I'm just an actor

Chapter 174 Chapter 114

Chapter 174 Chapter 110 Four Ordinary
"No, now you must stop all work and follow me to the hospital immediately."

Jin Fangfang's round face was tense, her eyes were wide and round, and she said to Xu Rong in an unquestionable tone.

In the middle of the interview just now, Xu Rong was talking, and after his body froze suddenly, he suddenly fainted. If Wang Han, who was sitting opposite him, had quick eyes and quick hands, grabbed him, and he was about to fall to the ground No.

The accident happened so suddenly that it completely frightened Wang Han and the photographers around him.

At the same time, they have to wonder whether Xu Rong is really dizzy or just pretending. After all, the purpose of today's interview is to create a topic. What could be better than Xu Rong fainting suddenly, then having a terminal illness, and then ending with a misdiagnosis Is it more topical?
It was only when they saw his manager rushing over like the wind, without a trace of blood on his face, and holding his slightly trembling fingers, that they confirmed that Xu Rong shouldn't be pretending, if he really was pretending , His agent's acting skills are too strong.

Maybe something really went wrong with his body.

Xu Rong suddenly became dizzy, and woke up quickly, only about 2 minutes before and after.

"It's okay." Looking at Jin Fangfang's dignified face, he straightened up and said with a smile, "I scared you, okay, okay, it's okay."

He already knew the reason, but he couldn't explain it to Jin Fangfang.

At this time, Jin Fangfang decided that there was something wrong with his body, turned her head, and said to Wang Han: "Mr. Wang, I'm sorry, today's interview cannot continue, we need to go to the hospital immediately."

Wang Han also tensed up, expressing his understanding, Xu Rong's situation just now was too scary, he stared at his legs, as if he was about to die.

"Ms. Xu, let's check it first. If you are dizzy, the topic is enough."

Xu Rong smiled helplessly and said, "I'm really fine."

But neither Jin Fangfang nor Wang Han had any plans to continue.

Jin Fangfang stared at him as if she didn't hear what he said, as if if he didn't agree, she would just be wasting her time.

At this moment, Liu Jiang led Wang Yaqin and ran over one after the other. He was fat at first, but his speed was not slow at all, and the fat on his body and face trembled.

During Xu Rong's interview, he suddenly fainted.

When Liu Jiang heard the news, his heart skipped a beat, he couldn't care less about filming.

Many people passed away in the circle last year.

He's really scared.

Running all the way to the front, Liu Jiang carefully looked at Xu Rong who seemed to be okay, and asked: "Mr. Xu, are you okay?"

"It's okay, I guess it's because I haven't slept in the past few days to make trouble."

Jin Fangfang turned her head, forced a smile on her face, and said to Liu Jiang: "Director Liu, let's take a day off and go to the hospital for an examination. Is there any problem?"

Liu Jiang nodded without hesitation, and said: "Yes, yes, Teacher Xu, take care of your body, and go check it out. You are young and nothing will happen, but you just want to rest assured."

When Xu Rong got into the ambulance with his manager and assistant, a female photographer said meaningfully: "Xu Rong and his manager have an unusual relationship."

Wang Han naturally saw it too. He had dealt with Jin Fangfang before. In his impression, Jin Fangfang was a woman with a strong heart and a very smart heart. But just now, when she was holding the fainted Xu Rong, she almost He completely lost his usual skill and sense of proportion, even worse than Xu Rong's little assistant.

That little assistant knew how to call first aid, and then went to Liu Jiang.

But Xu Rong has a girlfriend, and I heard that their relationship is very good.

He turned his head with a smile and said, "Don't talk nonsense, Mr. Xu has a good reputation in private, he is not that kind of person."

Xu Rong saw Jin Fangfang's stubbornness for the first time. In the past, Jin Fangfang has never been so stubborn. Even if the two disagree, she will make him change his mind willingly. Only today, she completely lost her usual wit .

Like a neuropathy.

But he knew very well that there was nothing wrong with him at all.

Sitting in the car, Xu Rong closed his eyes and switched out the system.

Acting training system
Name: Xu Rong

Expression: A
Lines: A
Limbs: B
Eyes: A
Rhythm: A
Comprehensive evaluation: A-
Experience Points: 8/100
Glory value: 0/100
Traits: Baji Grandmaster (unmounted) Baji Introduction Baji Mastery (Analysis progress: 0%)

Feeling a sudden surge of knowledge in his mind, he gently raised his hand, clenched his fist, and after a pause of two seconds, he gently retracted it. What overflowed from his heart was not joy, But doubts.

