a property with a fairly good evaluation.

What he buys is not just what he needs, but the quality. The price is high for sure, because at least the price can eliminate a group of neighbors who are not suitable to be neighbors. When the price reaches a certain level, the criterion for judging is the service of the property.

Just like the current residence, the housekeeper is very careful in his work. During the ventilation period, if it is windy and rainy, he will send him a message to ask if he can help close the windows of the house.

Back then he bought a house in sjs, the house hadn't come down yet, the phone was almost ringing off the phone by the decoration company.

But since he paid for this set, he didn't receive a harassing call. The decoration company was also recommended by the housekeeper, and the price was naturally more expensive, but he went to see it a few times, and the work was more detailed.

These are minor details, but they look pretty good.

Watching the car go further and further away, Yang Mi asked in surprise: "Your house is so remote, isn't it inconvenient to travel?"

Xu Rong nodded and said, "It's true. When I was looking at houses in Shanghai a while ago, I felt that there was a house that was good in all aspects, and the transportation was very convenient."

There is a small pier behind the villa, where yachts can berth and there is no need to worry about traffic jams, but he doesn't have that much cash at all now, so he can only look at it greedily.

Jin Fangfang looked at him in surprise, and asked, "Are you really planning to move to Shanghai?"

"No, I feel that I will have to go there in the future, and it will not be convenient to go back to the hotel, so I want to buy a place to stay."

Previously in Shanghai, the floor where he lived was not media and fans, which made him almost form the instinct to close the curtains immediately after entering the room.

When the car arrived at the gate of the community, it was stopped directly. Xu Rong rolled down the window and swiped his face before letting him go.

But Yang Mi has long been dumbfounded. She heard Zhang Xiaofei say that Xu Rong bought a house. She thought it was three bedrooms and one living room or four bedrooms and two living rooms. sense.

"Xu Rong, tell me the truth, are you a rich second generation?"

Xu Rong smiled and said: "You think too much. They are all ordinary families. At most, the house is bigger. There is no difference. They all live in anyway."


The courtyard door of the house was closed, but the front door was open, Xu Rong was quite surprised, because the ventilation didn't have a reason to open the front door, and the housekeeper couldn't be negligent to this extent.

After entering the door and seeing the little white shoes in the shoe cabinet at the door, he knew in his heart that classmate Xiao Zhang should have returned early.

Turning a corner, I went to the living room, and saw classmate Xiao Zhang wearing pink short-sleeved hot pants, holding a book, lying on the sofa and sleeping soundly.

He walked up to her lightly, only to see that her forehead was covered with beads of sweat, and when he walked over, she murmured twice and clicked her lips.

I must have dreamed of eating.

"Xu Rong, your family is too big"


Although Xu Rong responded in a timely manner, Yang Mi also stopped talking, but Xiao Zhang was still awakened by the voice. She dazedly looked at the people in front of her and clicked back and forth a few times before saying: "Xu, Teacher Xu, you I'm home?"

Xu Rong took the book in her arms and put it on the table, took out two pieces of paper, wiped her face, and asked, "When did you come here?"

"It came yesterday afternoon."

"Why don't you turn on the air conditioner? It's so hot." Xu Rong said, and walked over to turn on the air conditioner. "Also, I don't know how to close the door when I sleep."

Classmate Xiao Zhang sat up and said, "I didn't want to sleep, but I fell asleep after watching it. Don't turn it on, the central air conditioner consumes too much electricity."

"Oh, Sister Fangfang, Yang Mi, you guys sit down first." Xiao Zhang realized that his body was sticky at this moment, "I'll go upstairs and take a shower first."

"Drink some." Xu Rong originally wanted to ask them what to drink, but thinking that Xiao Zhang had just moved in, there must be nothing, so he asked, "How about plain water?"

Yang Mi secretly looked at the layout and decoration of the house, and when she heard Xu Rong's words, she nodded rather cautiously, and said, "Okay."

It was the first time for her to come to such a big house, and she quietly reached out and pinched the sofa under her buttocks, feeling that the elasticity was better than her own skin. Only then did she realize that Xu Rong's wealth is not only due to his shoulders Bag.

On the contrary, it was Jin Fangfang, this bunch of strings, let's take a look, came back after a while, and asked: "Xu Rong, your house is so big, isn't it too big for the two of you to live in?"

Xu Rongdao: "It's okay, the main reason is that I didn't come here, and I'm not at home often, so I'll just bring my family over later."

"By the way, what are you going to do about yesterday's incident?"

Jin Fangfang thought for a while, and said, "I plan to contact Director Du and Producer Zhang first to see the maximum deadline they can push back, and then communicate with Director Liu."

"But before that, you can't be idle. You have to meet the director and producer first. Logically speaking, we broke the contract first."

Xu Rong nodded his chin lightly, and said: "I don't think it's easy to communicate with the producer of the film. Didn't Huaming say yesterday that each of them will withdraw for one month? You can see if you can fight for it. It's really not good. I'll contact Zhou again." director."


Jin Fangfang took the water poured by Xu Rong and asked, "What if we can't coordinate?"

"If you can't coordinate, you won't be able to coordinate. The worst is not to pick up." Xu Rong shrugged and said, "They are begging me, not me begging them."

"What if there are other good books next year? Should I pick them up or postpone them?"

"Are there a lot of notebooks now?"

Jin Fangfang shook her head, and said, "Since "Harbin Under the Night" was broadcast, several of those who handed it over without reply were withdrawn."

"Withdraw?" Xu Rong frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

Jin Fangfang took a sip and said, "People say that your salary is too high and you can't afford it."

Yang Mi was interested in this and asked, "How much is Xu Rong's salary now?"

Jin Fangfang glanced at Xu Rong, seeing that he didn't mind, said: "The normal price is [-], and the friendship price is another."

Xu Rong became more and more puzzled, and said, "It's not too high. In the first two years, Li Youbin made 12. Now I guess it's almost 15. Where am I?"

Jin Fangfang rolled his eyes at him, you are really good at finding someone for comparison.

Holding the water glass, Yang Mi didn't dare to speak anymore, because she felt that poverty limited her imagination, one hundred thousand, isn't that high?Where did you go?

"Are you still accepting endorsements this year?"

Xu Rong glanced at Jin Fangfang. The question she asked was very strange, because how to accept the endorsement had been decided a long time ago, but since she asked it now, there must be other reasons.

"Ms. Xu, Mr. Xu, help me get a bath ball. It's on the balcony of the master bedroom. You can get it for me." Xiao Zhang's voice came from upstairs.

Xu Rong smiled awkwardly at the two, and said, "I'll go up."

"Wait until the new year is over." After running upstairs, Xu Rong vaguely guessed the reason, and then sat down and said, "You can let it go, just say that I only accept one endorsement a year."

Jin Fangfang immediately understood what he meant, and asked, "Bid?"

"That's almost what it means." Xu Rong remembered something he heard a while ago, "I heard that a certain small-eyed singer in Taiwan Province had a merchant offering 500 million yuan to invite him to perform in a commercial performance. No reply."

"It's just a one-sided statement. Who knows what's going on."

Xu Rong recalled the recent incident of tainted milk powder, and said: "By the way, milk powder, including health care products and food, are not accepted."

Zhang Guoli and his wife have scratched their heads for Sanlu's endorsement incident these days, but the overwhelming public opinion and overwhelming scolding cannot be resisted by two people.

Whoever gets involved in this kind of thing is unlucky.

PS: There is a high probability that the next chapter will not be released, so it depends on the situation.

(End of this chapter)

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