I'm just an actor

Chapter 183 Identification

Chapter 183 Identification
"You can do it, kid. I heard from your sister-in-law that on the day you went to take the exam, a large group of seniors from Renyi were there?"

Li Youbin supported the table with one hand, took a sip of the wine, looked at Xu Rong, and sighed.

Xu Rong didn't understand the cause and effect, so he couldn't understand the weight of it, but because Shi Lanya worked in Renyi, he knew the reason.

Renyi is a very special existence in the domestic drama and performance circles. It has established a unique systematic performance system, and has also improved a set of systematic practice and training methods. This set of methods must be learned from Chinese opera, and the same is true for Chinese. After learning a little bit, other colleges and universities don't have such a big face.

Because Mandarin and Chinese opera are brothers of Renyi, Renyi has always been the leader. Even now, there are performance classes in Chinese opera that are jointly opened with Renyi.

The domestic performance system is not directly copied from the West, just like Marxism-Leninism, it also has the process and result of Chineseization and specialization.

In the 30s, drama, or Chinese performance style, was quite "foreign". Representatives included Yuan Muzhi, Jin Shan, Zhao Dan and others.

But in the 40s, it began to become quite "earthy", represented by Lan Ma and Shi Hui.

Soil and foreign are relative terms, because things that are foreign in China are relatively rustic abroad, and things that are relatively rustic in China appear foreign in foreign countries.

Two important milestones in the development and improvement of the domestic performance system are "Longxugou" and "Tea House". Mature, combining earth and foreign, mainly earth, this style quickly affected the field of film and television.

In the process of localization, there are two important figures, Jiao Juyin and Yu Zhi, and Yu Zhi is opposed to learning opera, especially for beginners, because most people can only mechanically copy the lines and actions of opera.

Even now, this objection is regarded as a standard by various colleges and universities in China.

As one of the founders of the localization of the system, it is only a matter of course for all the actors from the academy to respond to the teacher.

Xu Rong put down the wine glass and said, "They were there all that day."

Shi Lanya shook his head lightly, and said: "This is a bad idea. Those teachers went late, but they actually went for you."

"Eh." Xu Rong looked at Shi Lanya in confusion, "Me? How can I have such a big face?"

Shi Lanya said: "Mr. Zheng commented on you and said that it is not easy to know what it is and why it is. Although the theory and method you proposed are basic, they are of great significance."

"Let me tell you, don't spread nonsense. Before, senior leaders came to the theater to watch a play. They were dissatisfied and said that one generation is not as good as the previous generation."

Xu Rong looked at Shi Lanya and asked with a smile, "Senior? How tall?"

"Hahaha, you can be as tall as you can think." Li Youbin picked up the wine glass, "Drinking and drinking, let's say that when you can talk in Renyi in the future, I will also hold a training class for your sister-in-law and be a It’s really not good for the class teacher or something, and the class jointly organized with the Chinese opera is also fine.”

Hearing what he said, Xu Rong spilled a little wine in his glass, and said: "You can pull it down, come on, take a look at my face, it looks like a face that can be an official."

Shi Lanya also smiled and said, "Don't make things difficult for Xiao Xu."

"Hey, just remember this."

After the written test, Xu Rong's visit plan officially started, because the first time he came to the door, the gift he brought was neither too expensive nor frivolous.

Because what he wants to visit are not only those seniors who only exist in textbooks and video materials, but also the current leaders of the academy such as Pu Cunxi and Feng Yuanzheng, and friends like Wu Gang.

When he arrived at the place, he would not sit down much, put down his things, and said hello. If people would like to stay with him for a while, he would chat for a while.

During this process, Xu Rong also discovered a difference. Among the people who visited, some were more enthusiastic, while others were more indifferent. To be honest, he was separated by a generation. His teacher Li Xuejian was born in Mandarin, so he Many younger generations of old people have even listened to the teachings of some people, and he belongs to the retransmission.

Among them, Zheng Rong and Pu Cunxi were the most enthusiastic. When he went to Zheng Rong's house, he only carried a box of wild ginseng, but when he went out, he carried two boxes.

Inside are notes.

Pu Cunxi gave him a good plan. There is only one general idea. Drama can exercise professional ability, and film and television are ordinary pastimes.

Xu Rong could only smile wryly at this. He didn't quite agree with Pu Cunxi's point of view, because this guy hadn't made much achievements in the film and television industry, but was rather controversial, and since he took up the leadership position, he bid farewell to the film and television industry completely. lock up.

