Chapter 185
In the school's small theater, the lights were bright, but there was no one there.

Xu Rong folded his arms and stood quietly at the end of the theater, looking at the dim stage, frowning slightly.

Today is the compositing stage of "Tea House", also called rehearsal.

The school's performance does not have too strict requirements for the first and final rehearsals, and of course it can't be strict. The samples are there, but if you really want to achieve that effect, let alone a month, it's even a year. hope.

It's not just the basic skills, but also the upper limit of skills. Even Xu Rong himself doesn't have much confidence.

At this time, he was not thinking about these, but a more important issue, controlling the "speed" of the performance.

What Pu Cunxi was most criticized by the public was that when he participated in film and television shooting, his performance had a strong drama color, his body was too wide, and his performance and lines were slightly exaggerated.

However, Wu Gang and Feng Yuanzheng, who both came from arts and crafts backgrounds, have never encountered such criticism.

This is a phenomenon worth pondering.

On the night of the awards ceremony, after hastily finishing the interview session, he took his classmate Xiao Zhang back to his hometown to celebrate his grandfather's birthday, and then rushed back to the capital without stopping.

He is not too keen on dealing with the media now, and with his current popularity and popularity, there is no need for topic hype in a short time.

After winning the Magnolia Vision Emperor, he has already led too many of his peers. For a role in his age group, he may not be the No. 1 choice, but he must be the final choice without a solution. Of course, the premise is that The crew's salary budget is adequate.

Even if he retreats behind the scenes or concentrates on drama, ten or even 20 years later, his name cannot be avoided when talking about the 80s generation and spy wars.

But he has no plans to retreat behind the scenes, nor is he determined to specialize in drama, which means that it is not enough, because there are too many colleagues in the 70 generation who can cross age groups and are willing to take plays across age groups.

He was able to receive "Latent" and "Before Dawn". Strictly speaking, it was because of his fame, and because he took advantage of his status as a student of Nortel.

"Latent" is a script written by Mr. Liu's friend Jiang Wei, and "Before Dawn" was provided by Huang Jiake and written by his cousin. No matter what the ratings will be in the future, considering that the script logic is basically self-consistent, the investment is huge, and there are many businesses Superb co-stars should be able to achieve good results even if they can't explode.

Mr. Liu, Huang Jiake, these are the sources of his resources.

However, he still has a lot of room for expansion in terms of resource channels, and Renyi is one of the media.

Today I came earlier with classmate Xiao Zhang, mainly because Xu Rong had an idea that needed to be verified.

After observing the theater for a while, Xu Rong slowly walked from the backstage to the front and stepped onto the stage.

He walked slowly on the stage, carefully measured with his footsteps, and finally, he chose the most central position of the stage to stand still.

Then he turned around, facing the auditorium, opened his hands, and looked straight ahead.

This is one of the tricks mentioned in Zheng Rong's notes, embracing the theater.

All actors, whether they are film and television actors or drama actors, will encounter a common problem, the grasp of the performance range of close-up, mid-range, and long-range, and when it comes to drama, it will involve theaters and stages of different sizes. The performance scale is right.

In film and television shooting, in theory, if it’s a panorama, with feet, the actor must pay more attention to the performance of the body. If it’s a close-up, the range of motion must be limited, because it’s not in the picture, and it’s unnecessary to use it. Backfired.

The relationship between panorama, middle shot, close-up and even close-up is quite different from that of drama, TV drama, and movie performance. As for how to measure it, it is a relatively delicate technical work.

The vast majority of actors can only feel and measure based on instinct when grasping the scale. Actors in film and television pay special attention to the problem of exchanging lenses with photography.

And "Embracing Theater" is Renyi's unique solution to measure different theaters and the corresponding "quantity". Through this process, you can naturally feel the range of actions, performances, and lines that should be handled. Cooperate.

Standing on the stage, Xu Rong immediately felt the gap in talent between people deeply. Among Zheng Rong's notes, Feng Yuanzheng's instinct in this aspect is the most acute, and his judgment is also the most accurate.

"Mr. Xu, what are you doing?" Xiao Zhang poked his head out of the crack of the door and asked curiously, "Why are you acting like a fool?"

Xu Rong turned her head slowly and stared at classmate Xiao Zhang. If it wasn't for the fact that she was in school right now, the occasion was not suitable, and she would have to give her a good meal today.


"Ah." Like a frightened rabbit, Xiao Zhang pushed open the door and turned around to look back at the same time.

Xu Rong couldn't help frowning when she saw classmate Xiao Zhang covering her buttocks, but she didn't care anymore when she saw that it was her three roommates who came.