In the past, because the system did not change too intuitively for him, he occasionally even wondered if he had a schizophrenia-like disease, so the "system" existed in his cognition.

But now, the strange knowledge in his mind and a certain instinct that suddenly appeared in his body told him that everything is real, and the system also exists.

After taking a light breath, he put the matter of the system aside, and at the same time made up his mind that in public, he must not reveal half of it.

His growth trajectory is completely traceable. If one day he suddenly shows a strong kung fu, it will not stand up to scrutiny at all.

Avril Lavigne is no longer her own person, maybe one day he, Xu Rong, will also be pulled over for a DNA test.

The source of the last 1% of glory points should be attributed to his being shortlisted for the Magnolia Award with "Paper Drunk".

In this regard, he was not too surprised. When he accepted the film, he had a part of the idea of ​​going to the awards.

After "Night", although he has always been confused about how to create a standard positive character, he is also working on finding a solution.

Wei Duanben and Shuai Hongbing are preliminary attempts. Compared with Wang Yimin, these two characters have various flaws, but in comparison, they are much easier to shape.

The more scenes he shoots, the more he feels that it is difficult to create an absolutely positive character. Acting is not difficult, but if you want to act well, the difficulty will increase linearly.

But judging from the current results, he is on the right path.

After tossing back and forth in the hospital for a long time, and almost doing all the checks that could be done from head to toe, Xu Rong returned to the set.

The result of the examination was about the same as he expected. There was nothing wrong with it. He didn't smoke, drank very little alcohol, and he didn't hear from his grandfather that his biological parents had any genetic diseases, so he didn't think there would be any problems. .

The inspection results not only reassured Jin Fangfang, but also made Liu Jiang breathe a sigh of relief. If something happened to Xu Rong, he would be really bad luck for eight lifetimes.

The filming of "Daughter-in-law" is progressing quite smoothly. Xu Rong's only regret is that it has been 20 days since the machine was turned on, and the experience points have only accumulated 8 points.

Looking at the 8 experience points on the panel, he felt quite helpless in his heart. According to the current progress, it is still unclear whether he can get into the S- evaluation before the age of 30.

But he is not particularly anxious. With his current professional ability, even if he stands still for a few years, and then comes out to compare with his peers, he should be able to press the hammer easily.

According to his plan, starting from next year, he will no longer be in such a continuous cycle like this year, and only take one or two plays a year.

The actual situation does not allow him to take too many. With being shortlisted for Magnolia, he has already won two nominations for the three TV awards. In terms of the dramas he has acted, it is not too early, but in terms of age, it is too old. earlier.

There are still benefits to being a child star.

When he was filming his first movie, he was still a child, so he was not a child actor.

23 years old, nominated for two of the three awards, no, if there is no accident, it should be nominated for three.

Feitian has to give "North Wind" some face in terms of ratings and word of mouth, right?

Although he didn't get a trophy, his salary is no longer a small amount, and the TV drama industry will only be able to hire fewer and fewer crews who can afford him.

The shooting progressed steadily, and the time slowly began to move towards April, which was also the middle of the crew's shooting.

Although busy with filming, Xu Rong was still a little nervous. "Latent" will be released soon.

The six TV stations started to build momentum half a month ago, and it was as if "Latent" had already become a mess.

But the real situation, only Xu Rong, who is in the authority, knows that although he starred in the spy war movie, in fact, none of the TV stations made any money, because except for the six TV stations with relevant interests, the other media did not receive any benefits. , and there is no need to report on it.

In addition, except for Xu Rong, the cast of "Latent" is completely unknown to them.

Most advertisers are still waiting to see the follow-up ratings.

This is also the sequelae left over from the hard disk damage during filming. There is no publicity fee reserved, and advertisers cannot be fooled.

We can only look forward to a wave of resurrection.

It's not just the expectations of the TV station, Xu Rong can only have similar fantasies, because "Latent" is a spy movie, and the drama he starred in can be bad with any other theme, only the spy war can't be bad, and it can't be bad. Okay, at least the TV station has to make money.

On April 4st, which is the day of April Fool's Day, "Latent" will be screened at the same time in the prime time of Dragon TV, Beijing Satellite TV, and Southern Satellite TV, and it will be broadcast on April 1 on Shandong Satellite TV.

Although there was no early announcement due to funding issues, Xu Rong's name has a strong appeal in the TV drama industry itself.

In fact, it is the foundation and favor laid down earlier. Southern Satellite TV has been rebroadcasting "Yangcheng" this year because it is one of the investors. "Paper Drunken Gold", Beijing Satellite TV is purely a personal relationship with Liu Yanming. Before Liu Yanming founded Hairun, he was the production director of the Art Department of Beijing TV Station.

