I'm just an actor

Chapter 177 Sigh

Chapter 177 Sigh
Xu Rong lay on the co-pilot and let out a sigh of relief.

After attending the wrap-up banquet of "Daughter-in-law", he rushed to Beijing TV Station.

After two and a half months of filming, "Daughter-in-law" was officially completed.

This is by far the most tiring film he has ever filmed. As a transformation work, he has to pay attention to it. If "Night" made him realize the importance of transformation, and the explosion of "Latent" means transformation There is no delay.

But the overall level of the cast of "Daughter-in-law" is no better than that of "Latent", he has no choice but to carry the entire crew.

Tired into the current appearance, the reason is the dual limitations of experience and skills, even if he deliberately went to Anshan to live for a while, and even brought Xiao Zhang’s mother to his home, but there is still a certain distance between him and Yu Wei. Aunt Wang is not his real mother either.

And the reason why I made a special trip to Beijing TV Station was to re-record the finale of "Latent".

Although a new ratings record has been created, Beijing TV Station has worked hard to get higher ratings.

On the other hand, it is also a compromise made under the pressure of public opinion, because whether on the Internet or in the media, calls for a sequel to "Latent" are getting louder and louder.

The biggest difference between "Latent" and other dramas is that when it was filmed, the crew was really poor.

If there is no money, the only way to film the show and make it well is to keep the main body and delete all the details.

This has also led to the highly compact plot of "Latent", with extremely concise language and constant twists and turns, which promote the development of the plot every moment.

The storytelling doesn't stop for a second.

This is completely contrary to the current market environment that is used to desperately injecting water, because no matter whether the crew has confidence in the film or not, the films they shoot will eventually be sold to TV stations on an episode basis, so the more episodes, the less money they will earn. more.

Of course, there is another category. The purpose of the establishment of the crew is not to make money, so how to shoot and how to shoot are not the concerns of the producers and crew.

And it is precisely this contrast with the general environment that makes the audience feel unfinished after watching "Latent", and is full of various regrets about the ending.

But it is no longer possible.

After filming the only spy war movie he signed, Xu Rong already planned to wash his hands and quit the spy war drama arena.

He feels that he is still young, unlike Li Youbin, who has already buried half of his body in the loess, and even if he is half buried, Li Youbin is still looking for transformation.

And he can imagine that if "Latent" really wants to make a sequel, it will inevitably lead to TV stations, advertisers, and all kinds of ghosts and snakes flocking to it, just like the current "Dream of Red Mansions". Can't imagine.

In three to five years, he will not take on spy war dramas again. He has already made a clear statement to various film and television companies through Jin Fangfang.

After knowing Xu Rong's intentions, Beijing TV Station immediately came up with a remedy.

Adjust the finale of "Latent".

In the original ending, Yu Zecheng asked the new contact person: "Really married or fake married?"

The contact person replied: "It's best to get married, it's also your cover."

After that, Yu Zecheng continued to ask: "Have you found Cuiping?"

The other party replied: "No, what can I do if I find it? You can't be together anymore."

Different from the happy ending in the past, the ending of "Latent" is not perfect. Yu Zecheng and Cuipingtian are on different sides, and they never have the chance to meet again in their lifetime.

The adjustment made by Beijing TV Station was that when Yu Zecheng asked whether it was a real marriage or a fake marriage, the contact person replied: "It's up to you, safety is the most important thing."

Regarding his inquiry about Cuiping, the line of the contact person was changed to: "I didn't find it, and I will notify you if I find it. Such an excellent comrade must be found."

Leaving some room for the audience's imagination is an open ending.

Xu Rong is very satisfied with the original ending, and he is not too willing to change it. Yu Zecheng is not the shining and lonely hero in previous spy war dramas, but a small person who is also afraid and desperate. He will make mistakes, but because of this , which created tension for the audience.

Moreover, nearly a year has passed since the shooting, and he has completely lost the emotional experience and state he had when he played Yu Zecheng. The recording effect itself is actually not ideal.

But since the audience requested it and the TV station needed it, they had no choice but to make it difficult.

He tilted his head and glanced at Xiao Zhang, who was driving the car. After thinking for a while, he still didn't speak, and planned to wait until he got home.

After entering the house, Xu Rongcai asked, "How is your review?"

In a few days, the human arts recruitment examination will start. There are more than 200 candidates who have registered this year, and three of them were finally admitted.

