I'm just an actor

Chapter 166 Journal

Chapter 166 Journal
After talking about how to read the script once, even though Liu Jiang and a group of people invited him repeatedly, Xu Rong didn't speak again.

It's not about self-preservation.

Some of these experiences were obtained by him as a servant or by real money, some were exchanged among friends, and some were summaries of his own perceptions.

And all of them have been verified by him personally, and they are effective.

Just like the two script reading skills he mentioned, you can’t find them in books, let alone in the stomachs of teachers in schools or off-campus training institutions. These things are very precious to him, but to most people , perhaps worthless.

Because of the difference in values, the way people identify with red is different.

In his view, both works and publicity are indispensable, but in truth, the quality of works is more important than publicity, but the current universal value is that publicity is much more important than works.

If someone really learns it seriously, he will not be stingy, just like Wu Gang back then, he will teach all the skills he considers the most important and can highly summarize the entire performance process.

It's just that he hasn't seen the improvement yet, although he also understands that it won't be effective in a while, but before that, there is no need to say it, after all, it may be worthless in the eyes of others.

The other point is that it doesn't make much sense, because the cost of communication is too high, and it is impossible for him to carry the script to talk to a group of people about the external skills of the lines or even the comprehensive penetration skills.

Just like a college student cannot teach calculus with a primary school student, because the other party does not have a series of pre-knowledge reserves such as functions and derivatives.

When he first learned from Tong Zirong, he also started from the most obvious "relaxation of control".

Theory has guiding significance, but it must be used in the end. Only when it is applied in practice can we truly feel the great role of theory.

Everyone is an adult, some have received professional training, some have not at all, they are willing to be serious, they have been silently serious for a long time, and those who are not willing to work hard will never change because of his few words.

Perhaps only poverty can change people.

But this is not the case. Most of the actors and entertainers have good family conditions. Like him, there are only a very small number of migrant workers who come to perform across industries.

This point, when he, Shi Lijia, and Zhang Duo studied with Li Youbin, he had already understood it deeply enough.

On the third day when he officially entered the group, more and more people came to visit the group.

There are those who have cooperated in the past, those who have met through other channels, and various media, just like an award ceremony, there is an endless stream, and the production director Gao Chao is complaining.

Xu Rong's relatives and friends are greeted by him, and it doesn't matter whether the crew entertains them or not. But when the media came and interviewed the crew by the way, they should express their hearts and minds.

Gao Chao complained in his heart, and Xu Rong was not much better. He knew very well how many friends he had, and these friends also knew that he didn't like to be disturbed while filming.

But since he came with a smiling face, he had to greet him with a smiling face.

There was only one person whose arrival he hadn't expected.

Jin Fangfang.

This short girl was wearing a white sportswear when she appeared, as if she was going for a morning run, but she held herself up quite solidly. Objectively speaking, it greatly made up for her short legs.

Maybe it's God's window.

"A good news, a bad news, which one do you want to hear?" Jin Fangfang understood Xu Rong's habits, and when she arrived, she didn't hesitate, and directly grabbed him straight to the point.

Xu Rong said without thinking: "Let's hear the bad news first."

"The bad news is that you are starting to fall behind in the competition for the number one niche." She paused, and continued, "I analyzed it, mainly because you participated in too few activities, especially variety shows and talk shows. You understand that it is all other people's opinions, although actors should maintain a sense of mystery, but you are too mysterious, you have not appeared in as many scenes as your girlfriend, and she has been photographed many times shopping alone in gold shops."

Xu Rong looked at her in astonishment. He really didn't know about these things. When chatting, Xiao Zhang would always send some photos of serious review. Dizzy, but in a good mood.", "The sun is up, I have to get up for morning exercises, come on, come on!" and other inspirational chicken soup.

Right now, it seems that most of them are shouting slogans for him to see.

After being stunned, he shook his head with a smile and said, "What kind of bad news is this? A temporary gain or loss is nothing at all."

Jin Fangfang's attitude towards him was indifferent, that is, he had expected it, but he was quite helpless.

The purpose of her coming here today is to hope that he can spare time to participate in several influential variety shows.

In her opinion, the title of "No. [-] Xiaosheng" is too important. Once it is confirmed and the resources are gathered, it will be like Huang Xiaoming a few years ago. Competitiveness.

But looking at Xu Rong's appearance, it didn't mean that at all.

