I'm just an actor

Chapter 159 New Years

Chapter 159 New Years
Words can lie, but deeds are always honest.

At the beginning of the release of "Night", both Xu Rong and Jin Fangfang maintained optimism on the surface, but in essence they were just cheering for each other.

Even on CCTV's golden channel, there are many people who can't make the slightest splash.

Since "New Shanghai Beach" in the middle of last year, for more than a year, Xu Rong has not starred in a work released. For a first-line actor, this is a common thing, because the conversion of overnight popularity requires a process.

Just because it is a common thing, there will be a change of old and new.

Whether it is Xu Rong or Jin Fangfang, they all understand the importance of the ratings of "Ye" and the nature of this industry determines that it is not a rare thing to become popular overnight, but most of the follow-ups have proved to be short-lived. After the popularity, because The sky-high price contract like moths to the flame, the quality of the work has been declining all the way, and the number of character scenes has become less and less, and finally no one cares about it.

Before "Night" was released, Jin Fangfang even contacted many film and television critics and several groups of water troops, and was ready to flood the negative reviews.

Hairun, like most companies in this industry, does not have the ability to delete bad reviews, so suppressing those comments that are not friendly to Xu Rong to a certain percentage is the best way to deal with it.

It doesn't take much, just a certain amount of guidance.

Conformity is a common mentality, just like Samsung and Nokia, which have been hammered in the market in the past few years, and Bird who can’t stand up. When the praise appears frequently enough, even if there are indeed problems with the quality, some people who have doubts will turn to it. Dubious.

In essence, it is consistent with imprisoning people who make mistakes for half a month and requiring them to copy certain ideas day and night.

Finally, the instinct to know that it is hot when you see fire is formed.

But it turns out that the preparations in advance were superfluous.

With "Night", Xu Rong's worth directly ranks among the top leaders.

Before the release of "Paper Drunken Gold", Jin Fangfang also made similar preparations. The popularity of "Night" has not passed. Xu Rong has a certain ability to resist risks, but when he can go to a high place, why should he go to a low place? ?
Looking at the more than 40 media present at the press conference, Jin Fangfang breathed a sigh of relief. Whether it is criticism or praise from the Internet and film and television critics, a large part of it can be artificially produced with some money, but only Two can't.

Real money and the attitude of others.

Just like Xu Rong's high price of 12 yuan for a single episode, and more than 40 media present today.

During the introduction just now, she noticed a detail, Hai Qing made an inappropriate joke, Xu Rong didn't answer her, but Hai Qing immediately chose to apologize.

Liu Jiang, the director, and Luo Liping, the producer, were not surprised at all, and even took it for granted.

A very small detail.

Hai Qing made her debut two years earlier than Xu Rong, and she was still his senior, but the mainland film and television industry does not pay attention to seniority. When a group of people sits down, whoever gets their ass hit the stool first depends on whether they will debut sooner or later.

These small behaviors are not a big deal. As a party involved, Xu Rong didn't notice it clearly, but as a bystander, she could see it very clearly.

As for the controversy that Xu Rong's speech would bring, she didn't care, it was completely in line with the original plan, and she didn't intend to shape him into a perfect image.

Because he is a person, he is not perfect, and it is impossible to be perfect. Just like before when he was in Shanghai, he always went to bars and nightclubs. She only asked about the specific situation and did not intervene in the slightest.

Moreover, fame will inevitably bring controversy. A top-tier star spitting everywhere and an [-]-tier artist cheating, which one is more controversial and topical to the audience, hardly needs to be judged.

The next step is to reorganize the plan.

After the press conference, Xu Rong bid farewell to the fans, said hello to Jin Fangfang, and quietly went back to her hometown to celebrate the New Year like a thief.

On the plane, he went over the plan carefully, and at the same time designed a set of interlocking speeches.

How to persuade the old man to go to the capital.

But the subsequent development of the matter exceeded his expectations.

The reason is of course that the old man he was looking for could not refuse.

look after baby!
Of course, when persuading him, he mentioned that he should go there first to familiarize himself with the environment.

Although the old man's legs and feet are inconvenient, he has never exerted great strength in his whole life. When he was in the mine, because of the huge advantage of literacy, he became the captain within two years. Therefore, although he is old now, he is still healthy It is healthy.

