I'm just an actor

Chapter 173 Title

Chapter 173 Topics
Was Li Xuejian successful?

In terms of pure actor career, Li Xuejian is quite successful.

The only regret is that he is not an actor of Renyi. Although the dramas he starred in have caused a sensation, the leader in the field of performance theory in China has always been dominated by Renyi, otherwise he should have become a frequent visitor in textbooks.

In contrast, Xu Rong is more willing to be Chen Baoguo, making money and filming both.

There is an essential difference between doing something or engaging in a certain profession purely for money and making money happily.

In all walks of life, 99% of practitioners work for money. Love may have existed in the early days of their careers, but when they are over [-] years old, they are under the heavy pressure of car loans, mortgages, wives and children, and what will happen in the future? When it is completely predictable, the passion will gradually wear off.

Even Xu Rong was quite unhappy when filming "Forgiveness" before.

He didn't immediately make a decision just because of Li Xuejian's arrival and some rhetoric.

Is what Li Xuejian said wrong?

Stanislavsky said these truths more than 100 years ago, and he could not refute them.

It's just because he understands the status quo of the industry and has "investigated" it, so he also has his own ideas.

For the time being, he still intends to move forward, because he knows very well that those actors who can already be called great in this industry hold the same concept as Li Xuejian.

If the next few years prove to be unfeasible, he will take a step back first, learn from Wu Gang, and then step out.

At the same time, CCTV's behavior of broadcasting Du Zhun's works in turn completely annoyed the small interest groups behind Xu Rong.

Since the beginning of the year, Xu Rong's works have never stopped. "Golden Love" and "North Wind", each of which has achieved quite good ratings in some areas, and word of mouth has also been rising all the way.

As soon as the news that Xu Rong was shortlisted for Magnolia with "Paper Drunken Gold" came out, both Jin Fangfang and the interest groups associated with him realized that the opportunity had come.

Mango Satellite TV and Southern TV Station couldn't sit still at first. After contacting Xu Rong's manager, they immediately led the six TV stations to prepare for something big.

"Latent" will be released at the beginning of next month. The four TV stations in Beijing, Nanfang, Modu, and Lu Province that won the first round jointly planned a joint interview with Hei Province and Mango TV that won the second round.

Even though Xu Rong couldn't suppress Du Zhun, he definitely couldn't be overwhelmed. The advertisers were staring at him eagerly.

When Xu Rong received the news from Jin Fangfang, he was overjoyed.

Hua Ming and Zhou Xie also worked hard to sell the advertisement.

Because Hua Ming said, there is no need for him to rush to various TV stations to record, and the interview will be held outside the set.

And the tone is quite simple, topical enough.

The purpose of the interview is to ignite public opinion and create momentum for "Latent".

Three days later, outside the studio, looking at the half-circle of cameras beside him, Xu Rong took the interview outline handed over by Jin Fangfang and lived it carefully.

"Mr. Wang, hello, I have known you for a long time." Xu Rong looked at today's host unexpectedly.

"Mr. Xu, hello."

Mango Satellite TV also had a lot of money. An exclusive interview even lifted the pillars out of the platform.

Wang Han looked at Xu Rong, and while shaking hands with him, he was also observing him. The program crew in the station invited Xu Rong not once or twice, but he rejected them for various reasons.

Since this guy became famous, he has never been on a show except for one time when he gave a lot of money.

From the strength of the opponent's palm, he immediately judged that he was a very confident young man.

When Xu Rong asked his assistant to bring him and several photography teachers a bottle of water, a sun hat, and the red envelopes in it, he realized again that the other party's popularity to the present point was not simply as the outside world said. In general, just strong business ability.

After the two sat down, Wang Han smiled and said, "I invited you several times, but I didn't honor you. This time, I heard that I'm going to do an exclusive interview with you, so I'm here."

Xu Rong smiled and said, "I'm a little introverted, and I'm not used to facing too many people, so I get nervous."

"Haha." Wang Han laughed twice, he didn't believe a word of this.

"let's start?"

"it is good."

The two sat opposite each other on folding chairs. Wang Han first asked: "During this period, many media commented on your acting skills, especially "Drunken Gold" was shortlisted for this year's Magnolia Award. Do you think your acting skills really exist?"

