I'm just an actor

Chapter 165 Getting Started

Chapter 165 Getting Started
Actors are a job that requires status. No matter the current wider Sri Lankan system or other systems, it is unavoidable to be affected by status, tacit understanding, and the distance between the actor and the role, and the higher the upper limit, the greater the fluctuation.

In the past, when Xu Rong hadn't made up his mind to be a good actor, he paid more attention to the "photographic memory" of the lucky wheel, because if the guess is not bad, the universality of this trait has made him a success in many industries But now, he is more and more yearning for the characteristics of "constant peak".

Especially with the improvement of his own business level, he has become more and more aware of the importance of maintaining Zhongzheng's peaceful state.

After a scene was filmed, he walked to the sidelines, sat on a chair, and carefully recalled the nuances of the scene just now and the previous filming.

After thinking for a while, he asked for the mobile phone from Wang Yaqin, and wrote down in the memo, "Design is very important. It is very important for the play, for oneself, and for others (to be verified later)." A nonsensical sentence.

The scene just now was an attempt and an imitation.

I have to admit, it was exhausting.

Because he not only has to consider how he presents himself, but also takes into account the reactions of his co-performers, and guides the other party to express in the form he wants through rhythm, body, and language.

When filming just now, he put down the water glass and turned his gaze to Gao Bao, implying to her "I want to talk, you have to look at me".

Then she leaned over and looked up slightly, forcing her to stop staring at herself, because one side of her is the camera and the other side is the curtain. It is impossible for her to turn her eyes to the sides or raise her head to avoid it, so the only choice Just lower your gaze.

Then he made a gesture deliberately, and then pulled her gaze back.

Some of these were designed before filming, and some were on-the-spot reactions, because it was his first scene with Gao Bao, and he couldn't fully predict how she would respond in advance.

The inspiration comes from the first cooperation with teacher Li Xuejian.

In contrast, he felt that he was still far behind. At the beginning, Teacher Li Xuejian was wearing sunglasses, and the corner of his mouth was pressed down on one side, so he forgot all the words.

In fact, at that time, in his state, all he needed to say was a good show.

There is no need to consider experience or skills, just read the words.

Although they all achieve the same effect, they are different. He intentionally reduced his improvisation. He couldn't be like Li Xuejian, who had two different acting methods before and after a scene, which created him in the same bewildered state.

This is something that can’t be helped, there must be gains and losses.

After all, Gao Bao is not Wu Gang, and he can play with a single sentence, but what is commendable is that Gao Bao can act, at least he can follow the rhythm.

While Xu Rong was thinking, Liu Jiang also fell into confusion.

Gao Bao, after a fierce scene, seemed to have run out of shells, and was no longer the highlight of the previous one.

Even if he deliberately gave an over-the-shoulder shot, it still had no effect at all. Even because of NG once, it had a counterproductive effect under pressure, and his performance was not as good as the first one.

But he didn't think deeply about it. Actors not only look at their status, but also their co-actors. Some two actors, even if they collaborate for the first time, can collide and create sparks.

Unbelievable, but not uncommon.

In the middle of the afternoon, when he was considering whether to add a few more Xu Rong and Gao Bao scenes, he put on his earphones again, looked at Xu Rong and Hai Qing in the camera, and was completely dazed.

Hai Qing's condition is also ridiculously good.

No, not right.

He stared at the replay carefully, and then stared at it again under the bewildered eyes of director of photography Chen Kunhui.

This time, he really saw some clues.

Xu Rong's lines and body are very inductive, and they are obviously more expressive than eyes.

Xu Rong's two scenes on the first day were not the current situation, his eyes were very rich in those two scenes.

But the expression of the eyes is too delicate, which tests the insight of the co-actor. He seems to have collected a lot on purpose.

"Is this f---ing human?" After a while, he took off his earphones, staring blankly at Xu Rong who had already sat on a chair to rest, and Hai Qing who had come behind him at some point.

