I'm just an actor

Chapter 181 Exam

Chapter 181 Exam
Xu Rong has never mixed in a show, but the graduation show will not work if he doesn't.

Even after chatting with Liu Jiang for several hours, he still has no clear idea on how to shape Liu Xinjie, who is different from Luo Peilun, Wang Yimin, and Yu Zecheng.

It wasn't until this moment that he understood the deep meaning of what Teacher Li Xuejian said back then: If you can't play a spy war like anyone else, do you really feel that a single spy war can limit you?
Dramas with different themes are challenges for actors, but for the same theme, if you want to perform new ideas and perform differently, it will only be more difficult, because in the process, he must consciously abandon some of the things he is good at.

Just like the situation he encountered now, it was equivalent to dancing in shackles.

Fortunately, there is still plenty of time, and Xu Rong is not particularly anxious, and this thing, being anxious will only have the opposite effect.

While rehearsing "Tea House" and preparing "Before Dawn", Xu Rong and Xiao Zhang came to Renyi.

The 09 Talent Recruitment Examination kicked off!
Renyi's actor recruitment is divided into two types: students and actors, and the difficulty level is also different.

Due to the special nature of the unit, it is not recruited every year, especially with the diversification of entertainment methods, drama has become a relatively small art now, separated from the general public, and the demand for the number of actors is not so great.

For most fresh graduates, the biggest attraction of the Beijing Repertory Theater is to settle down, but it cannot solve the most fundamental and practical problems.


Guohua took the lead in making reforms last year, attracting a large number of film and television stars to join in to attract the attention of young people, but with little success.

Renyi has a detached status in the drama world, and to match it, it also maintains an extraordinary reserve. Even if it is about to enter the second decade of the 21st century, it still maintains many old traditions.

In the early days, veteran artists of Renyi, such as Yu Zhi, Lan Tianye, Zheng Rong, etc., would run their own academy training courses. Wu Gang, Feng Yuanzheng, etc. all entered in this way. The model is similar to that of craftsmen recruiting apprentices in the past , It can ensure that teachers teach seriously and students study hard.

This tradition is still preserved today, but most of the people who run the classes are old people from the previous generation. Firstly, the training is too time-consuming. standard, but whether it can be approved in the end is another matter.

This kind of student training class not only examines talent, but also has strict restrictions on age.

Because of these traditional reservations, Xu Rong didn't really believe Wu Gang's so-called "inner decision". If Pu Cunxi, the vice president, came to tell him this, he would definitely not doubt it.

The other is for the recruitment of fresh graduates from the three major colleges and professional actors. The threshold is set higher. Before Deng Chao graduated, he was an intern in the arts. good actors.

The general meaning is the same as "you are a good person".

There are no clear standards for the two methods, and they are quite subjective. It all depends on the mood of the examiner. The most important thing is "combination", that is, the performance style must match the style of Renyi.

In the early days, Renyi recruited "characteristic" actors, but since the 80s, it has gradually loosened the restrictions and no longer resisted the niche.

Xu Rong is not worried about the performance style. Although his image is a bit beyond Renyi's conventional standards, his performance style is in the same line as Renyi.

In the past few years, he has read the classic video materials of Renyi countless times, and he has a more intuitive understanding of the previous cooperation with Wu Gang, Li Guangfu and other Renyi actors.

For today's exam, he is actually not very concerned. Whether he can pass or not is indifferent. He has no obsession with the capital's hukou. Prepare too much.

Just waiting for him to come outside the examination room, looking at the dozens of media reporters and more than half of his classmates who had already been waiting for him, he paid a little attention to it.

If you are screened out in the first test, you will lose your adulthood.

He silently set a small goal for himself, at least until the retest.

There are three rounds of human arts recruitment. The initial test lasts for three days, and each candidate has 4 minutes to show their lines. According to the usual practice, more than half of the candidates are usually selected for this level.

After the initial test, it is the re-examination session. After the students show the repertoire, the examiner will present the questions and show their talents on the spot. This pass will attract more people. In the past, more than 1000 people usually signed up, and more than a hundred of them passed the re-examination.

After the re-examination, there will be the written test. There are not many candidates for the written test, but who will be admitted and who will be candidates have already been determined in the re-examination and even the initial test. Those who fall in the written test are not just because of the written test itself.