After Xu Rong went through the outline once, he already had a general idea in his mind, and said: "I usually surf the Internet often, and there is a very interesting saying on the Internet, that is, acting is a kind of idealistic rhetoric. It is generally believed that if I wear makeup, so I can do it, and the most ridiculous thing is that there are not a few people who hold this idea, as far as I know, not only laymen, but many colleagues also have the same idea.”

Wang Han didn't give any further guidance, Xu Rong's words were already a bit of a map bomb, so he just followed his words and asked, "Then what do you think?"

"I forgot when I read a sentence, which means that ignorance is not terrible, what is terrible is the blind and unswerving self-confidence caused by ignorance, that is, how I feel and what I think is what the truth is."

Xu Rong's tone paused, and then continued: "After leaving school, he devoted himself to various industries. The corresponding reality or the criticism of his leaders is, what do you think? Don't always think that you feel, you think, you It feels like fart!"

Wang Han's eyes widened suddenly. The purpose of today's interview was indeed to be topical, but Xu Rong's words were too intense.

The fragile nerves of netizens can't stand it.

Seeing that Wang Han was dumbfounded, Xu Rong smiled and said: "Whether acting skills exist or not, the verification method is actually very simple. It can be seen through the most basic simulation exercises at the beginning of acting, such as the life practice of the most basic people in regular teaching, like I learned how my grandma sewed clothes, as well as practice hawking, that is, I went to the street to record the hawkers’ hawking, analyzed them carefully, then imitated them, and compared them after recording my own imitations.”

"The most common thing is celebrity imitation. Why do some people imitate like others and others don't? If you think about it carefully, you will no longer have such questions."

Xu Rong finally concluded: "A theory that has been developed for more than 100 years has been summed up because of practice, and has generated hundreds of billions of trillions of wealth and value. I think we should at least not just because of ignorance or feeling, deny the existence of objective reality.”

Today, Wang Han finally got a taste of Xu Rong's sharpness when facing the media. He really dared to say anything. When he asked, he also subconsciously put down a softer tone: "How do you think the difference between good acting and bad acting?"

"This is simpler. In the prescribed situation of the script, which is also commonly known as the plot, it is always possible to distinguish who looks like who doesn't? Of course, because of the different characteristics and styles of the actors themselves, there are also differences in the way they are portrayed. The difference, but likeness, will always be an evaluation criterion."

Wang Han put the outline aside and asked, "You mentioned the style, can you talk about it in detail?"

Xu Rong nodded his head lightly, thought for a while, and then said: "Let me give you an extreme example. Once certain actors appear on the stage, without saying a word, all the audience knows that this person is very rich, and he is the kind of flippant actor." The super-rich who can control the economic situation of the magic capital with his hands, this is the style and traits, of course, that's why I say extreme, because this trait is too prominent, it has severely restricted the way of acting, even if such an actor plays a beggar, Everyone will also feel that this person must have been rich before, or he will definitely make a comeback in the future!"


After Wang Han finished laughing, he asked, "Do you think such an actor can be replaced? Or is there any actor who is irreplaceable in the film and television industry?"

Xu Rong shook his head and said, "Beef noodles, also known as Lanzhou noodles, can be found everywhere."

"You mean, there is a difference between good and bad food?"

"Yes, that's the key. There are too many film and television works produced every year, just like the beef noodles that can be seen everywhere in every city. Most of them can satisfy your hunger. What kind of phenomenon has formed? Most people think that beef noodles are the same thing, and the fame is all blown out. People who have never been to Lanzhou don’t know what beef noodles are, so when talking about beef noodles with others, they can pat their chests and guarantee that, Beef noodles? That's it!"

Xu Rong smiled and said: "I've been there and eaten, it's really delicious, but there are too few noodles, and I can't get enough, haha."

Wang Han also smiled, and said: "I agree with this point, the beef noodles are really delicious, and the Lanzhou ramen is really terrible!"

After laughing, Xu Rong continued: "As for irreplaceability, from the perspective of laymen, it is even more nonsense, everyone has two shoulders and one head, isn't it just a line, who wouldn't say it?
One of the difficulties is that the script only writes the lines in black and white, but does not tell the actors how to act. "

Wang looked at Xu Rong's expression of asking back, and was glad in his heart. Fortunately, it was not a live broadcast, otherwise it would have to be bombed. He knew that Xu Rong had something to say next, so he didn't interrupt.

