I'm just an actor

Chapter 167 Units

Chapter 167 Units
"Monk, you are so awesome."

When Xu Rong was eating at noon, he received a call from Li Youbin all of a sudden, and when he heard such a sentence from him without thinking, he didn't react at all for a moment.

He subconsciously thought that Li Youbin was talking about his popularity, but this guy's reflex arc is a little too long, right?

The matter that started to ferment at the end of August last year, good guy, now I will congratulate him when he falls behind in the competition of the first niche.

His heart can be punished, and his deeds are despicable!
But in terms of language, he couldn't let Li Youbin hear his self-satisfaction, and said nonchalantly: "Hey, what's so awesome, I just took over the show because of the high salary, and I didn't expect everyone to be like this Like, it's all luck, it's all luck."

Liu Jiang and Hai Qing who were sitting across from him were stunned for a moment. Although Xu Rong spoke modestly, he didn't hide his complacency at all. He just said that if we acted casually, he would be inexplicably popular. Well, what can I do?

"What kind of luck? Are you sleepy? Do you know that your recording was published by the Academy of Human Arts, and your sister-in-law just brought me a copy, good guy, Academy of Arts, anyway, you boy Don’t you want to switch careers to engage in theory?”


Xu Rong was stunned by the action of pulling rice into his mouth, he was a little unresponsive.

People's Arts Academy publishes their own recordings?
Isn't it also a criticism?
The Journal of Human Art Academy is different from those laymen. If Ren Yi caught him criticizing him, he would become a complete joke in the industry.

It's not surprising that Shi Lanya can read the magazine of Human Art Academy, she is an actress of Human Art.

At this moment, how could he still be in the mood to eat, and hurriedly said: "No, what you said is true?"

"What am I lying to you for? The dean of Human Arts has given you a high evaluation, saying that you are a genius."

Xu Rong was stunned again, and then he realized that he was wrong. Renyi is a sacred place in the drama world, where talents gather, and the number of newcomers recruited from the three major colleges is generally no more than five each year, and the threshold is higher than the threshold of the three major colleges. It's still high in one piece, so I won't make such a low-level mistake.

Suppressing the ecstasy in his heart, Xu Rong tried his best to play it lightly: "Is that so? I just said it casually. It's all everyone's flattery. I can't take it seriously, I can't take it as it is."

"toot toot"

Looking at the phone, Xu Rong didn't feel the slightest displeasure at Li Youbin's sudden hang-up, and even grinned happily for a while.

Seeing that he hung up the phone, Liu Jiang kept being silly, and asked, "What's the matter, Mr. Xu, what's the matter?"

Xu Rong suppressed the joy in his heart, and wanted to send a text message to Li Youbin to ask for details, but after editing the message, he forcibly held back before sending it.

Can he take such a small matter as being published in the magazine of the Academy of Humanities and Arts to his heart?
Let Li Youbin understand what it means not to be surprised by favor or humiliation, and what it means to be calm when facing major events!

But he changed hands, and immediately sent a message to Jin Fangfang: Buy a copy of the latest magazine of the Academy of Humanities and Arts, and see if there is any content about me.

He didn't hand over the phone to Wang Yaqin, he had to wait to see if what Li Youbin just said was true.

The Humanities and Arts Academy Journal is a very small periodical, and the target group is not a broad audience, and its influence is limited to a very small range.

And this scope is quite specific, that is, the drama-related majors of major art colleges and major repertory theater troupes.

Since Xu Rong entered the school and opened the first page of the teaching materials, there are only two concepts that impressed him the most, "Steve" and "Human Art".

In the teaching materials, the performance theory is mainly based on Stephenson, supplemented by human art. As for classic cases and pull-up films, human art directly slaughters the board, leaving no way for others to survive.

Open the textbook, except for Si Shi, it is full of Yu Zhi, Zheng Rong, Lan Tianye, Tong Chao and others. Specifically, it is very similar to Zhu Xi in "The Analects of Confucius".

The People's Art Academy Journal is one of the sources of these "annotations", and over time, the Academy Journal has become the most cutting-edge reference material for drama-related majors in various colleges and universities and training courses for major theater troupes.

For the more important cutting-edge theories in academic journals, colleges and universities will directly select and enter teaching plans or textbooks.

