I'm just an actor

Chapter 172 Confused

Chapter 172 Confused
After reading the script at night, Xu Rong took Wang Yaqin to rehearse the play for a while, and then stopped.

There are only three announcements for him tomorrow, and he has already conceived countless times in his mind on how to act, and the reason why he still has to arrange is mainly to pick out the expression that feels the most suitable.

Besides, he also had something on his mind.

After going to the company this afternoon, in addition to the exposure plan in May and June, Jin Fangfang also talked about another worry.

His way of acting and choice of acting.

Jin Fangfang doesn't understand acting, or even knows nothing about it, but it doesn't prevent her from evaluating from an audience's point of view.

The cause of her worry is "North Wind", which is still on the air.

She will watch every movie Xu Rong makes carefully, not only to check for him to choose scripts for the future, but also to find topics suitable for publicity.

"You act less and less like yourself, and the commonality between the characters is also less and less. The character of Shuai Hongbing almost completely loses your own characteristics."

These are Jin Fangfang's original words. She hopes that Xu Rong will focus on roles such as Luo Peilun and Wang Yimin, and then appropriately broaden the way of acting, instead of trying various roles as he is doing now.

For Shuai Hongbing, Xu Rong has special feelings, because in the first half of the filming, although the conditions were difficult, he was very happy and relaxed. He lived a relaxed and carefree life that a young man of seventeen or eighteen should have. consider.

Although that's not him.

But in Jin Fangfang's view, in the process of shaping the handsome red soldier, he lost his own characteristics, which can be more or less seen in any character he has portrayed in the past.

Xu Rong understood the meaning of Jin Fangfang's words. In fact, she realized it a little later. This kind of situation did not start with the handsome red soldiers. It was earlier when Wei Duan was shaping Wei Duan. The traces of him were slowly decreasing, but Shuai Hongbing's body was missing too much, so it caught her attention.

For an actor, this is a great thing. Stanilavsky once said: When there are no characters, but only the "I" in the script stipulated situation, there will be art.

But this situation is a bad thing for artists or most actors.

Every actor has its own specific style and characteristics, and every play has its own specific color. When casting actors, especially large-scale commercial films, investors or directors often choose actors that match them, such as the current , if you choose a tough guy protagonist, actors like Hu Jun and Yu Rongguang are naturally the best candidates. This is the characteristic or style of an actor.

And when an actor has no distinctive features, the audience can accept what he plays, but it is easy to become a double play.

Can Li Xuejian play a tough guy?Maybe, maybe not, but investors won't take that risk.

This law is not yet prominent in the field of TV dramas, but in the commercial film market, it is an iron law.

It was the same sentence that Li Hanxiang scolded Liang Jiahui back then: "I wanted to make you a star, but you went to become an actor, you are useless!"

Facts have proved that this is true. There is no doubt about Liang Jiahui's professional ability, but he rarely plays the role of male lead. He has a wide range of roles and portrays various characters. It seems that he can control any style and theme, but he is not too obvious. style of.

Such an actor is too suitable for supporting roles.

Xu Rong's intention has always been to be a good actor. Now that he has passed the threshold, he didn't expect that what he got was not approval, but persuasion.

He clearly knows that what he is doing is the right thing, but it is not suitable for the film market.

Especially since he plans to try the big screen in two years.

Wang Yaqin saw that he was absent-minded all the time, and asked, "Mr. Xu, why are you so absent-minded today?"

Xu Rong shook his head with a smile. He knew very well that Wang Yaqin couldn't answer his confusion. Not only she couldn't answer, but most of his colleagues couldn't answer either, because ninety-nine out of ten, in his entire career, he would never meet to this question.

He thought for a while and asked, "What would you do if you thought you were doing the right thing, but everyone thought you were wrong?"

Wang Yaqin frowned and thought for a while, then said, "I don't read much, but since everyone says I'm wrong, then it should be my fault."

Xu Rong nodded slowly, and said after a while: "Go back and rest first."

Wang Yaqin saw that Xu Rong's expression was not right, and while getting up, said cautiously: "Mr. Xu, did I say something wrong?"

"No, I'll just ask casually."

When Wang Yaqin went out, Xu Rong slowly lay down on the sofa. He avoided the doubts about the system and self that many colleagues who had reached a certain level would fall into, but unexpectedly fell into a deep and invisible In the big pit at the bottom.

