I'm just an actor

Chapter 179 Candidates

Chapter 179 Candidates

Liu Heping put on the cap of the pen and looked at the thick stack of notebooks beside the table, feeling full of ambitions and emotions at the same time.

Once "Yongzheng Dynasty" was broadcast that year, not only TV stations, directors, and actors benefited, but as a screenwriter, he also entered a smooth path in life, which can be described as high-spirited.

It's just that the good times didn't last long, and the painstaking "Da Ming Dynasty" gave him a blow. Although the evaluation was high, the ratings were terrible, which made him feel embarrassed to meet some old friends on Mango TV.

However, his eating habits tended to be light and his physical condition made him gradually realize that he was no longer young, and his physical strength and energy were gradually not as good as before. Perhaps, the script that has just been completed may be his last. s work.

He has been depressed and had self-doubt, but he gradually figured it out, he can't leave with regrets, just like the young man who blocked himself for seven days, try his best, as for success, he always does it first Besides.

Lian Po is old, can he still have food?
He thinks he can.

He is already an old man, and he can't keep up with the times. He doesn't know how to use a computer, and he doesn't type often. written by hand.

The style of the script is incompatible with the current market style. He is very clear that today's TV drama market cultivates audiences who watch the excitement and entertainment, and compare whose mobile phone is better, whose bag is more expensive, and whose clothes are more expensive. Whoever has a better-looking car, whose house is bigger, and whoever puts more advertisements in a movie is better.

But just because he was born in such an era, he feels that he can't just leave a bunch of slapstick things. He is over half a century old, he has experienced so many things and met so many people, he feels responsible and responsible. Obligation, through art, to complete the sublimation of traditional culture, to leave something cultural, connotative, and artistically pursued to the present and future generations.

He had already started to prepare this script after "Da Ming", and it was not basically completed until today.

After finishing the script, he immediately thought of two people, Zhang Li and Xu Rong.

Zhang Li, maybe he knows how to order, because everyone in the circle says so.

Xu Rong, maybe he will order it too, because everyone in the circle says so.

But which of the two is more sophisticated, he doesn't know, let alone speculate, because the two always keep a secret about it, and once they mention it in person, they always deny it immediately.

Could it be that two people exist at the same time, leading to some kind of metaphysical conflict?
He thought wickedly, and he could only think so, the failure of "Da Ming" took him a while to recover.

During this period, he saw the warmth and coldness of human feelings. The gold medal screenwriter who was eagerly received by everyone back then was suddenly left out in front of the door.

He didn't feel sad about it, but just found it interesting, because people are like this and should be like this. He only regards himself as an audience under the stage, watching performances with completely different styles.

Sometimes he laughed, sometimes he was silent.

In the process of creating a new script, he wrote some interesting people and interesting things he saw and heard into the script, such as Xu Rong, a young man who is very good at cooking cold stoves. Make a phone call to say hello, and occasionally make a few jokes, saying that when he writes a new play, he must be given a role.

Every time he mentioned these things, he just chuckled, neither agreeing nor refusing, he knew that the other party was just comforting himself, so that he would no longer be immersed in the regret of "Da Ming".

As an audience, he felt that this was a kind of great wisdom, so he wrote the great wisdom embodied in Xu Rong's words and deeds into the script, and wrote it on a great man.

In fact, he wanted to copy the seven-day waiting at the garage door, but after thinking about it, he always felt awkward, and he could only turn it into a spirit and integrate it into the character.

Looking at the script, he felt a little hesitation in his heart. Xu Rong and Zhang Li can only choose one, which has been verified.

He doesn't believe in ghosts and gods, but he doesn't dare to completely deny it.

But who to choose, he really didn't have a definite idea in his mind.

Zhang Li was born in photography, and the use of lenses has reached the level of art. This is a craft involving psychology. Every shot is actually imposing some kind of strong or weak hint to the audience.

But Zhang Li's shortcomings are extremely prominent, burning money.

This is a director who believes in slow work and meticulous work. Based on the length of the script, Zhang Li will be required to shoot for at least half a year. Based on the average daily cost of about 40 yuan, the single shooting cost is about 7000 million yuan, plus production costs, Actors' remuneration, as well as publicity expenses and some expenses that need to go to publicity accounts, etc., the final investment amount is about [-] million.