The topic was after the new year, on the second day of the new year, Xu Rong brought it up when he was building a chicken coop at home.

It’s okay not to mention it, since he entered the house, the old man has urged him to build a chicken coop for the third time, saying that it is better to raise a few chickens and lay eggs to eat.

This is almost an obvious way to tell them not to mention going to the capital, otherwise why would they build a chicken coop?

After listening to Xu Rong's words, the old man lowered his gray and white brows and said with a smile, "We'll talk about it when you have a baby."

Xu Rong picked up a brick, put cement dust on it, put it on, tapped it twice with a trowel, raised the sleeve of his arm, and was about to wipe the corner of his eyes.

It's time to use the trump card!
At present, most young people in rural areas go out to work, and some elderly people who are lonely and widowed are at home, sick and lying in bed, and no one knows at all.

Every time he thought of this possibility, his heart trembled.

Seeing him wiping the corners of his eyes with his cuff, the old man chuckled and asked, "My child, do you hate your parents?"

Xu Rong's action of shoveling cement suddenly paused. He didn't turn his head to look at the old man, but just as usual, he spread the cement on the brick, leveled it, and after knocking twice, he raised his head and asked, "What are they looking for?" coming?"

The time-washed gullies on the old man's face turned deeper, and he said with emotion: "I'm getting old, just now you said that I would show you the baby, I guess I can't see it, let alone far away, just you When I was young, I could hardly watch it, so what about your child?"

Seeing that Xu Rong was only building the wall in silence, the old man paused again, and said, "You have five older brothers and one younger sister, the eldest is married."

"That sister of yours changed her kiss."

Xu Rong took a deep breath, still didn't look at the old man, and waited for a long while before asking, "How much do you want?"

"Say, say yes, get 100 million."

Xu Rong frowned slightly, turned his head, looked at the old man, and asked, "Build five buildings?"

"Well, we are different from before. Now when we marry a daughter-in-law, we are building a house, and the bride price is ten to twenty thousand, otherwise the daughter-in-law will not come in at all."

Xu Rong didn't think much, nodded slowly a few times, and said: "Okay, come back later, you give them for me."

The old man looked at him and asked, "Why don't you go back and have a look, and hand over the money by the way?"

"There are six sisters who are dying in retirement, and I am not missing one."

Xu Rong knew that grandpa understood what he meant, and the meaning of giving this money by himself was different from that given by the old man. He gave it, which means he recognized his parents.

When the old man gave it, he just stopped thinking about it.

When the second grandfather's family came to find him, he had actually expected the situation today. To the folks in the village, his grandfather was a single old man who picked up a child, and he didn't need to inquire about it.

Which one threw it, I probably knew in my heart.

Regarding this, he was quite conflicted in his heart, expecting to be found, but also hoping that he would never be found.

But after hearing what Grandpa said, he felt a little uncomfortable.

It's not that he has prejudice against the abandonment back then, just like what he once said to Yi Lijing in the past, he can understand, because abandoning him can make his parents' life better.

And judging from the current situation, he survived and lived a good life, so there is nothing to complain about.

He cared about the information hidden behind the old man's few words.

He is 22 years old this year, that is, a brother is one year older than him, and his oldest brother must be at least 28 years old.

In rural areas, people who are 24 or five years old and not yet married can basically be called old bachelors.

Although the dowry is a bit heavy in remote rural areas, if you don't pick and choose, as long as you build a two-story building, you will have no problem marrying a daughter-in-law.

But this is not the case.

Good guy, six strong laborers, a house has not been built, and a daughter-in-law has to be exchanged for a younger sister?
This kind of thing of changing relatives, after a few years, is almost commonplace. It cannot be said that some daughters are born for the purpose of changing relatives, to save face, three families change relatives, A's daughter marries B's son, and B's daughter becomes C's son. Daughter-in-law, the daughter of B's ​​family remarries A's son.

In exchange, there must be a couple of suitable ages, just right, not many.

It's shameless, just swap the two.

But it's out of fashion to do that now.


Even if the five brothers go out to work on the construction site, they will definitely be able to build a house a year. To put it bluntly, they are just a nest of lazy eggs.

Not to mention that he filled in 100 million, even if 1000 million was thrown in, it would not be able to fill the hole.

The old man sighed and persuaded: "Then they are your relatives after all."

