I'm just an actor

Chapter 170 Visit

Chapter 170 Visit
Drama is called drama in the West, and because its systematic performance system originated in the West, the performance majors in domestic colleges and universities are also called drama performances.

In order to distinguish it from traditional drama, it is called drama in China.

Xu Rong has never acted in a serious drama, but as a student from a major, he is no stranger to dialogue dramas.

Because the school's comprehensive quality training for students is still in the direction of drama, as for film and television performances, it belongs to incidental content.

Over time, a chain of contempt for drama, film, and television has formed.

Xu Rong's experience is relatively special. Before stepping into the school of Nortel, he plunged into the TV drama industry.

In the past few years, especially in the past two years, it's not that I haven't received movie scripts, but the scripts handed over are generally small roles with few roles, and the pay is quite low.

Practitioners of TV dramas, including actors, screenwriters, and directors, who test the waters on the big screen, may encounter unacceptable situations, just like Liu Jiang.

Creative habits are one aspect, and on the other hand, without market testing, investors dare not spend money at all when they are not sure about the appeal of the box office.

Although he has not acted in a complete drama, Xu Rong has watched a lot of related video materials, and has a general grasp of the overall performance of the drama.

But there are also two regrets. One is that he is not good at foreign languages, so he doesn’t watch many classic dramas abroad. The second is domestic dramas before the mid-80s. Due to the special era, most of the tapes used are imported from abroad. In the case of limited theater funds, only a few materials of special classic repertoires can be kept, while others were either washed out at the beginning or not kept at all.

He hadn't planned to get involved in the drama industry so early, and the preparation and rehearsal of the drama took a lot of time.

For a play, from getting the script to putting it on the stage, the preparation time required in the middle is at least half a year.

From the initial reading of the script, to the analysis of the characters, and then through preliminary rehearsal, fine rehearsal, rereview, and repeated rehearsal, it can make people cry.

Moreover, as a face-to-face performance form with the audience, it also tests the actors' on-the-spot performance and psychological quality.

During the performance, it is not unheard of for the audience to leave the theater in large numbers. This is a devastating blow to the confidence of the actors.

If it is a film and television work, even if the media and the Internet are full of scolding and hoarse, as long as you turn off the computer, you can naturally bury your head in the sand and stick your buttocks like an ostrich, and you will not be affected by the evaluation.

But the face of Renyi has to be given.

Although today's Feng Yuanzheng, Wu Gang and others no longer have the prestige of Yuzhi's group, a group of old dramatists are still alive, and their influence should not be underestimated.

The reason why he made up his mind was because Wu Gang, as an actor in "Tea House", doesn't he also have time to go out for filming?

Moreover, if a newcomer enters, it is more likely that he will be idle for the first few years, and he may not really have the opportunity to be on stage.

In fact, the most important thing is that he also took this opportunity to see different people and different forms of presentation, enriching his own expression skills, which is currently the main factor limiting him.

The choice of Zhou Ping in "Thunderstorm" is not for no reason. "Thunderstorm" has become the threshold for a drama actor because of its subject matter and the particularity of the script author. If you have not acted in "Thunderstorm", you cannot be called a qualified actor. Actor.

Furthermore, as he told Jiang Zhitao, he also has his own ideals. "Teahouse" is the pinnacle of domestic drama, and "Thunderstorm" is the starting point of modern drama.

The theme of "Teahouse" is grand, showing the fate of many characters in the era, while "Thunderstorm" is like Mr. Lu's works, which are often seen and new.

If the background of the times is slightly changed, it may be another banned play.

However, these are still early, and it is estimated that it is unlikely to be realized within a year or two.

Moreover, it is not an exaggeration to call the recruitment examination of human arts the hell level. The threshold is the performance majors of various colleges or regular actors of various theater troupes, and among the candidates every year, actors from various local theater troupes account for a lot.

"Teacher Xu, eat an apple."

"Hey, thank you."

Xu Rong took the apple that Hai Qing handed over, and said thank you.

Hai Qing sat down next to him conveniently, and said: "Mr. Xu, I was watching TV last night, and CCTV broadcasted "Legend of the Great Banner Heroes" on the big night, and I watched the trailer, and "The Legend of Heroes" will be broadcast during the day. Depot 51."

