I'm just an actor

Chapter 153 Daily Life

Chapter 153 Daily Life
"Clang clang clang."

Xiao Zhang ran very fast, but when she ran back and forth from the kitchen to the upstairs, Xu Rong was almost ready for the poached eggs.

"Teacher Xu, look quickly, what is this!" Xiao Zhang took out a small notebook from behind with a face like offering a treasure, and held it in front of him.

Xu Rong glanced at her, looked at her in surprise, and asked, "You passed the exam in one summer vacation? It's amazing."

A brand new driver's license.

"Ang!" Classmate Xiao Zhang raised his chin proudly and looked at him sideways, but then he frowned slightly, "Mr. Xu, what do you mean, you passed the exam in one summer vacation?"

"Haha." Xu Rong said haha, "You haven't washed your face yet, have you? Hurry up and wash up first, I can't even open my eyes because of the bad breath in my mouth."

"It doesn't stink?" Xiaozhan took a breath and sniffed it, wondering, "And when you kissed me on the bed just now, why didn't you dislike the smell?"

"Then you have to wash your face and hands before you can eat."

"I'm afraid you can't do well, so I came here to have a look." Classmate Xiao Zhang patted the book into his hands, rolled up his sleeves and washed his hands, "Here, I'll cook, and you will be responsible for earning money to support the family in the future. I'm in charge of being as beautiful as a flower."

Xu Rong was pulled aside by her, without arguing, he turned on the range hood without any fuss, and said: "You are not entirely right, I can't just be responsible for earning money to support my family, I also have to be in charge of arranging flowers."

"Flower arrangement? What kind of flower to put in?" Xiao Zhang didn't react at first, but after waiting for a while, she turned her head quietly, her face flushed.

When eating, accompanied by the crisp collision of bowls and chopsticks, Xiao Zhang couldn't help being distracted, because the life now is what he dreamed of before, and he can be with Teacher Xu every day.

"What's the matter, why do you suddenly look stupid?"

"Mr. Xu, when school starts, shall we live at school or at home?"

Xu Rong thought for a while and said, "Usually live at school, come back on weekends, it's a long way to go back and forth, how is your summer review going, did you study hard at home?"


Seeing that Xu Rong was about to open his mouth, classmate Xiao Zhang immediately stopped him and said, "Don't test me."

"I didn't think so at first, but your words reminded me, hurry up and eat, I have to check your review after I'm done."

Xiao Zhang stared at him with wide eyes, and after a while he pointed to his temple and said, "Mr. Xu, are you thinking about unhealthy things again?"



Xu Rong glared at her, and said: "What are you thinking about all day long? We are adults and we must learn to control ourselves."

"Is that so?!"

Although Xu Rong said righteous words, but after seeing him without clothes, classmate Xiao Zhang didn't believe it, and said: "Mr. Xu, we have to go out and buy some things later, such as hair dryers, clothes Hold on, cups or something."

"Well, let's wait until the afternoon, you take a rest first, then let's think about what we need to buy, and try to buy as much as possible at once."

Classmate Xiao Zhang shook his head and said: "No, I have written down a lot of things that need to be bought in the notebook. By the way, I also need to buy bed brushes. Remind me after dinner, don't ask me to give it to me." forget."

Xu Rong looked at her in surprise: "Why buy a bed brush?"

"Didn't you see it? When I was tidying up the bed just now, there were several hairs of yours."

"It's up to me to come up, maybe it's yours?"

"You're talking nonsense." Xiao Zhang immediately retorted, "Mine is crooked, but yours is long and straight, so it's obviously yours."

"If you want to say that, I will have to study it carefully later."

Xiao Zhang's momentum suddenly weakened the boss, and said: "Then, let's forget it."

The two of them thought about it for a long time, and in the afternoon, they finally sorted out the list of miscellaneous things that should be bought. Looking at it, there are quite a lot.

But before going out, raindrops fell from the sky. Xiao Zhang stood in front of the door, looking at the weather outside, then looked down at his little white shoes, sighed helplessly, and said: It's going to be dirty."

Xu Rong took a look, and considering that there were still two days before school started, he said, "I have a good way to not be afraid of dirty shoes."

"any solution?"

"Of course not going out."

"Ah." Xiao Zhang was suddenly picked up by Xu Rong, and subconsciously put his arms around his neck, "Mr. Xu, why are you hugging me?"