Not to mention Xiao Zhang, even Xu Rong himself doesn't have much confidence, and Wu Gang is not the dean, who knows whether the guarantee will work or not.

"It's not bad." Xiao Zhang said confidently, "Tomorrow we will go to school and just print out the admission ticket."

Xu Rong stopped changing shoes immediately, raised her head, looked at her suspiciously, and said, "Tomorrow? Isn't it the day after tomorrow to print?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang shook his head and said, "You must have remembered wrongly. The printing will start tomorrow. I remember it clearly."

Early the next morning, in the printing shop next to the school.

Xu Rong pinched the exam admission ticket printed out by Xiao Zhang, which still smelled of ink, and the expression on his face was uncertain for a while.

And the lingering mood that had been maintained for two months was completely broken.

He raised his head and asked, "How did you get your name?"

While entering Xu Rong's ID number, student Xiao Zhang said indifferently: "It came out after a search, you didn't see it just now, the first one is it."

"Hey, why can't I find yours?"

She leaned closer, and stared at the computer screen to check it carefully. After searching again, she still couldn't find Xu Rong's application information. She turned her head and said with a puzzled face: "Mr. Your ID number is wrong."

Xu Rong handed her the admission ticket with a strange expression, and said, "Name, take a closer look."

"Hey, that's not right, why did it become a broadcasting art troupe? I, I clearly reported that I am a talent artist." Xiao Zhang's eyes widened and he stammered.

Xu Rong was also quite curious. Xiao Zhang is usually very serious in his work, why is he so confused about such a big matter?
It was she herself, after sighing, stuffed the admission ticket into her bag, and said, "If you report a mistake, just report a mistake, after all, there are only three places."

"You, aren't you sad?"

"It's not sad."


Xiao Zhang said eloquently: "This year, Renyi will recruit three people. Don't you also want to take the exam? If I sign up, you can only compete with others for the other two spots. If you don't pass the exam in the end, it will be a big deal." What a shame."

Xu Rong looked at her with a smile and asked, "You, really think so?"

"hold head high!"

Xu Rong looked at her carefully, and said: "Then I thank you for giving me a chance, and I will reward you when I go back tonight."

"Oh, Teacher Xu, don't talk nonsense."

The purpose of students Xu Rong and Xiao Zhang coming to the school today is very simple, the graduation performance.

In just over a month, I will be graduating from university.

In the past four years, he only spent a little longer in school when he was a freshman, and then spent most of his time in the production team. For him, the biggest gain in these four years was not because of Teacher Liu's introduction. He took over "Latent" , but the knowledge that should be learned has been learned.

Now, it’s almost time to say goodbye. When the show is over and graduation photos are taken, they have to pack their bags, go their separate ways, and find their own future.

Coming here today is mainly to divide roles.

The head teacher had asked for his opinion when planning the graduation performance, but he mentioned "Teahouse" without even thinking about it.

First of all, whether it is him or other classmates, they are too familiar with this play. To put it bluntly, the university courses are mainly to break apart and smash "Teahouse" and "Thunderstorm" for analysis and discussion.

Another advantage of this play is that there are enough characters on the stage, so that the whole class can have the opportunity to show their faces, and as an actor with a professional background, it is purely self-deceiving to say that he has no obsession with the role of Wang Lifa.

The gathering time was arranged according to his schedule. When Xu Rong arrived at the door of the classroom, all the students who could come in the class had arrived.

Because Xu Rong and Xiao Zhang started from home, they went to print the admission ticket again. When they entered the classroom, the classroom was already full of people.

The moment he entered the door, the originally noisy classroom could be heard quietly, and everyone's eyes were focused on him one after another.

He smiled, took classmate Xiao Zhang, walked to the empty seat next to Yuan Shanshan and sat down.

He has long been used to similar situations, but he didn't take it for granted. While nodding and smiling just now, he also observed the behavior of other people.

He had to remember the fleeting student days and store them in his memory so that they could be presented quickly for future use.

"Teacher Xu, why don't you take a picture together?" He just sat down when an unfamiliar female classmate came over immediately and said possessively.

Xu Rong turned to look at her, nodded with a smile, pulled Xiao Zhang up, and said, "Let's go together."

He had taken a photo alone with a female classmate before, and he had already learned the lesson he should have learned.

He doesn't know much about the situation in other schools, but he has personal experience in his own school. Famous students generally don't have a good relationship with other students.

It is not the difference caused by experience or values, but that people around me always want to take photos together and post them on the Internet to create some gimmicks.

