I'm just an actor

Chapter 169 Mistakes

Chapter 169 Mistakes
An incredible streak of mistakes.

In Xu Rong's feelings, Liu Li made more than one mistake. When the three of them walked the scene, there had actually been a mistake.

Liu Li played a little bit out of character.

The reason why I feel incredible is that such a mistake should not happen to an old actor like Liu Li.

Because Liu Li is getting old, she can be regarded as a professional mother-in-law. She is quite familiar with the role of Wang Shenghong. Although it is not easy to make a splash, her rich experience can guarantee that she will not become a burden to the whole drama.

After Liu Li got up and left, Xu Rong and Li Guangfu sat opposite each other without exchanging a word.

Both of them were in good condition just now. When Liu Li was going to the bathroom and looking for his condition, one of them lowered his head and closed his eyes. neck.

The surroundings were quiet, Zhao Tiegang was holding the script, and stood side by side with the lighting teacher. Occasionally, he would lower his head and flip through the book in his hand, frowning slightly, went through the outline of the plot, and then gently closed the book.

In the bathroom, as soon as Liu Li entered the door, she was shocked by the situation inside.




I saw Bo Han leaning over the sink, his eyes fixed on the mirror, leaning on the sink with one hand, and slapped himself several times with the other, his voice was extremely clear and loud.

Liu Li was stunned for a while, and then asked softly: "Bai, Mr. Bai, are you okay?"

Bai Han picked up the glasses on the sink, put them on, and then turned his head, showing a smile that was uglier than crying: "It's okay, it's okay."


Liu Li nodded slowly twice, walked a few steps, and when she reached the other side behind Bai Han, she paused again and asked softly, "Is your condition not good?"


Bai Han responded lightly, and said, "Before I came here, I felt that the characters were in my mind, as if they were alive, but I was about to shoot them soon, but I couldn't let them go."

Later, there will be a scene where she fights with Gao Bao. For this scene, when reading the script last night, Liu Jiang repeatedly urged him to completely let go of the quarrel and scolding.

At this time, Liu Li didn't know whether she should be powerless or lucky. She thought she was unlucky enough. From the beginning of today, she was in a bad state, like sleepwalking, and went wrong frequently.

Unexpectedly, Bo Han is worse than herself. Her current situation can no longer be attributed to the quality of her state, but her own self-esteem.

A person who has been gentle and gentle for most of his life is like a shrew cursing the street, scolding and beating others, and it must be seen by the audience as real, which is not an easy task.

If he couldn't let go, it would be a devastating disaster for Yu Bohan.

Even though the filming hadn't started yet, she could already foresee that if Bo Han couldn't tear up his self-esteem and get into the role, no matter how he acted, it would be wrong.

She only patted her on the back lightly, but said nothing. This is a threshold in her heart. Others can't persuade her, so she can only come in lightly, and then walk out silently, trying not to disturb her .

Before joining the group, she didn't think Wang Shenghong was such a difficult role, because she had played too many roles like mother-in-law and mother over the years, and she was too familiar with them.

And she also knows how to play with young actors, because most young actors do not have rich performance dimensions, and they only need a little guidance to make the other party follow her beat.

But that doll surnamed Xu is simply not a thing.

She had already noticed that he was holding other people's scenes carefully, as if he was holding exquisite and expensive porcelain, for fear of accidentally bumping into them, but for them, he was like wild boars having fun, Thinking about it is a mess.

The situation of Bo Han just now was largely due to him.

When acting with other young people, they can follow their own rhythm and take it slowly, but once acting with Xu Rong, he will almost instinctively grasp the rhythm into his own hands from the first movement.

After all, when you are older, your thinking is not as quick as when you were young, and you can't react in time. However, the performance of the play is often such a split second. Guide the other side.

Just now she was too nervous and subconsciously ignored Li Guangfu.

Standing at the bathroom door, she closed her eyes, stroked her chest, and took a few soft breaths.

She remembered a sentence in a review of the Academy of Humanities and Arts a few days ago, the inner continued to be active.

The comment was written by Wu Gang, and the words were spoken by Xu Rong.

Combined with his rhetoric about creative desire, she can roughly guess the inner construction process of the young man. Creative desire is the foundation, and continuous activity is the final result.

The basis is that there is an impulse to interpret the role in the heart, and the result should be to feel everything in the situation from the perspective of the role and respond in line with the role.

There's something obviously missing between the two, but it's the part that matters the most.

Because the missing part must include how to transition from "impulsive" to "continuously active", which she can see from his external presentation.

Not a talented young man, it is not difficult to know why, because talent can make up for it to a certain extent, but knowing why is another matter.

She was very curious, where did Xu Rong learn this set of inner construction skills, she is also a professional student, and has been paying attention to the development of theories, but comparing them from the beginning to the end, they are a bit different.

And in her opinion, Xu Rong's understanding of creative desire is so crazy that it is absurd. If he can act, he will act, and if he cannot act, he must actively stimulate his subjective initiative to challenge.

