Chapter 168
With the apology of all experts and Zhang Jizhong, the recording controversy officially came to an end.

But Xu Rong is very clear that the end is only superficial, and the impact of the controversy will be extremely far-reaching.

In this circle, you can't be thin-skinned, don't speak amazingly, and no one will talk to you at all. Zu Feng is a typical thin-skinned, not very good at dealing with people, and can't fool around, so he has all the skills, but he just doesn't Useful.

Frightened by the pressure of public opinion right now, these people lowered their heads, but Xu Rong is sure that once similar things happen, this group of people will not change much. They may be a little more cautious, but they will never back down.

He also didn't find out who recorded the audio and who disclosed it to the media, that doesn't make any sense.

That night, before he published the three feelings of reading the script and the arousal of his creative desire, Liu Jiang communicated with many actors in the group in advance, such as Bai Han, Gao Bao, Hai Qing and others. Got the news.

Moreover, the starting point of the recording behavior is really difficult to measure whether it is good or evil.

But for him and his team, it is just the beginning. He needs to seriously review and summarize his own words and deeds, and Jin Fangfang will do the deeper work of tracing the source.

The recording controversy and the false testimony incident at the beginning of the previous year may seem to have many similarities, but they are completely different in essence.

When he was deeply involved in the false testimony storm, the public opinion was almost one-sided, and only a few friends in his circle spoke out for him.

This time, because of Jin Fangfang's preparation in advance, he specially contacted colleagues who might speak out for him, and asked them to remain silent for the time being.

But Wu Gang, who never expected that he hadn't been taken care of, acted ahead of time, and directly changed the entire public opinion situation.

After he became popular, there were many colleagues who had a "good relationship" with him, and Wu Gang was just one of them.

Because the attitudes of all the people he met were pretty much the same, it was really difficult for him to judge which ones could be regarded as true friends and which ones were just "co-workers".

In addition, there is another fundamental difference. The public opinion is not one-sided. Whether it is his fans or the media, some of them are supporting him spontaneously. This is why Jin Fangfang dares to continue to procrastinate.

Even if he is proved wrong in the end, an apology can calm him down, and his popularity may decline to a certain extent, but it will not damage the root cause.

Because he did not touch the legal and moral bottom line, but the professional ability of the profession he was engaged in was flawed.

Law, morality, and professionalism are the standard order for judging whether an actor is a good actor. The reason why such a strange evaluation logic is formed is due to the influence of culture.

As for the great momentum formed by Mr. Zheng Rong's article, all criticisms were wiped away in an instant.

This was something he didn't expect, and it wasn't what he expected.

However, it also allowed him to experience the power of "all mouths make money". He didn't know why Zheng Rong supported him, but then his alma mater took the lead in rectifying his name, and then friends inside and outside the circle and many stakeholders responded to Zhang Jizhong. Persecution all proves that his decisions all along are correct.

With oneself as the center or link, weave a network of closely related interests.

From another point of view, if he had known Zheng Rong in advance, and the article was the result of the collusion between the two, it might have formed a jaw-dropping fact.

Turn black and white.

All that is needed is an authority to endorse him.

Just like some "literary works", even if they insult the IQ and aesthetic ability of the general public, they can still win major awards after being endorsed by the authority, and they can be named as a certain new genre.

He decided to wait for the limelight to pass and visit Mr. Zheng Rong in the name of a student.

The general trend formed this time is not centered on him himself, but on knowledge. If it is another person, the result will be roughly the same.

He wants to continue what he did before, learn from spiders, weave webs silently, and turn the accidental driving factors in the recording controversy into inevitable factors through time.

Wait until the next time you encounter this kind of situation, relying on the self-centered interest network, you will run over it openly.

In addition, the previous situation of attacking in groups also made him more aware.

He became popular too fast and too early. Compared with most actors who stand in their thirties, their careers have gradually reached the peak. He has only been in the industry for five years and is only 23 years old. He has achieved today's achievements and status. .

For peers, or even non-peers, it is inevitable to be envious or even jealous.

As for his efforts, when the jealousy reaches a certain level, it will only be selectively ignored.

The most indispensable thing in this world is not hard-working people, but people with pink eye disease, and the most ruthless ones are often colleagues.