With the release of the first day's broadcast statistics, the outside world is still in the wait-and-see stage. There is neither criticism nor praise. It can be said that the response is mediocre.

But what is surprising is that the four premiere TV stations took the lead in tearing their faces.

The release of "Latent" adopts the "4+2" model. The first round of broadcasting rights is obtained by the four satellite TVs of Beijing, Nanfang, Modu, and Lu Province. And play two episodes a day.

But after April 4st, the unspoken alliance agreement quickly disintegrated on the second day of the first broadcast. Dragon TV took the lead in launching a new arrangement method of "Zero Premiere, Golden Replay" in the early morning of April 1nd.

Dragon TV did come as agreed. It started broadcasting in prime time on April 4st, with two episodes a day. However, starting from April 1nd, it will start broadcasting at midnight and then rebroadcast in prime time.

Although only 20 hours earlier, the meaning is completely different.

While scolding the mother, the other three TV stations immediately responded with their own unique strategies.

On April 4, Beijing Satellite TV fought back with two episodes instead of three episodes, and also declared that it had completely torn its face.

After the emergency meeting, Southern Satellite TV adopted an even crazier strategy. Except for the necessary programs, all other TV series were suspended, and "Latent" was played on a loop for 16 hours a day.

The most embarrassing thing was Lu Provincial Satellite TV, which originally broadcasted it a day late, but the other three brothers came up with a desperate posture.

It only took one day for the four TV stations to turn against each other, tearing it up like a fight, stunned the entire industry, and being treated as a laughing stock by the counterparts across the country, because the behavior of the four TV stations is simply blatantly destroying the industry rule!
It's just a play, not worth it!

But in the news that followed, no one criticized the question of unspoken rules or unspoken rules, but only felt that it might be even crazier if they were replaced by themselves.

On April 4, the turnover of the second tender for the advertising space of Shandong Satellite TV was 3 million.

On April 4, Beijing Satellite TV's second bidding meeting had a turnover of 4 billion.

On April 4, Southern TV's second bidding meeting had a turnover of 5 billion.

On April 4th, Dragon TV, which had a relatively wide influence and was the first to tear up the agreement in disguise, became the biggest winner. The second bidding will end with a sky-high turnover of 6 billion. While earning a lot of money, Make the jealous eyes of colleagues across the country turn red or even purple.

31 billion, although it did not catch up with the total bid price of the news broadcast, but it exceeded the total amount of CCTV's opening drama this year.

The four TV stations only used one drama, and basically completed one-third or even nearly half of the annual revenue target.

What followed was the madness of the major TV stations!

The beneficiaries are not only the direct stakeholders of "Latent" and Xu Rong and Song Jia.

The filming of "Daughter-in-law" and the producers of Xu Ronghou's two films, which have not yet been filmed, have also broken the threshold.

Because under Jin Fangfang's operation, Xu Rong somehow gained the title of "God of Wealth".

Since Xu Rong's debut, there are only two possibilities for the dramas he starred in, no matter how big or small the criticism is, either they are banned or semi-banned, or they explode in a mess.

So the conclusion is that, as long as Xu Rong's drama can pass the trial, it will definitely make money, and make a lot of money.

At the same time, a strange rumor began to circulate in the industry.

Xu Rong, meet a little bit.

What was used as evidence was the words of several old people in Xu Rong's village who were interviewed during the hit broadcast of "Night" last year.

When Xu Rong was young, he could see things that ordinary people couldn't see. For this reason, he was forced to drink a bowl of incense ash water.

As soon as the rumor came out, it spread like wildfire, especially after being confirmed by quite a few members of the crew of "Luxurious" back then, it spread even more miraculously.

During a filming break, Liu Jiang dragged Xu Rong aside mysteriously, and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Xu, see if you can give our scene a trick, of course, you can talk about the cost. "

Xu Rong looked at Liu Jiang strangely, and said, "What?"

"Shh, who doesn't know now?" Liu Jiang quickly motioned him to lower his voice, "It's spread all over the circle, you really know, I heard, I heard that you can see things that others can't see? "

Xu Rong's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly smiled and shook his head, "Nothing, nothing."

He stared at Liu Jiang, quite uneasy in his heart, how did Liu Jiang know that he had a system?
Liu Jiang has been staring at Xu Rong's expression carefully, seeing that he was startled for a moment, and then although he also smiled, but the smile was forced, confirming the guess in his heart more and more.

Xu Rong, absolutely!

(End of this chapter)

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