A TV series with an investment of [-] million.

After figuring out this number, Liu Heping himself was happy, and he suddenly let out a long and helpless sigh.

He could fully predict that if he went to an investor with the script, if the other party wasn't an idiot, they would definitely treat him like an idiot.

Compared with Zhang Li, Xu Rong doesn't have so many advantages, only one thing, the capital favors and the TV station likes it.

Judging from some gossip that I heard and received, many film and television companies are no different from idiots when they deal with Xu Rong.

Signing a contract without even having a script, isn't that an idiot?
Of course, he understands the deeper reasons. With Xu Rong's current popularity, even if it is a bad show, many viewers will watch it. Let's see how bad a play he has accepted, and how bad it can be degree.

He doesn't use the computer very often, so he had to make a copy, carry his bag, and rush from Hunan Province to the capital.

He knows very well that given the sensitivity of the subject matter he writes, the possibility of attracting investment is not high, and there is still a considerable risk of passing the review, so the key person he is looking for must have a huge appeal, and a group of crazy people are standing behind him. A person who stuffs money.

As for the review, as long as the investment is in place and the TV station negotiates, someone will naturally do this level.

While Liu Heping was rushing to the capital with his bag, Xu Rong was sitting in the co-pilot, leisurely heading to the theater.

At the beginning of the year, Xu Rong already had a rough plan for this year, clarifying the priorities of the things to be done.

Spy movies are naturally the top priority. Even if this is his field of expertise, he dare not be careless. There are many things that capsize in the gutter.

Then the graduation performance sandwiched between the two plays became the object of his abandonment.

He can't say give up, he is so familiar with "Tea House", so familiar that even if he closes his eyes, he can remember the approximate lines of each character.

Although university courses are divided into various categories, in his opinion, strictly speaking, there are only two compulsory courses in university, "Tea House" and "Thunderstorm".

But even so, in addition to reviewing the film and television materials of Yu Zhi's version, he had to take Xiao Zhang to watch two dramas. He was used to film and television performances in the past, and dramas are not the way he is familiar with. People looked at the cold air, so as not to make a joke on stage.

And he has already made up his mind that in the graduation show, he does not seek innovation, but pure imitation, so he will perform whatever Zhi plays.

This was the inspiration when I visited Chen, Yu Hewei and Yu Bin last year.

At that time, he carefully watched a performance of Chen Jianbin, regardless of whether the performance was good or bad when it was broadcast in the future, he respected this man as a man.

At least he dared to break through Bao Guoan's "Cao Cao template". For an actor, this is a great courage, because for decades, almost all actors have imitated Bao Guoan when shaping Cao Cao.

Xu Rong doesn't lack similar courage and confidence, but he doesn't have the energy right now. If he really wants to prepare "Tea House", he estimates that he will have to set aside at least a year for it.

But time did not allow him to do so.

After carefully reading the script of "Before Dawn" several times, he has never had a clear idea in his mind on how to interpret the role of Liu Xinjie.

If there is no Yu Zecheng's pearls in front, he will naturally act according to the routine of the past, suppressing the past all the way and it's over.

But the two plays have a certain similarity, so he couldn't do that, otherwise it might just be that Yu Zecheng changed jobs.

He is going to find an opportunity to have a good chat with Liu Jiang, talk about his thoughts on this role, and then design it.

In the theater, Xu Rong stared at an actress who came onto the stage from the backstage, froze for a moment, and then sat up a little.

He forgot about this person, not really forgot, but subconsciously avoided her. He had never had any interaction with her, but the daimyo had heard of her.

Among the younger generation, it is a rare actress who has made great achievements in the drama industry. It is a classic case that the teaching ability of Chinese opera is stronger than that of Nortel.

Since then, Xu Rong's attention has always been on this actress.

After leaving the theater, Xu Rong immediately dialed Liu Jiang's phone number and said, "Director Liu, let me recommend you a candidate for the female lead."


"Yuan Wei."

"Hey, your proposal is really good."

