Chapter 164
Xu Rong entered the industry at the age of 17, and now it has been nearly five years.

In the first two years of his career, he played minor supporting roles such as migrant workers, Fulin, Wei Monk, Zhang Baojin, Shen Yishi, etc., until the company realized his amazing talent and gave him a lot of praise. Only then did Ding Li and Luo Peilun play two important roles with more roles.

"Talent" is Liu Yanming's external rhetoric.

But the one that had the deepest influence on him was "The Ming Dynasty".

"Da Ming" is the fifth movie he has filmed, and it has been three years since today, but every time he shoots a movie now, he can't help but compare it with that time.

As more and more scenes were filmed, he missed those days more and more.

The overall professional level of an actor is second, because there is not much comparability. Among the film and television works he has participated in, perhaps only "The Founding of a Country" can compete.

Most of the actors who appeared on the screen, even the small characters with few lines, have a little light in their eyes, not numb wooden stakes in front of the camera. He participated in such plays as "Da Ming" and "Jian Guo" The only two works.

The most important thing to miss is the actor's attitude. Chen Baoguo is already big enough, but during the time he was on the set, he was never seen leaving the set.

Like a bunch of lunatics.

At that time, he was also crazy, even at a relatively early stage, and he didn't feel too deeply at that time, but the more he thought about it later, the more interesting it was.

Fortunately, no matter what twists and turns he experienced, he participated in the creative process. He was fortunate enough to witness Ni Dahong's silent kneeling, and he developed the habit of not having a set in the script and insisting on emotional experience. After that, because I had to rush to film "New Shanghai Beach", I left in a hurry.

At that time, the experience was still shallow, and I didn't feel too deep. Now that time has passed, I gradually realized that I missed a lot during that journey.

It's just that even if time goes back, he still has to go. He doesn't regret it, he just feels regretful.

The experience of reading the script at night made him feel helpless in his heart, because after Jingke reminded him, he realized his own problem, not because he acted badly, but because he acted too well.

But this is good, the premise is that the co-actors can stand up, just like the previous "Latent", Jiang Wei specially paired him with the "Four Guardians".

He has also experienced the feelings expressed by Jingke. When he first acted with Li Youbin, he often encountered similar situations. It was not until "Crossing the Guandong" that he obviously improved.

It's like two people fighting, watching the other party punching and reaching out to catch it. The moment the fists and palms meet, they suddenly feel the amazing strength of the other party's fist, and they are caught off guard, and their wrists are directly broken.

He has seen the creative insights of several seniors. He has been constantly consolidating the foundation, Fan Xing tried his best to avoid it, but no one mentioned the low level of co-actors. Maybe they mentioned it, but it was deleted when it was published. After all, it was too unfriendly to colleagues.

Two days ago, Li Zongyi, a big brother in the music industry, openly criticized the record industry for having too much food and drink, and the actor industry is also similar.

In his view, the vast majority of actors in the group need to consider not how to present the "exquisite" issue, but how to present the issue, so there is the phrase "Don't keep thinking about how to say the words, you should To grasp the contradictions and substitute into the situation." In the words.

Emotional experience is always the most basic foundation. Before the emotional experience is done well, all other skills are impossible.

After reading the script and rehearsing three scenes, Wang Yaqin saw Xu Rong sitting quietly and motionless with a water glass in his hand, and asked, "Mr. Xu, do you want to rehearse?"

Xu Rongyouyou came back to his senses, looked at Wang Yaqin's sleepy face, smiled, and said, "No need, you go back."

"Okay, Mr. Xu, please hurry up."

"and many more."

Xu Rong stopped her, put down the script, got up and went into the bedroom, took out 2000 yuan in cash, and said, "You take this, you usually use it."

Wang Yaqin hurriedly said: "No need, really no need, Mr. Xu."

But she took the money very honestly in her hand. Although she had only been with Xu Rong for four days, she had already advanced a lot of money, and it was not a big deal. It might only be a few or dozens of dollars each time, but her The salary is not high, and it is not an option to keep it on the table all the time.

For the first time, Xu Rong had a more intuitive understanding of this round-faced girl with red phoenix eyes who was two years older than herself. She smiled and said, "Go back and rest early, this is just the beginning."

Wang Yaqin seemed to realize that his previous behavior was too real, put his hands behind his back in embarrassment, lowered his head slightly and said, "Okay, thank you Teacher Xu."