He has heard of an actor like Xu Rong, who has a particularly strong sense of rhythm and extremely rich expression dimensions. Once entering the camera, it is almost like an engine, which can drive all the co-actors silently.

But the price of such an actor is far more than [-].

Oh, that's not right, Xu Rong's current salary is 12 yuan.

This makes sense.

Hai Qing bent slightly and asked, "Director, can I watch it again?"

"Oh, okay." Liu Jiang nodded subconsciously, scratched his head and said, "You did a good job in that one just now."

Hai Qing watched the replay carefully, amused herself, and said, "I can't believe I performed this, haha."

She smiled and laughed, and suddenly lost her voice. It seemed that Gao Bao had said something similar at noon today.

It seems that all this has nothing to do with them, but because Xu Rong participated in it.

After sitting back on the chair, she suddenly turned her head, looked at Feng Jiayi who had worked with her twice, and asked in a low voice, "Hey, do you remember what Xu Rong said last night?"

She still remembered the meaning, but she forgot the original words. Thinking about it now, maybe she understood it wrong.

There's no need for Xu Rong to mock a group of people.

Moreover, after filming a scene with him just now, after seeing the other party's level, she felt that there should be a deep meaning in his words that she hadn't thought of.

Feng Jiayi was stunned for a moment, thought for a while, and then said: "It seems, it seems to be substituting the situation."

Hai Qing rolled her eyes and said, "No, what did I mean completely?"

Feng Jiayi spread her hands and said, "I forgot, why are you asking this?"

Hai Qing originally wanted to explain to him, but when the words reached his lips, he swallowed them again, and said, "You will understand after playing with him."

"See what you're talking about." Feng Jiayi sighed with a smile, "But I think his acting is really good, so I feel very, very suitable."

"I've seen the devil if it doesn't fit."

Just as Xu Rong rested, Yue Yue ran up to him again, and said with a smile, "Brother, are you tired, may I give you a shoulder squeeze?"

As she spoke, she walked up behind him without allowing him to refuse, and reached out to beat his shoulder.

Xu Rong frowned, turned his head, looked up at her, and asked, "This, isn't it appropriate?"

It had been less than a week since the production crew started, and he and Yue Yue hadn't spoken a few words at all, but the other party was really enthusiastic and weird.

He couldn't stop thinking about it. He had already blocked "Northern Dancer No. [-]" and "Northern Dancer No. [-]" a while ago.

She always asked him out without saying anything, and then even sent a multimedia message.

He wasted a lot of traffic!

Yue Yue smiled and said: "What's wrong with this, don't think too much, Mr. Li often mentions you."

"Mr. Li, which Mr. Li?"

"Teacher Li Xuejian." Yue Yue gently squeezed his shoulders and said, "By the way, I also speak Mandarin."

"Oh, I said so."

Xu Rong now understands that since Guohua changed its leadership last year, it has attracted many popular artists to join, and has not arranged performances, purely advancing with the times and attracting audiences.

Many artists go in under their names, or they have a registered permanent residence in the capital, and maybe they don't even know where the theater is located.

He also received an invitation last year, but he rejected it without even thinking about it. He didn't even think about Renyi, so it's bad for Mandarin.

I was bewitched by Li Youbin before, and joined the Visual Association. Needless to say, I didn't want to go to the award ceremony that I didn't want to attend.

But according to what Yue Yue meant, she was obviously a regular soldier.

At night, after reading the script, Xu Rong got up and was about to leave, but he was grabbed by Feng Jiayi.

Seeing Xu Rong staring at her condescendingly, Feng Jiayi hurriedly let go, and said, "Mr. Xu, the director has other arrangements."

After what he said, Xu Rong realized that the people in the room were all sitting and staring at him except him who got up.

It seemed that there was something wrong, and everyone else got the news in advance, but he was kept in the dark.

Liu Jiang clapped his hands and said, "That's it. Since there are many newcomers in our group, I announce a decision to officially hire Mr. Xu as our group's performance director."

"Clap clap clap."

As his words fell, the room immediately burst into applause.

