Chapter 175
"Bang bang bang!"



Outside the office of the deputy director of the editor-in-chief's office of Mango TV, a girl who was about to knock on the door heard the sound of smashing things, immediately shrank her neck, stopped the hand that was about to touch the door, and then tiptoed back into the corridor .

"What's wrong with Director Zhou? He was so angry, I heard he was smashing something?"

"Keep your voice down, it's not because of "Latent". Director Zhou joked a while ago that it's not expensive anyway. Even if you buy out the copyright, it's only 2000 million, which is trivial."

"Ah, this?"

In the office, after a burst of auspicious bang and angry noise, it suddenly fell into silence.

Zhou Xie looked at the four TV stations that had already made crazy money and won the first round, and covered his face with newspapers in despair. At this moment, he wished to slap himself ten big mouths.

Earlier, when he heard that the four colleagues were tearing their faces apart, he was acutely aware that something was wrong.

Everyone is living in a circle, talking about a rule, and if someone doesn't follow the rules, the ratings must be okay, and if they want to sell advertisements, they can earn some money by taking advantage of the early broadcast, so as not to let the leaders feel that they are always A group of people in the editing room are all on dry food.

He guessed the reason, but he didn't expect that the ratings were completely beyond his imagination.

And every time he saw the four families walking together excitedly like mentally retarded monkeys, he just felt blood rushing straight to his forehead.

What the hell was wrong with it back then? Why didn't the f*ck buy out the copyright!

Hua Ming talked to him specifically about this matter, and sold the copyright to him for only 2000 million.

Just a few months ago, the copyright could be bought out for only 2000 million!
If he paid out the 2000 million at that time, the current and future continuous income would definitely be thousands of times!
It's not my own money, I feel sorry for your mother!

But now, everything is useless.

31 billion, Dragon TV alone earned 31 billion. Although this is the total amount of advertising expenses for all time periods, the root cause is that Dragon TV has guaranteed the same 16-hour continuous broadcast mode.

He doesn't think Dragon TV is crazy, because if it were him, he would do it for 31 billion!

Isn't it just broadcasting lurking all day, I will broadcast it for you for three months, and see you vomit!
Every time he thought of the number 31, he felt his heart was bleeding, all of this could have been his.

The influence of his own platform is much higher than that of Dragon TV. He is very sure that if he had softened his heart and bought out the copyright, the word "Vice" on his head would definitely be removed this year.

In his eyes, what he missed was not a play, but an opportunity to improve!

A missed opportunity to take on more responsibility!

Lost an opportunity to serve the people!
The only thing that comforts him is that he won the second round anyway. The reason why he bought it at the beginning was because of his friendship with Huaming, so as to save him from losing face in the stage, and it was also for Xu Rong's next movie. It is used to hit the audience base.

In the past two days, he couldn't remember how many sighs, but after venting, he had to return to reality from regret.

Adults can't always be immersed in the past, they have to look forward.

He put down the newspaper, lit a cigarette, walked to the window, frowned and looked at the busy traffic outside the window, he had to find a way to make up for his previous mistakes.

As the smoke slowly burned out, he gradually cleared his mind.

First of all, the film that led the investment must buy out the copyright. Hairun has made a lot of money from the film "Bright Sword" in the past few years, like a cash cow, sitting and collecting money every year.

Secondly, in the future, even if you can't buy out the plays starring Xu Rong, you must fight for the right to broadcast the first round, even at the risk of being banned.

It was very difficult, and none of my peers were fools. As soon as "Latent" came out, although the voting window for the first niche had not yet closed, it had already become a complete joke.

But it is difficult to fight for it. I heard that Huaming is going to be "deputy"!

At a certain moment, an inspiration flashed in his mind, no, he had a "brand new" play starring the God of Wealth in his hand.

"Da Ming Dynasty"!
An idea came to his mind, take out "The Ming Dynasty" and try it out?

Although the role of the God of Wealth is not much, he showed his face after all. It should be regarded as the leading role, right?
So, while starting the second round of "Latent", Mango TV pulled out the moldy "Da Ming Dynasty" from the bottom of the box.

Three days later, the water cup just purchased in the office was smashed to pieces by Zhou Xie again.

Lost the adults!

He looked at the "Da Ming Dynasty" that was playing on the computer screen. Although he found it more and more interesting, the audience could no longer see it, because after three days of broadcasting, it had to be taken off the shelves again due to the poor ratings.

Faced with such a situation, Zhou Xie almost doubted his life.

The ratings were not even as good as the last time it was aired, and he, Zhou, had become the laughing stock of the industry.

However, from this, he also summed up two experiences that he thought were valuable. Xu Rong's play was really like the report said, either it was very popular, or it couldn't be broadcast for a second!
And the method of judging is quite simple, just watch the amount of drama.