As for the author, he will become one of the most hated people by many students.

Ma De said it is simple!
The last time the head teacher asked him to act in a segment of "Luxurious and Rich" in class, although he was a little proud, he was not overly complacent.

The school's poor style of study has almost become a recognized fact in the industry. The head teacher's actions, to a large extent, probably have the original intention of urging the students to focus on the study of business capabilities.

He is also very clear that there is still a big gap between himself and Yu Zhi, Li Xuejian and others.

But it is two completely different concepts to be published in the Journal of the Humanities and Arts Academy and to be pulled by the teacher.

Maybe, maybe his words may be selected into a certain five textbooks for higher art education!

And it is very likely, because what he discusses is relatively basic script reading.

After seeing the photo taken by Jin Fangfang, Xu Rong took a long breath and kept hinting to himself: "Calm down, calm down, this is just a trivial matter."

Jin Fangfang posted the photo and immediately asked: "The situation is very strange now. Many of those who criticized you before suddenly fell silent, and some even turned around and started to praise you on blogs. Do you know what happened?"

Xu Rong thought for a while, and replied, "Maybe I think it's a slap in the face."

He can understand Jin Fangfang's doubts, just as the general public can't understand the significance of the Academy of Humanities and Art, but anyone who has received professional training in art colleges or drama troupes knows it well.

Xu Rong originally thought that this matter would come to an end, but another thing happened right after that completely stunned him.

A lesser-known actor published an article through "**Drama". Unlike Wu Gang's exaggerated hype, that lesser-known actor mainly explained his theory.

Because what he said was relatively brief when he talked, and the annotations elaborated in more detail on his first and second feelings about reading the script and coping strategies.

For the third type he proposed, while elaborating, the lesser-known actor made some supplements, such as improving aesthetics, appreciation of drama and literature, and dabbling in more realism in addition to biography Works, feel the feelings conveyed in them.

This lesser-known actor is named Zheng Rong.

Throughout the article, there is no good or bad comment on his theory, but only annotations and supplements.

Then, Xu Rong's phone rang.

It's even better than "Night" when its ratings were soaring all the way.

Because this lesser-known actor is one of the few regulars in the theater performance textbooks, basically there will be a paragraph every few pages.

The frequency of occurrence is only slightly inferior to that of Yuzhi.

When Xu Rong heard the news, his heart was calm.

Would Faraday jump out and annotate a young man's paper?
Certainly not!

He guessed that Wu Gang was joking with him.

But when the phone calls came one after another, he was a little panicked, and when he saw the photos taken by classmate Xiao Zhang, he panicked even more.

This this this.
He really never expected that a recording would turn the names of the people in the textbook into reality, jumping out to give him notes.

What the hell, it's a big joke!

The article annotated by this unknown actor seemed to be a signal, and then his alma mater, Nortel, followed closely behind. The critical remarks were extremely violent.

The attacks of the literati have always been murderous, and they almost ruined their reputation for a while.

Because after Zheng Rong's annotations, Xu Rong's theory was selected into the next revision of the textbook because of its foundation and practicality.

The authority of the textbook is unquestionable.

Under pressure, those who criticized him before had to stand up and apologize one by one.

In particular, Zhang Jizhong, who has a relatively large influence among the masses, probably held his head as a coward and refused to accept any form of interviews from any media.

But under the tide of pressure from all parties, I had to say: "I am not a professional actor, I don't know much about these things, and it is always inevitable to say the wrong thing." The apology.

At this time, Xu Rong was in the hotel, accepting an exclusive interview with "**Drama" magazine.

The host was a chubby middle-aged man in his forties, named Jiang Zhitao, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses. Seeing that Xu Rong was ready, he asked, "Mr. Xu, shall we start?"

"Well, it's alright."

Jiang Zhitao didn't take the script, sat opposite him as if chatting, and said, "Can you talk about your views on dialogue dramas and even dramas?"

Xu Rong's attitude towards this interview is completely different from the last interview in Nandu. The last interview was about entertainment and promotion of a new drama, but this time it was more professional. In terms of film and television, I have watched a lot of dramas, but I don’t have much experience in acting, so I don’t want to talk about it.”

