I'm just an actor

Chapter 182 Thinking

Chapter 182 Thinking
As the Magnolia Awards Ceremony in 09 draws closer, all the attention inside and outside the industry is focused on the two popular dramas of this year, "My Leader, My Team" and "Latent". The biggest winner of Magnolia, there are different opinions for a while.

The two have caused a sensation in terms of word of mouth and ratings.

The most peculiar thing is that the fate of the protagonists of the two plays is quite rough, and they have always been low-key.

Xu Rong didn't pay much attention to this. Even though "Latent", "North Wind" and "Paper Drunken Gold" he starred in were all shortlisted, Mr. Li Xuejian was shortlisted for the Golden Eagle in the three dramas last year, and the incident of returning empty-handed is still vivid. head.

The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment when it comes.

But his attitude did not affect Jin Fangfang in the slightest. Even if Xu Rong's three dramas were shortlisted for Magnolia, Jin Fangfang's promotion activities were still carried out as planned.

The Magnolia and the TV Festival are held at the same time, strictly speaking, they are two unrelated links. The awards of the TV Festival are voted by the audience, and the Magnolia Award is voted by the judges.

For Xu Rong, both the "popular actor" voted by the audience and the "best actor" selected by the judges have opportunities, but they also have suspense.

In contrast, Jin Fangfang hopes to win the "Best Actor" award this year. Unlike the Golden Eagle, in Magnolia, this award is the real Shidi, and because Magnolia has always been known for its professionalism, " The "Popular Actor" award is somewhat tasteless.

Just to be on the safe side, building momentum is essential. If the time comes with nothing, the plan that the two discussed to move to the big screen may have to be postponed.

Jin Fangfang's first step was to stir up controversy about Xu Rong through the media and Internet trolls.

Xu Rong has been walking all the way, and the most indispensable thing in his body is controversy.

Even the matter of Xu Rong going to block Liu Heping's door at the beginning can be viewed from two sides. On the one hand, he criticizes him for not doing things decently and forcing others, and on the other hand, he approves of his sincerity and motivation.

Even the endorsement of Pecholing and Zhonglei Goji, as long as you are willing to analyze, there is always a side that can be criticized.

She is very clear that one-sided praise will only arouse the resentment of the masses over time.

And the debate can not only rally Xu Rong's fans, but also unite his black fans from the other side, and attract a large number of passers-by to watch the excitement.

"Hahaha, my god, I'm dying of laughter." Jin Fangfang saw that there were actually a group of people on the Internet, who took Xu Rong to block Liu Heping's door as the main breakthrough point. After being dumbfounded, she couldn't help laughing waist.

Guo Si happened to pass by the door of her office and asked, "What's the matter, so happy?"

Jin Fangfang pointed to the computer screen and said, "Look, many people think that Xu Rong blocked Liu Heping for not being decent enough. Hahaha, I laughed so hard."

After seeing it, Guo Si also smiled and said, "It's quite sad."

"Xu Rong once said that at night in the countryside, when the dogs at the head of the village bark, the dogs in the whole village bark too, although they don't know why they bark. These so-called media and public opinion are just so illusory. For a little money, you can see what you want."

Guo Si looked at the controversy on the Internet, frowned slightly, and asked, "What do you plan to do next?"

Jin Fangfang's series of operations were too psychedelic, and in order not to let people notice that things happened suddenly, she did not do it overnight, even if the controversy was formed gradually.

Guo Si was a little confused.

Jin Fangfang spread her hands and said, "There is no follow-up, but there are countermeasures in case of emergency."

"How to deal with it?"

"You have to believe that as long as we can justify ourselves, most people will quickly change their views, because they don't have much judgment at all. Otherwise, why is chicken soup so popular?"

Seeing that Guo Si was about to refute immediately, Jin Fangfang said: "For example, when I said the last sentence, your first reaction was, what you said is wrong, I have my own judgment, and I will not change my point of view, but if I put the conclusion Keep it, and simply use your judgment?"

"What do you mean?"

Jin Fangfang took out a piece of A4 paper, handed it to her, and said, "Here, take a look."


"An open letter."

Guo Si glanced at it and asked, "Why Zhang Jizhong?"

Jin Fangfang smiled and said, "You will know after reading it."

Guo Si nodded with a strange expression, and turned his attention to the paper in his hand. There were not many words, only a few hundred words:

Hello everyone, I am Zhang Jizhong's agent, and he is busy editing "Yitian" at the moment. Before issuing this statement, Zhang Jizhong repeatedly told me to keep silent. He said, I have been here for so many years, just scold me, it's nothing It's a big deal, just get used to scolding.