But he also knew that if he wanted to live happily in the courtyard in the future, he really couldn't talk to this man, he could only talk about hard work and make things difficult. After all, he not only had an old man to support, but also owed the company 600 million yuan.

Let Pu Cunxi experience a lot of scriptures that are difficult to recite in every family.

These visits took only two days in total. After all, in general, he would come and go like the wind, and he would leave as soon as he expressed his heart. Moreover, each household lived not far away, so hurry up, and he would be able to visit in noon. Go to seven or eight households.

While participating in the rehearsal of the school performance, another more important task was also put on the agenda.

Probably learned from the previous lessons learned during the filming of "Daughter-in-law", although there is still some time before "Before Dawn" starts, Liu Jiang still organized actors in advance to read the script.

After arriving at the hotel, Xu Rong couldn't help but sigh in his heart, the crew of "Dawn" is really rich.

When I read a script, I chose a medium-sized meeting room in a five-star hotel. This is almost the same as the original "Latent".

Following the guidance, pushing open the door of the meeting room, Xu Rong looked at the crowd of people standing or sitting, and he became more and more sure of the guess in his heart.

The last Golden Eagle TV Emperor Lin Yongjian, the two-time Flying Apsaras nominee Lu Jianmin, the popular actress Yuan Wei in the drama industry, plus Ren Zhengbin, Zhang Xilin, Tian Xiaojie, Wu Xiaodong and other powerful factions, the lineup is second only to the "Daming" he once starred in. dynasty".

"Hello, teachers."

"Teacher Xu is here."

"Teacher Xu."

As Xu Rong is currently a popular fried chicken in the film and television industry, everyone greeted him politely, and because many actors have starred in "Daughter-in-law", he is not unfamiliar.

Xu Rong went in and sat for a while, and when the agreed eight o'clock came, Liu Jiang got up and said, "Let me introduce to you first, let's do it according to the role."

"Xu Rong, Teacher Xu."

"This is Teacher Lin Yongjian Lin."

When Liu Jiang introduced the screenwriter Huang Ke, although Xu Rong didn't show it on his face, he was quite strange in his heart. If the script of "Before Dawn" hadn't been completed earlier, he would have suspected that this guy had plagiarized "Latent".

Huang Ke was chubby, with small eyes and three to seven points. He smiled and said, "Mr. Xu, do you know who the original screenwriter of this play was?"

Xu Rong didn't expect him to talk to him, so he was stunned for a while, and then asked, "Isn't it Teacher Huang?"

Huang Ke shook his head with a smile, and said, "It's Teacher Huang, that's right, but it's not me, Teacher Huang, but your Teacher Huang."

Xu Rong looked at him in confusion: "My teacher Huang?"

"It's the Huang Jia class that you often call. He provided the idea of ​​the script, and it's also his suggestion that you play the role. Oh, by the way, he is my cousin."

"Aha?" Xu Rong was a little confused, Huang Jiake was Huang Sanshi, he hadn't forgotten that this teacher hacked his scenes back then!

Originally, he had the opportunity to star in "Four Generations Under One Roof", but Huang Jiake said "There is me without him, there is him without me" and he missed that opportunity.

Although at that time he had no shortage of resources.

What he didn't expect was that there was still such a trouble in the casting of "Before Dawn", but thinking of this, he glanced at Yuan Wei, and suddenly felt a little sorry.

Probably, Haiqing's role as Gu Yejia was also suggested by Huang Jiake. After all, Haiqing was his favorite student, but he didn't expect to be rejected by himself who didn't know it.

Liu Jiang's so-called funding problem at the beginning, now it seems that it is just an excuse. Based on today's handwriting, it does not appear to be half-stretched.

I have to go to the door another day to make amends, no matter how I say it, I was really too much at the beginning, and the teacher avoided him, so he can understand.

When they arrived at Yuan Huang, Xu Rong only smiled and nodded at her, each of them knew what was going on.

After some introductions, the producer Luo Liping cleared his throat and said, "Everyone is here, so let me just say a few words."

Xu Rong rolled his eyes. He knew that if he just said a few words, he might not be able to do it in less than half an hour.

