I'm just an actor

Chapter 155 Personnel

Chapter 155 Personnel
After recording the first impression of the character and conducting a preliminary analysis, Xu Rong didn't start writing the character's biography immediately.

According to different roles, the length of the biography is also different. Just like the previous Yu Zecheng, his biography should be more detailed.

Because Yu Zecheng is not a consistent character, his thoughts and ideas have undergone several major turning points with the development of the plot, especially the two major events of disappointment with the party and the country and the sacrifice of Zuo Lan. These two events are important divisions. The point is, the expression before and after must reflect the change of the character's mentality, so when writing a biography, we must also pay attention to the distinction.

Taking some free time, he made an appointment with director Liu Jiang and producer Luo Liping to have a meal together.

The main thing is to talk about role positioning and the relationship between characters, so as to ensure that there will be no major deviations between my own understanding and the director's conception. This is also the most important thing in playing a good role, and the school teachers will not go into details.

After chatting for a long time, Xu Rongcai asked if the show at the end of next year could be started in advance.

Neither of them gave him an affirmative answer on the spot, nor did they immediately refuse.

Because filming in advance is not only a matter of the will of the director and producer, whether other actors and personnel can be in place in advance, and the coordination of venues and equipment is not a matter of a few words.

In order to ensure that the two tried their best to coordinate the relationship between all parties, Xu Rong also showed enough sincerity. When he signed the contract earlier, "Night" had not yet aired, and he was not popular at the moment, and the salary was also based on the market price of [-].

Pay cut in half.

This was Xu Ronglin's first bargaining chip at the end.

As for the larger bargaining chip, the situation has not yet reached that point, and he will not take it out so early.

In fact, at the beginning, the two parties were going to cooperate on a spy war, but because of the sudden tightening of the general environment, the script had to be overhauled, and the current marriage and love drama came into being.

Take what you need.

The other party valued his popularity, and he valued the subject matter.

Before Xu Rong could get a reply, Jin Fangfang got the news first.


The director Du Yuming's attitude was ambiguous, he seemed to be able to talk about it, but he seemed unable to talk about it, he only said that he could not make the decision alone, but the producer Zhang Jian did not agree.

Xu Rong rushed to the company immediately after receiving Jin Fangfang's call.

The current situation is that it depends on whether the producer Luo Liping can advance two months. If he can, Zhang Jian will naturally have no problems.

That's right, Zhou Yu proposed to give up for one month each, but when Xu Rong talked to Luo Liping, he said it was two months, because under normal circumstances, discounts are inevitable. If he asks for one month, I'm afraid it will only be half a month moon.

On Zhang Jian's side, Jin Fangfang also asked for two months.

If everything can be negotiated, Xu Rong has enough time to prepare. Even if one party agrees, the schedule will be squeezed out. In the worst case, the two parties will cut in half, and the time will eventually be caught up.

Jin Fangfang was a little disappointed because the matter couldn't be done, and said: "I have tried various ways to communicate, even using you as the reason for not being able to participate in the performance, but he will not let go."

Xu Rong nodded to express his understanding. When he parted that day, he heard Hua Ming mention that Zhang Jian wanted his son to play the male lead.

It is estimated that I wish he would not pick it up.

He thought for a while, took out his mobile phone and said, "I'll make a call to Zhou Yu."

Jin Fangfang hurriedly stopped him and asked, "Didn't Producer Luo reply yet? Why don't we wait and see? What if they miss the time?"

Xu Rong smiled and said: "Can you make it up to the premise that you have to make this call."

"Producer Luo is willing to give face, it's the business of Producer Luo." Seeing that Jin Fangfang was puzzled, he explained, "It's Zhang Jian's business that Zhang Jian doesn't give face. Let's do something."

After dialing the phone, Xu Rong immediately poured out his bitterness. First, he once again expressed his expectation and gratitude for being able to act in Mango's filming. Then he carefully listed the hardships and hard work of himself and the company. At the end, at the end, I only lightly expressed my regret if I couldn't participate in the performance.

Zhou Xie gave the exact words, if he plays the role, he will vote, and if he doesn't play the role, whoever wants to vote will vote.

After Xu Rong hung up the phone, he breathed a sigh of relief. He had read the outline of the script, and it was the best book. Coupled with the advantages of the broadcasting platform, a Golden Eagle trophy was almost certain.

With his current popularity, there is no trophy in his family that he can take out. Every time he thinks about it, he always feels that he is not very happy.