Xu Rong took a bite of the apple, chewed it twice, and wanted to praise the sweetness of the apple she bought, but when she heard the second half of her words, she swallowed the words that came to her mouth.

The battle between him and Du Zhun's No. [-] niche has been deadlocked because CCTV has been pulling sideways in it.

After broadcasting "Walking to the West" at the beginning of the year, CCTV began broadcasting "Eighteen Years of the Enemy Camp" again, and now it has pulled out "Big Banner" and "No. 18 Military Station" starring Du Zhun. Even if you think about it, you can guess the reason come out.

CCTV must still be suppressing Du Zhun's play, otherwise it wouldn't be so hard.

Just like the Lu Provincial Satellite TV a while ago and the current Southern Satellite TV, if there is nothing to do, he will pull out his play to meet the audience, and get acquainted.

Hai Qing looked at Xu Rong's fleeting unnatural expression, realized that she had said something wrong again, quickly swallowed the apple in her mouth, and added: "I heard that you starred in "The North Wind Blows" The evaluation is also very good, especially in Lu Province, the response is very great.”

Xu Rong said thank you, the relay of "North Wind" is the reason why he can continue to maintain his competitiveness.

However, the limitations of period dramas have begun to emerge, and it is unlikely to be as popular as "Blood Romance" in previous years.

The overall ratings of "North Wind" are not bad, and it was even rated as "the last afterglow of period drama" by many media.

Because audiences under the age of 50 are not familiar with that era at all, and audiences who are familiar with that era do not use the Internet and cannot form a powerful voice.

The only thing that can prove the influence of "Northern Wind" is not the media and online comments, but the special advertisers who come in an endless stream.

Due to the popularity of Beifeng, the sales volume of Chinese wolfberry rose by [-]% compared with the same period last year, becoming the biggest beneficiary of "North Wind".

Although the audience of "North Wind" does not go online, their purchasing power is really strong, and the advertisers are really generous.

It's just that CCTV has been trying their best to praise Du Zhun as if they were their own sons, but Xu Rong has not widened the obvious gap with Du Zhun.

But he is not in a hurry, Jin Fangfang has already designed a combination of punches, before the voting window closes, it is still unknown who will win.

Hai Qing looked at him carefully and asked, "I've been curious about one thing recently, how did you learn so much?"

"Huh?" Xu Rong turned his head and asked, "What are you learning?"

Haiqing pointed to Li Guangfu, and said, "I heard from Teacher Li Guangfu that the theory you taught is likely to be selected into the textbook. How do you know so much?"

Li Guangfu is also an actor, so he is well aware of the weight of Zheng Rong's article.

"A lot? I feel like I know a little bit about acting."

Xu Rong said so.

Hai Qing rolled her eyes. She had read a report earlier and knew that Xu Rong was not disgusted with "pretending to be aggressive". Now it is obvious that he is pretending.

Seeing Hai Qing's expression, Xu Rong knew that she didn't believe her, but what he said was indeed the truth, such as external presentation skills, biographical books, experiences and habits of people from all walks of life, etc., etc., he lacked There are too many of them.

Just because of the different angles, even if she said it, she might not be able to understand it, so she didn't explain much.

In the past five years, apart from laughing and laughing with Xiao Zhang, most of the rest of the time, he was either studying or verifying whether the content he learned was correct or not in the crew.

Compared with most people, he is lucky enough to know what he wants at the age with the strongest learning ability. It is commendable that he has many famous teachers to guide him, and he also has rich practical opportunities to verify the feasibility of what he has learned and even form it. instinct.

In addition, Xiao Zhang can always quickly pull him out of various crazy states and put him back into the next project, so that he has not been like most artists in recent years. Commercial performances, variety show recordings, magazine shoots, interviews, or participation in various wine bureaus, dinners, and events.

There is no need to worry about wives and children, parents, trivial matters, or go to various places, in various forms, to pretend to be aggressive and then pretend to be aggressive.

In terms of the effectiveness of learning, his past five years should be worth the 20 years of his colleagues, because he has read the announcement from Brother Huang Xiaoming that when he is busy, he only has one day off in a month.

Wu Gang's letter was answered very quickly. What he said before lunch, he called back in the middle of the afternoon.

By the end of next year at the latest, the theater will set up the "Thunderstorm" youth group.