"Tell me the good news."

Jin Fangfang sighed and said, "The good news is that Chang Jihong is determined to leave."

Xu Rong was silent for a while, he hadn't heard this name for a long time, and people around him would try their best to avoid mentioning it.

Chang Jihong's departure was expected by everyone, but when it really happened, it could be called a small earthquake in the company and in the industry.

"That's not good news."

He said abruptly that Chang Jihong's departure would inevitably take away a large number of artists from the company, and the pressure to renew the contract would immediately be piled on his shoulders.

Just like Rong Xinda urgently needs a facade artist after Chen Kun leaves, it is also impossible for the company to maintain profitability by relying on a bunch of second- and third-tier artists.

He thought of another thing and asked, "Where is Sun Li, her contract is about to expire soon, what's the situation now?"

"She has renewed her contract."

Xu Rong's brows were slowly frowned. Now that the studio has spread to a common phenomenon, he couldn't figure out the significance of Sun Li's contract renewal.


"Do you think it's really possible?"

"Who knows, Chang Jihong's departure has a great impact, and it is estimated that it will not be successful in the past two years."

Xu Rong didn't think that Sun Li couldn't see this, so he became more curious at this moment and asked, "How did Guo Si convince her?"

Jin Fangfang lowered her voice, and said with a strange expression: "Guo Si doesn't know anything at all. Sun Li directly contacted the chairman. She didn't receive the news until the negotiation was settled."

"have to."

Xu Rong clapped his hands, Guo Si was acting as a manager, he really didn't pick up the watermelon and lost the sesame seeds.

He doesn't have any prejudice against Guo Si, but no matter whether he renews his contract, stays with him or even leaves after the contract expires, he will never choose Guo Si as his agent again.

In the early days, the cooperation between the two was very pleasant, especially when they faced Chang Jihong, who was full of evil. Although the two had different starting points and goals, they both held the sense of justice and responsibility of strengthening the righteous and eliminating evil, and returning the company to a bright future. And the sense of mission, the same hatred, and the cooperation is extremely tacit.

It's just that once upon a time, and now it's not on the same channel, maybe she was assimilated by Hairun's atmosphere, maybe she has that personality, maybe he was similar at that time, so it seems to be in tune.

Now that they meet, although they appear to be more intimate than in the past, each of them understands in their hearts what is actually going on.

Xu Rong didn't take these things to heart. If Hairun is successfully listed, he should be able to make a lot of money in terms of the shares he can subscribe for, but he doesn't plan to make TV dramas for the rest of his life.

After winning one or two more valuable awards, he will even choose to bid farewell to TV dramas completely and devote himself to the wave of the big screen.

With his current popularity, there is very little room for improvement in the TV drama market.

This is an idea that was born the year before last and matured last year.

March of this year was not peaceful. The hard-won "My Leader, My Group" exploded, but it also fell into huge controversy because of various details.

Like last year's "Night" starring Xu Rong, experts from all walks of life jumped out at the same time as the popular broadcast, analyzing various flaws in detail.

But it has not affected the popularity of "Leader" in the slightest.

Like a bunch of jumping clowns.

After Zhang Jizhong bombarded Xu Rong last year, three more seniors attacked the younger generation.

After Wang Jing's evaluation of "I am a villain, he is a hypocrite", Zhou Xingchi was labeled "stingy", "reclusive", "selfish" and "mercenary" by his peers.

On the other side, Gao Xiaosong was also not to be outdone. On the show, he fought with young guests, which was even more exciting than the scolding battle with a certain young writer back then.

In the Hustle and bustle entertainment page, Xu Rong, as a popular niche, also occupies a place.

On the seventh day of the start-up, he was pushed to the forefront again.

The cause of the incident was the recording of the night when I read the script two days ago.

Xu Rong didn't know who recorded the audio and who exposed it, but after the content of the recording was reported, he was immediately attacked by experts from all walks of life.

Especially a group of drama critics, as if digging their ancestral graves, gave examples to refute almost every sentence he said.

Zhang Jizhong, who was choked by Xu Rong years ago and had not responded, jumped out immediately: "I admire Xu Rong's hard work. It can be said that few people will work as hard as he does for a role, but objectively speaking, actors must It may be a challenge for him to be able to clearly understand himself, but it may be a challenge for him, but it is an extremely irresponsible performance for the audience. Spreading this kind of thought to others will form a huge influence on the entire industry. Huge harm, here I strongly appeal to colleagues, do not invite Xu Rong to appear in any film and television works in the future."

