I'm just an actor

Chapter 161 Relax

Chapter 161 Relax
The people who came to visit Lin Shen's class on the set were two middle-aged women. Although Xu Rong was seeing a real person for the first time, their names were not unfamiliar at all.

The two founders of Rongxinda, one is the golden broker Li Xiaowan, and the other is the famous director Li Shaohong.

As for Lin Shen's address for the two, one is "Mom" and the other is "Godmother".

Xu Rong smiled silently while all the doubts in his heart, Lin Shen's talent is more than his own, but if he can't learn to be humble, he can only play roles like Mao Feng.

Confidence is the foundation of acting, and humility is the prerequisite for being a good actor.

It's not that humility has a direct impact on performance. Performance is essentially a mere act, keeping what you see and hear in your heart, and presenting it when you need it, but always keep your eyes above the top and focus on yourself , it is difficult to settle down to observe and learn from others, and it is only a role that is close to oneself that can be interpreted.

Because they met Li Xiaowan, Xu Rong greeted him with a smile, but didn't talk too much. Comparable to Hairun, Rong Xinda didn't make any achievements in the fiercely competitive film market, and he never left his wealth to outsiders.

Furthermore, as a family business, Yang Mi is very familiar with it and is immersed in fighting in the nest all day long.

Wang Yaqin trotted up to him, handed over the script, and said, "Ms. Xu, here is the script. The first episode No. 11 is going to be filmed later."

He didn't let Xu Xing come over for the filming this time, Xu Xing had been with him for a long time, and there was nothing to learn, not everything, but he found that Xu Xing was too similar to Li Xiaoran.

Li Xiaoran had mixed with the Taiwan Province team for three years, but he didn't get any flowers. Since he is good-looking, he should follow Li Xiaoran's template and be a vase while he is young and honest.

Xu Rong waved his hand and said, "I usually don't use scripts when I'm filming. By the way, you can ask the production producer if there is a microwave oven in the group."


Wang Yaqin's Danfeng eyes blinked. This was not the same as the content of her training in the company, but she had stayed in the crew and knew what to do and what not to do. After taking the mobile phone, watch and goldfish bracelet from Xu Rong, The mobile phone was muted and put in the pocket, and the others were put in the backpack.

This was her first day as an assistant. She heard from the training teacher that Xu Rong's two former assistants, one was his current manager, Jin Fangfang, and the other went to filming.

She didn't have so many ideas, because she didn't even go to high school, that is, she couldn't be an agent, and she couldn't act. Her idea of ​​becoming an assistant was very simple, just to find a job.

After being reminded by Xu Rong just now, she couldn't help secretly annoyed that she was still not thoughtful enough.

It is said that Xu Rong's lunch was made by her girlfriend who got up in the dark. She saw that it was served in an incubator, and the weather was not cold, so she never thought of heating the meal.

While Wang Yaqin was communicating with the production producer, the tall assistant director Zhao Tiegang came over, took off the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, and asked with a smile: "Mr. Xu, how are you, are you ready?"

Zhao Tiegang has a square face, big eyes, and two thick eyebrows. Unlike director Liu Jiang, he hardly smiled during the previous three days of filming.

"Well, let's start first."

Zhao Tiegang pointed to Hai Qing next to him, and said: "Then let me talk about the scene. This one is because Grandma Waiting wants to see the photo of her grandson's girlfriend, so Yu Wei asked Mao Doudou to help her pretend to be her girlfriend to take a group photo. In fact, Yu Wei also borrowed This is close to Mao Doudou's plan. In this scene, Mr. Haiqing doesn't need to move. Because you want to see the effect of the photo, Mr. Xu, you are in the third position at first, and then you go to the first position to take a photo with Mao Doudou. By the way, the first day When the film was started, the director said it, as for the lines, as long as it does not deviate from the outline, it can be developed to a certain extent."

Xu Rong nodded, looked at Hai Qing, and asked, "Teacher Hai Qing, should we take a real shot or go first?"

Hai Qing stood aside, not sure what Xu Rong meant, hesitated for a few seconds, and then said uncertainly: "Then, why don't we just shoot the real thing."

Thanks to the controversy over the "No. [-] niche student in the Mainland" recently, Xu Rong has almost no secrets except the color of his underwear.

Even the address of his home was exposed by some unscrupulous media, and he had to be forced to issue statements through the brokerage company repeatedly, hoping not to disturb his family.

And Xu Rong didn't like the habit of rehearsing plays, and it was exposed early on.

