I'm just an actor

Chapter 154 No Car

Chapter 154 No Car
Because I bought a bed brush, time flies like an arrow, and the sun and the moon fly like a shuttle.

There are only two days left before the start of school, but for Xu Rong, it is not just two days.

He also needs to urge Xiao Zhang to study and prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination. Although he is a counterpart major, he has a poor foundation and a weak foundation. Although he has reviewed part of it during the holiday, it is just that in his opinion, when it comes to studying, one must show an attitude of excellence , day after day to work hard to study carefully.

On the last day before school started, classmate Xiao Zhang stared at Xu Rong bitterly and said, "Mr. Xu, I found out that you don't love me at all, and you keep saying that you want to supervise my study, but the thing that disturbs me the most is You always drag people to bed."

Xu Rong put a few goji berries into the water glass, took a peek, grabbed a few more and put them in, turned around, looked at Xiao Zhang, who was lying on the sofa and staring at her, and said in surprise: "Xiao Zhang, I found out why are you always talking nonsense with your eyes open?"

"You're talking nonsense, when did I open my eyes and talk nonsense?"

Xu Rongdao: "Did you forget that there were two more times, one was on the sofa, and the other was in the kitchen?"

"Haha, Mr. Xu, you still said, I said no!"

"Water, water, be careful it's hot."

The two quarreled for a while, and then leaned on the sofa side by side again. Classmate Xiao Zhang lay on his lap with his mouth pursed, and sighed pretendingly: "Oh, since you came back, I can't even read a single page of the book." Haven't finished watching yet."

"It's a combination of work and rest."

"But obviously there is only Yi, how can there be any trouble?!" Xiao Zhang raised his head and gave him a blank look, "Hmph, you just don't love me!"

Xu Rong smiled and said: "You are still alive and kicking, which proves that I love you very much. When I bullied you, I didn't dare to use my strength. Alas, my lord's troubles."

"Hahaha, Teacher Xu, you're not ashamed." She laughed and rolled, but because the width of the sofa was not as wide as she imagined, after two consecutive rolls, one of them didn't pay attention and rolled down.

When Xu Rong saw her happily turning around like a pig just now, he paid attention, because he had already noticed that she was not very good at turning around in place.

The most typical thing is to rest at night. She can turn from the middle of the bed to the edge, and then turn back from the edge, repeating this many times a night.

It stands to reason that such a habit should have caused her to suffer a lot in the past 22 years, but since everything exists, there must be a reason for its existence.

Xiao Zhang also has another instinct to match him, which is to roll the quilt.

The perfect combination of these two instincts ensured that when she was sleeping alone, even if she fell out of bed in the middle of the night, she would not fall screaming, and it also ensured that she would not fall when the two of them were resting.

What a joke, Xu Rong is also a master at rolling quilts!

Coupled with the advantages of weight and strength, Xiao Zhang still has the instinct to roll the quilt, so he can only roll it inward.

In the nick of time, Xu Rong grabbed her in his arms. There was no carpet in the house, and if she fell, no matter which one hit the ground first, it would be very painful.

There is still a long way to go to realize the lofty ambition, but he firmly believes that as long as he is willing to work hard, in time, Xiao Zhang will become a master!
"Oh my god, you scared me to death, you scared me to death."

Classmate Xiao Zhang patted his chest with lingering fear, but when he turned his head, he stared at Xu Rong and said, "It's all your fault, Mr. Xu, look, if it wasn't for you, you would have almost thrown me down?!"

Hearing what she said, Xu Rong gently put her on the ground again, pressed her arm to prevent her from getting up, and said with a smile, "I have to get rid of your bad habit of complaining first."

"Hahaha goose goose goose goose Xu. Mr. Xu, I was wrong. I was wrong. You make me up. Let me get up. Hahaha goose goose goose."

After a while, classmate Xiao Zhang tied up her hair, put on her clothes, and said, "Mr. Xu, do you know that you really look like a certain animal."

"What?" Xu Rong took a sip of wolfberry tea and looked at her strangely.

"Teddy!" She said, and Ma Liu lay on the sofa, hugging the backrest and acting like a puppy, "Hahaha, does it look like it? Does it look like it? Hahaha goose goose goose."