While Zhou Xie was struggling to save himself, Liu Jiang was not in a good mood these days. He kept dreaming that the scene he was filming was also similar to "Latent", and the fire was in a mess.

But reason told him that it was impossible.

"Latent" stood at the pinnacle of the spy war, and with the blessing of Xu Rong's own top head label in the spy war, it produced the current miracle. Perhaps since then, the entire spy war theme has gone downhill, just like before Period dramas that have been popular in recent years.

The popularity of "Latent" has put a lot of pressure on him. In the past few days, he took the time to watch a few episodes of "Latent". In terms of business level, Xu Rong's performance has declined slightly in comparison, but it is not the same. Obviously, and it is normal, Xu Rong himself is a spy war actor, and it is reasonable to be good at creating a tense and depressing atmosphere.

But if the performance of "Daughter-in-law" is not good at that time, perhaps the infamy will have to be borne by him, the director.

But he also can't afford to lose.

Even if he asked repeatedly, Xu Rong was still unwilling to do it. He could only comfort himself. Since Xu Rong agreed to play the male lead, he must have secretly "watched" it. He probably wouldn't joke about his future.

Thinking of this, he turned his head and glanced at the nanny car outside the set. Xu Rong hid in it to rest. For the past few days, he has been like this. As long as he is not filming, he will immediately get into the car and stay there.

Xu Rong had no choice but to hide in the car.

There are too many people on the production team these days. The various film and television companies, media, and merchants who can find here are all entrusted to inquire, otherwise just contact Jin Fangfang directly.

Due to this, Jin Fangfang's work location has also been transferred to the production crew. Anyway, as long as she comes, she just declines good words. These days, she has already declined numbness.

She really didn't expect a TV actor to be so popular as she is now.

The various film and television companies are simply crazy, some don't even have scripts, but they come to the door eagerly with money. As long as Xu Rong agrees, they can sign the contract immediately and pay half of the film salary.

What they are aiming at is Xu Rong's gap period this year.

Xu Rong feels that this year's schedule is so full that he can't even squeeze out time to catch his breath, but in the eyes of the producers, he has schedules everywhere, not to mention rolling dramas, just the completion of "Daughter-in-law" and the next drama After finishing, there will be more than a month of rest.

More than a month is enough to shoot a movie!
The remuneration is no longer calculated according to the set as usual, and the package price starts at 500 million yuan, and the spy war type script even reaches the sky-high price of 200 million yuan.

Xu Rong pushed it all without even thinking about it. He is under a lot of pressure now, and he always has the urge to simply break the contract and stop filming spy wars.

It's not that he's afraid of falling into the quagmire of the spy war, but that he's afraid that he won't be able to reach the height of "Latent".

He had expected that it would become popular latently, but it was estimated to be similar to "North Wind", but he didn't expect the current situation. In terms of salary alone, there are really not many people in the TV drama industry and even the film industry that are higher than him.

Yue Yue rubbed the dark circles under her eyes, sat aside, and said, "Brother, you are really amazing. I stayed up late yesterday and finished reading "Latent". It's so exciting, I can't stop."

Xu Rong frowned and asked, "Isn't that right, is this the end of the broadcast?"

"No, I bought a pirated disc, haha."


"Can you sign me, brother?"

Xu Rong watched Yue Yue take out the notebook, and asked with a smile, "What do you write?"

Yue Yue wrinkled his nose and said, "How can you be like this, you have to ask others what to write when they sign their autographs."

After Xu Rong took it, he thought for a while and wrote: I wish Yue Yue is safe and well, and all the best!
"Haha, thanks for your kind words, bro."

"It's all right."

Although Yue Yue is not well-known, he is one of the actors with the best relationship with him in the film crew. He is a fellow from his hometown, and he is two years younger than him. In this car, only Yue Yue and Jin Fangfang usually stay in the car with him. Come up and rest when you are up.

A girl with a very simple mind, because he didn't see those messy desires in her eyes.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk."

Jin Fangfang opened the car door and looked at Yue Yue in the car with a surprised expression. Now Xu Rong should not be in such a private space with other opposite sexes.

Even if nothing happened to them, who would believe it?
Lonely men and widows, living in the same room, it is too easy for people to associate with other aspects.

Xu Rong looked at Jin Fangfang, sat up, and asked, "Who is this time?"

Some people, Jin Fangfang can stop, but some people, Jin Fangfang can't stop, and she can't stop them. Now that she has come here, there must be someone who can't stop.

"Mr. Zhao." Jin Fangfang said, "It's Zhao Junkai."

"I'll go take a look." Xu Rong said, got up and got out of the car.

