I'm just an actor

Chapter 178 Summary

Chapter 178 Summary
Teacher Jiao Juyin once said that when actors experience life, they should first go deep into this class to experience and observe. They should not expect to find the typical at once, but should first find the type and then find the typical.

Xu Rongfu was at the table, writing neither fast nor slow. Above the three lines of words were two lines of short sentences just written:
Summary of the aftertaste of "Beautiful Times for Daughter-in-law"
[-]. About experiencing life

On the sofa at the side, classmate Xiao Zhang was half tilted, seriously reading the "Tea House" that was printed out today. She was quite fascinated by it. into the mouth.


With the clear sound of her flipping the paper, Xu Rong glanced at her and continued to write:

In the process of experiencing life, I suffered a lot, and I didn't realize it at the time, but some discoveries in the actual shooting process made me regret it.

Is there such a person beside me?
Certainly not.

But it is undeniable that there must be many people similar to him. I remember that when I lived in Anshan for a period of time, relatives often came to Xiao Zhang’s house, perhaps because of my existence.

They often ask the stars what they usually do, what their life is like, whether their work is hard, etc. At that time, I thought that they were not my "objects", nor were they the people I needed. As "tutoring work" outside of experiential life.

At that time, my object was myself, and I insisted on starting from myself and life. Therefore, I deliberately created many conditions to get close to the aftertaste.

Thinking about it now, my behavior at that time was not completely correct. I should not create conditions, but should adapt to real life with my original mentality, and feel the distance between myself and the aftertaste.

People's tastes are common, and there must be thoughts and feelings of the same nature. It's just that a certain kind of emotion is more in this person and less in that person. What I should do at the time should be through a certain way. To find these commonalities, by discovering these commonalities, and then compare the distance between me and the aftertaste, find a way to eliminate the excess in me, and find a way to increase the lack of me.

Just like me, Feng Jiayi and Lin Shen, the three of us will have the same smile at certain times, and the two of them will also have similar smiles at certain times.

So, among these relatives who came to Xiao Zhang’s house, is there anyone who has some characteristics of Yu Wei?
I think there must be, but I didn't analyze it carefully at the time.

From this incident, I realized the deep meaning of Mr. Jiao's words. Life itself is a fertile land. An actor should be like a poet, sensitive to sensing, and recording every bit of life inside and outside. Recorded in emotions, recorded in notebooks, starting from the general, the typical must exist, but it cannot completely exist in a specific person, it only exists in the writing of screenwriters and the creation of actors.

Then return to a simple question, experience life.

What is experiential life?

experience what?
How to experience it?

After breaking the problem apart, you will also find that there are too many doorways that can be explored, explored, and must be explored, instead of simply looking for similar people or creating similar environments based on feelings.

From the above, we can return to the most basic emotional experience again, and it can be basically clear that to experience life, we must first experience thoughts and emotions, and only when we need thoughts and emotions will we realize that the required "experience" of life It is inexhaustible, and in the process of creating the aftertaste, I only did the first step, ignoring the significance of the second step.

In addition, human emotions are complex. How do these complex emotions come from?
Without these emotions, how to distinguish which behaviors are reasonable and which are unreasonable seems to fall into the weird logic of the chicken and the egg.

Seeing Xu Rong stop writing, Xiao Zhang raised his head and asked, "Mr. Xu, why do you think Mr. Cui asked me to play Wang Shufen?"

"It will be more natural. There are not many girls in my class who I know well. If you say they act as husband and wife with me, they will definitely be unnatural."

Classmate Xiao Zhang nodded, suddenly thought of a question, and said, "That's right, Mr. Xu, don't lose your temper with them during rehearsal."

Xu Rong looked at her strangely and asked, "When did I lose my temper?"

"When filming "Latent" before, you scolded Song Jia several times."

"I did it for her own good, and she won't take it to heart."

Classmate Xiao Zhang tilted his head and said, "Then why did she drink you on the day of the finale?"

