Chapter 156
As the National Day holiday approached, Xu Rong formally proposed the idea of ​​staying at Xiao Zhang's house for two months.

Not only Xiao Zhang was dumbfounded, but Xiao Zhang's parents who were far away in his hometown in the Northeast were also completely confused.

Why is it so sudden that you are going to come to live at home?

They didn't know they were living together.

And one stay is two months, which is too long.

Xiao Zhang's father has been a little uneasy since he heard the news. He has a feeling that the real big test is coming.

In this exam, they did not test Xu Rong, but Xu Rong tested them.

It is a traditional custom of 2000 years to be in the same family, not out of etiquette, but the needs of real life.

From the usual phone calls with his daughter, he has gradually realized this problem. For example, Xu Rong’s set of cosmetics costs tens of thousands, and learning dubbing from others can cost a small million a month. For them, these need to be accumulated for many years. Xu Rong has even taken it for granted.

Even the shoes that I usually buy for my daughter start at a few thousand. Perhaps in Xu Rong's view, the money is really not much, because he earns far more than he spends.

His daughter hadn't left school yet, so he didn't have a clear concept of money, but every time he heard such news, his heart always sank.

His initial impression of Xu Rong was that of a poor student who needed to be a tutor to earn living expenses, so he was quite shocked when he bought a house with 1000 million.

But it wasn't long before he gradually realized that Xu Rong was getting farther and farther away from them.

As the middle-level leader of the unit, he knows very well that wealth is directly proportional to level.

Concepts such as hierarchy and class are despised and shameless by contemporary positive energy concepts, but some people want to play billiards, so they buy a cue that costs tens of thousands of dollars, and then play with him Yes, it is absolutely impossible to be someone who is carrying a wooden stick worth twenty yuan to make troubles.

Especially the gossip about a colleague's family in the unit a while ago made him even more worried when he thought about it.

That colleague was at the same level as him, and could be considered a middle-class family. He only had one daughter, and he also had a three-year college talk with a boy from a better family background.

A while ago, when the boy came to the house for the first time, my colleagues invited Wu Yaya and a group of people to have dinner at the house to strengthen his prestige.

So many people sat together, it was inevitable to smoke, and the boy didn't smoke, so he suggested that the smoke could be put out.

The colleague was not happy, but it didn't happen. He just asked people to wash the dishes after eating.


Although your family is in good condition, we don't care. If you dare to bully my daughter, you will be the one to look at me.

The boy didn't say anything at that time, he just smiled and washed the dishes, but because the dishes were not clean, he was said a few more words.

The boy has never been in the kitchen since he was a child, not only him, but he has never even seen his parents in the kitchen.

After leaving, the boy directly broke up with the colleague's daughter and deleted her contact information.

As soon as he heard it at the time, he understood that his colleague had misunderstood the identities of the examiner and the examinee. Washing the dishes was not a big deal, but it was enough for people to have a basic judgment on the family tradition.

For a boy, it is too easy for him to meet a girl who is better in all aspects after giving up his colleague's daughter, but for a colleague's daughter, a boy may be the best quality object she can meet in her life.

The family backgrounds of the two parties are very different.

Standing under the red flag, this ancient and outdated concept should be firmly despised or even cast aside, but when you pick up the bowl, whether you should really despise or cast aside it, you should have a basic judgment in your heart.

The situation in my own family is similar. Xu Rong and his daughter have known each other for a long time, and they are classmates, so they can be together.

The relationship between getting out of poverty and getting out of the singles is similar to the relationship between being rich and getting bad for a man. Getting out of the singles does not necessarily mean getting out of poverty, but getting out of poverty will inevitably lead to getting out of the singles, because there are too many options for supply after getting out of poverty.

What he is most worried about is that his wife still has a grudge against Xu Rong. If he hadn't insisted on it and was the head of the family, he might not be able to raise so much money to buy a house.

If Xu Rong came to live for two months, his wife's attitude was revealed, and what was supposed to be a good thing would turn into a bad thing.

Xu Rong couldn't see it for a day or two before, but if he lived for two months, it might not be so.

The last time Xu Rong came over, the relatives he called were all the most respectable and socially well-known relatives, even those who didn't have much contact with each other, they were specially invited here, giving Xu Rong enough face.

Therefore, after much deliberation, he decided to do his wife's ideological work well before Xu Rong and his daughter came back, so as not to cause conflicts at that time.

During dinner at night, Xiao Zhang's father reminded him: "When Xiao Xu arrives in two days, you can't bring up false certificates, and be more warm to others."

When Aunt Wang heard this, she was displeased, and said, "I don't like to hear what you say, why am I not enthusiastic?"

Xiao Zhang's father glanced up at her and said, "It's been half our lives, how can I not understand you?"

The two were silent for a while, Xiao Zhang's father continued: "Tell me, what can we help him?"

