I'm just an actor

Chapter 163 Script

Chapter 163 Script
At seven o'clock in the evening, Xu Rong came to Liu Jiang's room with a script in his hands, a water glass in one hand, and a stool in the other.

The director read the script with him. The last time was during the filming of "The Ming Dynasty". In Uncle Li's room, he reads the script with him. If we leave early at 10:30, if we leave late, we will read until early in the morning.

Everyone was hungry, but no one was ashamed to touch the supper prepared by the crew.

But there are exceptions, several times he has found that when Wang Jinsong leaves, he always walks a bit.

Xu Rong rushed back after eating at home. When he arrived, the room was already full of people.

It was his younger sister "Yu Hao" Yue Yue who opened the door for him. Seeing him outside the door, she immediately took his water glass and said with a smile on her round face, "Brother, are you here?"

"Well, thank you."

Following her voice, all the people sitting in the room stood up with a "crash".

Lin Shen didn't intend to stand up at first, but when he saw that director Liu Jiang got up, he also subconsciously stood up.

"Ms. Xu is here?"

"Teacher Xu."

Xu Rong saw nearly 20 people in the room staring at him, and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it took me a while to pack up, everyone, you're welcome, sit down, sit down."

As he spoke, he lifted the stool and sat down near the door, took the water glass Yue Yue handed over, and thanked him again.

Liu Jiang patted the vacant seat on one side of the double sofa, and said, "Mr. Xu, there is a seat reserved for you. What are you doing sitting so far away? Do you want to sneak away?"


Unlike the deputy director Zhao Tiegang who keeps a straight face all day long, Liu Jiang is a director who is easy to get along with.

Xu Rong laughed along with everyone, and said, "I'll just sit here."

During "The Ming Dynasty", when a group of people read the script every night, he was the one who guarded the door. If someone knocked on the door, he had to run to open the door immediately.

But when he finished speaking, everyone stared at him. Bo Han, who played his mother, also smiled and said: "You are the protagonist, and we can clearly hear the words when you sit in the middle."

"Yes, yes."

"Teacher Xu sit in the middle."

Xu Rong didn't refuse any more, got up and sat next to Liu Jiang, next to Hai Qing who was next to him, glanced left and right, finally stopped on Liu Jiang, and asked: "Director, everyone is here, what should we do?" let's start."

Liu Jiang was checking people silently, when he heard Xu Rong's voice, he asked, "Are you counting so fast?"

Xu Rong scanned the script for half a circle, and said, "All the people who should be in the first five episodes are here."

Liu Jiang believed that it was not a big mistake. After a careful inspection, it was confirmed that everything had arrived, and the doubts that had arisen in his heart due to some rumors were immediately dispelled.

When he was drinking with people, he heard people mention that Xu Rong's line skills are particularly strong, which he has already seen through two scenes today.

There is a slight difference in the speed and tone of his usual speech.

People of different age groups and different personalities have different speaking speeds and pauses. He doesn't know much about professional line skills, but from the overall experience, he feels that Xu Rong's level of aftertaste is even higher than Wei's. On top of this.

But from the trivial matter of checking the number of people just now, we can get a glimpse of the whole leopard. The so-called strong line skills did not come out of thin air. It took Xu Rong only 2 minutes to enter the room. During these 2 minutes, he has been silent for a while. Observed everyone, and confirmed that all the actors who had roles in the first five episodes were present.

In addition to keen observation skills, you also need to be familiar with the plots of dozens of scenes.

"Can you read it?"

While sighing inwardly, Liu Jiang glanced around and said, "If you feel that the lines or the plot are unreasonable, you teachers can express your opinions, and you can bring them up for discussion. It's about real life. One or two people Your knowledge always has limitations, we read the script and brainstorm at the same time.

This is not the first time he has said such things. The current standard is that as long as the outline is not deviated from, even real shots can be played freely.

"let's start."

Xu Rong lowered his head and said: "In the hotel, in front of a big mirror, Yu Wei adjusted his appearance in front of the mirror. The narration said that the male college should be married and the female college should be married. This man, besides doing a career, his biggest wish is to marry a woman." Good daughter-in-law, if this daughter-in-law is married well, life will be easy."


"My name is Mao Doudou, not Mao Dou, but Mao Doudou"

"My name is Yuwei, the Yu of Yusheng, Wei, the taste of Yuwei."