Just like the youth group of "Tea House", as an actor of "Tea House" in name, whether they can perform on stage is another matter.

This is also in line with Xu Rong's expectations. In a short period of time, he didn't have much energy to devote to the drama.

Three weeks after "Daughter-in-law" started, Xu Rong finally had a rest time, a day and a half.

very tired.

It's not physical exhaustion, but psychological exhaustion. Although a tacit understanding has gradually formed, he has to think too much, and he can fall asleep immediately as soon as he touches the bed every day.

During the day and a half of his rest, the crew planned to finish the scenes of Li Guangfu and Liu Li.

He didn't rest at the crew's hotel this time. After making an appointment with Wu Gang, he called in a free full-time driver, classmate Xiao Zhang.

I have to visit Mr. Zheng.

One is to thank you for your help last time, and the other is that since you have decided to apply for this year's Renyi examination, you should go to get acquainted first, and see if you can copy the other party's creation notes about "Thunderstorm" back. It would be even better if I could ask some questions by the way in the future.

Zheng Rong was the actor who played Zhou Puyuan in the first version of "Thunderstorm", and he was confirmed by the script author.

Wu Gang had been waiting at the gate of the family courtyard for a long time, when he saw Xu Rong get out of the car, he said, "Here we come."

"Hehe, as expected, the driver is an actress." Wu Gang saw Xiao Zhang who was looking for a parking space through the car window, and joked with a smile. When filming together in the past, he often made jokes about Xiao Zhang .


Xiao Zhang smiled and asked, "Mr. Wu, is there any parking space nearby?"

"Go forward. When I came just now, I remembered that there was one behind the silver car in front."

Xiao Zhang nodded and said: "Then, you go in first, I will wait outside."

"it is good."

When the two entered the family courtyard, Wu Gang said, "You really know how to choose your time. I guess Mr. Zheng may not meet you."

Holding a box of ginseng, Xu Rong turned around and asked, "Why?"

"The exam is going to take place in two months. You're still carrying a gift, like someone who walked through the back door. I've seen eighty if not a hundred people like you during this time."

"Try it."

When he got downstairs, Wu Gang said: "You wait here first, I'll go up and ask, if I see you, I'll call you later and you go up."


Wu Gang swished up, but ran back after a while.

Walking up to Xu Rong, she spread her hands at him and said, "Mr. Zheng said that he received the message. Now that there are too many people, I won't see you."

"Okay." Xu Rong sighed helplessly, he didn't think carefully about this, "Come back after the exam."

As Wu Gang said, he pulled his arm and walked out, saying, "Go and sit at my place."

"You don't live here?"

"No, this is the old family courtyard, and I live in the west."

"No, I rushed back from the set in time, and I have to go back to read the script at night, so there is no delay."

When going to Wu Gang's house, drinking is inevitable.

Seeing this, Wu Gang stopped insisting, and said with a smile, "Hey, I have something to discuss with you. Can you lend me your diary?"

"What diary?"

"It's the one I saw when I went to your dormitory last time."

Xu Rong glanced at him sideways, and said: "You have lost your memory, who is a serious person who keeps a diary?"

"Huh?" Wu Gang looked at him wonderingly, "Could it be that I misremembered?"

Just as Xu Rong was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly saw an old man sitting in a wheelchair by the flower bed in the distance. The old man was wearing a gray fur vest, chubby, with gray hair, and stared blankly at a blooming crabapple in front of him.

He subconsciously raised his leg and was about to walk over. Wu Gang sensed his plan, grabbed him immediately, shook his head gently and said, "Don't bother the old man, he can't remember anyone except a few close relatives now." ,Shy."

The old man seemed to have noticed the gaze of the two, and turned his head slowly. After looking at each other for a few seconds, he smiled suddenly, as bright as the crabapple behind him, purely like a child.

Looking at the old man's smile, Xu Rong felt that his throat was dry and his eyes were hot. He gently put the gift in his hand on the ground, stretched his clothes, then bent down slowly, and solemnly greeted the smiling old man in the distance. take a bow.

Many of the theories and skills he has mastered are derived from this generous old man.

After a while, Xu Rong straightened his waist, turned his head to Wu Gang who was already in tears and said softly, "Let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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