Aunt Wang opened her mouth and said after a long time, "We also took half of the money for the house?"

"They will give you half a set for free from the very beginning, do you think they really see the house in their eyes? And it's not like you didn't hear Ruirui say that he's making millions for a movie now."

Of course Aunt Wang knew this, and said, "Then we didn't ask him to help us either."

"But he can choose someone who can help him."

As a husband, Xiao Zhang's father knew how to do his wife's ideological work, and asked, "What were we doing when we were 21?"

"Go to school, why are you asking this?"

"Then look at Xiao Xu." He put the bowl on the table, "I heard from Ruirui that in the celebrity industry, whether you are popular or not depends on your luck, and whether you can stay popular depends on your brain."

"It's been two years, but Xiao Xu hasn't gone downhill at all. What does that mean?"

"What do you mean?"

"It shows that he knows what he wants and what he should give up."

Aunt Wang looked at her husband strangely and asked, "What do you mean by that?"

"It's not like you don't know about Lao Liu's daughter."

"Can't you?"

"We treat our daughter as a treasure, but people may not think so. I read a book called socioeconomics some time ago. I think one of the theories is very interesting."

Xiao Zhang's father took a sip of water and said: "That's the way to say that men and women choose to get married because they think the utility of marriage is higher than the cost, just like you are willing to spend fifty cents for a bag of candy, it is because you think eating candy The utility, that is, the feeling is higher than losing [-] cents, and the marriage is the same, the cost is freedom and responsibility, and the utility is psychological feeling and mutual help.”

"If one day we feel that the utility of divorce is higher than the cost, then we will choose to divorce. We can't forcibly increase the cost of the two of them being together, because we don't know Xu Rong's measure of the utility of marrying Ruirui."

"You're talking nonsense!" Aunt Wang thought for a while before retorting, "How can two people be measured by simple cost and utility?"

Xiao Zhang's father laughed, and stopped talking about this topic, he knew his wife had listened.

Xu Rong didn't understand the discussion of Xiao Zhang's parents, and a strange thing happened to him.

Today he came to the production crew of "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji" to visit Deng Chao's class.

But when he arrived at the set, when he heard that he was watching Deng Chao, the smile on his face immediately faded, and he just pointed to the corner of the set.

He looked along and saw that in the corner, Deng Chao was resting alone on a chair. Within a three-meter radius, there was not even a fly except himself.

Deng Chao lowered his head slightly, bowed his body expressionlessly, put his hands on his knees, his eyes were dull, and he didn't say a word.

Xu Rong didn't go over immediately, but after looking at it for a while, he realized that something was wrong. Even if someone wanted to pass by him during the period, he walked around, and no one had the slightest language or eye contact with him during the process.

Such a scene seemed familiar to him, and it was still on the crew of "Yangcheng".

Humans are social creatures, but if they are forcibly separated from society, it is easy to be emotionally broken.

At that time, what he sighed was Zhao Junkai's wrist, but later he realized that it was not just the wrist problem.

Coincidentally, the crew of "Yitian" has similar conditions, unprofessional, family crew, and one-sided.

The characteristics of Zhang Jizhong's group are not a secret in the industry.

Deng Chao was isolated.

With Deng Chao's emotional intelligence, it stands to reason that this kind of thing shouldn't have happened, but looking at the current situation, it's hard for Xu Rong to guess the reason.

After the contact, Deng Chao's emotions also verified his guess.

In more than 20 minutes, Xu Rong only saw him smile once, and it was still forced out.

He didn't ask why.

Zhang Jizhong is Hua Yi's director, and Deng Chao is Hua Yi's second elder brother. The reason is simply a fly on a bald man's head, it's obvious.

Xu Rong didn't want to stay in the crew much, even if he was just visiting the set, he couldn't bear the atmosphere of being treated like air, and he didn't want to see Zhang Jizhong's annoying face.

Living in such a group for two or three months, there will be no depression and not too much difference.

But before leaving, Deng Chao hesitated for a while, and asked him to stay for a while, and let him have a drink with him at night.

Xu Rong thought about it, and didn't refuse, but she didn't stay on the set, but went out to find a place by herself.

The superficial reason for the matter is very simple. Deng Chao did not agree to Zhang Jizhong's hype scandal.

But with Deng Chao's reputation, he has the right to refuse.

Xu Rong didn't know how to persuade him, unless Deng Chao immediately went to Zhang Jizhong to bow his head and admit his mistake.

But that is equivalent to being slapped on the left cheek, and then handed over the right cheek. For a first-line actor, it is too embarrassing.

The two of them drank for half the night, but Deng Chao didn't dare to drink too much, because Zhang Jizhong couldn't tell how to watch him because he delayed tomorrow's show.

What Xu Rong didn't expect was that as soon as he left on the front foot, troubles followed him on the back foot.