Jiao Junyan twitched her thumb, middle finger, and index finger lightly, as if recalling the feeling just now, and said, "Xiaofei, you and Xu Rong have grown a lot since you moved to the new house."

Classmate Xiao Zhang laughed, puffed out his chest, and said, "Where is it?"

"Heh." Jiao Junyan dodged her body and pulled Yang Mi into the middle, "Take the hatchet!"

Yuan Shanshan immediately answered as if she was amused, "Playing in front of Yang Mi. Huh."

"Let me tell you a few, there is still a big living person here, please be careful when you speak." Xu Rong stepped off the stage. Because of Xiao Zhang's interruption just now, he didn't fully find the state that Zheng Rong described. .

He was going to try again after the noon rehearsal was over.

The three of Yang Mi came to him, their eyes were no longer complicated, but only inexplicable light remained, and they said: "Xu Rong, congratulations."

Over the past few days, Xu Rong has listened to this sentence hundreds of times, and his ears have already heard calluses, but every time, he can still listen to it as a fresh one. It's luck, it's all luck."

Yuan Shanshan quietly said: "Maybe we will not have such luck in our whole life."

"Oh, I really regret it now. If I could work as hard as you when I started school, maybe I wouldn't be so stressed now."

"It's not too late now." Xu Rong said with a smile, "I was just trying to earn tuition."

The three of them didn't refute this time, they knew more or less about Xu Rong's situation. He had no choice but to enter this circle because he had no money to go to college.

Xu Rong looked at Yuan Shanshan and Jiao Junyan's annoyed appearance, and stopped talking. Since the last recording incident, he has no intention of persuading others, and he has no intention of being a teacher to others. In his opinion, they should The one who studied was Yang Mi. He had heard from Wang Qingxiang that she was a very hardworking and ambitious girl.

Although he has a normal relationship with Yang Mi, after all, they have been classmates for four years, and they are still Xiao Zhang's roommate, so he can somewhat guess the reason.

If Yang Mi can achieve something in the future, the first person who needs to be thanked is herself, and the second one has to be Zhang Jizhong.

Yang Mi smiled and said: "But by earning tuition fees, you can earn Shidi."

"It's really lucky. It's okay to change someone. I just caught up."

Taking Shidi, although he was happy, he was not particularly happy, because there was a "congratulations" that he most wanted to hear, but it has not yet been heard.

He still vividly remembers the scene when Li Youbin took out the flying trophy from the wine box and sat down heavily in front of him.

As a result, he won the award on the front foot, and Li Youbin disappeared on the back foot!
No one answered the phone calls, so I asked Shi Lanya that he had gone to the mountains to film a movie, maybe the signal was not good.

He estimated that the guy probably avoided him on purpose.

Li Youbin has won the Feitian Award and the Golden Eagle Award, but Bai Yulan has become his heart disease.

Regardless of the hit "Bright Sword" or "Crossing the Guandong", they didn't even get nominated, because the Magnolia judges believed that Li Youbin was still confined to a fixed genre and did not make a major breakthrough like Zhang Guoli's "Golden Wedding".

Those who are obsessed with Bai Yulan are not only Li Youbin, Li Xuejian, Chen Baoguo and others are trying their best to attack Bai Yulan, but in the end, he, his junior, can't help but get ahead of her.

This is something that can't be helped, just like "The Head", if it was placed in previous years, it would have won an award no matter what, but this year's fate is not good, and it bumped into three shortlisted dramas with different themes and types. he.

Just like in recent days, most of the media summed up the loss of the Magnolia Award for "The Head" with "Ji Shengyu, He Shengliang".

But no one accused the Magnolia judges of being unfair, because "Tuan Zhang" was slightly inferior to "Latent" in terms of ratings and word-of-mouth, and Dragon TV's astronomical advertising fee of 31 billion completely concluded "Latent" its own commercial value.

After rehearsing the play, Xu Rong ate and rushed to the hotel to join the crew of "Before Dawn".

It is still unknown whether Liu Heping's play will eventually attract [-] million and [-] million investment. Anyway, from Xu Rong's own point of view, if he is an investor, even if Liu Heping is boasting about the hype, he would not dare to invest this money.

If Liu Heping's drama fails to take place in the end, then "Before Dawn" should be one of the two TV dramas he has starred in in recent years.

After filming "Dawn", he only has one TV drama contract left in his hand.

As for the grand slam of TV series, he doesn't have extravagant hopes in a short time.