"Teacher Xu, come on." Xiao Zhang accompanied him today, and before entering the examination room, he clenched his fists and cheered him on.

Xu Rong rubbed her head with a smile. She just took the exam for the Broadcasting Art Troupe the day before yesterday. With her skills, there should be no big problem.

"Do not worry."

Xu Rong looked up and saw that most of the queue waiting for the exam was about his age, and some were in their thirties. Some of them even looked familiar to him, and they seemed to be first- or second-class actors.

He hasn't taken an exam related to acting for a long time, and he can't remember exactly when the last audition was.

Following the examinee team, entered the theater, after putting on makeup, Xu Rong began to wait aimlessly.

He registered late, and the test number was relatively late. Even if the interviews were held in four test rooms at the same time, he probably would have to wait until noon.

"How are you preparing?"

"I don't think so. This is the fifth time I have applied for the exam. If I fail the exam again, I won't be allowed the next time."

"Oh, so am I."

Xu Rong lowered his head and flipped through his own files, still trying to draw a portrait of "Liu Xinjie" in his mind, when he heard a middle-aged man and woman talking in a low voice next to him, he raised his head slightly, the two of them looked quite old , at least one round older than him.

He was a little puzzled, at such an advanced age, why did he come to Renyi to be a newcomer?

If they can pass the registration review, the two must be professional actors, most likely actors of a certain theater troupe.

Like the two of them, there are not a few people who came to take the exam today, maybe there are more, but they didn't pass the registration review at all.

Wouldn't it be nice for An Ansheng to be an actor in his own theater troupe?
He was a little confused.

Pushing others and himself, he suddenly realized one thing, why did he come to take the exam?

More precisely, what is the purpose of entering Renyi?
Beijing account?Meager wages and subsidies?Admiration for the old batch of talented actors?Renyi's invitation?

For the first time, he found that he did not have a clear purpose in taking the talent examination.

When Xu Rong lowered his head and pondered, he felt his shoulder was tapped twice suddenly: "Xiao Xu, how are you preparing?"

Xu Rong raised his head, looked at the smiling Wu Gang, looked at him in surprise, and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Look at what you said, why can't I be here?" Wu Gang looked at Xu Rong's outfit, and asked cheerfully, "Master Wang?"

Xu Rong nodded. He doesn't know much about other characters.

"Okay, then I'll go there first, you prepare well."

"Old Wu, wait a minute."

Xu Rong stopped him, moved closer, and said in a low voice: "Old Wu, you said there are so many older people, why do you have to sharpen your head and want to come in?"

Wu Gang didn't seem to understand what he wanted to express, so he looked at him with a frown and asked, "What do you mean?"

"It's just for pictures, don't tell me that you are here to meet you."

Wu Gang laughed, and said, "You've asked the right person. Do you know what is the biggest difference between Renyi and other theaters?"

"Earlier to build the hospital?"

Wu Gang shook his head, and said, "You've missed your point. The best thing about human art is that there is a set of systematic practical training methods corresponding to the theory. If you don't come in, you will never learn these things."

"Why do you think "Thunderstorm" is called the threshold, because "Thunderstorm" is the basis of this set of things."

Xu Rong took a deep breath, he understood.

The systematic practical training method mentioned by Wu Gang is roughly equivalent to what he and Tong Zirong learned. The difference is that Tong Zirong focuses on dubbing, while Renyi's set focuses on all dimensions of performance.

"Don't worry, when you come in, you will be able to touch it slowly." Wu Gang patted him on the shoulder, turned and left with a laugh.

He suddenly regretted that for this exam, he did not prepare enough, or even did not prepare, because no one had revealed to him that Renyi had hidden a set of powerful tricks before.

At noon, Xu Rong lifted his hat and took the materials. Shi Lanya rushed over to see him, smiled, opened the door, and entered the examination room.

He originally wanted to surprise the invigilator in the examination room, but after pushing open the door, he stood at the door and looked at the people standing or sitting in it, and he froze for a moment. After the other party nodded, he confirmed that he did not go wrong.

Under normal circumstances, there are five examiners, but at this time in the examination room, there is a lot of white flowers. The reason why it is white, not dark, is because he knows all the people sitting in the examination room.