This face has to be given. After today's three scenes, they can see that if Xu Rong acts alone when acting with Xu Rong, no matter how many times he plays, he may not be able to shine. On the contrary, if Xu Rong Rong is willing to go back and carry it, maybe the picture will fly like snowflakes when he turns around.

As for whether the show will be popular?
With Xu Rong's current appeal, the worse the drama, the higher the attention will be. If he performs well at that time, he will be crazily raised if he needs to be praised.

How dare Xu Rong accept this kind of errand, if it gets out, Zhongxi will have to follow him forever.

Performance guidance has always been the sole preserve of Chinese opera teachers.

He waved his hands and said, "No, no, I can't, I can't, I'm just a primary school student."

"Then you can treat us as a preschool class." Yue Yue immediately picked up the conversation.


Everyone in the room burst into laughter. Ever since Xu Rong showed his strength as the No. [-] student in the mainland last year, all his past has been turned upside down. The conversation with Li Xuejian was also repeated by various media. .

Xu Rong smiled awkwardly. He was indeed eager for quick success at the time, but even if time went back, he would still choose this way.

"Director, I really can't do it. I still have to hang out in this industry. I really can't do this as an acting director. So what, I'll go back first if there's nothing else to do."

He said, picked up the water glass and walked out.

"Mr. Xu, I won't let you work in vain. You will be paid."

"I can't do it, let's go, see you tomorrow."

No matter how much reward is paid, it is impossible for Xu Rong to put this name on his head.

"Mr. Xu, the director also wants to shoot well."

Before he went out, Bo Han's words made him stop.

He turned his head quietly, looked at Bo Han who was looking at him with a smile, and really doubted whether it was Li Xuejian's move.

Bo Han and Li Xuejian are also in the same unit.

Bai Han smiled and said: "Mr. Li said that your theoretical knowledge is very solid, and you have rich practical experience. There is no problem in being a performance director."

Xu Rong looked at Bo Han and said, "Mr. Bo, I don't believe what you said. Teacher Li has never said a word of my kindness to my face."

Yue Yue said: "They all praise you to the sky."

Xu Rong doubtfully said, "Really?"

At this time, Liu Jiang said: "Mr. Xu, in this way, it is not difficult to give you a name as a performance director, and share how you read the script as a whole, right?"

"That's it."

Hai Qing, Gao Bao and Bo Han who had acted with him today immediately responded with a smile.

They discovered yesterday that the characteristics of Xu Rong's words are quite obvious. Just sitting like that can completely bring out the emotions.

It was almost exactly the same as when Fan Yi went downstairs.

But everyone is holding the same notebook, and their sitting postures are similar. What causes this difference?

Feng Jiayi immediately stood up, gave the stool to Xu Rong, and said, "Mr. Xu, we are all eagerly waiting to play your role."

These words expressed the aspirations of most people, and made Xu Rong feel more pressured.

Xu Rong glanced around, saw that everyone in the room was looking at him, sat down, and said: "How about this, I will borrow flowers to offer Buddha, and talk about a little script reading experience taught to me by a senior."


Everyone laughed, but no one exposed him.

The reason why Xu Rong sat down was really moved by Bai Han's words. This drama is his transformational work, so he can't rush.

Besides, there are few announcements today, so he can take it away, but when there are more dramas in the future, he can't bear it mentally.

He put the water glass on the table and said: "Actually, we have been reading scripts for the past two days. Very few teachers do have a little problem. They are not very involved. I am reading scripts."

In the middle of his speech, he suddenly stopped, and accompanied by his smile, the whole room was also erupted.


"Teacher Xu, I understand, I understand, the senior said what the senior said."

When the laughter subsided, Xu Rong continued: "Yes, the senior said that under normal circumstances, there are three kinds of feelings when reading a script. The first one is like old friends at first sight. Everyone in it seems to have met and is familiar with it, and it is handy to act. , Teacher Bo Han and Teacher Hai Qing should feel more clearly about this."

