Chapter 157
"Boss, take two bottles of water."

"Three dollars."

"Isn't it a dollar a bottle?"

"The price has increased."

Xu Rong paid the money and really felt the impact of the violent financial crisis.

Previously, he had seen all kinds of remarks about the financial crisis on the Internet, but no matter whether the bank collapse or the subprime mortgage crisis, they did not have a too intuitive impact on his life.

While drinking the water, he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

There is still a huge sum of money in the stock market!

Compared with Zhang Jizhong pulling him to take the blame, the financial crisis had a greater impact on him, because he couldn't beat Zhang Jizhong to death with a single stick, and in turn, Zhang Jizhong couldn't do anything to him.

Except it's a little gross.

And he still has a house in his hand.

In the past, even if he only had hundreds of thousands of cash in his hand, he still owed the company 200 million. On the way, you can also drop a sum of cash in your hand.

But now, he has no choice but to worry about it. His mother dare not admit that the housing prices in foreign countries have fallen. If he turns around and follows the same decline in China, he will really have to bear a huge debt.

But after probably reading some analysis on the financial crisis, he calmed down a bit.

Because the money to buy the house was borrowed!

Looking at it now, it was quite a correct decision to borrow the company's money to buy a house. With the financial crisis, the real estate industry, which is the engine of the economy, suddenly suffered a cold, but what is more inevitable is inflation.

As long as the rate of depreciation of the house is lower than the rate of inflation, he will not lose money.

In addition, to give him a reassurance, the film and television industry seems to be less sensitive, and it is still in full swing.

When the two were waiting for the plane, Xiao Zhang asked, "Mr. Xu, do you drink water?"

Xu Rong pointed to the water he bought earlier, and asked, "Isn't this?"

Xiao Zhang shook his head and said, "I'm talking about hot water."

"Then give me a drink too."

Classmate Xiao Zhang brought two glasses of water. Seeing Xu Rong staring at the mobile phone and watching the news seriously, he put the water aside, tore open a pack of snacks, stuffed it into his mouth quietly, and asked, "Mr. Did you really decide not to go to the Spring Festival Gala?"

"It's not that bad of exposure." Xu Rong shook his head and said.

Two days ago, the company received an invitation from the director team of the Spring Festival Gala, and he declined because he wanted to go home to spend the New Year with the elderly.

With his current popularity, the Spring Festival Gala will not bring him much improvement, and there is no worry of a decline in popularity in a short period of time. The next two years should be regarded as his high-yield period. With the quality of the book, no matter how bad it is, it will be worse. not going anywhere.

Furthermore, as an actor, even if no one can see lip-syncing on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, it doesn't mean anything to his screen appeal.

An actor who always makes bad movies will never be bought by the audience just because he went to the Spring Festival Gala once.

Several rounds of rehearsals for the Spring Festival Gala, together with recording and practicing, took too much time. With that effort, he can properly prepare a play.

Of course, the most important thing is that grandpa didn't move to live in the capital. For the New Year's Eve, let the old man eat the New Year's Eve dinner alone at home, which would lose the original purpose of earning money.

After reading another analysis on the economic crisis, Xu Rong caught a glimpse of classmate Xiao Zhang holding a cup in both hands. He peeked out and asked, "What are you drinking?"

"Water, water." Xiao Zhang said in a slightly uneasy tone.

Xu Rong reached out and was about to take it for a taste, but Xiao Zhang might as well hide for a while, and at the same time raised his head and drank it, licked his lips and said, "It's really water, I'll take it for you too, don't you believe it?" Try it."

He didn't believe it at all. As soon as he sat down just now, Xiao Zhang volunteered to fetch water in a hurry.

He took classmate Xiao Zhang's cup, and there were still a few drops in it. The color was really water. He raised his head, poured the last few drops into his mouth, tapped his mouth, and asked with a frown, "Tell me, Whose water is sweet?"

"Yes, is that so?" Classmate Xiao Zhang blinked her eyes. She originally wanted to drink a Coke, but she didn't dare to take it because she was afraid of being seen. Instead, she took a Sprite that looked similar to water.

"It's also possible, it's the fragrance of the air?!"

Xu Rong rolled her eyes and said, "Your brain, I guess, is all spent on eating."

Xiao Zhang muttered in a low voice: "That's not necessarily true, I lose my brain when I eat you."



When he arrived at Xiao Zhang's house, Xu Rong suddenly found that Aunt Wang was much more enthusiastic than the previous two times, as if he had returned to the time when he first came to help Xiao Zhang with homework.

It's still a bit restrained. Xiao Zhang's father has to go to work during the day and is away most of the time, but her mother has already retired, so there is nothing wrong with her.

He was dangling in front of his eyes all day long, which led to no chance for him and Xiao Zhang to communicate in depth.

Because on the night of the first day, after dinner, Aunt Wang had already made arrangements for him clearly.

