Chapter 160
"Students, the four years of college are coming to an end, but now is not the time to say anything else, cheer me up."

On the podium, teacher Cui, the class teacher, looked at the rare students below who were almost full, and knocked on the table.

Xu Rong lowered his head and carefully compared "Actor's Self-cultivation", analyzing word by word.

This book is not an introductory teaching material for acting. When he first read it a few years ago, he realized this problem. It was too theoretical, and it was too esoteric. In addition, the translator’s own Chinese and related theoretical level were limited. You can't learn much from this book alone.

Now, he can understand most of it, but he still can't understand the remaining half.

The reason why I turned this book out again is to answer the doubts left by the four-year summary last year.

He originally put that confusion in his heart, but after the two days of shooting, he realized that there are many colleagues who have encountered similar confusion.

Of course, this point is not obtained through communication, but discovered through observation.

He just cameo-starred in the gift film to congratulate his old mother on her [-]th birthday, "The Founding of a Nation", a total of only one scene and three lines.

In fact, the main purpose is to create excitement and show the fervent patriotism of literary and art workers.

Then it took another two days to shoot the advertising video of Zhonglemon Goji Berry.

The reason why I still come to class when I am about to turn on the phone is similar to the original intention of deciding to participate in the graduation performance. In a few months, I will graduate from university. The class is one class less than one class. Taking advantage of the distance to enter the group For a few days, grab the tail of your school days.

Seeing that most of the students raised their heads, Teacher Cui said, "Today, let's play the film first, and rehearse later."

After she finished speaking, she turned on the projector and started playing the video.

"Are you back?"


Xu Rong, who was bowing his head in thought, raised his head faintly when he heard the voice, and looked at the actors on the screen, the expression on his face was exceptionally exciting for a moment.

He is too familiar with the clips Mr. Cui played today, because the filming of this movie was really hard, not because of the hardships in material conditions, but in psychological pain.

In "Paper Drunken Gold", Tian Peizhi went back and forth in a scene.

"Ms. Xu, Mr. Xu." Xiao Zhang, who was sitting next to him, hammered his elbow heavily on his ribs, and the excitement in his voice could not be suppressed, "You acted well, you acted well."

Xu Rong turned his head and glanced at her. He felt that classmate Xiao Zhang was clearly seeking personal revenge. When the two of them had a fight last night, he accidentally elbowed her on the forehead. It hurt so much that she wailed for a long time before she recovered. Come on.


He turned his head again and looked at the screen with mixed emotions in his heart. He still had a deep memory of this scene. Although he was crying at the time, he was really happy at that time.

It's like the joy of licking a dog and being kissed by a goddess.

As the picture paused, the classroom fell into an eerie silence, and all the students in the class silently cast their eyes on him.

Xu Rong frowned, looking at the situation in front of him, a very absurd idea suddenly rose in his heart, because as usual, the head teacher still had a sentence.

Sure enough, Teacher Cui glanced around, and finally landed on him, and said: "Students, go back and write a review of no less than [-] words, and give it to me before Friday."

"Student Xu Rong is the same." Seeing Xu Rong looking at him with a questioning look, Teacher Cui added with a smile.

Xu Rong lowered his head quietly. After the filming of this scene, he really had a lot of feelings, but when he summed it up, he only used four words to sum it up and keep himself.

Because when filming this scene, he replaced the performance object and used the technique of emotional memory, but the core is his own existence, not a [-]% emotional experience.

For the Stuart system, it is simply outrageous.

But Mr. Cui didn't know what kind of madness he was posting. Isn't this just looking for trouble for him? Usually, I watch classic dramas when I pull movies. Why are you showing film and television works today?

The parties are sitting below.

He does not deny that this scene is one of the best scenes he has played in his career, and his heart is full of emotions, but when he presented it, he only wet his eyes and did not let tears flow down.

When rehearsing the play, the content was an imitation of the previous scene, and Xu Rong was sitting on the wax.

Taking a good chance, he stooped and slipped out of the classroom.

If you don't slip away for a while, you will definitely make a big fool of yourself.

"Xu Rong, you and Zhang Xiaofei will demonstrate."