When he arrived at the hotel again, Xu Rong was keenly aware of the nuances in everyone's attitude towards him. When he was reading the script earlier, other people were polite, but that's all.

But today, he gradually realized that many people showed a little more respect when they talked to him.

His Magnolia Award was won by beating Lin Yongjian, another leading actor of the crew. Although the quality of the script itself also accounted for a considerable proportion, there are not a few who turned good scripts into bad ones.

Xu Rong has long been used to this. Most people, when looking at people, are often used to looking at the hat on the other person's head first, and then the person himself.

While he was in the preparation process of "Before Dawn", Jin Fangfang's mobile phone and landline were completely blown up.

The Magnolia Award does not have a bonus of half a dime. From the outside world, it is one of the highest honors in the TV drama industry, but more importantly, it represents the word-of-mouth and ratings data inside and outside the industry, which means Xu Content is not only liked by the audience, but more importantly, it is recognized by the industry.

The judging committee of the Magnolia Awards itself is composed of very important directors and producers in the industry. When making selections, they refer to the ratings data.

But after "Latent" became popular, Xu Rong didn't accept any new film appointments, nor did he accept even a commercial endorsement or commercial performance.

There are not a few people in the industry who are sensitive to this. After a little analysis, they can understand the signal released by Xu Rong and his team's behavior.

movie market.

Xu Rong's big-screen appeal has not yet been tested, but like many businesses, major film and television companies have offered olive branches after the announcement of Magnolia.

The contract between Xu Rong and Hairun is about to expire!
Like Chen Kun, everyone can predict that Xu Rong will not renew his contract with Hairun next year.

In the film market, Hairun Films is not even considered a younger brother, it can only barely be called a baby in its infancy, and wanting to keep Xu Rong is simply a dream.

But there is no free lunch in the world. Big productions have the benefits of big productions, and naturally there are additional conditions. Many domestic film and television companies that have the strength to take on Xu Rong have offered the price of a big production male second, and the condition is naturally Xu Rong himself.

They knew very well that even if Xu Rong failed to test the film market and returned to the small screen, he could still maintain a huge appeal.

But this is not in line with Jin Fangfang's plan. In the plan she agreed with Xu Rong, she chose to set up an independent studio, and it is not impossible to be affiliated. However, no film company has offered a reasonable price yet, and a male second will buy it. Go two people?
That's not how business works.

When Jin Fangfang was busy dealing with matters related to Xu Rong, Xu Rong finished reading the script, took advantage of the night, bid farewell to the "Dawn" actors in the hotel, and rushed to the KTV agreed with Huang Xiaoming.

In addition to his well-known "dominant", Huang Xiaoming is also a well-known "Prince of K Songs". Even during the filming period, he did not delay in calling a temporary girlfriend from the crew or a young model to go to K songs at night.

As soon as he entered the private room, Xu Rong could not help but frowned when he smelled the smell of smoke in the room. He glanced around and touched about seven or eight people. He didn't know the young girl sitting next to Huang Xiaoming at all. They are all familiar faces.

At the same time as he opened the door, someone had already paused the music and turned up the lights.

Huang Xiaoming got up and walked to his side, put his arms around his shoulders, and introduced with the microphone: "Let me introduce to you, my junior brother is also Xinke Baiyulan Shidi, Xu Rong."

Several people sitting here, last time when Huang Xiaoming called him to a party, Xu Rong met once. One of them was a middle-aged man with a face. Although it was the first time we met, he was familiar with Huayi's second boss, Wang Zhonglei.

When Huang Xiaoming solemnly introduced the big-eyed girl who was sitting next to him just now, Xu Rong couldn't help but glance at Huang Xiaoming, and said with a smile, "Hi."

"An Zhuo, I'll call you Yang Ying." He reckoned that this might be Huang Xiaoming's new girlfriend.


Huang Xiaoming poured Xu Rong a glass of whiskey and said, "Come on, let's first celebrate Xu Rong winning Magnolia Shidi. Let me tell you, the 23-year-old Magnolia Shidi is much more powerful than we were back then."

For Huang Xiaoming's circle, Xu Rong didn't have a big cold, because the two circles hardly overlapped. People like Deng Chao and Zhu Yawen, who had a relatively good relationship with him, had almost no intersection with Huang Xiaoming. Maybe there was an intersection, but it was negative. If Huang Xiaoming hadn't insisted on it today, he wouldn't have planned to come here either.

So he entered the private room by himself, neither seeming too enthusiastic nor too alienated, the circle is too small, maybe one day we will cooperate with each other.

"Xiao Xu, you came so late, do one first."

(End of this chapter)

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