"Deng Chao's "Yitian" encountered cold violence."

As Huayi's second brother, a popular niche in the mainland, and filming his own drama, Deng Chao's treatment like this is simply sensational.

And the media immediately rushed to the crew of "Yitian" like moths to a flame.

Facing the surging media, Zhang Jizhong was stunned for a while, and then said: "How is it possible? It's nothing, a group of dozens of people, how can there be no contradictions, but if you talk about cold violence and isolation, it's really pretentious. gone."

What he was thinking at this time was, who revealed it?
How to calm public opinion?

The people in his group have been with him for five years at the shortest time, so it is impossible to disclose this kind of thing to the media.

A reporter said: "But yesterday Deng Chao took Xu Rong to drink, and then he seemed to break down and cry."

Zhang Jizhong was stunned for a moment, and looked back at the set. He remembered that if he wanted to talk about an outsider, there really was an outsider.

Xu Rong!

And he still came to visit Ban Deng Chao.

Fight against injustice?

Or deliberately find fault?

He couldn't think like this. Xu Rong came to visit the class yesterday, and out of politeness, he went to say hello, but Xu Rong just glanced at him and ignored him at all, which made him quite embarrassed.

He didn't know which nerve was wrong in Xu Rong's mind, but those were not important anymore.

In an instant, while he was angry, he also had an idea,
"You keep saying that I isolated Deng Chao, did Deng Chao tell you?" Zhang Jizhong didn't want to bear the charge of cold violence against Deng Chao, and couldn't bear it, so he asked directly, "Or did Xu Rong tell you?"

"Some people just can't see the good of others, don't think about how to do their own work well, always want to make others worse, and spread rumors everywhere. Such people will be punished by God."

His tone was very instructive, and immediately after saying "Xu Rong told you?", he continued with the next sentence.

Remembering that he became excited immediately, Xu Rong's enthusiasm was much higher than Deng Chao's, and immediately asked: "Producer Zhang, do you think Xu Rong is the one who spread the rumors?"

"Whoever makes small moves secretly knows in his heart that young people nowadays, when they become popular, are so swollen that they don't know what their last name is." Zhang Jizhong said with a smile.

When Xu Rong received the news, he was packing his luggage at home and preparing to go to classmate Xiao Zhang's house. The moment he saw the news, he couldn't help thinking, "Is Zhang Jizhong mentally ill?"

Although he didn't mention his name, didn't he come for him overtly and secretly?

But after thinking about it for a while, he understood why Zhang Jizhong did this.

At present, no one mentions his cold and violent Deng Chao, and all the attention is focused on the explosive point of "Zhang Jizhong bombarded Xu Rong".

It's a public relations method that sucks on the street, but it has been tried and tested.

Now that the facts have been exposed, it's better to make the matter bigger and point the gun at Xu Rong, who is in a mess right now, so that his family's scandal can naturally be covered up.

He was used as a gun by Zhang Jizhong.

Yesterday he acted as an embarrassment to Zhang Jizhong, he did it on purpose, between the two of them, it was not a festival, but he still couldn't swallow his breath.

Jin Fangfang came very quickly, and she rushed to the house within half an hour after sending the message.

Jin Fangfang said: "I have already discussed with our public relations on the way here, and you should immediately issue a statement to clarify this matter."

Xu Rong shook his head and said: "I can't clarify, this matter is not because I did it, but because I have been to the crew of "Yitian" and I am one of the insiders. I am afraid that Zhang Jizhong has long believed in my heart that I revealed the news , I guess, he won't let it go."

"He dares to say that, mainly because he thinks that I can't do anything to him."

Jin Fangfang said: "But if you don't clarify, it makes you feel guilty."

Xu Rong smiled and said: "Clarify it on the blog, I won't show up. By the way, tell Guo Si that we will stop cooperating with Zhang Jizhong in the future."

"We don't have any cooperation with him." Jin Fangfang whispered, "Is this the case?"

"Otherwise, you can't spend money to find someone to beat him up, can you?" Xu Rong spread his hands and said with a smile, "That's too unruly, and no one will dare to play with us in the future."

"Then what if, as you said, he has been entangled?"

"Reality is not a rivers and lakes. Please feel good and bad." Xu Rong flattened his clothes, put them in the suitcase, and said indifferently, "My grandpa told me a word, not only to be able to swallow, but also to be able to breathe." Smashed teeth and swallowed with blood."

On the way to the airport, classmate Zhang grabbed Xu Rong's hand and asked, "Mr. Xu, what are you going to do with him?"

She wouldn't believe the nonsense that Teacher Xu told Jin Fangfang just now.

"What can't be done? How ugly." Xu Rong said with a smile, "Don't worry, take your time, swearing at people, it's not painful, it's not interesting, and it just happened to do what he wanted."

(End of this chapter)

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