The superficial purpose of the drama cast by Mango Channel is also obvious, which is to go for the Golden Eagle Award.

Just like "Yangcheng" in the southern festival, if your own children don't think it is good, how can you make others feel good?
As for why he had to make this call, it was to make Zhang Jian realize that although he, Xu Rong, did not bring money into the group, without him, you all have to play in the mud.

He realized a problem very early on. No matter how troublesome things are, in the final analysis, they are caused by people. Only when people's problems are solved, things will be easy to handle.

With his current status, it is unnecessary and impossible to use behavior to influence Zhang Jian, it will only lead to more unpredictable consequences.

Soft persimmons can be pinched once, and naturally they can be pinched a second or even a third time.

Since the influx of capital began at the beginning of last year, in the TV drama industry, the most vocal players have gradually evolved into top heads and TV stations, rather than directors or producers.

However, Xu Rong also noticed something different. With the popularity of the Internet, online video platforms have sprung up like mushrooms in the past two years, and all kinds of photographers are bustling and lively.

But on the whole, the current development of online video platforms is quite irregular. In short, piracy is rampant.

There are not many resources, but almost none of them have obtained copyrights, and some have not even obtained licenses, and are purely operated by black households.

It is foreseeable that this chaotic situation will not last long, and stealing money from the TV station is not a long-term solution at all.

Xu Rong is not sure whether the online video platform can develop in the future and shake the monopoly position of TV stations.

Because domestic film and television copyrights are bad debts everywhere, like the "Latent" he just finished filming, which was jointly invested by Zhang Jing and Southern TV. He is not very clear about the ownership of the copyright, but he understands one thing. Whether it is Southern TV or Zhang Jing, neither has the complete copyright, and when it comes time to broadcast, if another TV station buys out the copyright within a certain time limit, and then authorizes and re-authorizes, then the ownership of this copyright will be even more confusing.

The capital of "Latent" is relatively simple. Like "Three Kingdoms", seven or eight film and television companies jointly invested in the production, and the composition is more complicated. It is not an easy task to win the copyright.

Unless the video platform invests in the filming itself, but this involves risks.

The situation may change in the future, but this is the real situation at this stage, which has led to the right to speak of TV stations and top leaders.

The crew and producers have unknowingly become down-and-out workers.

But from Zhang Jian's reaction, it seems that he has not realized his identity as a worker.

Just thinking about it, Jin Fangfang understood Xu Rong's considerations. This is the difference in thinking caused by different perspectives.

What Xu Rong considered was not only the schedule, after all, if he joined a group where the producer saw that he was not going well, it is not difficult to predict how smooth it will be.

However, Zhou Yu's statement was enough to change Zhang Jian's attitude. Based on the principle of risk, Zhou Yu joined forces with six or seven TV stations to invest together. If he withdraws first, the other TV stations will probably retreat.

Even if the film can be filmed in the end, there will naturally be fewer TV stations that can be sent to it. This is the most important obstacle to the production.

Jin Fangfang said: "By the way, an interesting endorsement came to me recently."


"A goji berry brand."

Xu Rong opened his mouth and was speechless for a while before asking: "It's quite high?"

Because if there is not enough "sincerity", Jin Fangfang will not specifically mention it to him.

"The offer is 750 million."

"Less." Xu Rong shook his head, "The more you take this kind of health care product, the greater the risk. It's better to take less and make more money."

After returning to school again, Xu Rong began to write a biography for the character while waiting for the news. At the same time, he also started his own rush plan.

That is, visits.

Because if it is any other form of visit, drinking is unavoidable.

Reasonably develop strengths and avoid weaknesses.

During this period, with the crew he knew well, he played three guest roles in friendship. In view of his past affection, the two roles were not many, and he didn't ask for money for only a few seconds of close-up. "Reporter", a total of four scenes, and only a symbolic charge of 20 yuan.

As for guest appearances, he is neither eager nor repulsive. This in itself is a way to expand contacts or deepen relationships, but he will not deliberately pursue it. There are not many scenes in themselves, and the audience will not go to watch them specifically because of this.

But it made Xiao Zhang very happy.

Because Xu Rong changed hands and bought a Mazda as a means of transportation.

He originally wanted to wait until his money was more abundant and buy a car that would look like a big car, but considering the urgent need right now, he finally chose to make do with it temporarily.