He didn't doubt the Strike system, nor did he question the technicality of the performance, but he fell into the vicious circle of whether he should continue to move forward.

Because stop here and keep the current style, that is, Wang Yimin's style. He can continue to be popular, but if he continues to move forward, maybe the big production male lead will be farther and farther away from him.

And what can be seen is that most of the colleagues he has come into contact with have always maintained their own distinctive characteristics, digging vertically, even if they broaden the way of acting, they are also extending on the basis of their own style.

Among the people he knew well, there was only one exception.

But life is not really rich.

This industry is sick, and the disease is not serious, but he is unable to change it at all right now. In this case, if he wants to be popular and make money all the time, he must first learn to adapt to the rules.

Lying on the bed, Xu Rong fell asleep after tossing and turning in the middle of the night.

In the past, he has also experienced many things. He can put aside the annoying and pleasant things first, and ignore them for the time being, but this matter can't be done.

He once told Li Zhiyu that he enjoys the fun of the climbing process itself, the goal is clear, and the path is not clear, but he can explore it slowly.

But right now the goal is still clear, but limited by the external environment, he has to stop. According to Jin Fangfang's suggestion, he can explore vertically, but the horizontal extension must stop.

At noon the next day, Xu Rong looked quite tired when he came to the set.

He is already wearing down his own characteristics. According to the current market rules, if he really joins the big screen, maybe in a few years, he will be called a golden supporting role.

This is not what he expected.

When Yue Yue saw him, she was obviously taken aback. In her impression, although Xu Rong usually looked steady, her positive energy was undisguised, just like the rising sun, but today, the sun is still shining. Brilliant, but the vigor on his body faded a lot.

She asked softly: "Brother, what's the matter with you, why do you look so listless?"

Xu Rong smiled and said, "It's okay, just a little tired."

Yue Yue's personality doesn't have much similarities with Yu Hao's. She is quite an optimistic person, but it is precisely because of this that she is more sensitive to the low and dark.

She looked at Xu Rong, and became more and more sure of the guess in her heart. There were patches of dark clouds floating in his smile, and the originally bright sunshine was almost completely blocked.

She knew that something must have happened to Xu Rong, but seeing that he didn't want to talk about it, she couldn't ask, and said softly: "There is nothing difficult to overcome. Once when I was young, because the teacher assigned too much homework, I kept writing I couldn’t finish it, I just wrote and cried, and I cried and wrote, and now that I think about it, I don’t even know what I was crying at that time.”

"Ha ha."

Xu Rong laughed twice, turned her head and asked, "By the way, do you like Liang Chaowei more or Liang Jiahui?"

Yue Yue thought for a while, and said: "I like Li Huang more, I think his temperament is very unique."

She originally wanted to ask him to get an autograph for herself in the future, because Xu Rong could easily interact with such big names, but seeing that he was not in a good mood, she swallowed the words wisely.

Xu Rong nodded silently. It seems that it's not just the market's choice. From the perspective of the audience, actors with obvious styles and characteristics are more likely to leave a deep impression.

At noon, Xu Rong started filming the first scene of the day. The plot is the scene where Cao Xinmei and Mao Doudou quarrel.



"I don't want to argue with her, but I can't control myself."

As Bo Han said, he slapped himself on the face with a "slap".

Xu Rong looked at Bo Han, and the circles of his eyes turned red involuntarily.

Cao Xinmei is a miserable person, and her fate is due to her character. In the past, she never felt that what she did was wrong, but now, for her son, she hates her temper.



"Teacher Bai, Teacher Xu, this one is well done!"

Xu Rong nodded, sitting next to Bai Han, without the slightest joy, Liu Jiang's attitude also verified Jin Fangfang's words, just now he did not give feedback with a complete aftertaste, but retained a certain amount of his own emotions.

Bai Han saw that something was wrong, Xu Rong's reaction was a bit extreme, as a son, his mother and wife were arguing, he was more helpless than feeling sad, the audience should feel sad, he couldn't help asking softly: "What's the matter kid?"

Xu Rong forced a smile and said, "I was thinking, when the show airs, the audience will hate you."

"Hehe, that's a good thing."

Xu Rong thought for a while, and said, "The scene just now, from the audience's point of view, should be quite pleasant, but you probably feel very uncomfortable in your heart?"