Xu Rong remained silent, but Xiao Zhang was telling the truth.

Classmate Xiao Zhang sat up straight, and said with fingers: "Although you are much more popular than them, but to them, we are classmates and equal. You can't scold them, and you have no right to scold them."

Xu Rong understood what she meant, put the pen aside, and asked with a smile: "Then according to what you mean, if I'm not a classmate, I can scold you?"

While chewing on the apple, Xiao Zhang thought about it, and said in a displeased way: "That's not true, how should I put it, anyway, it's the school's theory, which is different from the crew's theory."

Xu Rong nodded with a smile. Xiao Zhang had filmed a scene, so he didn't learn anything, at least he recognized the difference between the rules inside and outside the school.

Xiao Zhang saw that Xu Rong picked up the pen again, and said softly: "Mr. Xu, let's discuss something?"

Xu Rong looked at her expectant look, and immediately guessed that she hadn't held her fart well, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"That is, can you not call me Xiao Zhang in the future, because you always call me so, and some people call me sister Xiao Zhang. Look, Xiao Zhang is Xiao Zhang, and sister is sister. How can they be called together?"

"Then what do you say I called you?"

Xiao Zhang immediately puffed out her small chest, and said as a matter of course: "Sister, I'm one year older than you!"

Xu Rong was stunned for a moment, and under the expectant eyes of Xiao Zhang, he got up and left the study.

After waiting for a while, when he came in again, he was holding a hammer in his hand.

When Xiao Zhang took a look, he was terrified immediately, got up in a hurry, shrank to a corner of the sofa, stared at Xu Rong as if facing a formidable enemy, and said, "Teacher Xu, you should call me Xiao Zhang."

Xu Rong took out the walnuts he was carrying behind his back, handed it to her, and said, "Let's eat it, it will nourish your brain."

"Huh?" Classmate Xiao Zhang was not afraid now, and his momentum followed closely, "Do you think I'm stupid?"

"I don't think so."


Xiao Zhang took the hammer and walnuts, got off the sofa, walked to the door, suddenly turned around and asked, frowning, "Does that mean I'm stupid?"

"Xiao Zhang, let me tell you, all the idiots in this world only think that they are smart. There is no idiot who thinks he is a idiot, but only treats others as idiots. You will think that you are stupid, but you can prove that You are very smart."

Xiao Zhang frowned and thought for a while, then looked at Xu Rong's serious nod in affirmation, and muttered: "Listen, it seems quite reasonable."

When classmate Xiao Zhang went out, Xu Rong closed the door, sat at the desk, and wrote again:

I once heard that Mr. Jiao has a habit when directing actors to rehearse. He often said: try to let go, try to break through yourself, don’t be afraid of being ugly, the director can help you.

Sometimes he also asks the actors to write some plots that they want to play. Of course, I think the premise is a complete experience, so does what the actors hope must conform to the behavioral logic of the characters?
From my own point of view, I think that what I observe is the real life, that is to say, there is no problem for me to present it.

But one incident this morning changed my mind.

I was thinking about how to get out of the shopkeeper Wang's appearance, and naturally what came to my mind was Teacher Yu Zhi's performance.

But after trying it, even if I don't need other people's evaluation, I know that my way is very problematic.

My steps are not light enough.


At that time, after walking a few steps, I realized that my clothes were not very convenient, and I didn't have leggings. At the same time, my walking speed was not fast enough to greet the coming and going guests.

In the past, I thought I knew "Tea House" well enough. It wasn't until the simple action of walking that I realized that I didn't understand it in the past. At the same time, I also solved the previous problem of the logical order of emotion and behavior.

To imitate a specific form, from the performance point of view, I made a formalist mistake, but from the method, I am on the right path, because I gradually perceive the character from this specific form motives, or ideas.