If he was allowed to form a corresponding external expression of the system, it would be like not giving food to his colleagues.

But these are not what she wants to care about now.

Back on the set again, Liu Li relaxed a lot.

After all, she is not the only one who is under a lot of pressure. She is under pressure, and Bo Han is under pressure. She does not believe that Li Guangfu is really as calm as he appears on the surface.

Xu Rong and Li Guangfu sat and waited for seven or eight minutes. When they saw Liu Li coming back, they looked at her with questioning eyes.

If she still needs to adjust for a while, then they can only wait, or repeatedly give her words to find the feeling.

This is quite a common situation on the set. After all, people are not machines, they can be turned on at the touch of a switch. Besides, when everyone is in a bad state, forgiving others is also striving for tolerance for ourselves.

Liu Li smiled gently, sat on one side, and said, "Let's get started."





The three got up and stood behind Liu Jiang to watch the replay. After watching a scene carefully, there was no problem.

After looking at each other, they both found that each other's expressions were not as relaxed as imagined.

No problem, that's the biggest problem.

The situation is stable, and the whole drama is calm.

Xu Rong and Li Guangfu, who were scruples about Liu Li just now, basically followed the previous row, step by step, with almost no improvisation, and because Xu Rong, who dominated the rhythm, deliberately suppressed Liu Li, there was no room for Liu Li to play.

Liu Jiang looked up at the three of them and asked, "Another one?"

"it is good."

After sitting in the seat again, Xu Rong saw that Liu Li's condition was well adjusted, and suddenly an impulse emerged in his heart, without hesitation, he said: "Mr. Liu, Mr. Li, I thought of some new possibilities just now. "

Li Guangfu and Liu Li looked at each other, both cheered up, and nodded slightly at the same time.

Xu Rongyi felt that since it was an impromptu scene, he should follow his feelings. In addition, while waiting for Liu Li just now, he couldn't help but think of Ni Dahong.

The way he presents it is very characteristic and very interesting.

Among the teachers he has ever experienced, his student Zirong is the best at learning. After all, he teaches by hand, and Li Xuejian is the worst. Although he also teaches by hand, every time when he thinks he has learned it, Li Xuejian always gives He's totally different.

And the degree of completeness of learning was second only to Tong Zirong, but it was Wu Gang who hadn't known him for too long.

Because in comparison, the "body guidance" proposed by Wu Gang is easier to learn, and it is very easy to use.

Ni Dahong and Wang Qingxiang are more difficult, and the presentation methods of these two people are more unreasonable than the other.

But he still wants to try Ni Dahong's extreme acting style.

Get out of your comfort zone and become a better you!

"ready, go."

It was still Liu Li who spoke first: "Why do you put so much away, ah, tell me about this child."

Xu Rong paused, raised his eyelids, didn't have much expression on his face, only moved his lips a little, and then put the spoon aside.

This time, he put his pair of excellent performance materials under the table and sandwiched them between his legs. At the same time, his eyes quickly returned to the cup on the table.

Seeing Liu Li staring blankly at Xu Rong, Li Guangfu asked with a smile, "Is this the first time we've met?"

Xu Rong straightened his neck, raised his eyelids again, but did not fully open them, looked at the two of them, and nodded gently: "Yes."

"A few days ago, Doudou also said, find a suitable opportunity to take me to visit your elder brother, but I didn't expect it."

Xu Rong's way of handling words is extremely weird. He abandoned the best way, and didn't use volume, intonation, stress or even sentence breaks to deal with it. He just said it in a straightforward manner, but whether it was Li Guangfu or Liu Li, he clearly felt his words. Really worked out the lines.



The three of them watched the replay this time faster than before, almost trotting all the way.

Xu Rong was a little uncertain about his performance, but the more Li Guangfu and Liu Li thought about it, the more wrong it became, because Xu Rong seemed to be reciting words straightforwardly, but they didn't find his expression monotonous at all when they were on the opposite side.

Like them, it was as if he had seen a ghost. There was also Liu Jiang who was sitting behind the monitoring room. His spine had already left the back of the chair, and he was lying in front of the monitoring screen, staring at the screen in puzzlement.

Without being reminded by others, Liu Jiang immediately started watching the replay.

After watching it for the first time, Xu Rong's brows were already furrowed. The effect of the shooting is still a bit different from what he imagined. Maybe there are some skills that he doesn't understand, maybe it's a talent limit.

But it is already considered a commendable attempt, because he did not use too many other dimensions of expression.

Moreover, this theory does not involve much, and the experience is only of reference value. As Wang Qingxiang said, I don't know what happened, so it came out naturally.

Liu Jiang, Li Guangfu, and Liu Li silently watched the replay for the second time.

After the third pass, the three of them finally figured it out.

In the first sentence, when Xu Rong said "suitable" and "two elders", he pointed his eyes at Li Guangfu and Liu Li respectively. He smashed out the "accent" that should have existed with his eyes, forming a Emphasis on feeling.