After Teacher Cui finished speaking, he glanced at the classroom, only to find that Xu Rong, who was standing on the side before, had disappeared. He turned his gaze to Zhang Xiaofei, and asked suspiciously, "Where is Xu Rong?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang pointed to the door, and said in a low voice, "He, he just said he had a stomachache and went to the bathroom."

Xu Rong can't run away, he can't repeat it at all, and it's impossible to repeat it. During this period of time, all he experienced was the emotion of the character "Aftertaste". clean.

And this matter, through the mouth of his classmate, under Jin Fangfang's control, quickly flew out of the school gate, like a weight, which tilted the balance of the fierce competition related to him.

The cause of the matter is even earlier.

Last year, because there were not enough four actors with sufficient weight, the selection of the four major students was finally dropped.

Although some media selected Du Zhun, Huo Yan, Zhang Junning, and Cui Lin as the new four-year-old students in July last year, neither Nandu, who was the previous organizer, nor the audience bought it, because among the four, except Du Zhun, the others Never heard of three.

Capital's first test of the water failed.

Because whether "Crossing the Guandong" or "Golden Wedding", or "Soldier Assault", it doesn't have much to do with Xiaosheng.

The top four students in each class are selected by voting, and Wang Baoqiang's innate weakness has no hope of being selected.

After analyzing the situation, Nandu did not plan to hold the selection of the new four-year-old students last year.

Different from last year, this year has just started, and the fight between the four college students has entered a fierce stage. Du Zhun has become famous and has a strong momentum by virtue of CCTV's new year's drama "Walk to the West". .

Xu Rong, who started to make efforts in the second half of last year, also did not give up much. Although the scolding war with Zhang Jizhong continued, the 1500 million endorsement worth completely made the industry realize his appeal.

In addition, Deng Chao, who devoted most of his energy to the big screen, and Huang Xiaoming, who was the head of the top four students in the previous session.

But Nandu, who watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal, brought up a more explosive topic.

Who is the number one niche student in the Mainland today?

People die for money, birds die for food, the artist seeks a name, because a name can bring everything.

Although the voting channel for the four students has not yet been officially opened, but after the gimmick was thrown out, the brokerage companies behind the four couldn't sit still, and they all came up with unique tricks and fought in the air.

Media vote.

Although it does not represent the final selection results, to a certain extent it is close to ten, because the media can influence the choices of audiences and netizens through words.

At the beginning of the voting, Deng Chao, who has not played a major male hit in the past two years, is directly behind the top three by a large margin, and is almost certain to be out.

Only Huang Xiaoming whose career has started to decline gradually, Du Zhun who became famous with CCTV's new year's drama "Walking to the West", and Xu Rong who just received a sky-high price endorsement participated in the "No. [-] Niche in the Mainland" competition.

When Xu Rong saw the media voting for the first time, he actually knew that senior brother Huang Xiaoming would no longer be shortlisted for the top four.

A few years ago, among Huang Xiaoming's fans, there were only slightly fewer males than females. In the past two years, the number of male fans was inexplicably less and less, and since last year, the number of female netizens who scolded him on the Internet is also strange. more and more.

For an artist, this is a fatal blow, because what an artist does starts to attract the dislike of the opposite sex, and the future is almost predictable.

As he expected, after the start of the voting, Huang Xiaoming gradually fell behind Deng Chao in the competition for the first niche. If there are not too many variables, it is estimated that whether he can keep the seat of the top four juniors this year is uncertain.

Seeing the widening gap in the number of votes, Xu Rong felt wronged for the money Huang Xiaoming spent earlier.

However, he and Du Zhun took the lead alternately, and it was difficult to distinguish the order for a while.

Originally, he didn't pay too much attention to this, because he didn't go to Xiaosheng at the beginning of the play he accepted, but it just happened that the role of Wang Yimin caught up with him, and the current coincidence happened.

Judging from the current situation, there is not much hope for the number one student this year, but one of the four students should not be able to escape.

He didn't pay much attention to this. The title of the top four students is just icing on the cake. For him now, it doesn't mean much, and there is still half a year before the final result, as long as he doesn't fall out of the top four.

In another week, "Daughter-in-law" will be launched.

Unlike usual, this time he didn't choose to stay in a hotel, because the crew was filming in the capital, and under his instigation, Xiao Zhang even dragged Aunt Wang here.