Xu Rong rolled her eyes and said, "I've seen people scolding others, but this is the first time I've seen myself scolding myself."

"I didn't scold myself, did I?"

"Then you say dog-day-is it a curse?!"

Xiao Zhang's smile stopped abruptly, and as he flew towards Xu Rong's back, he rushed forward: "Ah, Xu Rong, I will fight with you!"

After arguing for a while, she made a small face and said, "Mr. Xu, let me tell you, you must never say that again after you go to school. It would be embarrassing if others heard it."

"Yo, do you still know that you're embarrassed?"

"He's talking to you seriously." She said, and sighed softly, "Mr. Xu, I really don't want to go to school."

Xu Rong also echoed: "I don't really want to go, the main reason is that there is really no car. I stop at the door and look around for a long time. I can't even see the shadow of a car wheel."

In fact, he already had a rough plan in mind, and said: "It's not like living in the school every day, let's wait until October, and we will move out."

"Open your mouth."

Xiao Zhang reached out to pick a strawberry from the fruit plate, stuffed it into his mouth, and asked, "Why do we have to wait for a month?"

Xu Rongdao: "When we buy a car later, it will be convenient when we come back."

However, she stood up, ran to the sofa on the other side with the fruit plate in her arms, and asked, "Are you going to take the driver's license test too?"

Xu Rong looked at her actions with a smile, and said: "It depends on the situation. If you don't take the exam this year, you probably won't have time next year, but it's not a problem. You have obtained the certificate."

"That's fine, then Xiaozhang will take you for a ride." She smiled, seeing that Xu Rong didn't come to snatch it, she asked strangely, "Mr. Xu, don't you want to eat?"

"It's okay, I'll eat after you finish eating, it's the same."

"What are you going to do after I've finished eating?" Xiao Zhang looked at the strawberry in his hand, then looked up at Xu Rong, suddenly understood something, and suddenly felt that the strawberry didn't seem so sweet anymore.

In Xu Rong's plan, buying a car is imminent.

I must have moved in a year ago. This matter is related to the performance of the next play. If possible, I have to go to Xiao Zhang’s hometown during the National Day to try to bring her mother over.

That is to run in in advance, but also to find inspiration from life.

He's not sure whether "Paper Drunken Gold" will be popular, but he will watch next year's drama very seriously.

A work of transformation is inevitable.

Because with the addition of the one scheduled for next year, since his debut, he has made four spy films starring the male lead, and the current "Night" has become a huge hit, so he has to broaden his range of dramas.

As for Mr. Li Xuejian’s statement that he can’t compare spy wars to others, although he is confident, he is not arrogant. Even if you have a good notebook, you may not necessarily find him.

After the two arrived at the school, they were dumbfounded. There were only half of the classmates left in the class. After asking, they realized that all those who could escape had escaped.

Those who shoot commercials, movies, and TV dramas, and some even entrusted their connections to get internships in drama theaters and TV stations, as if they were afraid that they would not be able to find a job after graduation.

Together, Xu Rong and Xiao Zhang still didn't go home immediately to live a shameless life. After all, the future is long, and they have more important things to do right now.

Student Xiao Zhang devoted himself to the postgraduate entrance examination review, assuming that he must go to high school this year,

Xu Rong officially opened the script, a story about the new concept of marriage and love born in the 80s.

He didn't immediately set out to write a biography for the character. As usual, he first browsed through the script and then recorded his first impression.

A rather irrational and not completely reliable method, but after he tried many times, he found that paying attention to the first impression is really a necessary link.

Because the first impression process contains the first passion and freshness, even if the subsequent repeated reading, scrutiny, and discussion with the screenwriter and director are all analysis after rational return, at that time, if it involves overthrowing the previous role design, he becomes extremely cautious.

To some extent, the first impression is closer to the audience's first impression.

This is in exchange for past experience and lessons. A small summary is made every week or ten days, and a big summary is made for a film. At the time point of the whole year of working in the industry, I look back at the various experiences since filming from the current perspective. , Comprehend, check for omissions and make up for vacancies and even correct deviations.