The most important thing is that his very existence has encroached on the interests of some people, such as Du Zhun, who has been competing with him since the beginning of the year.

The only meeting between the two was at the Southern Festival Awards Ceremony the year before last. He was the most popular actor of the year, and Du Zhun won the best actor award of the year.

At that time, each other had experienced each other's high spirits standing on the podium.

Regarding the temper and disposition of the other party, he didn't have the slightest understanding at all, let alone the slightest suspicion.

Today, he took advantage of the recording controversy to catch up again. As the closing deadline of the voting window is getting closer, the competition has become more and more fierce.

It is impossible for both parties to voluntarily withdraw from the competition for the No. [-] niche. Even if Xu Rong has no intention, Hairun behind him and all interested parties will push him to fight and grab him, such as "Latent" and "Daughter-in-law" The employer, the producer, the advertiser behind him, etc.

They represent the interests of two groups, rather than purely personal wishes.

Even if the person competing with him is not Du Zhun, but Senior Brother Huang Xiaoming or Deng Chao who has a good relationship with him, he still has no room to retreat.

This kind of situation cannot be avoided in the future, because there are only so many resources, and if you want to eat two more bites, you must encroach on other people's shares.

Just like he rejected the invitation of some top magazines, the editorial department of the magazine would rather not shoot, and it is impossible to lower their own status and invite artists who are not as famous as him to deal with it.

But if he is pressed down, then the second highest position will be a matter of course.

In the future, words and deeds must be more cautious, Xu Rong thought so when summing up the incident afterwards.

This time, because of the ignorance of some laymen, there was an oolong, but if one day he really made an inappropriate statement and was caught by someone, I am afraid it will not end well.

Those far away, such as Zhang Huimei, Cao Qitai, and Yang Yuying, and the nearby Lin Zhiling, Zhang Nala, etc., were banned for their inappropriate behavior or remarks.

These are living examples and lessons should be learned.

A series of changes outside the venue did not have an obvious impact on the relatively closed environment of the crew.

Regardless of the criticism of Xu Rong from the outside world, the feelings of the actors who have played with him are true. The same lines and situations, with or without his cooperation, will always have subtle differences in shooting effects. Most actors are perceivable.

Xu Rong would paddle only when he met a very few people, such as Bo Han who played his mother, Li Guangfu and Liu Li who played his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

After all, he is a human being, not a machine, and he also needs to take a breath and rest. For those who can see the past, he is willing to save a little trouble and allocate more energy to the scene with Haiqing.

The filming was still going on in an orderly manner. On the set, Xu Rong noticed a slight change in the attitude of a few people towards him.

This change is especially evident in the two old actors Li Guangfu and Liu Li who played his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

When the two met him before, they neither seemed too close nor deliberately alienated. They only listened quietly to the theories and skills he shared, and did not express any comments or opinions from the beginning to the end.

Xu Rong didn't know what kind of attitude he was in.

But after getting Zheng Rong's endorsement, the two became more enthusiastic about him, and even took the initiative to mention the past of "meeting the parents" and some anecdotes they heard.

Because the next scene to be filmed is the scene of meeting the parents under the aftertaste coincidence.

Xu Rong sat on the side, as if listening to a story, listening to the chat between the two, only occasionally, he laughed in conjunction with each other, so as not to embarrass the other party.

The production crew started for ten days and read the script for a week. Xu Rong had almost figured out the two's professional abilities, and also vaguely perceived their mentality.

This is the first scene between him and the two, and also the second scene in the play.

The plot is that Mao Jianhua and his wife look at the wedding house borrowed by their son, and are dissatisfied with Yu Wei for lending the house to Mao Feng. Yu Wei chases them out and explains the reason to the two.

Another scene with only a plot outline and no specific lines.

For this kind of short-sighted content, the script leaves too much room for the actors to play. From another perspective, it is also a test.

Li Guangfu had a long thin face and didn't like to smile very much. He looked at Xu Rong who was sitting opposite and asked, "Go one way?"

"to make."



Xu Rong, Li Guangfu, and Liu Li sat around a round table in a triangle shape. According to the plot outline, he held a spoon, his face was tense, and he kept pouring sugar into the coffee cup.