The quiet needle drop could be heard in the room, only the voices of Xu Rong and Hai Qing remained.

The script was supposed to be "My name is Yuwei, the Yu of Yusheng, the taste of Yuwei.", but he gave a shorter break.

As soon as Xu Rong's first line came out, everyone in the room raised their hearts. Those who didn't care before immediately focused on the script.

Xu Ronglai is serious.

He doesn't seem to be reading a script, but seems to be filming a real scene. After an ordinary line is processed by him, a vague impression immediately takes shape.

Today, only five scenes were filmed during the day, and it was the first time for most of the actors to hear Xu Rong speak to someone. I saw his lips moving, but I couldn't hear what he said.

But being in the same room is different. When Xu Rong read the prescribed situation, his voice was calm and calm, without the slightest sloppy, but when he read the words, his voice sank overall, but he did not lose the cadence it should have.

This way of presenting lines, Xu Rong combined Tong Zirong's skills and Wang Qingxiang's expression. Not only this line, but every line, he followed what Mr. Li Xuejian taught him a long time ago, tried repeatedly, and finally chose the most suitable one. Appearance of the role.

"If childhood sweetheart is fate, love at first sight is fate"

After reading this, Xu Rong paused, looked up at Liu Jiang, and said, "Director, shouldn't the second scene be more dramatic, create conflict, and at the same time whet the appetite of the audience?"

The opening was really too gentle. Although he tried his best to start with the character and enrich the plot, Mao Doudou's character had almost no outstanding highlights at the beginning. In contrast, it completely served as a foil to his existence.

It does not match the theme of "Beautiful Times of Daughters-in-law".

Hai Qing is not a flower vase. If he wants to shine, he must either rely on plot or play, but in the conversation just now, Hai Qing didn't play much.

This kind of idea came from the "Latent" filmed last year. The plot was highly compact. From the first scene, the conflicts followed one after another. That is, the daily communication between him and Song Jia was a little more relaxed. The rest of the plot was almost silent. nonsense.

Liu Jiang smiled and said, "Tell me what you think."

Xu Rong thought for a while, and said: "For example, two people had a little conflict during the blind date, and then broke up unhappy, and then met by chance later, and developed a good impression of each other."

Liu Jiang looked at Hai Qing and said, "Come and try it for a while, both of you?"

Hearing Liu Jiang's proposal, Hai Qing was stunned and asked, "Director, what, what's the situation?"

Xu Rong thought that he had bought the car for half a year and had repaired it three times, so he asked uncertainly, "Rear-end on the way?"

The reason why it was repaired three times was because after the first repair, he pretended he hadn't seen it, and waited to go back and repair it together.

Fortunately, I bought a cheap Mazda at that time, otherwise I don’t know what kind of harm to Xiao Zhang.

Liu Jiang immediately understood his general thoughts, shook his head lightly and said, "It's not suitable, the kuà you drove is mainly for comparison with Li Ruoqiu later."

He thought for a while, and said: "Let's let this point go first, and I will discuss it with Teacher Wang later."

The teacher Wang he was talking about was screenwriter Wang Liping.

"Then continue."

"Scene four, coffee shop."


Li Ruoqiu: "Why didn't you answer my call?"

Mao Doudou: "I want you to take care of it!"


The fourth scene was played by Mao Doudou and Li Ruoqiu. After the two finished reading, Liu Jiang raised his hand and said, "Do it again, you can play it as you like."

It didn't feel right to him, but he couldn't judge whether it was because of the lines or the people.

"Why didn't you answer my call?"

"I want you to take care of it!"

Hai Qing's promotion was upgraded by one level.


Liu Jiang interrupted the two, looked at Hai Qing, and said, "This sentence is not quite right, I feel that this sentence needs to be changed."

Hai Qing looked at Liu Jiang in amazement, the script was too disturbing to read, other directors were afraid that the actors would perform indiscriminately, but Liu Jiang was fine, he always felt that the actors did not perform enough.

Liu Jiang scratched his short hair, looked at Xu Rong and asked, "What does Teacher Xu think?"

Xu Rong remembered the situation of Xiao Zhang's neck being stuck in his mind, and said with a smile: "Indeed, it's not like a man and a woman who have been separated for a long time, but rather like a normal boyfriend and girlfriend who are at odds."