After Liu Jiang finished speaking, he suddenly fell into silence, and said after a while: "Mr. Xu, I think this matter, you may still be able to talk about it. I guess it's a bit unclear. What is the main reason? The salary budget Not so much, Haiqing only needs the money of a kitchen, so this should at least be given to three bedrooms and one living room, right?"

Xu Rong was also silent for a while before saying, "Xia Yu and I are not very familiar."

Listening to the words, Liu Jiang immediately understood that there must be some festivals between Xu Rong and Xia Yu that he didn't understand, and it was not suitable for him to come forward.

"Then, let me ask, don't expect too much."


Xu Rong hung up the phone, and seeing Xiao Zhang with her head down, without saying a word, she rubbed her head and said, "Do you think I have any thoughts about her?"


Classmate Xiao Zhang pouted and denied, she had already noticed that Teacher Xu was staring at Yuan Wei all the time, and his eyes were about to fall off.

"Don't think about it, I just think she is suitable to play Gu Yejia. There is nothing outstanding about this role. Naturally, I have to find an outstanding actor."

Classmate Xiao Zhang tilted his head and looked at him: "It's really just like this?"

"Otherwise, I have nothing to do when I'm idle. I'm really unhappy to find Xia Yu and his girlfriend."

There are two reasons why Xu Rong likes Yuan Wei. There are many actresses who fit the role of Gu Yejia. There are younger and more beautiful actresses everywhere, but there are really not many who can play better than Yuan Wei. Song Jia barely counts. One, but that guy is a jerk, his image is not suitable at all, and Song Jia has already filmed "Latent", so he doesn't really want to cooperate with her for the time being.

While the two were chatting, a car suddenly stopped in front of the two of them. After the window fell, he looked at Xu Rong who was wearing a mask in surprise, and asked uncertainly, "Xu Rong?"

Xu Rong looked at the people in the car, was also stunned for a moment, and asked, "Why are you here, and you just finished watching the show?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang quickly squeezed his hand, and said in a low voice, "Ms. Xu, she just played another role."

Although Xiao Zhang tried his best to lower his voice, Chen Shu still heard it. He glanced at the hands they held together and understood the relationship between the two. It was only Xiao Zhang's words that made her almost lose her temper.

The two of them obviously just finished watching their own play, but Xu Rong didn't notice him at all!
Is it possible that I am really old?

She vaguely remembered that a few years ago, when Xu Rong faced her, she couldn't speak well, but now a big living person wandered around on the stage for a long time, but she didn't see it at all?

Xu Rong suddenly came over, and said with a haha: "Ah, that, your performance just now was very good, very good."

Chen Shu forced a smile, maintained his dignity for the last time, and said, "Thank you, I still have something to do, so I'll go back first."

"Okay, you go first."

After Chen Shu left, Xiao Zhang looked at Xu Rong with a smile, and asked, "Mr. Xu, is this the Chen Shu you chased before?"

Xiao Zhang knew this, so he wasn't surprised. He really didn't have many secrets to the outside world.

"Hey, it was requested by the crew at the time to hype the scandal." Xu Rong said casually, "Otherwise, if you think about it, I didn't even notice that she came on stage just now."

"But she's really pretty."

Xu Rong said casually: "That's the way it is, it's far from you."

"I knew you would say that." Classmate Xiao Zhang laughed silly, and suddenly remembered something, "By the way, I read the "Gongsuo Xinyu" you sent me earlier, it is very beautiful."

Xu Rong took a breath and asked, "Where is the beauty?"

Xiao Zhang thought for a while, but couldn't come up with a reason, so he said: "It's good-looking."

Xu Rong nodded, but he didn't care too much, and he didn't answer it.

The current him is a bit different from his past pursuits. Since his debut, he has made bad movies and idol dramas, because at that time he didn’t have much room to choose, but the reality now allows him to wait for a good book, "Latent" As soon as it comes out, even if he doesn't take on a play within five years, he can still maintain his top-notch appeal.

And the word-of-mouth that has been accumulated with great difficulty, I don't want to just be so rambunctious.

But after thinking about it this way, he realized that a play for next year hadn't been decided yet, which seemed wrong.

In terms of his current popularity, it is completely unreasonable.

(End of this chapter)

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