Zhang Jizhong has never been short of controversies. He criticized actors for not being able to act, and was accused of bullying the younger generation; when he chose a role, he was attacked for black-box operation and shady scenes. , because everyone has said nothing, we don't need to say it again, because no matter what we say, it is wrong.

Zhang Jizhong's name is famous enough, and scolding him is enough to guarantee the sales of the newspaper. As a public figure, he often said, just scold, it can make young and old have fun, and it's nothing to do as a pastime after dinner, but earn less Money, you can't die, we've always been like this, we've always been like this, just scold if you scold, it's no big deal.
You can deny his dedication, you can also deny his ability, but before denying, please ask yourself, do you understand the real situation?
If he is really so unbearable, he should not be paid attention to by you now, but beg for food on the street.

After reading it, Guo Si had a rather strange expression on his face, and said, "Why, I suddenly feel that scolding Zhang Jizhong seems a bit too much?"

"Of course, the purpose of this statement is not sympathy, but respect." Jin Fangfang shrugged her shoulders, "I have explained everything that needs to be explained, and most importantly, it is sincere enough, but this is only the final solution, as long as things don't deteriorate to the point of The situation is beyond redemption, and this statement will not come in handy."

Guo Si seemed to be meeting Jin Fangfang for the first time, looked her up and down, and said after a while, "I'm going back first."

Xu Rong didn't know about the exchange between Jin Fangfang and Guo Si. As soon as he left the examination room, he fell into the siege of the media. Before entering the examination room, the staff of Renyi maintained order. He easily refused the media interview. But after leaving the examination room, he had nowhere to run.

"Xu Rong, do you think you can win Magnolia Shidi this year?"

"Xu Rong, what do you think of the outside world's arguments against you?"

"Xu Rong, did the first test go well?"

Xu Rong stretched out his hand and said, "Friends from the media, friends from the media, don't worry, let me answer one by one."

"First of all, as for whether I can win an award, it doesn't matter what I say, but what you say. What I can do is to film well and create better works. I also hope that friends from the media will support you. I hope you will not hesitate to criticize."

"For the controversies in the media and on the Internet, I can only say, thank you for taking the time to follow me."

"As for the results of today's exam, I don't know too much, but it will come out in a few days. Thank you for your concern."

"Xu Rong."

Xu Rong saw that the group in front of him was thinking endlessly, and the people who crowded Xiao Zhang were almost gone, so he hurriedly said loudly: "I still have to go to the rehearsal, please let me go, please let me go!" Let."

"Oh, the reporters are so troublesome, they all look crazy."

After getting in the car, classmate Xiao Zhang sighed, and suddenly remembered something, and reminded: "Mr. Xu, grandpa's birthday is coming soon."

"If you don't talk about it, I almost forgot about it. I'm too busy these days." Xu Rong paused, and then said, "When your parents celebrate their birthdays, please remind me."


Student Xiao Zhang didn't start the car, turned his head and asked, "Mr. Xu, have you encountered any trouble these days?"

"Well, why do you ask that?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang said slowly: "That's right, it's just my feeling that you are always absent-minded."

Xu Rong smiled, and said: "You read the script, Liu Jiang said that in a few days, he would assemble the actors to read the script, but now I have no clue, I feel that everything is okay, but after careful analysis, I feel that it is not okay. "

"Would you like to hear my thoughts?"

Xu Rong looked at her in surprise, and said with a smile: "Well, let me tell you your opinion."

Classmate Xiao Zhang rolled his eyes at him, and said: "I think the spy battles you filmed before were too depressing, so, you were very cautious, especially Yangcheng and Lurking. When you watched them, you couldn't breathe. I was worried that you would die at any time." .”

"Hahaha, it's not you who died, but the actor who played it." She said, enjoying herself.

"But this is the essence of the spy war, and it can also attract the audience's attention."

"Then what if it's another."

"Another one? Which one?"

"It's just like when we are together, think about it, you are always so depressed, and you seem to be hiding something in your heart. If I were the director, I would definitely have to doubt you."

Xu Rong listened carefully, seeing Xiao Zhang suddenly stopped, and said: "Continue."

Classmate Xiao Zhang smashed his mouth and said, "No, no."

"That's it?"

Xiao Zhang nodded seriously, and said, "Yes, it's gone."

"Let's go!"

"Don't drive too fast, I will check!"

"I know, I know."

Xu Rong also considered the idea provided by Xiao Zhang, but finally denied it. The core of the spy war lies in the suspense created by the plot and the protagonist constantly falling into dangerous situations, so that the audience is always worried about the protagonist.

Really latent, will the tasks be so intensive?
Maybe, maybe not.