Jin Fangfang did not follow up immediately, but waited for Yue Yue to come down, walked side by side with her, and said, "Mr. Yue Yue, what are you talking about?"

"Here, I just asked Mr. Xu to sign for me."

Jin Fangfang said "Oh" and said, "Don't come to Xu Rong in the car again, it will not affect you well."

Yue Yue didn't react at first, and after walking a few steps, she suddenly turned her head, frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

Jin Fangfang looked at her without fear: "You should understand what I mean."

When Xu Rong heard the conversation between the two, he paused, didn't look back, and then walked faster, Jin Fangfang was not easy, and he took all the offending people on himself.

"Brother Zhao."

Zhao Junkai, the producer of "Bright Sword", the director and producer of "Yangcheng", is also the vice president and one of the founders of Hairun.

A few days ago, Zhao Junkai had already called him to congratulate him, and when they met, he still said: "Brother, congratulations, the number one student in the Mainland."

"Haha, it's all flattery, don't take it seriously, don't take it seriously." Although Xu Rong smiled, he was not at ease in his heart. Zhao Junkai is the only one among the company's senior management who has a close relationship with him. In other words, it may not be a good thing.

Zhao Junkai pointed to his nanny car, and said, "Let's go, let's chat in the car. I wanted to ask you to have a meal together, but knowing your temper, I won't waste your time."

After getting in the car, Zhao Junkai asked: "How is it? Are you still used to it? By the way, are you just an assistant? How did Guo Si do it? I'll go back and tell her, she's too good at handling things, you are doing things like this now Too many, an assistant can't take care of it."

Xu Rong became more and more sure of the guess in his heart, and said with a smile: "One is enough. If it is not necessary to rehearse the play and help with things like watching things, there is no need for an assistant."

After a while of concern, Zhao Junkai asked with a smile: "I heard that you bought Huayi's original stock?"

Xu Rong's face was a little tense, and he said: "My heart is for our company."

"Haha, I believe what you said." Zhao Junkai nodded thoughtfully, his face a little more serious, "Can you tell my brother what you plan to do in the future?"

Xu Rong sighed, what should come will always come, if he faced Liu Yanming, he would straightforwardly explain what he said, but Zhao Junkai had helped him more than once.

After hesitating for a while, he said, "Brother Zhao, I still want to try movies."

Zhao Junkai had already expected it before he came, but he couldn't help sighing when he heard Xu Rong's words. Xu Rong is too important to the company right now, and Chang Jihong will lead people away. If Xu Rong's contract expires and he doesn't renew his contract, The company immediately ran out of male artists to sell, but if Xu Rong was there, relying on Xu Rong alone, the brokerage company's annual profit would be at least tens of millions.

Xu Rong also knew that he could be what he is today, all thanks to the company's support, especially "New Shanghai Beach" and "Yangcheng". At that time, he was just a newcomer. He has lost these two roles, and he has always kept this in mind.

No matter what the reason is, the result is that he is indeed the beneficiary of the company's resources, that is, "Latent", which is a mess at the moment. At the beginning, the group was worried that there would be no TV stations in the north to purchase, and they would lose the good situation that "Ye" finally opened up, and they even specially publicized it. Leaders of relevant departments of Beijing TV Station.

"I have feelings for the company. Without the support of the company, I would not be where I am today. I have always kept this in mind. How about it, Brother Zhao, since you are here, I will not hide it. The contract Before the expiration, if the company is successfully listed, I will choose to renew the contract.”

This is what he discussed with Jin Fangfang. Listing means the influx of capital, and the money is in place. It is not difficult to open up the situation in the film market. Of course, how to continue will still need to be discussed. He cannot be the first All the details were explained in one talk.

Hearing his words, Zhao Junkai felt a little bit of hope in his heart, but it was only a little bit. He also understood that it would be too difficult to go public in more than a year, so he couldn't help asking: "Then what if it doesn't go public?"

"During the contract period, I will take on another play and an endorsement, and try to earn as much money as possible for the company." He said slowly, and finally raised his head again, looked at Zhao Junkai and said, "Before the film industry Didn’t you hand over the two books, I’ll take one, and if the salary is [-], it’s the price I received for the first film of our company, and it’s considered a beginning and an end.”

The drama and endorsement that will be accepted next year was originally planned by Xu Rong. As for the movie produced by the film industry, it is not only to return favors, but also to test the waters of the big screen.

Zhao Junkai smiled wryly, and said, "I'd rather you open your mouth like a lion and ask for more."

He knew that Xu Rong was paying back favors. Once the company failed to go public, it would be a good time to get together and leave.

If the box office is not ideal, the phrase "repay favors" is enough to explain everything. A certain colleague made a bad movie and used this excuse not once or twice, but every time he said it, he could get the understanding of the audience.

(End of this chapter)

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