Liu Li couldn't stand it anymore, and said dissatisfiedly: "Why do you put so much on it, ah, tell me about this child."

Xu Rong stopped immediately, raised his eyelids, and glanced at Liu Li and Li Guangfu.

Liu Li's tone paused, and she said again: "Why do you eat so sweet? Look, how much do you put in?"

Something is wrong.

He put the spoon into the plate, lowered his gaze, and crossed his hands in front of him. Under the situation, he couldn't help but feel awkward in his heart, but whether it was the problem of the script or the problem of the actors, he was not good at the moment confirm.

He has the experience and experience of meeting his parents, and knows how far he is from Yu Wei, so he will not copy his performance when he first met Xiao Zhang's parents.

If it were his own personality, he would take it seriously, but he would never be so nervous. If it was really bad, he would boil the rice, wipe it dry and wipe his mouth before chatting.

Li Guangfu and Liu Li looked at each other, and Liu Li turned her head and asked, "Shall we meet for the first time?"

Xu Rong forced a smile on his face, but the hands he held did not relax at all, and his voice was urgent and fast: "Well, yes, yes, auntie."

"A few days ago, Doudou also said, find a suitable opportunity to take me to visit your elder brother, but I didn't expect it." His voice became lower and lower, and in the end, it was almost inaudible.

"I didn't expect you to lend this house to my son in advance?"

"I'm sorry, Auntie, I didn't expect this to happen."


After walking through it once, Xu Rong was convinced that there was no problem with the script outline, but Liu Li's performance was one more sentence.

When he met Mao Jianhua and his wife for the first time, inspections were inevitable, but Liu Li repeatedly accused him of putting too much sugar, which was unnatural.

One sentence is just right, but one more sentence seems unreasonable.

Because the Wang Shenghong she wants to play is not a mean mother.

In reality, no matter whether she likes her or not in the future, it is impossible for the mother-in-law to keep saying nasty things in a disgusted tone the first time she sees her son-in-law.

Besides, Mao Jianhua and his wife just saw his big house of more than 140 square meters!
He thought about it, but he didn't bring it up directly. A person lives with a face, and a tree lives with a skin. For a person living in a social group, self-esteem is only inferior to the real RMB, and it is not worth it. Older, maybe even worse.

And he still has a more stable method. After making up his mind, he said with a smile: "By the way, Mr. Li, Mr. Liu, I suddenly thought of a better possibility just now, let's take a real shot?"

Li Guangfu smiled slightly, and while taking a breath, said: "That's a good relationship, try it."


As the real filming officially started, Xu Rong was still the same as last time, holding the spoon, her face tensed, her head lowered, and putting sugar over and over again.

Liu Li looked at him: "Why do you keep so much, ah, tell me about this child."

When Xu Rong lost her voice, she hurriedly put the spoon into the plate, raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and said, "It's the first time I see your elder brother, yes, I'm a little nervous."

The second half of Liu Li's words were blocked by him, and her mouth was slightly opened, because Xu Rong didn't deviate from the outline, and it didn't damage the overall character of the character.

Li Guangfu immediately took the conversation and said with a smile, "Why are you nervous? What else can we do to you?"

Liu Li breathed a sigh of relief, just now Xu Rong smiled at her, it was too sudden, it completely disrupted her preparations.

In the middle of Li Guangfu's words, his eyes turned to Liu Li.

Xu Rong looked at it, and immediately understood that Li Guangfu asked him and Liu Li the same question, and the words were addressed to him, but when he turned his head, Liu Li had to respond.

This time Xu Rong's smile was a little bigger than before, and while the smile faded, he nodded gently, and said continuously: "Yes, yes."

But Liu Li couldn't resist Xu Rong and Li Guangfu taking turns to attack, Xu Rong's voice fell, she opened her mouth and said, "Is this the first time we've seen each other?"

"Well, yes Auntie, I didn't expect that."


Liu Jiang's voice came immediately, and both Xu Rong and Li Guangfu understood the reason. Just now, Liu Li was only looking at his side and didn't notice Li Guangfu's gaze.

Under the indiscriminate punches of the two, she missed a punch.

(End of this chapter)

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