Bai Han nodded with a smile. With Xu Rong's word, she knew that Li Xuejian hadn't boasted. It was impossible to make such a definite judgment without rich theoretical knowledge and practical experience.

"Our profession as an actor is a special profession. Unlike musicians, we can write songs as soon as we feel something. We have no such possibility, but we must also be like them, be sensitive to life, and keep full When I read the script, I naturally know how to read and how to act."

Yue Yue asked: "What if you are not familiar with it?"

Xu Rong looked at her and said: "This is the second situation that senior said. When I read the script, my god, I have no such experience and I don't know how to act. What are you doing?"

Although Xu Rong's behavior was exaggerated, no one laughed. Instead, they all pricked up their ears and listened carefully to his next sentence.

Because what he said at this time is a problem that every actor will inevitably face, and it is also an unsolvable problem.

Seeing that no one was smiling, Xu Rong felt a little bored, and couldn't hear the joke, so he continued: "I feel that the challenge is very difficult. At this time, either don't take it, or rush up. The harder it is, the more you have to try. My The seniors believe that actors who cannot mobilize their own enthusiasm will never be able to mobilize the enthusiasm of the audience. The more difficult it is, the harder it is to work hard. You can’t be cowardly. Counseling will limit your subjective initiative and enthusiasm. Of course , You have to calm down, do what you can, and don’t act recklessly, such as an actor playing a female role.”


Xu Rong pointed to Yue Yue, and said: "The other is what Yue Yue said just now, and I have no interest at all, but who asked you to sign the contract, you took the money!"

"I'm sure that no one here said that they just came here to hang out, and had the mentality of withdrawing after the filming. If there is, I would like to advise you to change careers as soon as possible. If you are lucky, you will be popular, but it will definitely not be popular all the time."

Hai Qing couldn't bear it anymore, and said, "Mr. Xu, you're getting to the point."

"Don't worry."

Feng Jiayi immediately picked up the water glass, unscrewed the lid for him, handed it to him, and said, "Mr. Xu, drink some water to moisten your throat."

"thanks, thanks."

Xu Rong took a sip of water, put down the water glass, and said: "Aiming at this point, that senior figured out two small tricks. First, we must work hard on life and materials. For example, the role of Yu Hao, Yue Yue, you Do you know a real newlywed widow? Do you know how such a person lives? Do you understand her pain and happiness? When you really understand, she will definitely not be such a thin person in your eyes as a "newly married widow" Nouns, you will have subjective emotions of sympathy, pity, or disgust, and at this time, you will find that you will naturally have the urge to interpret her.”

Yue Yue nodded her head and asked, "But how do you understand?"

"This is the second little trick, which is also the most important. Read biographies, and you have to read more. Forget about the senior, I'll talk about my own feelings."

"Mr. Xu, you can also have a friend."


Xu Rong smiled and glared at Feng Jiayi, and said: "When I played Wang Yimin, I felt that the positive characters were just like that. It was very simple. I will play this series of positive characters in the future. There is no problem at all. Later, I made another movie, which is also true." Positive people realized that the set didn’t work anymore.”

"Even if they are all works of the same type, but the style of the screenwriter is different, the presentation of the actors will also change accordingly. The premise of this change is whether the scope of our coverage is broad or not, and the biography can make us feel different writers or writers. The inner world of different characters, when you read enough and see a character, you will immediately have a feeling of "hey, I know this person well", and the urge to create comes, I personally think, biography, especially Yes autobiography is one of the best outlets."

Hai Qing quietly turned off the recording, and said: "After you said this, I realized that there are so many ways to read scripts."

Xu Rong waved his hand and said, "How can I understand these things, they are all taught by seniors."

As he said that, he got up. If everyone did as he said, he would be much more relaxed when leading. Of course, these are just some general skills for reading scripts. If you really want to dissect the art of reading scripts To put it bluntly, the content that needs to be covered is too broad, and it is impossible to explain it clearly in a day or two, and it is estimated that most people sitting here may not be able to understand it.

(End of this chapter)

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