"Xiao Xu, you should sleep in the room near the door. The quilts are freshly dried, and the pajamas and bath towels are in the cabinet next to the bed. Just throw the clothes you want to change into the washing machine."

"Ruirui, you sleep with mom at night."

Xu Rong and Xiao Zhang looked at each other, and the eyes contained great encouragement to each other, so that the other party suddenly increased the courage to propose to live in the same room.

It's just that the two of them looked at each other for a long time, and in the end, they both choked out the word "good" at the same time.

Xu Rong really wanted to take the opportunity to make something happen, such as arguing with classmate Xiao Zhang, or having a conflict or something, so as to observe her parents' reaction.

But after trying a few times, the expectations were not ideal, because he found that he really couldn't quarrel with Xiao Zhang.

Her logical sophistication and fluency of language during the quarrel are soaring to the sky, and she quotes from many sources and is well-founded. Even if he deduces in advance and replays after the event many times, Xiao Zhang can always catch the language or logic. The loophole was finally plugged until he had nothing to say.

And every time this time, Aunt Wang would always stand up and push back, and beat up her daughter.

It's just that when Xu Rong happened to see classmate Xiao Zhang taking notes, which was the excuse he made for the quarrel, he didn't dare to find fault easily.

Nov. 2008, 10

Teacher Xu secretly drank up my milk tea, and didn't leave me a sip!

Nov. 2008, 10

Ignore him for an hour.

Nov. 2008, 11

Didn't say goodnight to him.

Nov. 2008, 11

I dreamed that I yelled at him.

Xu Rong looked at the neat and tidy fonts on the brand-new notebook, and always felt that what he did was a bit stupid. The first reason seemed to be the same, but the latter three became more and more perverted the more I looked at it now?
He didn't dare to say anything, pretending that he had never seen these records.

At night, after saying good night to classmate Xiao Zhang, Xu Rong put down his phone, closed his eyes and thought about what happened today.

At present, the plan is quite satisfactory. After living for more than a month, at least I know what the real relationship between parents and children should be like.

Not only for his next play, but also for his entire career. These are the most common experiences for ordinary people, which he has never experienced.

After lying down for a while, I felt a little urge to urinate, so I got up without turning on the light, went out of the room, and walked to the toilet.

When he was approaching the bathroom door, his figure suddenly stopped.

It was almost twelve o'clock, and the room was pitch-black. When he passed the living room just now, he seemed to have caught a glimpse of a figure sitting on the sofa.

He turned his head slowly, squinted his eyes, looked back, looked from behind the sofa, there was nothing.

It should be my own dazzled.

Thinking this way, he went into the toilet, and after a flushing sound, he glanced at the living room through the light of the bathroom, and there was indeed nothing.

After turning off the light, the darkness in front of his eyes suddenly became more and more complete. Following his memory, he walked towards the room at the door again.

As he passed the living room, he subconsciously glanced at the sofa again.

A figure sat there in good condition.

"Illusion, hallucination."

He lifted his feet and walked towards the room. At this time, he was wearing slippers, mainly the guy who didn't have a good hand.



After taking two steps, his feet suddenly stopped in mid-air when they were still a few centimeters from the ground.


It was as if the sound of shoes hitting the ground came again.

He turned around abruptly, and there was nothing behind him.

The figure on the sofa is still sitting peacefully.

He tentatively asked, "Xiao Zhang?"

There was no response.


He took three steps and pressed the light switch in the living room.

The living room suddenly brightened.

At this time, he finally saw the appearance of the "figure".

I saw classmate Xiao Zhang wearing a pink bear pajamas, holding a cup of milk tea, shrinking his neck, biting a straw, his body was motionless, and his eyes were staring at him.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds. Xiao Zhang put his index finger on his mouth and said softly, "Shh, you can't see me."

Looking at the milk tea cups in her arms, Xu Rong was angry from the heart at this time, and the evil turned to the guts. He walked over in three steps at a time, snatched the milk tea in her hand, and put it in his mouth , took a sip, and drank it clean.

Then quickly put down the cup, turned and went back to the room.

Classmate Xiao Zhang lowered his head and glanced at the empty cup in front of him, looked at Xu Rong's back, opened his eyes slowly, and clenched his fists unconsciously.

The last sip of milk tea, I didn't drink it!
I'm so mad!
Before drinking the last sip of milk tea, Xiao Zhang, who drank a cup of milk tea for nothing, obviously didn't sleep well, and when he was eating the next morning, he still stared at him angrily for a long time.

Aunt Wang looked at Xiao Zhang's appearance, and said in surprise: "What's the matter, didn't you feel fine before going to bed yesterday?"

"Maybe it's because I'm still angry after waking up." Xu Rong immediately explained.


"how do you know?"

Seeing the scrutiny of Xiao Zhang's parents, Xu Rong laughed dryly and said, "I guess."