"As long as you lie down all the time, your shoes will definitely not get dirty."

"Ms. Xu, at noon." Xiao Zhang seemed afraid of being seen by others, closed the door in a hurry, and whispered in his ear, "I only learned it at noon."

"I've eaten lunch, don't you want to eat dinner?"

"But, but..." Xiao Zhang was carried upstairs by Xu Rong, but after a long time, she was stunned, but she couldn't say anything, because she found that what Teacher Xu said seemed quite reasonable.

After the nick of time, classmate Xiao Zhang lay powerlessly in his arms, but his expression was quite surprised, and he said: "Mr. It touched the shoulder so easily, and it didn't feel strained at all."

"That's right, my waist is a little sore."

"Nonsense, a big living person will press your legs."

Feeling a little chilly, Xu Rong pulled off the air conditioner next to him, put it on the two of them, and said, "I heard that it would be much better if you put a pillow on it?"

"is that useful?"

"It's better to hit the sun than to choose the day, let's try now!"

"Ms. Xu, you, aren't you tired?"

"If the earthen jar cannot be broken away from the well, the general will inevitably die before the battle!"

"But it just didn't work."

After Xu Ronghao's soft and hard arguments, Xiao Zhang started to cooperate with others from half to push, but gradually lost the strength to speak because of physical and mental exhaustion.

It wasn't until Xu Rongming Jin retreated for a long time that she finally regained her strength and said weakly: "Mr. Xu, you, are you really not tired?"

Xu Rong hugged her, his hands were not idle, and said: "I'm not tired, I told you before that you should exercise more, but you just didn't listen, now you understand?"

Xiao Zhang is only 22 this year, as long as he perseveres and perseveres, there is a lot to be achieved in time!
"But at that time, I thought, if there is heavy work, I can let you do it."

"Couldn't Teacher Xu do the heavy work just now?"

"Teacher Xu, you are so shameless, hahaha."

She touched Xu Rong's abdominal muscles for a while, touched his arm for a while, and said, "Mr. Xu, when did you practice these things?"

Xu Rong thought for a while and said: "It's too early, I had it when I was in junior high school. Didn't you read the news? It was the one I pulled the flatbed truck. In the past, my family harvested crops, pulled manure into the field, and pulled chemical fertilizers. My family didn't Tractors are all pulled with a rope on their shoulders, and the road is uneven, if we have no strength, we and my father will have to drink northwest wind."

Looking back on it now, he thinks it was a very pleasant time, but seeing that classmate Xiao Zhang was depressed, he raised his arm, showed his biceps on purpose, and said, "Come on, let you touch it carefully." .”

"Wow, it's really strong."

"Where are you touching? I'm talking about the arm!" Xu Rong looked at Xiao Zhang with a strange expression and said, "If you keep talking, can I make you cry?"

"Ms. Xu, I still love you, hmph, don't love you any more."

"Haha." Xu Rong rubbed her head with a smile, "There is nothing to feel bad about. At that time, because I had never seen the world, and many people in the village were similar, I didn't feel bitter, but it is very painful now. Valuable experience."

Xiao Zhang has never experienced what he has experienced, so he can't quite understand the specific meaning of his "precious". He only vaguely understands that this should be the reason for his high degree of self-discipline.

Xu Rong's slightly changing palm suddenly stopped, and asked: "By the way, isn't your waist sore this time?"

"Well, that's a lot."

Xu Rong reached out and pinched the pillow again, suddenly remembered something, and said, "I feel that the pillows of our sofa are softer than the pillows? I'll go and get one from the downstairs and one next to it, let's try it?"

Xiao Zhang hugged Xu Rong who was about to get up and get out of bed, glanced at the dark sky outside the window, and said, "Mr. Xu, let's take a rest first?"

It's already sunset!

"Well, let's rest for a while, recharge your batteries, and help you stretch your legs later."

"You know how to bully me." Xiao Zhang pinched him again and said, "Mr. Xu, you can't do this, it will hurt your body."

"Where am I now? Look at the ancients, whether it is physical fitness, medical conditions, and hygiene levels, they are not as good as ours now, but they go up three poles in the morning, have a meal at noon, take a stroll, and often remember the sunset at Xiting. At night, you can work day and night, and you haven't seen them hurt your body?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang leaned his neck and stared at him with wide-eyed eyes. It took him a while to understand the meaning, and he said, "Well, if you say it like this, every time we part, we have to meet three times again?"