Jiang Zhitao looked at him in surprise, and said with a smile: "The outside world has always said that you dare to speak up in front of the media, but now it seems that is not the case?"

Xu Rong waved his hands and smiled, and said: "The main reason is that the target groups are different. The entertainment media is mainly to entertain everyone, but the content of our magazine will be quoted a lot. I am short-sighted, and I am afraid that I will be laughed at if I make a mistake."

This is the truth. The published content of "** Drama" has been quoted in the industry all year round. If it is wrong, it will be a joke.

He can't comment on things he doesn't know much about.

Jiang Zhitao changed the subject: "What do you think of Mr. Zheng Rong's commentary on your theory?"

Xu Rong was prepared for this question, and said bluntly: "I admire it very much, especially the supplement in the last paragraph. I read it carefully many times and learned a lot. It also shows that I still have many shortcomings and need to learn and improve."

"Do you have any ideas about acting in drama?"

Xu Rong immediately said: "Yes, I have been preparing for the Renyi exam, but I don't know if I can pass the exam. Mr. Jiang should also understand that the Renyi exam is more difficult. To be honest, I don't have much confidence."

The bigwigs in the drama world gave him such a big face, if he didn't show it, it would be too dishonorable.

"There was some controversy about you in the outside world before, that is, you think that even if you don't know the characters, you should create them with a challenging attitude, so you have suffered a lot of criticism. From a professional point of view, what do you think?"

Xu Rong pondered for a while, and said: "I read a play before, and I was very impressed. It was about the musician Mozart, but the protagonist was not Mozart, but a young court musician in Vienna. It was about how he was so jealous that he killed the young man. Mozart, until now, I still remember the first line of this play is 'God forgive me, I killed Mozart'."

"This way of writing is very special. In the first scene, this old court musician begins to tell his life course. Sometimes he becomes the image of 40 years ago, and sometimes he becomes the 80-year-old him, dissects himself, condemns I don't know much about my own jealousy, such scripts and characters, but I have a great desire to create, because I feel that this role can especially stimulate my desire to challenge."

Jiang Zhitao nodded, and asked with a smile: "Is there any role in the current repertoire that you want to play?"

Xu Rong hesitated for a moment, then said: "I can't say no, I just said that I'm afraid everyone will laugh at me."

"It's okay, just pretend we're chatting."

"Well, let's be ideal. Everything you do has to be a little ideal. I have a little bit after eating this bowl of rice." Xu Rong pondered for a while before slowly saying, "Wang Lifa!"

Jiang Zhitao was taken aback when he heard this, and then suddenly clapped his hands and laughed.

Since Yu Zhi retired from the stage, Liang Guanhua took over, and then through Lei Jia and others, the actors have changed a few times, but in terms of overall evaluation, they are not as good as before.

Although Xu Rong said it was an ideal, judging from the role he hopes to play, his ambition is far more than his modesty.

Xu Rong also laughed. He knew that if he said this sentence, he would inevitably be laughed at, but it was indeed his inner thoughts.

Jiang Zhitao stopped laughing abruptly, and said seriously: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have laughed. Every person with ideals shouldn't be laughed at."

Seeing Xu Rong shaking his head, he didn't seem to care much, he continued to ask: "You have also filmed a lot of scenes, self-evaluation, how do you feel about your performance?"

Xu Rong didn't hesitate this time: "Not at all."


"The truth." Xu Rong nodded heavily and said, "In terms of professional ability, I still have a lot to learn. In terms of attitude, Wu Gang even criticized me for not being a dedicated actor."


While Xu Rong was being interviewed, his alma mater, Nortel, held a weekly meeting as usual.

Before the meeting was about to end, the head of the performance department looked around at the people present and said, "I have a proposal. After Xu Rong graduates, invite him to stay in the school to teach. What do you think?"


There was a sudden sound of good-natured laughter in the conference room, which everyone had expected.

When Xu Rong was in school, he was very good at making troubles. As long as he knew the teachers, he would walk around during the New Year and holidays, and he would be extremely generous when he was involved in conflicts of interest.

The dean laughed, and said: "Your suggestion is very good, but let's not discuss it for the time being. Some units have already greeted me. It is unlikely that we will keep him."

"Which unit?"

(End of this chapter)

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