Feng Jiayi, who played Li Ruoqiu, was still a newcomer. Regarding the discussion between Liu Jiang and Xu Rong, he didn't dare to interrupt at all. Like most people, he just sat quietly and listened.

"Why didn't you answer my phone, why didn't you answer my phone?" Liu Jiang clenched his fists and looked around the people in the room, "How do you think it's appropriate to answer?"

Xu Rong tilted his head and squinted at him: "Is there something wrong with you?"

There was a sudden silence in the room, and everyone's eyes were on Xu Rong.

This is, inflated?
Express dissatisfaction with the director?

Liu Jiang said "Hey", pointed at Xu Rong and said, "It's a good connection, it's a good connection, Hai Qing, what do you think?"

Hai Qing looked at Xu Rong in surprise, she always felt that these words sounded familiar to her.

"I think it's really good." She nodded lightly, hesitated for a moment, and seemed to have made up her mind, "Director, then I'll just say it according to my feeling?"

"I didn't say no. As long as you don't deviate from the outline, you can say whatever you want, and act however you want."

Xu Rong could see at this time that Liu Jiang really tried his best to stimulate the subjective initiative of the actors. The actors had to play their lines and set up their own scenarios.

What makes him helpless is that, judging from the four scenes he has read so far, there may be quite a few people sitting in this room who can't read scripts.

He coughed lightly, and said, "Director, how about this, you take everyone to read it first, mark any questions first, and we can discuss after reading, otherwise we may not be able to finish reading tonight."

Liu Jiang nodded his head and said, "That's fine, I suggest that everyone try to read as characters."

After reading the first five episodes, Xu Rong also had a rough judgment on the actors in the same group. Among them, he paid more attention to Bo Han who played his mother Cao Xinmei. He played a lot, but every sentence gave people the feeling of Just right.

This means that she not only has a thorough understanding of the script, but also has a wealth of life experience similar to the character.

Of course, it’s okay to be bad or bad. It’s obvious that you’re cramming, and the people behind you can’t pick up the words.

This is the habit of most actors. When they get the script, they go through it. At the same time, they draw out their lines. There are few lines, and they lament that they have too few lines. Focusing on his own lines, he doesn't think about his co-actors at all.

He has made such mistakes in the past.

But Li Youbin once told him that characters live in contradictions, and actors should embody the characters in contradictions.

Liu Jiang's complexion was not very good-looking, and after walking around, he could see that it was really good to read well, like Xu Rong, Bai Han and Hai Qing, those who read poorly could not be taken seriously, and he was silent for a while, "What do you guys think?" he asked.

No one responded to his words, and the room fell silent for a while.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk."

The knock on the door broke the silence. Zhao Tiegang pushed the door open and walked in, holding a plate of jujube cakes in his hand, and said, "Teachers, supper is here. Everyone eat something to make a cushion. Only when you are full can you work hard."

But after putting the plate on the table, he realized that something was wrong. The room was too quiet, and the usually smiling director kept his face sullen and silent.

He rubbed his hands, pointed to the door, and said softly: "If it's okay, I'll go there first?"


When Zhao Tie walked out of the door lightly, Liu Jiang let out a long breath and said: "I am very dissatisfied with the performance of some teachers today. Everyone knows who they are, so I won't name them. It’s still like this, if you don’t prepare carefully, then I’m sorry, I can’t afford it.”

The older Bo Han smiled and said, "Director, you can't say that you didn't prepare carefully. What is it? The contrast is too obvious. Take Teacher Xu off and listen to it."

Liu Jiang looked at her in astonishment, then turned to look at the other people in the room, and asked, "You think so too?"

Jing Ke, who played Qin Susu, looked helpless, and said: "Director, let me tell you about my feelings. When Teacher Xu read the words, I kept thinking about how to answer them. The more I thought about it, the more I felt that I didn't think so. It is suitable, but when I read it, I always feel that it is not right, and I dare not read it, so I stumble."

"What's the matter?"

Liu Jiang said, turned to look at Xu Rong, and said, "Mr. Xu, don't you mind sharing your know-how?"

Xu Rong smiled, but he was quite helpless in his heart. Of course there is a trick, but it will take time, but in the end, he only said slowly: "An old senior told me, don't keep thinking about how to say it, but catch it." Contradictions, into the situation."

Seeing that half of the room was listening seriously, Hai Qing forcibly stopped the corners of her mouth, Xu Rong's words were too hurtful.

(End of this chapter)

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