So by extension, starting from life, if it is only used as the purpose of performance, it should be regarded as a kind of formalism in essence. Although the appearance and movements themselves do exist in real life, there must be a process of digestion and absorption when using them. The process, the imitation itself, should be for the perception of deep thoughts, and then re-present, otherwise, it is imitation, not creation.

Creation must go through the heart.

At this point, it involves a problem I encountered before.

When the emotional experience is in place and the expression skills are rich enough, the result is that the actor's performance style will eventually be consistent with the script's style, and it will appear natural under the prescribed situation.

It will also lead to what is often said to be popular in dramas, but not popular in people.

At present, this problem has been temporarily solved. The technology I have mastered can support my style to be consistent with the style of the play, and Yu Zecheng's popularity in the corner also allows me to use this method of performance, taking into account business And performance, for the time being, is a best-of-both-worlds solution.

But in terms of the empathy ability of pure performance, the style is the embodiment of the actor's own limitations, and this point has long been concluded by Si Shi.

[-]. About the co-actors

This is a worse problem I encountered in the process of shaping the aftertaste.

I want my co-stars to feel the impact of my actions. In the process, I had to make some adjustments for some objective reasons.

This should be attributed to the psychology of "individual heroism", not only ideological problems, but also technical defects.

Because under normal circumstances, all this should happen naturally, rather than my unilateral deliberate guidance.

When such a situation occurs, it should be attributed to two points, either my technical presentation fails to achieve the purpose of natural guidance, or I am playing the piano against the cow.

The harm of the latter is undoubtedly huge. They may receive more scripts, get more roles, and make more and worse scenes in the future.

So in the future, while enriching one's own dimension, put an end to any deliberate guidance!

After writing this, Xu Rong closed the notebook gently after going through it. In fact, he still wanted to write something, but he was still not sure, thinking about it later.

There is no rush, there are still two films to be filmed this year, and he has plenty of time to verify and summarize.

After putting away the notebook, he pulled out another script from the side drawer.

"Before Dawn"

This is a film that Liu Jiang asked him to make a long time ago, but because of the tightening of policies, he had to undergo a major repair, and it has been delayed until now.

I don't know if I don't read it. After flipping through it again, he was completely dumbfounded.

This is going to die.

Liu Xinjie's identity setting is somewhat similar to Yu Zecheng's, and it will be properly compared by then.

But even so, he took out his notebook and began to record his first impressions.

After finishing writing, he fell into deep thought.

The difficulty is a bit high.

This difficulty is not only for himself, but also for several other characters.

For example, Tan Zhongshu, for this role, he really hopes that Li Youbin will come, but Li Youbin is a bit old, which doesn't fit the role itself.

As for the absolutely positive Duan Haiping, he couldn't think of a good candidate for the time being.

What worries him the most is the female lead, Gu Yejia, who doesn't have many roles, and the character setting is not even the slightest bit interesting. It is completely incomparable with Cuiping's three-dimensional sense in "Latent".

A difficult character to remember.

A few people appeared in his mind, such as He Qing from 20 years ago, and Shao Jie from five years ago, but these two people can't fight now.

Thinking so, he picked up his cell phone and dialed Liu Jiang's number.

"I knew it was time for you to call. Do you want to ask about Liming?"

"Yes, Director Liu, that's right. I want to ask who will play Gu Yejia."

"I'm going to let Hai Qing play it."

When Xu Rong heard what he said, a big question mark popped up in his mind, Hai Qing is crazy, dare to take this kind of role?
He didn't even dare to ask Xiao Zhang to act. There are not many roles in this kind of scenes, and most people have to kneel when they come to the role with serious facial makeup.

Liu Jiang said again: "But she is not willing to accept it. Do you have a suitable candidate to recommend? I heard that Song Jia was recommended by you at that time."

Xu Rong said helplessly: "No, I just asked, by the way, has Duan Haiping been selected?"

"Oh, it's settled, Lu Jianmin."

"Hey, did you spend a lot of money?"


Liu Jiang did not answer his question because it was classified as confidential.

(End of this chapter)

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