"Ruirui is not good at this point, Xiao Xu, you can be more tolerant, if you don't sleep well and get woken up, you can be very angry, once when I was young, I was still in the fifth grade at that time."

Xu Rong nodded, he had already felt the kindness of Xiao Zhang's parents to him.

These emotions, most of the people who usually come into contact with him treat him like this.

Only a few people didn't have the slightest scruples, grandpa, classmate Xiao Zhang, and a Zhang Jizhong who had nothing to do with him but was widely concerned now.

After Jin Fangfang issued a statement on his behalf, as he expected, Zhang Jizhong did not stop there.

"Why doesn't he dare to respond positively?"

Xu Rong, who is far away in Anshan, is really on fire. He can understand Zhang Jizhong's way of diverting the troubles to the east, but it is a bit too much to expect him to splash dirty water on him.

Of course, understanding belongs to understanding.

But he didn't get dizzy because of this, but thought about Zhang Jizhong's intention.

Zhang Jizhong's big mouth is not the first time, and it will definitely not be the last time, but he is still able to flourish in the industry. On the one hand, his works are on the one hand, and on the other hand, he has to admit that his big mouth is just On the surface, every time he does something, he has a strong purpose.

He knows exactly who can be offended and who cannot be offended.

A very inspiring senior.

It's also interesting to say that Zhang Jizhong and their class are predestined, now that Yang Mi mentions Zhang Jizhong, she gnashes her teeth, wishing she could chop him up with a knife.

Back then, Zhang Jizhong slapped and added the sentence "Don't look at yourself!" It woke up Yang Mi completely, and made her realize that she was just an insignificant little actor.

But now, it gave Xu Rong the motivation to move on.

Xu Rong just asked Jin Fangfang to argue with Zhang Jizhong like a mad dog, but he still ignored it.

It's boring to have a mouthful.

During the time of tutoring classmate Xiao Zhang, there were disturbing things, but naturally there were also good things. Both Luo Liping and Du Yuming received good news one after another. The role of the play was pushed back for another month.

This has greatly exceeded his expectations, which means that between the two plays, he has a buffer period of one month, which can be used to adjust his state and make preparations.

"Mr. Xu, is my mom going out to buy groceries?" Classmate Xiao Zhang quietly turned his head and asked in an inexplicable tone.

Life in Anshan is quite simple. Originally, Aunt Wang wanted Xiao Zhang to go out for a walk, but Xu Rong refused without hesitation, which delayed Xiao Zhang's study.

The two of them only took time to visit her former school, and took the night walk she said she had taken when she was a child to learn dancing alone.

I really don't have time to explore more deeply, so I just took advantage of the time when Xiao Zhang's parents didn't pay attention.

"Ah, Teacher Xu."

Xu Rong reached out and hugged her on his lap.

Xiao Zhang said nervously, "No, Teacher Xu."

The last time Xu Rong felt like returning to her own age was when she played the 17-year-old handsome red soldier during "North Wind".

Since returning to Beijing after participating in the Golden Eagle Festival, this feeling has become more real and clear. He has a feeling that what can limit him is not quantifiers such as "hui" or "time" at all, but the length of the night.

As classmate Xiao Zhang was talking, Xiaoshou also began to be dishonest: "Then what about us?"

Xu Rong held her hand down, but if Aunt Wang killed the carbine and caught the current one, the fun would be great, and she said: "Look at you, you are impatient, this kind of thing, wait until you turn around and come back." home."

"But, but I can't stand it."

Classmate Xiao Zhang breathed in his ear and whispered, she knew that Teacher Xu prefers to be soft and tough than rushing, but it's been a long time since he has been intimate, and he is always teasing, making people hard to get along of.


Hearing the sound of the door, Xiao Zhang let go of his little hand as quickly as lightning, sat back on his stool, grabbed his pen, sat upright, and pretended to be studying seriously.

"I forgot to take the bag." Aunt Wang's voice came from the living room, and after a while, she walked to the door of the study, poked her head over and said, "Xiao Xu, Ruirui, shall we stew ribs today?"

"Please, Aunt Wang, I can do it."

Sitting in front of the desk, student Xiao Zhang felt his face was hot, and he didn't dare to raise his head, so he said softly, "Me too."

Aunt Wang glanced at her daughter, then at Xu Rong, who had a normal face, nodded lightly, and said, "Don't just study, you should rest for a while."

"OK, all right."

"Scare me to death, scare me to death."

Xu Rong looked at Xiao Zhang, who was lying on the table, looking like he was out of strength, and said with a smile: "Be honest now."

Xiao Zhang stared at him and said, "It's all your fault."

Xu Rong imitated Xiao Zhang's tone just now, and suppressed his voice: "But... I can't stand it, hahaha."

"Ah, Teacher Xu, you still said that I will fight with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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