Xu Rong wanted to smile, but he couldn't. After thinking for a while, he said, "When they are old, I will take care of them."

"In addition, you should also make it clear to them, don't ask for any more, that's all, there is nothing more."

Now, he somewhat understands human nature, and being able to come to the old man to ask for money shows that he really doesn't care about face at all.

Between relatives, regardless of face, it is more helpless and powerless than strangers.

Besides, once this hole is opened, the follow-up is inevitable, but let alone there is no brotherhood, even if there is, he can't give it for no reason.

That's not doing people good, it's doing harm to people.

It's because of that sister.

The old man saw that he seemed to have made up his mind a long time ago, so he didn't want to persuade him anymore. He also understood that Xu Rong's actions were the best of benevolence. After the money was given, he was responsible for supporting him when he was old. He couldn't say anything more, and asked, "I read the news that , you had a conflict with someone outside?"

"What's the contradiction, each is his own, he promotes his play, I promote mine, it's that simple." Xu Rong smiled and said, "This is the way it is in this business. If you can't see the sweetness, who will And I won’t make enemies with people for no reason.”

When the old man saw that he had built a corner, he handed him a half brick, and said, "When you turn around to punish people, you have to behave according to the rules, and don't use tricks that don't stand on the table, otherwise no one will dare to partner with you in the future. , there is a big family behind him, and we have to leave a way for others to survive."

Xu Rong turned his head, looked at the old man with a smile, and said, "Master, that's not what you told me before."

"That's because I see you are always holding back and not saying a word, and I know that you are holding back your mind and thinking about being beaten until you can't get up for the rest of your life."

"Hey, how can I have that ability."

The old man smiled and didn't mention this anymore. There are some truths that he said are useful, and there are some truths that can't be remembered if you don't go through them again.

In the new year and new atmosphere, under the double stimulation of the [-] trillion yuan loose monetary policy and fiscal policy, Xu Rong's heart that has been hanging on the house has also stabilized.

On the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, he made another trip to Long Province to pay New Year's greetings to his second grandfather.

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, Xu Xing's parents came over with Xu Xing, and he had to return the gift.

When it came to the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, he packed his luggage in a hurry and hurried back to the capital.

It's big business!
Thanks to the blossoming of "Night" and "Golden Fans" in both the north and the south, his popularity continues to rise.

Many film and television critics even predicted that Magnolia will be shortlisted next year.

These Xu Rong didn't believe a word at all, because when he failed one day, the people who scolded his vanguard and criticized him the most were bound to be these people.

Because of the nature of his work, his name itself is the code of wealth for these people at this time.

Originally, according to his plan, he planned to go to the capital after the fifteenth year of high school. In the remaining half a month, while preparing "Daughter-in-law", he first got familiar with the script of the report performance.

The reason why he hurried back to the capital was because after the new year, a big contract was handed over to Hairun.

Medium lemon wolfberry.

This is the brand of wolfberry that he usually drinks. After several years, he has gained some experience in drinking wolfberry. For example, he can judge the quality from the color and the ups and downs after entering the water.

Of course, these are not what he cares about, what he cares about is the tens of millions of endorsement fees.

Pequeling's endorsement fee for this year had already been donated by him, the company, and Pequeling last year, otherwise it would be fine for him to accept the endorsement.

However, because of the donation, his current life is a bit tight, and even the plan to buy a place to stay in Shanghai has to be delayed again and again.

Although it was the brand he drank, he didn't dare to be negligent because of it. He first bought two packs from home, and then bought two packs in the capital, and asked Jin Fangfang to take it for inspection.

After all, the past is not too far away. If Zhang Guoli and his wife hadn't stood in front of a group of artists who endorsed milk fees last year, they would have been scolded.

But even Zhang Guoli, who turned into a capital, was utterly criticized after speaking out, and Deng Jie, as the spokesperson, lost his popularity even more.

Seeing other people's losses, you can't just have fun, everyone earns the same money, and no one can tell which one is noble and which one is dirty from the banknotes alone, so we can only try our best to avoid falling into the same pit inside.

Before Xu Rong entered the group, after half a month of negotiations, the two parties finally signed the contract.

The endorsement fee is 1500 million.

While celebrating with classmate Xiao Zhang, Xu Rong didn't expect that an ordinary endorsement would cause such a big controversy.

(End of this chapter)

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