When Wang Yaqin went out, Xu Rong picked up the script on the table, glanced at it, put it down again, walked to the French window, pressed the switch, and the curtain slowly opened.

He stood by the window, silently looking at the dimly lit night scene.

Tomorrow, there are not many scenes, only three, and no matter how many times you rehearse, it will not be perfect, because the performance itself is constantly approaching reality, and you can only keep trying to choose the best one that is the closest and that you can interpret.

This is the method taught by Mr. Li Xuejian.

Thinking of Li Xuejian, his thoughts suddenly stopped. He must have encountered the confusion he encountered, and he must have encountered more than himself. How did he solve it?

You can't pretend you didn't see it, can you?
He remembered the first scene he had collaborated with Teacher Li Xuejian.

I also remembered a sentence recorded in my four-year practice summary: To reject design is to ignore ingenuity.

Thinking about it now, the meaning of this sentence is not just as one-sided as I thought at the time.

After standing quietly and thinking for a while, he turned around and rushed into the bathroom.

He needs a mirror.

After 5 minutes, when he walked out again, he looked excited.

Until this moment, he finally understood why those seniors didn't mention this issue in their creation notes. It wasn't that they didn't mention it, but that it wasn't necessary.

At this point, in fact, there is no need to understand or deliberately, because instinct dictates.

The next day Xu Rong came to the set a little later, and he got up at nine o'clock in the morning when he was notified by Zhao Tiegang.

I was so excited last night, my mind was full of thoughts flying in bed, I couldn't restrain it, and it lasted until four o'clock before I forcibly stopped all kinds of thoughts.

I slept for five hours, but I didn't sleep deeply. After I got up, the thought came out again immediately, and I was still excited.

He often reminds himself to remain humble and active, but the current state is too active.

In order to calm down the excitement in his heart, he took a shower. The water temperature was lower than usual. He stood under the shower and let the water pour for four or five minutes. He came out when he calmed down.

Sitting in the living room, Wang Yaqin felt rather embarrassed. When she was an art assistant, the middle-aged men in the team would make some colorful jokes, but she ignored them and pretended not to hear them, because she could neither turn her face, Otherwise, people will be offended, let alone face each other with a smile, which will only make them have some wrong guesses.

Just across the door, there was a man taking a shower, she was not used to it.

While not getting used to it, she couldn't help but think wildly. She heard that the private lives of many artists are chaotic, just like an old artist in the company, who is more fun than his red and purple son.

He even doubted what Xu Rong intended to give him the money last night.

Although she doesn't have much money, she clearly understands that she and Xu Rong are people from two worlds, and the interaction they should have must be limited to work.

As for the others, let’s take a step at a time.

"Let's go."

Xu Rong changed his clothes, sprayed a little water, and said, "How is it, are you still used to work?"

"Well, it's much easier than before. When I was an art artist, I had to rush to the set with big boxes and bags at four or five o'clock every day. We could only leave at night when everyone left."

Xu Rong nodded. He knew all of this. All the crew members in the filming crew were not easy. Those with the sign of "Assistant" on their chests, regardless of men and women, were doing hard work.

"Is everything okay at home?"

"Well, thank you, Mr. Xu, for your help. The director told me that if it weren't for you, none of my siblings would be able to go to school."

"You're welcome, I'll do my best."

After getting into the car, Wang Yaqin took out two lunch boxes and said, "Mr. Xu, I bought buns and porridge, which should still be hot."

"Well, thank you."

Arriving at the set, after putting on makeup, it was already 10:30, Xu Rong sat on a chair by the side of the set, quietly closing his eyes and resting his mind.

There will be a scene with him in a moment.

For the play "Daughter-in-law", he prepared well enough, but those preparations now seem to have neglected the factor of the co-actors, because he habitually regards the subjects as Wu Gang and Feng Anhe.

Now it is necessary to think a little more and make minor modifications.

"Brother, what are you thinking?"

Xu Rong opened his eyes, looked up at the oval-faced, high-nosed Yue Yue who came to him at some point, and said, "I didn't sleep well yesterday, take a rest, you didn't announce today, did you?"

Yue Yue smiled and said, "No, I just came to see your play."

"What's so interesting about mine?" Xu Rong shook her head with a smile, and raised her chin at Bai Han, "You should observe Teacher Bai more, her acting is very good."