Xu Rong pursed his lips, looked at Liu Jiang, and asked, "Director, do you want to keep one?"

"No need." Liu Jiang immediately waved his chubby hands, and said with a smile, "I have to act like this. It's the first time I meet my parents. I don't need to talk too much. I think this is very good. Don't be burdened. How do you want to act?" Just act it out."

When Xu Rong thought about it, it was indeed the reason. He followed his instinct just now, and unexpectedly bumped into him by mistake.

Li Guangfu and Liu Li looked at each other and couldn't help shaking their heads and smiling wryly. They knew that Xu Rong was enriching his way of expression.

That's a good sign, but it's not going to be easy for them.

When it was time for lunch, an unexpected person visited the set.

Wu Gang didn't know when he touched the side of the set, and when Xu Rong finished filming and was about to take a break, he found him chatting with Yue Yue happily.

Seeing him, Xu Rong walked over immediately, and when they saw him, they looked at each other and smiled.

"Two days ago, thank you."

"Hey, it's a small thing." Wu Gang patted his arm and smiled lightly, "I lost weight."

Xu Rong beckoned to Wang Yaqin, made a smoking motion, and gestured on his mouth.

He prepared two packs of cigarettes just to make way for friends who smoked.

Xu Rong moved a chair for Wu Gang, and after sitting down, he asked, "Why are you here, are you not busy?"

Wu Gang moved closer and said, "If you know the reason for my visit, you definitely don't want to see me, but there is no other way, the task assigned by the leader."

Xu Rong looked at him in surprise, and asked, "Task, what do you mean?"

Wu Gang drew closer, and said in a low voice: "That's right, the leader of the courtyard asked me to ask, are you really planning to take the exam?"

Xu Rong laughed twice, he was just talking about the scene, why did he take it seriously?
Wu Gang pointed at him with his index finger, and said, "I knew it, I knew it, thanks to the fact that I didn't brag to the leader, otherwise I wouldn't be able to explain it later."

Xu Rong took out a cigarette, handed it to his mouth, lit it for him, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"The dean thinks you are a talent, let me ask, do you really want to take the exam?"

Xu Rong felt that he was sitting on wax, and opened his mouth. After a long time, he said: "I don't have time to study, how can I pass the exam?"

His goal is a commercial blockbuster, a box office, and an actor. Before he makes enough money, he doesn't want to join the drama industry for the time being.

Wu Gang took a puff of cigarettes, tugged at his arm, and said in a low voice, "Hey, you understand this kind of thing. It follows the formal examination process. As long as you take the exam, you will be allowed to pass it."

"How many recruits will you recruit this year?"

"Count you, three."

Xu Rong was stunned, he felt that Wu Gang was bragging, it was human art!

However, thinking that the interview in Mandarin could be saved, he tentatively asked, "Wang Lifa?"

"Hey hey hey."

Wu Gang smiled, but his smile was unnatural. Seeing that Xu Rong was going to refuse, he immediately persuaded him: "Don't worry, talented people come out from generation to generation, and each has been in the limelight for hundreds of years. There will always be a chance, Lao Liang." If one day you choke on a mouthful of water and fail to make it through, your chance will come."

That's right, it's a big empty promise, that is, there is no guarantee that he will be admitted, and there is no guarantee that he will be able to join Wang Lifa's substitute lineup after entering.

If he is dismissed, it will give Ren Yi a wave of fame. Not to mention anything else, on the day of the exam, he will definitely attract a lot of media attention.

"What is the main thing? I feel that I may not be able to pass the exam."

"No, I'll explain everything to you. The exam is just a formality. You should think about it again. If you miss this village, you won't have this store?"

Xu Rong thought about it for a while, but he also understood that even if he was the Best Actor Grand Slam, it was impossible for Renyi to let a rookie like himself play Wang Lifa, and the youth group had little chance.

After lightly pursing his lips twice, he lowered his head, brushed off the non-existent dust on his legs indifferently, sighed, and said, "Oh, I'm an actor, how can I not want to enter the talent show?" Well, what is it, I haven’t even crossed the threshold yet.”

"Fuck, you're really not human."

After Wu Gang frowned for a moment, he suddenly stood up, patted his buttocks and said, "I'll go back and ask for you, but let's say it first, don't get your hopes up."

After walking a few steps, Wu Gang turned around again and asked, "Which character?"

Xu Rong shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "You have no right to ask."

Wu Gang gave him a thumbs up and said after a while, "You're awesome, you're awesome."

"Waiting for your good news."

Wu Gang waved his hands without looking back. Xu Rong opened his mouth and asked for Zhou Ping's role, and he didn't know what the leader would think.

Since Xu Rong wanted to step over the "threshold", he was appointed to play "Thunderstorm", saying "You have no right to ask." He appointed the role of Zhou Ping.

(End of this chapter)

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