Zheng Rong, Lan Tianye, Zhu Xu, Zhu Lin.
As the vice president, Pu Cunxi didn't even get a seat. Seeing Xu Rong standing at the door, he seemed to be frightened by the situation in the examination room. He clapped his hands and said, "Come in."

"it is good."

Xu Rong responded, gently closed the door of the examination room, and walked quickly to the center of the examination room.

Feng Yuan, who also didn't make it to his seat, was watching Xu Rong take a few steps when he turned around, and looked at Pu Cunxi with a wry smile.

After Xu Rong finished these few steps, the exam itself was meaningless.

"Hello teachers, I'm Xu Rong, an examinee."

When Xu Rong stood still, more than a dozen old people were sitting, you looked at me, I looked at you, and finally Lan Tianye said: "Wait for the rest, you play a student who is taking the exam normally, not you Xu Rong."

After Xu Rong closed the door and entered the door just now, he imitated the shopkeeper Wang in every move. The reason for this is that he considered that there were too many wrists coming today. , even if he came to a set of radio gymnastics for the retest, there would be no problem in admission.

Lan Tianye had the same idea. The questions he asked should be included in the re-examination.

Xu Rong thought for a while, walked to the door again, took off his hat, then turned around, and walked upright again to the field, this time his pace was much slower than before, and the pace was slightly wider Come to the center of the examination room again, and after bowing, he said loudly and authentically: "Hello, examiners and teachers, I am Xu Rong, the examinee."

Lan Tianye neither nodded nor shook his head, and asked slowly, "Why did you apply for Renyi?"

Xu Rongdao: "Ever since I came into contact with acting, human art has always been my dream. During the four years of university study, I came here watching the plays of your teachers. I also hope to follow in the footsteps of your teachers and create characters that the audience likes. and works."

Zheng Rong answered the call and asked, "If your other work conflicts with the performance in the theater, what would you choose?"

Zheng Rong's question can be said to hit the nail on the head. Xu Rong, as the number one niche student in the Mainland today, knows without even thinking about it that the queue will be full.

The reason why I am here today is mainly because his theory with practical methods has attracted the attention of Renyi and Zheng Rong, but Renyi has always been strict in requirements, and it is not that no actor has left due to work conflicts.

Xu Rong pondered for a while, and said: "It depends on the situation. If I can ensure food and clothing, I will focus on theater performances. If not, I will focus on other jobs."

Regarding Xu Rong's answer, many old people sitting here couldn't help being silent for a while after the accident.

Before that, they had high expectations of Xu Rong, otherwise they wouldn't have mobilized so many people to inspect a young man.

There are no successors, and one generation is not as good as the next generation has become the biggest problem in human art. There is no doubt about Xu Rong's talent. The few steps he walked through the door just now, it is obvious that he has stepped out of Wang Lifa's psychology.

This is a rare actor who corroborates practice and theory.

But his attitude made them feel uncomfortable.

But they couldn't refute it. The income of a human artist is not high, so there is no big problem in guaranteeing survival. However, with the current skyrocketing housing prices and prices, it is almost impossible to expect him to stay in the courtyard steadily.

Lan Tianye continued to ask, "Can you play tricks?"

"Of course, I don't have much experience in dramas. Playing tricks is also a process of accumulating experience. However, I don't want to keep playing tricks."

Many old people looked at each other and stopped talking. What Xu Rong said was in line with the values ​​of human art: if you can act as a leading role, you must also be able to run a role.

If a young man doesn't have the heart to play the leading role, then there is no need to be admitted.

As the examiner and vice president Pu Cunxi, seeing that the teachers stopped asking questions, he asked, "Teachers, if there are no other questions, shall we go through the process?"

"That's right, walk around, walk around."

"Yes, read a paragraph, it's all here, it doesn't matter if you don't read a paragraph."


Following Pu Cunxi's proposal, the atmosphere in the examination room suddenly became lively, like going to a market.

Looking at the kindly smiling old men and old ladies in front of him, Xu Rong heaved a sigh of relief and started planning his visit schedule.

Today's exam is the best excuse. His goal is not just the training method Wu Gang said.

But for now, let's finish the process.

He pulled a chair, sat on it, bent his body, and slowly said: "Improvement, I have never forgotten to improve, and I never want to fall behind others."

(End of this chapter)

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