Because as the building gets higher and higher, you can be more keenly aware of whether the foundation is solid or not. Thanks to the good teachers and helpful friends around him, although he has made mistakes in some small details, the overall skeleton is not the same. No deviation occurred.

After the character analysis is completed and the biography is done, that is, the process of establishing the mental image, he will try his best to experience life, and after experiencing it to a certain extent, he will start to try the sketch.

Xiao Zhang and her mother are indispensable in the latter two processes. Unfortunately, her father has not retired yet, otherwise the experience effect should be more perfect.

But after going through the script and recording the first impression, Xu Rong had a crazy idea in his heart.

The mountains don't come, let me go!
Anyway, I'm in my senior year, and I don't have much to learn, so I'll live in Anshan for two months with a stern face.

This is the complete process of character creation, and it is also a stupid method. A little more common is to read the script repeatedly, label the key points, and write notes. It is relatively simple to implement, but it tests the basic skills, technical reserves, and expressiveness of the actors. , logical ability, life experience and so on.

There is another kind of actor who starts to read the script the day before the filming starts, and does not finish reading it all at once, but reads the lyrics of which scenes are filmed the next day.

It is a very test of talent and luck, similar to a Chinese medicine doctor who was about to see a patient with a cold and cough. While diagnosing the pulse, he quietly found the unopened "Jingyue Quanshu" or "The Golden Mirror of Medicine", find out what the hell is the conflict between evil and righteousness.

Then I selected a section of photos and memorized it, and then found out the brand new "Thousand Gold Prescriptions", picked a prescription from it, and copied it down directly.

Grab the medicine according to the prescription!

If luck is good, the patient's illness may really be cured.

Actors and Chinese medicine are highly similar professions, because for laymen, the emotional experience and the theory of Yin-Yang and Five Elements respectively as the basis of the two are unfalsifiable theories.

Neither of them denies the great role of talent, but for technical occupations, talent alone is not enough. Zhang Shudi".

Xu Rong put down his pen, rubbed the center of his brows, and sighed for countless times: "Oh, it's really troublesome to be an actor without parents."

School has just started now, and there are not many people in the library. Hearing Xu Rong's emotion, Xiao Zhang turned her head. She didn't care what Xu Rong said just now, but she frowned and thought for a while, then remembered again. She moved her head closer After a while, he asked tentatively: "Mr. Xu, why don't you call me mom and see if I dare to agree?"

Xu Rong looked at her dumbfounded, and said, "Xiao Zhang, I noticed that you've been jumping more and more recently, is it itchy?"

"Then, come and whip me."

"Huh?" Xu Rong's expression gradually became strange, and he stared at Xiao Zhang for several seconds inexplicably, it was too late to say, and it was too soon, and he reached out to close the notebook, and said in a low voice, "Let's go home. "

He didn't dare to go to the hotel, the current heat was a bit ridiculous.

Xiao Zhang immediately hugged the edge of the table, guarding against him like an enemy, and said: "No, my aunt is here."

Xu Rong stopped abruptly again, and asked suspiciously, "Didn't you still eat ice cream yesterday?"

"Hey, I just figured it out. I just ate some ice cream yesterday." She smiled triumphantly, crossed her index fingers in front of him, and gestured, "Otherwise, I won't be able to eat it for ten days in a row." .”

"Have you tried any other flavor of ice cream?"

"Mr. Xu, there is something wrong with you."

Although we had close contacts during the time at home, the attempts were all routine, more bold and exciting, and Xiao Zhang still couldn't let go.

"Shall we go eat first?"

"Well, let's go."

Even if the door has changed to a new store, the two of them dare not go out to eat now.

The news that he and Xiao Zhang "divided and reunited" is really a big gossip, and even two days ago, the media rated it as one of the few "pink incidents" in the entertainment industry this year.

The red event is naturally a dozen couples of artists led by Wei Ling's big wedding in Bhutan, stepping into the siege of marriage one after another, and the black event is the death of several artists.

In the cafeteria, Xu Rong and Xiao Zhang had just sat down, and before they moved their chopsticks, they saw Yuan Shanshan and Jiao Junyan with loose hair coming hand in hand.