Seeing her forced smile, Xu Rong asked with a smile, "Miss Hai Qing seems a little nervous?"

The smile on Hai Qing's face froze immediately, and he waved his hands and said, "No."

She knows that she is not very good at talking, and she always offends people inadvertently. Because of the episode before the launch conference, she dare not tell Xu Rongduo now. Although he calls her sister, she is not sure what she thinks .


Standing behind the camera, Xu Rong stretched out his hand and pointed to the right, and said, "Come a little further here, hey, that's right."

At this time, his back was facing the camera, so he borrowed Wu Gang's good way of expression, using body actions to guide the language.


Xu Rong quickly walked to the stool next to Haiqing and sat down. He glanced at Haiqing for a moment, then quickly moved to the front, and said, "Just the two of us can watch that scene, and we can smile a little."


"one two Three."


"Let me take a look." He said, walking behind the camera again.

"it's OK?"

Just as Xu Rong was about to turn around and go back, when he saw the script on the table, he stopped immediately, picked it up, held it in the air, and asked, "Whose script is this?"

Liu Jiang's voice came back indiscriminately: "Stop."

Hai Qing hurriedly got up and walked over, saying, "I'm sorry, mine."

Xu Rong didn't speak, just nodded with a chuckle, Hai Qing should have just put it here after reading the script.

But the camera gave him a close-up just now, and the script must have been included in the film.

During the adjustment process, Xu Rong beckoned to Wang Yaqin: "Chewing gum."

"Here, let's chew one piece." After tearing it apart and putting one piece in his mouth, he handed one piece to Haiqing. During the filming just now, he found that the muscles on Haiqing's face were a little tight.

In this case it is simply impossible to control the slack.

"Don't be afraid, it's not poisonous."

Hai Qing was surprised, then reached out to pick it up, and said, "Thank you, that, I'm sorry just now."

She actually understood that even if Xu Rong didn't interrupt, she wouldn't be able to pass that one.

Xu Rong tried his best to make himself approachable, and said with a smile: "Let's go for a walk first?"

"it is good."

He had been watching the filming for the previous three days. Haiqing's performance was not bad, it could even be said to be quite good, but she was really nervous during the filming just now.

Don't think about it, it must be because of me, he also came here from that time, he knows her mentality very well, and Hai Qing is not like Song Jia, who knows him well, don't care how to scold him, just write it down secretly, and settle accounts after the autumn .

In her current state, the more she scolded, the more counterproductive she was.

After walking around and correcting the words again, Xu Rong felt that there was still not much improvement, and Wu Gang's method of correcting words seemed to be of little use.

Sitting next to her, Xu Rong slumped his shoulders slightly, and asked with a smile: "I heard from Teacher Huang that you worked very hard when you were in school. gone?"

When Hai Qing heard him mention the past, the corners of his mouth raised slightly and he said, "Did he tell you this too?"

Xu Rong nodded, and said exaggeratedly: "Of course, sister Haiqing, you are a legend in our school. The teachers always talk about it. When I heard that I was working with you, I was quite excited."

"What legend?"

Seeing that Hai Qing didn't seem to believe him, Xu Rong paused, and then said: "Really, I asked Mr. Huang before if he could take me with me when there was a show. He said that if I worked as hard as you, Take it as soon as it is ready."

"Haha, you don't need him to take it either. Didn't you start filming very early?"

"Well, it's okay, it's just a few years."

Seeing her gradually relax, Xu Rong asked, "Does Sister Hai Qing have a boyfriend?"

"No." Hai Qing shook her head, seeing Xu Rong staring at her with burning eyes, she suddenly laughed out loud, "But I've been married for seven or eight years."

Xu Rong shook his head with "regret" and said, "That's a pity."

If you're not married yet, you'd be somewhat embarrassed to hear his words, but Hai Qing said, "What a pity, why don't I divorce the marriage?"

Xu Rong laughed and said vaguely, "Haha, I'd rather demolish a temple than ruin a marriage."


Seeing that Hai Qing was already able to joke with him, Xu Rong was quietly relieved, even if it was still in the running-in period, Hai Qing's state must be relaxed.

Seeing the recorder coming over, Xu Rong spit out the chewing gum, wrapped it in paper, put it in his pocket, and said, "Let's start."

"it is good."

"The audience is quiet."


"Come a little further here, hey, yes, yes, yes."


Lin Shen watched the filming start, his mother and godmother all turned their attention to Xu Rong, and asked in a low voice, "Mom?"