Seeing Xiao Zhang, who was sitting in the driver's seat eager to try after picking up the car, Xu Rong asked a little worriedly: "Xiao Zhang, have you ever driven after you got your license?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, don't worry, fasten your seat belt, I'm going to light the fire."

"Hey, that's not right, clutch, what about clutch?"

"Automatic, no clutch."

Seeing her appearance, Xu Rong slowly lifted her heart, and reminded: "The brake is on the left, and the accelerator is on the right. Remember, step on the left in case of danger."

Xiao Zhang turned his head and stared at him: "Mr. Xu, you, a person who has never even entered a driving school, taught me how to drive?"

"Have you ever seen a pig running without eating pork?"

"Shut up." Classmate Xiao Zhang pointed at him, then patted the steering wheel, "Now the steering wheel is in my hands, you are not allowed to speak."

"Hey, where is the steering, where is the steering?" Xiao Zhang lowered his head and touched it, then looked up, "Oh, this is the wiper, isn't it, why is it still wet?"

Xu Rong grabbed the seat belt tightly, but he didn't feel even the slightest sense of security because of it, and said, "Xiao Zhang, don't worry, I'm a little scared."

Seeing Xiao Zhang who finally found the steering wheel, he simply unbuckled his seat belt, got out of the co-pilot, and then sat in the back row, telling him, "Xiao Zhang, don't lock the car door."

Xiao Zhang turned his head slowly, looked at him, and asked, "Mr. Xu, you don't trust me?"

Xu Rong said seriously: "No, I trust you very much, but I haven't lived enough to risk my life with you."

After setting off, Xu Rong realized that he was thinking too much. Xiao Zhang drove steadily, and he watched the bicycles next to him running ahead of him one by one.

But he didn't dare to urge, and he didn't even dare to say a word, because Xiao Zhang was too serious and focused on the opening.

Back straight, neck outstretched, staring at the front meticulously.

"Oh my god, Mr. Xu, Mr. Xu, look at what is in front of you, it's pitch black, oh my god, what are you doing?"

Under her nervousness, she stepped on the gas pedal with the accent she blurted out.

Xu Rong was taken aback by the nervousness of classmate Xiao Zhang's intrusion. She put her hand directly on the car door. There is a car."

When the car drove into the "black and dark" in her mouth, and saw the situation clearly, Xiao Zhang slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and said with lingering fear: "Oh my god, I was scared to death. Isn't this a tunnel? I thought it was a tunnel." what."

After more than ten minutes, classmate Xiao Zhang didn't hear Xu Rong's words, so he quickly glanced back, and immediately turned back to stare at the front, and asked: "Mr. Xu, why don't you speak, are you surprised by my driving skills Are you stuck?"

"Xiao Zhang, there is something on top of your head, that rectangular one, called the rearview mirror, you can see me without turning your head."

"Mr. Xu, you better stop talking."

Even though he was out of the urban area, Xu Rong still didn't dare to be careless at all. Xiao Zhang's gas pedal scared him just now, and said: "It's okay, just concentrate on driving and leave me alone."


At home, after parking the car in the garage, Xiao Zhang got out of the car, stood in front of the car, clapped his hands, and said, "Well, it's good, it's parked just right."

Xu Rong also smiled, she occupied both parking spaces by herself, could it be just right?

She came over, grabbed his arm, and said, "Come on, Teacher Xu, let's celebrate tonight."

"how to celebrate?"

Xiao Zhang let out a "hey" and said, "It's all your fault, you didn't remind me to buy vegetables before I came back."

Xu Rong said in his heart that he was still shopping for vegetables, and it would be nice if he could get home safely, and said, "I remember we still have a chicken we bought earlier in the freezer, and it will be stewed later."

"But there are no other dishes."

The two said, and entered the house.

"You don't have to stew it all, you can half stew it and half fry it." Xu Rong said to her with a smile, "It's called eating two chickens."

"I'll take a shower first." He took off his short sleeves, his back was already soaked, and he didn't dare to remind Xiao Zhang to turn on the air conditioner along the way.

After taking the chicken out of the freezer, classmate Xiao Zhang came out of the kitchen again, held up the thin chicken in his hand, and said, "Mr. Xu, there is only one big chicken, how can you eat two?"

"You'll know later, I'll do it."

She glanced at Xu Rong's weird expression before going upstairs, and felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't immediately figure out what was wrong.

It was only after taking a shower and being dragged into the room by Xu Rong that she understood what it means to eat two chickens.

(End of this chapter)

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