"Okay." Xiao Zhang quietly raised her arm, making a gesture of scissors, but accidentally revealed the gold bracelet that Teacher Xu bought for her yesterday.

She likes to visit gold shops, and also likes gold ornaments, but she is always reluctant to buy them.

Without him, you are poor.

The female classmate looked at Xu Rong and Zhang Xiaofei who were waiting for her to take a picture, her face was quite embarrassed, but at this moment she forced a smile and nodded.


Yuan Shanshan, who was sitting next to her, almost grinned at the corners of her mouth, she didn't like the behavior of that female classmate, but also felt sour for Xu Rong and Zhang Xiaofei who were like glue.

"Students, long time no see."

At this moment, teacher Cui, the head teacher, opened the door and walked in, staring at the eerie silence in the classroom in surprise.

She noticed Xu Rong who had arrived, and immediately understood the reason. Xu Rong is too popular now, and she was also the one who taught her. After Zhao Wei, she is another leading student of the same generation.

"Okay, students, be quiet. Next, let me talk about our graduation performance."

Teacher Cui clapped his hands, and continued: "Everyone knows the repertoire, "Tea House", I don't need to say more, you should be very familiar with it, we have a month of rehearsal time, everyone must attach great importance to this performance, not only the school The leaders will watch, and will invite some directors, producers, and people from film and television companies from outside the school, which is an opportunity for everyone, and then I will talk about the specific role distribution."

"Wang Lifa, Xu Rong."

No one was surprised by the head teacher's arrangement, and they even took it for granted, because Xu Rong is too far away from them now, so he can't even think of jealousy.

"Qin Zhongyi, Yang Mi."

No one was surprised by the second arrangement either.

There are not many female characters in "Tea House", so many female students had to play in reverse roles.

Yang Mi is quite good at this, and it's not the first time she has done cross-dressing. The last time she led a performance, it was cross-dressing.


"The above is the distribution of roles. Everyone, go back and prepare. The first row will start at [-] a.m. next Monday." Teacher Cui put down the notebook in his hand and said, "I repeat, this performance is not only a graduation exam, but also an important one. Opportunities, everyone must seize them, don’t underestimate them just because there are few lines, don’t be careful, you have to believe that as long as you prepare carefully, even if there is only one line, some caring people will pay attention to it.”



Back home, Xu Rong immediately went into the study room. When she came back yesterday, she was too busy discussing with her classmate Xiao Zhang, and hadn't summed up her shooting experience of "Daughter-in-law".

He entered the door with the front foot, and just sat down and closed his eyes for a while, when Xiao Zhang pushed the door in with the script in one hand and a fruit plate in the other hand, and asked, "Mr. Xu, do you want to eat fruit?"

Xiao Zhang has already changed her clothes. She wears a white short-sleeved home dress with a bear printed on her upper body, paired with a pair of pink hot pants. I don’t know whether it was intentional or not. Watching Xu Rong's painstaking efforts for half a year and her natural long legs.

Looking at Xu Rong's gradually becoming abnormal expression, the relief on Xiao Zhang's face slowly faded, she held the plate, stopped where she was, and warned in a low voice: "Mr. Xu, my mother is still at home. "

"That night you have to be ashamed to ask."


Seeing that Xu Rong was about to get up, she hurriedly put the script and fruit plate on the table, then turned around and ran towards the door.

"I see where you are going."


Classmate Xiao Zhang locked the door behind him, then turned around slowly, clapped his hands with a smile, walked towards Xu Rong, and said, "That's okay!"

Being stared at by classmate Xiao Zhang, Xu Rong felt a sense of absurdity in his heart. He suddenly found that the offensive and defensive momentum seemed to be reversed.

Xiao Zhang, however, completely ignored his surprise and rushed forward in a hurry, looking like a hungry tiger rushing for food.

"Xiao Zhang, don't act too hastily."

"But, but, anyway, I don't care."

The sofa in the study room is relatively wide, and can be used as a bed when needed, but the cushions are relatively thin, and it will be cramped if you put it on.

Therefore, the two chose the desk and the chair behind the desk as the battlefield.

At a certain moment, Xu Rong glanced at the "Yuefu Poetry Collection" bought on the bookshelf for decoration, and a certain long narrative poem couldn't help appearing in his mind.

Chirp and chirp again, Mulan is weaving.

I don't hear the sound of the locomotive, only the sigh of the woman.
(End of this chapter)

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