Li Shaohong pointed to the field at him, motioning him not to speak.

Hearing Liu Jiang shout "Okay", Li Shaohong and Li Xiaowan looked at each other and said, "I think we should start contacting immediately."

Lin Shen frowned and asked, "What are you talking about?"

Li Shaohong said: "His contract with Hairun is about to expire."

Li Xiaowan nodded her head lightly, and said to her son: "You usually get in touch with him a lot, don't make too much effort, just treat him as a friend."

Lin Shen curled his lips and remained silent.

Li Xiaowan knew her son's temper, she was very high-minded, no one was convinced, she always wanted to make a movie, but didn't care about TV dramas at all, her face tensed, and said: "Look at him, he is not as old as you."

"Hey, stop it." Lin Shen waved his hand, "If I had his luck, I would be popular too."

Li Xiaowan immediately became angry, and said: "Luck, luck, luck, is it luck that you are short of?"

Li Shaohong saw Li Xiaowan's voice suddenly raised, and many people came to watch the filming scene, so she hurriedly persuaded her, saying: "Okay, okay, there are so many people watching."

After leaving the set and getting into the car, Li Xiaowan glanced at Li Shaohong with a sad face, and asked, "Are you sure Kun'er is leaving?"

Li Shaohong sighed, and said: "The child is older, and wants to fly higher and farther, we can't stop it, it's been ten years, it's so fast."

It was her suggestion that Chen Kun leave. Although she is one of the founders of the company, she has not focused on the company's operation in the past two years. The reason why she persuaded Chen Kun to leave is that the company's platform can't give him what he wants. of.

Chen Kun hopes that the company can raise funds and go public as soon as possible, and vigorously expand the film market, so as to obtain more and better resources.

But going public is not that easy.

The second is because of Lin Shen.

She knew very well in her heart that Lin Shen couldn't hold it up at all. In the past few years, a lot of resources have been poured into it, but not even a splash came out.

All the good resources of the company have been given to Lin Shen, and many artists have already complained, but they are all suppressed by force and dare not speak out.

It is also reasonable for Chen Kun to choose to leave.

Li Xiaowan turned her head and asked, "What do you think is the chance of us winning him?"

Li Shaohong glanced at her and said, "Before I came here, I estimated it was [-]%, but now, it's not even [-]%."

"why do you say so?"

"His performance is very delicate. You saw the one just now. When there is a close-up of the face, his micro-expressions are very rich, such as the corner of the mouth slightly raised but then closed immediately. When there is no close-up of the face, he uses it first. Leading the body, and then using the rising tone of the lines to symmetry the body in turn, this kind of acting is not good, but filming TV dramas will be very tiring, obviously from the beginning I went to the movie." Li Shaohong shook his head, "He All that’s missing now is an opportunity.”

Before Li Xiaowan could answer, she shook her head and denied herself again: "But it's not right, with his current popularity, there is no shortage of opportunities. He can't get the first man, and there are many people who are willing to give the second man and the third man. It’s not that I didn’t see it, they just said hello to us, and they didn’t intend to get too close at all.”

At the end, she smiled and said: "But we have to try. Once Kun'er leaves, we don't even have a face-lifting person. Let Lin Shen hang out with him more, maybe we really have a chance."

Li Xiaowan sighed, and said, "We don't need to deceive ourselves, it's not like you didn't see it when we said hello."

Li Shaohong understood the meaning of naming her, and Lin Shen looked down on Xu Rong, but Xu Rong only nodded when he saw Lin Shen just now, and there was no unnecessary communication at all.

They are all young people, and no one is convinced.

But she couldn't figure it out. When Liu Jiang wanted Mao Feng as the male second, he wanted Lin Shenchang to learn the truth about the green hills outside the mountains and the outer buildings outside the mountains. His good intentions should be in vain.

After a pause, Li Shaohong said: "We are not young anymore, you might be a grandma one day, and it will be important to see your grandson at that time, should you hire a more professional person to manage the company?"

Li Xiaowan shook her head and said, "Oh, I get angry when I say this."

"what's wrong?"

"It's not his girlfriend who made trouble for me."

Li Shaohong felt more and more helpless when she heard her talk aside again. The company's problems have not been a day or two. Now Huayi is rushing to go public, and Hairun is also making drastic reforms.

Hearing the meaning of Li Xiaowan's words, I don't know if I didn't realize it, or I didn't want to solve it at all.

(End of this chapter)

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