"First of all, I would like to thank all the teachers for joining us, and I would also like to thank all the teachers for taking the time to prepare for "Before Dawn". I know that this is not easy. Many teachers, such as Teacher Xu and Teacher Lin, are usually busy. There are many announcements, and a delay of one day may be a delay of millions. Here, please allow me to express my gratitude to all the teachers."

"Secondly, what I want to say is, of course, Mr. Xu, don't mind. What I want to say is that "Before Dawn" will definitely be a classic spy war drama comparable to "Latent", and it will definitely become a spy war drama. I heard that for this reason, Mr. Xu even refused the invitation to "New Sword" with a total investment of 4000 million, and I assure you that you will never leave any regrets."

"Thirdly, some of the teachers sitting here have worked with us before, and some of them are working together for the first time. Teachers have any requirements, as long as they are reasonable, our production department, including the director department, will try their best to meet them. Teachers, just study with peace of mind. The script and the filming are enough, this is not only my expectation, but also the expectation of Mr. Liu Dehong and Mr. Liu."

"Fourth, our film has a large investment amount. Many people have expressed some concerns to me in private before. I can tell you clearly today, don't have any worries because of this. Hualu Baina is serious about film and television. You can rest assured that you will not engage in those vain people."

"Okay, that's all I'll say, and I'll leave the time to Director Liu."

Liu Jiang had already made preparations for Luo Liping to speak in the middle of noon, but he stopped suddenly after only a few minutes. He was inexplicably not used to it, but this did not make him lose the reaction he should have. He was chubby With a slight smile on his smiling face, he said, "Then let's start."

Lin Yongjian looked at his wife, Wang Tong who played Lu Yijun, and said with a smile, "Then, ma'am, let's start first?"


Wang Tong is Liu Jiang's wife.

Lin Yongjian started first, his voice was low and without any emotion: "Hello, it's me, I'll be right there."

As soon as the experts make a move, they will know if there is any.

Xu Rong's words were relatively late. He held the script and listened quietly to the lines of Lin Yongjian and Zhang Xilin. In his impression, the styles of these two people were more positive, and Lin Yongjian's impression was more comedy, but the lines As soon as it came out, the inherent impression was immediately broken.

"You are here. Just now Yijun was going to look for you, but I didn't let him go, for fear of affecting your sleep." When he came to him, Lin Yongjian's tone was like an elder talking to a younger generation.

The same is true for the setting of the relationship between the two. According to the setting of the plot, Liu Xinjie should be called Uncle Tan Zhongshu.

But Xu Rong always felt awkward, Lin Yongjian was not that old, and he was quite mature in appearance.

But at this time, he was reading the script, so he didn't comment on it, and read: "Again, you want to introduce a girlfriend to me?"

Lin Yongjian turned his mouth and looked over: "Didn't I introduce it to you?"

"Ah, yes, yes, I think the last one was pretty good, pretty good."

This is a through-action designed by him based on the role positioning, a character that is slightly funny when facing most people, and keeps the foreshadowing links to a minimum, thus highlighting the role positioning and the ups and downs of the plot.

The inspiration comes from Li Xiaobing, a roommate with an out-of-the-ordinary personality, and the technique borrows from Mr. Wang Shangxin's technique in shaping Commander Lei in "The Garland Under the Mountain", but he uses the opposite strategy.

A completely different image from Yu Zecheng!

After reading an episode, everyone applauded at the same time, and when the applause fell, Xu Rong suggested at this time: "Director, is it more reasonable to position my relationship with Mr. Lin as brothers? Look at Mr. Lin, You can't even see a wrinkle on your face, if I call him uncle, who will believe it?"

Lin Yongjian laughed, tried his best to raise a few forehead lines, and said, "Look at this, isn't it?"


The laughter was much louder and warmer than when Lin Yongjian said "madam" earlier.

It’s just one episode of the script, and I read out the approval and disapproval. Put aside the character and artistic virtues for the time being, and everyone will do one thing together. It will hold everyone back.

After the joke, Lin Yongjian also agreed: "Director, I think Mr. Xu's suggestion is good. I don't even have children. I don't feel used to him calling me uncle alone at his age."

Liu Jiang glanced at Xu Rong, then at Lin Yongjian, and finally turned his gaze to Huang Ke, and asked, "Teacher Huang, what do you think?"

"It's simple, just change it a little bit."

Thanks to the lord of "Seeing the World with Open Eyes for the Second Time", adding updates on weekends.

(End of this chapter)

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