"Oh." Bai Han sighed, "Cao Xinmei's experience is very similar to mine. I always feel that the more absurd the character is, the more sincerity must be given."

"is this correct?"

Bo Han looked at him in surprise, and said, "Why is it wrong?"

Seeing her staring at him, Xu Rong looked away and said, "Mr. Bai, I heard a saying yesterday that no matter what role you play, your own style is very important."

As soon as Bai Han heard it, he knew something was wrong, and he also guessed the source of his overreaction just now, and hurriedly persuaded him: "Don't listen to people's nonsense, it's a mistake."

"I asked several people sideways, and they all supported this statement."


Bai Han sighed, she knew what Xu Rong said was right, at least in the general environment, it was the right choice and could not be the right choice.

But for an actor, it is an extremely absurd theory.

From Xu Rong's age and current professional level, Bo Han knows that if he continues step by step, even if he can't reach Yu Zhi's height in the future, he will definitely not stop here, but if he sticks to what he just said This kind of thinking, in this line, can already predict how far it can go.

She felt that it was necessary for her to do something, but she also understood that there were some reasons that had to be told by specific people.

In the middle of the afternoon, when Xu Rong finished filming a scene, Wu Tiegang reminded him that he saw a person standing by the side of the scene, and while he was puzzled, hurriedly trotted over.

At the same time, he beckoned Wang Yaqin to move a chair for Li Xuejian to sit on. He squatted aside and asked, "Teacher, why are you here?"

Li Xuejian looked at him and said, "I watched your play just now, why did I learn from that guy named Yu?"

Xu Rong knew that Li Xuejian was referring to Yu Hewei, so in view of Liu Jiang's evaluation in the morning, he changed his expression a little.

As soon as Li Xuejian's words came out of his mouth, he vaguely guessed the purpose of his visit. Li Xuejian had never visited his class since he met him, and today was the first time. Combined with Bo Han's familiarity with him, he probably heard something at noon.

Li Xuejian is the only actor he is familiar with who has completely downplayed his own style.

But teachers are really poor.

With Li Xuejian, he has nothing to hide, and he directly expressed his confusion, saying: "My manager told me yesterday that we must maintain our own style and characteristics. You know, I didn't Thought about it, but she said it wasn't good for my development."

Li Xuejian sighed, and said: "I thought you fell into self-doubt, but I didn't expect it to be more serious than I thought. Your left foot is tripping over your right foot, and I don't know whether to praise you or scold you."

He waved his hand, rejected the water Xu Rong handed over, and asked, "Why do you have your own characteristics?"

Xu Rong thought for a while and said, "Of course we can make more scenes."

Li Xuejian immediately asked back: "If you don't have special features, you can't make movies?"

Xu Rong couldn't answer, but he understood the answer to the question, and so did Li Xuejian.

"You want to make a movie, but you don't want to play a supporting role." Li Xuejian looked at him and continued to ask, "Why do you have to make a movie? Why do you have to play the leading role?"

Because the question was too sharp, Xu Rong still couldn't answer it.

Li Xuejian answered for him again, and said with a smile: "You don't think you can make a lot of money."

"But child, it's still the same sentence, how much money is enough?" Li Xuejian patted him on the shoulder and said earnestly, "You are taking on a play now, at least it will cost millions. An endorsement is all Be sure to make a bottom line, earn so much money, how can you spend it all?"

Xu Rong had no choice but to keep silent. He was poor now and still owed foreign debts.

Li Xuejian looked at him, although he didn't say a word, but he knew that he disagreed with his words in his heart, so he was silent for a long time, and said: "A penny is hard for a hero. Everyone understands this truth and has experienced it. Your experience , I have heard of it more or less, and I understand your thoughts."

He pondered for a while, then asked: "Let me ask you something, if you are invited to play Sun Li in the remake of "Hitch the Wrong Car", do you dare to accept it?"

As he spoke, he stood up and said, "That's all for now. There's still a performance tonight, so I'll go back first."

"I'll take you."

Li Xuejian walked to the outside of the field, and said: "You have to understand that when you are irreplaceable, a role, except for you, is almost meaningless to anyone else, and the others are irrelevant. At that time, you are still afraid of earning Don't have any money?"

"That is to say, there will be a difficult period in the middle. How to choose is up to you."

Xu Rong nodded gently and said, "Thank you teacher."

(End of this chapter)

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