Yue Yue nodded, and said: "No, Aunt Bai asked me to learn more from you."

"Learn from each other, learn from each other."

Upon hearing Yue Yue's name for Bo Han, Xu Rong immediately understood that the mother and daughter in the play probably knew each other, and Yue Yue might even be recommended by Bo Han, because under normal circumstances, they should be called teachers.

In each group, except for the big names, other actors, director groups, and production groups, as long as they explore carefully, they can always find inextricably linked.

Just like the Nortel people in the group, the directors and leading actors are all from Nortel, and many of the supporting roles are also from Nortel.

Just as he was talking, Zhao Tiegang's voice came over: "Teacher Xu?"

"Here we come." Xu Rong straightened his clothes and walked into the arena.

Gao Bao is already in place, and this is the first scene for the two of them, but after chatting a few words at the kick-off banquet, this person is also from Nortel.

Gao Bao played his stepmother Yao Jing in the play, and "Yao Jing" actually took the homonym of "fairy".

"The next scene to be filmed is Episode 19 No. [-]. Yu Wei hoped that her stepmother Yao Jing would let him be his mother. Yao Jing proposed to let Mao Doudou go to work in her company. During this process, Yu Wei wanted to be in a relationship. Yao Jing actually It's clear, not overly forced, but just right."

"When shooting, use an over-the-shoulder lens, and the two teachers will pay attention."

After Zhao Tiegang finished speaking, he looked at the two of them and said, "Teachers, go one way?"

Xu Rong looked at Gao Bao and said, "Sister, why don't you leave, just shoot?"

This scene has words and does not need to be fully played live.

Gao Bao smiled and said, "Okay, do as you said."



"Preparation, action."

Xu Rong picked up the water on the table, took a sip, and said, "Aunt Yao Jing, I've been talking to you for a long time. Anyway, the main point is that when you meet my mother, can you please let me go? My mother said a little, just a little."

He spoke at a slow pace in the first half, with his head heavy and his tail raised in every sentence. When he waited until "it's time for you and my mother to meet", he leaned forward and raised his eyes slightly.

Because Yao Jing is his stepmother, what he wants to express at this time is a request to Yao Jing. As long as Yao Jing can say the words smoothly, she must be more imposing than him.

At the same time, in order to ensure that Gao Bao followed his plan, he added an accent to the last three words "a little bit", pointing to Gao Bao's right thumb and index finger and gesticulating in front of his forehead.

The actor's habit of receiving words is that no matter how the opponent lands, the other person will start from this foot, and in order to ensure this, Xu Rong's eyes are quite soft, and his brows are slightly frowned, trying not to put pressure on Gao Bao.

The reason for this is that there is another possibility, that is Li Youbin's co-actor, his eyes are very playful, and it is easy to overwhelm the co-actor.

"You have also seen that every time your mother provoked it first, you just do my ideological work, it is useless, once she scolded me, you also know my temper. Yes, she insists on competing with me, and it's hard for me to say that I must endure the humiliation, and you should talk more about your mother."



Because of the reading of the script last night, many people surrounded Liu Jiang today. After reading it, they all felt a sense of astonishment.

Gao Bao's performance today is completely different from last night when he read the script, especially the opening sentence "You also saw it, every time it was your mother who provoked it first." The long sound, the accent fell on the word "Xian", and after taking a breath, it immediately became milder.

"It turns out that Teacher Gao is the one who really hides the truth."

"There's also a look under the eyes, the tone is soft, but the attitude is quite clear."

As for Xu Rong's performance, they ignored it directly.

Xu Rong behaved well, shouldn't he?
Liu Jiang frowned, took out the cigarette, but didn't light it immediately, but scratched his head between his fingers, watching the playback carefully.

This is Xu Rong's third scene. Compared with the previous two scenes, his body and language expressions are more abundant, which can be evaluated as a straight line up, but it is also within Liu Jiang's expectation. Where will it stop, but the current situation has exceeded his expectations.

But Gao Bao's outburst was completely unexpected to him. Gao Bao's scene was the second scene, which was completely different from the first scene. He even felt a little possessed by He Saifei.

Turning his head, Liu Jiang looked at Chen Kunhui, the director of photography who was still [-] points, and asked in doubt: "Is there such a big advantage of the over-the-shoulder lens?"

(End of this chapter)

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