And in order to heighten the tension, he can't always show an appearance that he has the chance to win. He will undoubtedly tell the audience "Hold on, look at my expression, I can solve big things", then he will become the biggest hero in the plot. the saboteurs.

Back home, Xu Rong locked herself in the study, and found the video materials of "Yang Mahjong", "Longxugou", "Garland under the Mountain" and Mr. Li Rentang's "Tears", compared with Mr. Jiao Juyin's " Mind image" theory, ponder carefully.

I just pondered for a while, but I didn't come up with anything.

He has read these materials countless times, and even the creative mentality of the relevant actors is also in his mind.

"Teacher Xu, it's time to eat."

Xiao Zhang pushed open the door and saw Xu Rong's messy hair and tiredness that could not be concealed on his face, he was stunned for a moment, and hurried over, asking, "What's the matter with you, Mr. Xu?"

Xu Rong rubbed his cheeks and said, "It's still the same problem, I don't have a clue."

Xiao Zhang paused, and then said in a low voice: "Let's eat first, and think about it after eating."

"Well, let's eat first."

Aunt Wang naturally also saw that Xu Rong's state was not right, and asked: "Xiao Xu, what's the matter, did you encounter something troublesome?"

"Well, there's a question I've never had a clue about."

"Is it important?"

"It's very important." Xiao Zhang said, "If Mr. Xu can't figure it out, the next film will definitely be ruined."

Aunt Wang nodded slightly, and comforted: "Don't worry, take your time, just like eating, always eat one bite at a time."

"Oh, Mom, it's not what you think."

"What can that do? It's like holding a thousand thread ends in your hand, but a needle eye can only pass through one thread at a time."

"That... oh, anyway, you don't understand."

"Look at you, if you can't say it, I won't be reasonable."

Xu Rong listened to Aunt Wang and classmate Xiao Zhang's argument with a smile, but Aunt Wang's words reminded him.

Right now, the conventional method won't work, and he is going to adopt the most stupid and cumbersome method.

After dinner, he was no longer in a hurry. He followed Xiao Zhang's mother and daughter for a long time in the neighborhood. It was almost eight o'clock before returning home. He took a shower before walking slowly to the study.

Write in your notebook:
What is the highest task?
Writing this, he picked up the second volume of "The Complete Works of Stanilavsky" from his hand, and found the selection of "The Shopkeeper" about the highest task.

The highest task is not static, and of course, it is not chosen randomly. The original highest task of Goldoni's "The Shopkeeper" was "I want to avoid women", but after the experiment, it was discovered that the humor and action that should have been lost in the script After sex, he adjusted the highest task to "I want to love secretly", and all the problems were solved.

Xu Rong closed the book, put it at hand, and wrote "Complete every task assigned by the superior?", "Successfully lurk?", "Liberate the whole of China?" in the notebook.
"Teacher Xu, are you still busy?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang opened the door with a glass of water and walked over, put the glass in front of him, glanced at the notebook with his probe, and said, "Oh, what you wrote is too complicated, just let Tan Zhongshu believe that you are not good enough."


Seeing Mr. Xu staring at him, Xiao Zhang shrank his neck and asked, "Did I say something wrong?"

Xu Rong frowned, thought for a while, and said, "No, I think what you said is right, it should be in this direction."

As he spoke, he immediately wrote "Get Tan Zhongshu's trust?" in his notebook. After hesitating for a moment, he wrote again: "Cheat Tan Zhongshu?".

Although he didn't fully agree with Xiao Zhang's proposal, but Xiao Zhang's words provided him with a new idea, and he thought he could try it.

"Then how do you plan to run through the action?"

Xu Rong shook his head and said, "No hurry, I'll finish positioning the roles first."

"By the way, Xiao Zhang, where are the 88 editions of "Actors Talking about Film Performance" and 86 editions of "Footprints of TV Dramas", I remember buying them before?"

The materials he has read are usually placed on the side of the table, but classmate Xiao Zhang is not messy, she will always tidy up quickly after he leaves.

Xiao Zhang walked to the far left of the bookshelf, took out two books respectively, and said, "Hey, it's here, do you want to read it now?"

"Bring it here, by the way, let's go to Xinhua Bookstore tomorrow and buy a set of "Zheng Banqiao Collection."

"What did you buy that for?"

"I remember that Zheng Banqiao seems to have a painting, which is about the bamboo in the eyes, the bamboo in the chest, and the bamboo in the hand. I feel that it has a lot of reference."

Xiao Zhang blinked his eyes, and after thinking for a while, he pretended to understand and nodded his head: "Oh, I'm also a little impressed by what you said."

(End of this chapter)

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