The reason for this is that the script lines of "Daughter-in-law" are seriously lacking. Many scenes only describe the scene and the general plot direction, and the specific lines require the actors to play independently.

For a good actor with rich experience, a lot of improvisation is a kind of luck, but for an actor who is not experienced enough, it is definitely a big test.

Living at home will definitely delay rehearsals, but the benefits are obvious. It can draw a lot of inspiration from life, which is why he insisted on staying at classmate Xiao Zhang's house for two months last year.

On February 2, "Daughter-in-law" was officially launched in Beijing.

Although Xu Rong didn't have any role in the first three days, he still rushed to the set.

He has never worked with half of the co-stars in the film crew, and he doesn't know much about their professional ability and expression style. He has to come and see the situation first, so he has a solid foundation in his heart.

After a series of ceremonies, the filming of the first scene of the play officially started.

The name of the play can tell the volume of the play. "Daughter-in-law" is similar to "North Wind". , Among his peers, he has [-]% confidence to lead them to play.

"The audience is quiet."


With the voice of the deputy director Zhao Tiegang, the crew officially started shooting the first scene.

What I want to shoot is a scene between Mao Doudou played by Hai Qing and Lin Shen played by Mao Feng.

"You still laugh, hey, you still have the face to smile."

Xu Rong sat side by side behind the monitor with director Liu Jiang, producer Luo Liping, executive producer Sun Ying, and director of photography Chen Kunhui. After watching for a few seconds, he couldn't help but look sideways at Liu Jiang and Luo Liping.

Laymen watch the doorway, and experts watch the excitement.

Haiqing's performance is considered to be outstanding in terms of her background.

But Lin Shen's lines don't sound the slightest skill at all, it's not that it's a coincidence, but it's not at all.

And from the body expression, it is obvious that his heart is relatively wild, because the expression he designed is too complicated, which makes him half a beat away from Hai Qing's rhythm.

In real situations, when Hai Qing uttered the first half of his line, Lin Shen had to give a response, instead of waiting for Hai Qing to finish speaking and then desperately lying on the ground to pick it up.

This is really acting.

In reality, when two people scold each other, if one person takes the title of relative of the other party after the word "哉", then the other party will inevitably burst into anger, instead of waiting for the other party to finish a long period of scolding, and then start to get angry like waking up from a dream.

Hai Qing probably also sensed this disharmony, and intentionally sped up her own rhythm to cooperate with him.

Xu Rong sighed softly. He could see quite clearly that Lin Shen's problem was not his basic skills, but his big heart. The role of Mao Feng should not be far away from him, but his tricks are too simple, and he also puts I think too highly of myself.

This is a common problem among young actors. They act seriously in big-budget movies, and play TV dramas casually. They always feel that they can play well by themselves.

At the beginning of Xu Rong's career, after passing through "The Ming Dynasty", although the ratings of this drama were terrible, he did not develop this kind of mentality, because the actual situation at that time was that even if an actor with a small role was randomly pulled out, the eyes in his eyes All with light.

Lin Shen's handling is obviously showing off his skills.

It's not that he hasn't seen complicated processing. When he filmed "Latent" before, Wu Gang's processing was also quite cumbersome, but the body movements and language he designed are integrated, and they all revolve around the actions of the characters. superfluous.

As a family ethics drama, the investment of "Daughter-in-law" is more than 1000 million, which is not small, but not too much, because compared with other dramas, mother-in-law dramas can save a lot of venue and prop costs.

But as the male lead, Lin Shen's performance can only be considered barely passable.

When Xu Rong read the script for the first time, regarding the role of Mao Feng, a perfect candidate appeared in his heart at that time.

Wen Zhang, who became popular because of "Struggle".

That guy's talent is ridiculously good, and his business ability is also top-notch among his peers.

It's just that he is not familiar with Luo Liping, Liu Jiang, and Wen Zhang, so it is difficult to recommend them directly.

It wasn't until the morning of the fourth day when two middle-aged women came to visit the set, and Xu Rong, who had just finished her makeup, heard Lin Shen call them two, that she fully understood the reason.

Given his background, he only acted as the second male lead, which is indeed a shame.

(End of this chapter)

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