"Shanshan, this way, this way."

When Yuan Shanshan heard Xiao Zhang's shout, she turned her head subconsciously, showing a "surprised" expression, and waved at the two of them as well.

When the two of them first entered the door, they saw Xu Rong going to get chopsticks, but they really didn't want to eat with Xu Rong and Zhang Xiaofei.

It's not because of Zhang Xiaofei, but being with Xu Rong will only make them more anxious for no reason.

Half of the class has gone out, and the two of them can only sleep in the dormitory all day long.

When they saw Xu Rong just now, they resolutely decided to go back to the dormitory with the meal, but Zhang Xiaofei had already greeted them, so they couldn't avoid it deliberately. Let's make a good relationship.

Xiao Zhang sat next to Xu Rong, looked at the two sitting down, and asked, "Did you just wake up?"

"How is it possible?" Jiao Junyan took the conversation away, "We just went to play golf and came here after taking a shower."

Seeing that Zhang Xiaofei obviously didn't believe it, Jiao Junyan immediately changed the subject and asked, "Xu Rong, don't you need to go out to film?"

In her opinion, this is really an incredible thing, because in the past three years, Xu Rong has been busy like a spinning top every day.

Xu Rong thought for a while, and said: "I didn't receive the show, how about you, do you have any arrangements?"

He heard from classmate Xiao Zhang that the two of them had just met with a film crew yesterday, and judging from the mental state of the two of them, it is estimated that the expectations are not very good.

Jiao Junyan sighed weakly and said, "No."

Yuan Shanshan also shook her head.

Seeing the classmates running out one by one, they were already anxious to death, but no matter how anxious they were, there was nothing they could do. They couldn't follow the example of roommate Zhang Xiaofei and put Xu Rong to sleep, right?

Xu Rong knew that they were under a lot of pressure now, so she explained: "It's okay, don't worry, there is no fear of being late for a good meal."

Yuan Shanshan said: "You don't feel pain in your back when you stand and talk. If I were as popular as you, I wouldn't be in a hurry."

"If you are red, you have troubles with being red, and if you are not red, you have troubles with being not red."

Yuan Shanshan paused while eating, and asked, "I know the troubles of not being popular, but what troubles do you have?"

Xu Rong said without thinking, "My trouble is, it's too popular."

Looking at the expressions of the two roommates seeing a ghost, classmate Xiao Zhang quietly interjected: "Shanshan, Junyan, do you feel that the stupidest thing you did today was to eat with Teacher Xu?"

"Dog men and women!"

Xu Rong spread his hands and said, "Look, you don't believe the truth."

What he said was indeed the truth, and the reason why he felt this way was related to a recent incident.

Goji berries are crazy!
Because of the fire of "Night", the secrets in his black thermos cup spread like wildfire. As evidence, there are many photos of him pouring wolfberries out of the thermos cup when he cleaned it.

And "Night" itself is an idol drama disguised as a spy war, and fans of young boys and girls who were fascinated by Wang Yimin followed suit.

This is nothing at all, and maybe it will have certain benefits.

It’s just that the forum is a weird place. When a female fan posted about the 500g goji berries he bought, immediately some female fans posted the one-kilo package they bought.

Then, the incident gradually became bizarre to the point of fantasy.

The repeated speeches under the post have continuously refreshed the contemporary people's understanding of the concept of "a pack of wolfberry".

At present, a "pack of wolfberry" posted by a female fan who did not want to be named has reached 300 kilograms.

However, some merchants keenly sensed the wind, and immediately hoarded goods to drive up prices.

Goji berry is so expensive at present, it seems that it has reached the level that ordinary people can't afford it.

This was unexpected by Xu Rong, and he did not speak out because of it. Drinking goji berry itself is not a health regimen that is beneficial to everyone. It is only because people’s constitutions are more deficient than real that there is a common view that goji berry is "good".

Things have developed to the current level, although the root cause is because of him, but the nature and direction are already unpredictable, he has no choice but to keep silent.

It's too red, it's really a very painful thing.

ps: Because the article has been continuously reviewed and revised, sensitive content will be published in this chapter in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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