"There is no screenwriter who writes the script or the director tells the actors how to say the lines, what expression should be on the face, where the eyes should look, how the hands should move, etc., etc. None of these! "

"The same line, after different people get it, read it in different ways, and present it in different ways. Those who can't act are different from those who can act, and there are also differences between actors who can act. This comparison is more obvious. teahouse".

And it's very easy to distinguish. After the first act of the shopkeeper Wang's three steps, every audience will have a similar judgment. "

Wang Han waited for him to finish, smiled, and asked, "Can you give me an example that everyone knows?"

Xu Rong apologized, he ignored this point, and said: "There are many common ones, for example, before Feng Yuanzheng, no one created such a huge contrast between the two sides of a domestic violence husband.

The same script, the same lines, most of the actors think, I can definitely play this, what's so difficult about it?
But after Mr. Feng Yuanzheng, many actors suddenly discovered, oh, so they can still act like this?
It's not that I can't act, but I can't even think of it!

And some people have thought about it long ago, but it's like, 'You talk, why don't you talk to me. 'This line just couldn't be presented, even if he was asked to learn it from Mr. Feng Yuanzheng, he couldn't learn it. Some people might attribute this to the creative materials, that is, the actor's own conditions.

But look at Mr. Feng Yuanzheng, do you think he has the creative materials of An Jiahe?

The same lines, the same script, if you change someone, it will no longer be a nightmare for a generation. This is irreplaceable. Of course, if everyone thinks that beef noodles are Lanzhou noodles, it doesn't matter. "

Wang Han nodded and asked, "Can't you deny the existence of the sun just because you can't see the light?"

"That's basically what it means." Listening to Wang Han's summary, Xu Rong suddenly felt that he hadn't read enough books. "As a technical profession with systematic theories and training methods, we can't just judge by feeling. Like walking on the street and seeing a fair-skinned, beautiful, long-legged young woman holding the arm of a short, ugly and old man, I subconsciously judge that the old man must be very rich, and the real situation may be her father. It's possible."


"Do you think actors make good plays, or good plays make actors?"

"Mutual achievement, there is a saying in our industry, good scripts can produce good dramas, bad scripts can't produce good dramas, for example, "Journey to the West", how many versions are there? Domestic and foreign, various movie versions, TV series, let alone There must be dozens of versions, but the same script, but why do everyone remember Teacher Zhang?"

Wang Han nodded and asked: "I have a question, do you think an actor without acting skills can be popular?"



"There is a question of value. An actor needs to invest time, energy, and talent to hone his professional ability. He needs to invest real money in hype and publicity. But now there is too much shortage of leading actors. Many people and a lot of money are not available. I can’t wait ten, 20, or even 30 years, but no matter whether you invest energy or money, you need to invest, and the investment must be rewarded, otherwise it will be unreasonable.”

Listening to Xu Rong's reasoning, Wang Han always found it incredible, but as long as it can arouse and talk about it, it is enough, so he continued to ask: "In this case, do you think actors with real professional ability can be replaced?"

Xu Rong didn't answer him, but asked instead: "Mr. Wang Han, I ask you a question. Why do you go to the movies?"

"Usually, the online reviews are better, or friends say it looks good."

"Then if a person's last movie was really bad, would you still watch the next movie?"

"Probably not, haha."

Xu Rong also smiled and said: "Actually, not only you can't watch it, but film and television companies don't dare to vote. There is a very interesting thing in this industry. Many artists are in a mess. Everyone praises them, but they just can't get them." The leading man of a big-budget film, and one or two of a luxury blockbuster, are always just a small group of people. Why? Because movies are not TV dramas, there are no advertisers to pay for them, and film and television companies have to be responsible for their own profits and losses. Does it explain the problem well?"

What's more, Xu Rong can't say any more. Jin Fangfang once told him that people can lie, but data can't.

In the past, he would be quite disgusted with capital hype to force newcomers, but now, if possible, he will also properly lift the sedan chair on certain occasions.

Give high praise to newcomers who do not have business capabilities.

As the gap between the rich and the poor grows wider, social rifts become more and more serious, and conflicts become more acute, and hatred of the rich is flying everywhere, a group of people need to stand up and help him take the limelight, otherwise a movie will cost tens of millions. The remuneration, sooner or later, will become the target of public criticism.

(End of this chapter)

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