"For three days, please look at it with admiration."

Xu Rong smiled and said: "Then you have to impress first."



After a while of fuss, it was getting dark, classmate Xiao Zhang lay in Xu Rong's arms again, and said, "Mr. After having a child, don’t you think you have to be smart and good-natured?”

Xu Rong pondered for a while, and asserted: "This kind of statement has no scientific basis, and you can't believe it at all."

"That's right." Xiao Zhang nodded, waited for a while, and sat up suddenly, staring straight at Xu Rong, "Mr. Xu, are you beating around the bush and calling me stupid?"

Xu Rong looked at her in surprise, and said, "You can figure out such a complicated problem, how can you say you're not smart?"

"Oh, too."

The two of them swayed at home sticky for a whole day. In the middle of the night, they finally made up their mind that they had to go shopping the next day, because it was only two days before school started.

In the early morning of another day, before the sun was up, the two of them ate something and went to the city after the morning exercises that were a compulsory course for actors.

It wasn't until he came to the gate of the community that Xu Rong deeply felt that a car is a necessity of life. He and Xiao Zhang stood at the gate and waited for seven or eight minutes, but they didn't see a taxi.

Just when Xu Rong was thinking whether to call Jin Fangfang to pick him up, a black Volkswagen drove out of the community and stopped in front of the two of them. A 25-year-old girl with a long face poked her head out and said with a smile: "Mr. Xu, where are you going? I'll see you off."

"Okay, thank you then." Xu Rong was not polite, this was his butler.

His name is Zhang Yang, he is not tall, with a single ponytail, he is always very friendly with people, and he is not impatient when talking or doing things.

Xu Rong has seen a lot of listings, and those who do sales can't see anything, but when it comes to more specific property services, most of them are young girls. Maybe the girls are more careful, but it's strange It is older but not much.

Xu Rong took classmate Xiao Zhang into the car, and said to Zhang Yang, "Just put me at the bus stop later."

Zhang Yang smiled and said: "Mr. Xu, you are too polite. Where are you going? I will send you there directly. When you come back in the evening, send me a message, and I will pick you up again."

She had heard from Xu Rong that she hadn't bought a car yet, and she hadn't even taken the driver's license test. Of course, she wouldn't doubt that a person who bought two villas couldn't afford a car. She could only guess that he probably didn't have time.

She was busy just now, when she received a call from the security guard at the door, saying that Xu Rong seemed to be standing at the door waiting for a taxi, and she rushed over immediately. Anyone in this community who liked her would be willing to help her or give her a hand. Fuzheng, what else do you do as a housekeeper?
Xu Rong smiled and said: "I'm so sorry, you are busy with your work, we just go out to buy something."

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about. That's what I do. As long as you're satisfied, my job will be done."

Xu Rong smiled and said without arguing, "How many households are you in charge of?"

Zhang Yang looked back with a smile and said, "Three households, but two of them belong to you."


Since Xiao Zhang entered the first floor of the shopping mall, he immediately felt as if he had been beaten with blood. The long legs of the little white shoes became much lighter. You may not necessarily buy it after looking at it. You always compare it carefully. Struggle for a while, and then ask him for an idea before making up your mind.

After strolling around for a long time, when it was noon, Xu Rong suddenly felt a little depressed.

Classmate Xiao Zhang was strolling happily with two big white legs. Looking back, she saw Xu Rong stopped by the shelf in the distance, stopping to meditate. She trotted to the front and asked, "What's the matter, Teacher Xu?"

Xu Rong raised the handbag in his hand, and said: "I just feel that it's a waste of time for us to just buy such a little thing after shopping around for a long time, and it doesn't make any sense."

"Huh? Doesn't make sense?"

Xu Rong thought for a while, and said seriously: "In three months, you will have to take the postgraduate entrance examination. I have a movie to shoot in the beginning of next year. The time is very tight, so we can't waste it like this. We are not in a hurry to use the things. We can use them later. Buy, now you have to do something more meaningful for the future."

Xiao Zhang thought carefully for a while, and nodded in agreement. Except for daily necessities, the others are not particularly urgently needed, and he should really spend time on more meaningful things.

It was only when he entered the house, before he had time to change his shoes, and was hugged by his waist, that student Xiao Zhang finally understood what is meant by "more meaningful things".

Bah, dog man, it's not easy to lie!

(End of this chapter)

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