When Xu Rong got the news, it was a media visit the next day. He did not respond to this, because afterwards he checked the so-called experts who criticized him. experience.

He has no free time to discuss professional issues with a group of laymen.

As for Zhang Jizhong's rhetoric, most of them integrate the criticizing remarks of those laymen, but his expressive skills are easy to convince people.

In fact, he also knows that everything is caused by fame, just like "My Leader, My Team", if the ratings are poor, there will not be so many ghosts and ghosts.

Under the public opinion, the idiot traits of the public have also been fully revealed. After seeing the criticism from a group of experts and Zhang Jizhong, an insider in the industry, the wind direction immediately changed, from the previous widespread praise to gradually turning into mixed praise.

Thanks to the addition of his works and appearance in the past few years, he has really accumulated a lot of die-hard fans. For a while, the media and the Internet, the controversy about him is raging, and the arguments for and against him are endless. Controversy about Zhou Xingchi.

"Ms. Xu, my mother and I specially asked for the peace talisman for you. That gentleman is very effective in our hometown." Xiao Zhang, who came to visit the class, quietly stuffed a piece of talisman into his hand, whispering Said, "The gentleman said that at twelve o'clock in the morning at night, after burning it, drink it facing north, which can ward off disasters and take refuge, and turn disasters into good luck."

Xu Rong stared blankly at the yellow talisman paper in his hand. He was very impressed with this thing, but he didn't expect Xiao Zhang to be so superstitious at such a young age.

Aunt Wang, who came here together, saw Xu Rong's helpless and happy look, and said: "Xiao Xu, don't believe it, there is a man with terminal cancer over there, and the hospital asked him to go home and eat something good, so he drank it." A bowl of talisman water, guess what?"

Xu Rong cooperated and asked, "What's the matter?"

"In less than half a month, I was able to walk on the ground like a normal person. I went to the hospital for an examination, and there was nothing wrong with it."

Xu Rong silently stuffed the talisman paper into his pocket. The company has already contacted dozens of media and many colleagues in the industry for the current controversy. shot.

At the same time of clarification, with the general trend, he won the title of "No. [-] Xiaosheng in the Mainland" in one fell swoop.

Unexpectedly, however, a periodical quietly changed the direction of public opinion, which also made the company's preparations seem rather embarrassing.

"Actually, we have been reading scripts for the past two days. Very few teachers do have a little problem and are not very involved. My impulse to create scripts came when I was reading scripts. I personally think that biography, especially autobiography, is one of the best channels. .”

The content of the recording was published verbatim in the form of questions and answers.

Below the Q&A, there is also a brief commentary:

Xu Rong is not a dedicated actor. Last year when I was filming "Latent", I was temporarily notified by the crew to join the crew. After asking, I found out that Xu Rong suddenly felt that he was not in the right state the day before the filming, and asked to retreat. One is to adjust the shooting plan and schedule.

Xu Rong is an "old" actor, not because he has filmed many scenes or is mature, but because he has almost learned the old-school actor's style, filming without a script, emphasizing experience, emphasizing the desire to create, and emphasizing writing a biography , essays, and a summary of the practice.

Xu Rong is a good actor. His theoretical knowledge is not as rich as a young actor in his early twenties. He can casually recite many lines from the first act to the second scene of a classic play, as well as what is good and what is flawed. , I also have a very unique understanding of acting. In the process of cooperating with him, every scene I filmed is full of passion, because I know very well that if I play with him, there will be one less.

During the discussion, Xu Rong said a word to me, keep the inner continuous active, I discussed this sentence with many colleagues in the academy, and agreed that it can be evaluated as one of the essence of performance.

Regarding the content of the recording, a special seminar was held in the courtyard. After discussion, it was finally unanimously decided to publish it in the journal and study it internally.

Thanks to the enthusiastic friend who made the recording for allowing us to hear such incisive theories and practical skills.

At the same time, I would like to thank Teacher Xu Rong for his generous teaching.

Finally, I would like to borrow a comment from our dean: Xu Rong is a genius in the field of acting.

——Wu Gang, Journal of Humanities and Arts Academy

(End of this chapter)

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