I'm just an actor

Chapter 186 Group Photo "The Second Opening of Eyes to See the World" Leader Gagen

Chapter 186 Group Photo "Opening Your Eyes to See the World for the Second Time" Leader Gageng

Xu Rong's hand that just took the wine glass paused, and the other party's tone did not sound like a joke or a booing, but it was quite natural. Although he was standing and the other party was sitting, just listening to the voice, it seemed to be completely reversed. Come over as if the other person is the one standing there.

It has been a long time since he was persuaded to drink so relentlessly. Even the boss of the film and television company and the leader of the TV station sat at the wine table, and they were mostly "casual".

Because he is the top leading actor in China, because he is Hairun's "first brother" and face.

A long time ago, when he sat at the wine table, he would occasionally hear people say things like "If you don't drink, you won't give me face". Later, he realized that in fact, in the other party's subconscious, he was actually You don't have face, so you need to give face to the other party.

But today, this face cannot be given.

Holding the wine glass, he turned his head and looked at Na Ying, who was holding a cigarette between her arms and looking at him with her legs crossed, and asked suspiciously, "Who are you?"

As his words fell, the air in the private room froze instantly.

Although Naying has not had any popular works in recent years, as a leading lady in the mainland music scene, it is impossible for Xu Rong not to know her. On such occasions, even if she has never seen or heard of her, she should not be ignorant she.

Xu Rong still believed in what an old musician said some time ago. The biggest problem in the record industry is too much food.

It's just that he doesn't know much about this industry, and he can't tell the good from the bad. It's not easy to judge who is the real talent, and who has real skills.

Huang Xiaoming saw Naying sitting upright, about to have a fit, and hurriedly said: "Sister, sister, it's my fault, it's my fault, I called Xu Rong on the spur of the moment, I should be punished for this drink, I should be punished."

Na Ying didn't stop him, and when Huang Xiaoming finished drinking, she said, "Xiao Ming, you don't need to make money for him, one yard is worth one yard."

As she spoke, she turned her head again, took a puff of cigarette, and looked at Xu Rong: "Do you want to drink?"

"Sorry." Xu Rong gently put the wine glass on the table and said with a smile, "You don't have such a face."

"What the hell are you trying to say again?"

"Sister, sister, don't be angry, don't be angry."

"I said, you don't have such a face." Xu Rong shook his head lightly and said condescendingly.

Although some of the people present were vaguely headed by Na Ying, Xu Rong was not false at all. When he really did it, he didn't mind recreating the scene of a sketch actor who became popular a few days ago because of "Not Bad Money" beating Sun Honglei violently. feat.

I am worried that there is no place to experiment with new traits.

Seeing that something is not right, no one is going to persuade you except Huang Xiaoming, and those who can sit in are not fools. I know that the relationship between Naying and Xu Rong has been tied up today, but they don't want to offend Naying because of Xu Rong. Ying also didn't want to offend the popular Xu Rong because of Na Ying.

Wang Zhonglei had been sitting on the side, watching with interest. It was the first time he had seen Xu Rong, but his name was not unfamiliar at all, not only because of the scolding battle between Xu Rong and Zhang Jizhong.

He paid attention to Xu Rong very early, earlier than most people. Xu Rong's road to fame was neither smooth nor glorious. There are some things that ordinary people can't understand, but he knows a little bit about the inside story.

His growth is palpable.

In the past two years, a small incident of false testimony almost ruined his reputation, but now, when most people pay attention to his title of "Shidi", he is looking at other aspects.


In the past, when packaging and promoting artists in the industry, it is always habitual to issue drafts and buy pages to praise one-sidedly, but his team changed their thinking and ignited the controversy.

No one can make everyone like it, just like some people are allergic to RMB. Everyone understands the truth, but no one dares to do this.

What amazed him the most was that the controversy about Xu Rong was always right on a balance point, which made people seem to have formed spontaneously, but he was trying to add fuel to the flames in order to get Duan Yihong from his company to get the During the Magnolia Awards, I quickly realized that something was wrong, and there was a hand guiding all this behind the scenes.

Because the controversy about Xu Rong is always at the right balance point, but it will never disappear.

And Xu Rong's behavior can always cooperate with this kind of controversy until the end of the TV festival.

From this, he concluded that there must be a professional and efficient team behind Xu Rong, but it was definitely not Hairun's original team. He knew the details of Hairun's public relations level too well.

Mud can't support the wall.

Then this team may be formed by Jin Fangfang who rose together with Xu Rong.

A self-disciplined artist and an excellent team, these two points are what he hopes to get.

Huayi is the leader in the film market, but it is not because of this that it has given up the TV drama market. In recent years, although it has made frequent moves in the TV drama market, the results have not always been satisfactory. Last year, Huayi produced a total of more than 500 episodes of TV dramas, but the profits were stunned. It is a movie that cannot be compared with Feng Xiaogang.

At the moment when Xu Rong and Naying had conflicts, he had the idea of ​​persuading peace. He knew that as long as he spoke up, both of them would definitely give him face.

But immediately, he suppressed this thought, until the moment when he couldn't get down the steps, if he came forward to persuade him, the effect would only be counterproductive. If he reached a point where it was irreversible, and he spoke again, both of them would be grateful to him.

Because he gave them a step down.

Now is the time he has been waiting for.

"Ms. Xu, Sister Naying, if you don't care about the poker table, take it to the poker table to vent your anger. What's the matter, why don't you lose your temper?" Wang Zhonglei chuckled and raised his cup. Cup, congratulations to Xiao Ming for introducing us to such a beautiful woman, if there is an opportunity in the future, everyone can help a lot."

"Mr. Wang, if you say that, then we have to drink this glass of wine."

Xu Rong also picked up the wine glass, and looked at Wang Zhonglei with a surprised expression. This guy was different from the rumors. After a few words, he gave the two people a step down, and then brought the topic to Huang Xiaoming's bond.

After putting down the wine glass, Xu Rong said: "Everyone, I'm sorry, I still have something to do, so I won't stay any longer. We will meet again when we have a chance."

What happened just now, Huang Xiaoming couldn't stay anymore, he patted him on the shoulder and said, "I'll see you off."

"Me too." Wang Zhonglei also put down his glass.

Watching Wang Zhonglei and Huang Xiaoming send Xu Rong out together, Naying's face turned livid.

Although Wang Zhonglei didn't seem to have the slightest bias in his words, his attitude was genuine in his actions.

After Xu Rong went out, there was a burst of comfort in the private room: "Sister Na, don't be angry, I heard that Xu Rong is a shareholder of Huayi."

"Young people don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth when they become popular. Why do you have the same knowledge as him? If you don't believe me, wait a few years and see, it will be cool."


When Xu Rong got into the car, Wang Zhonglei smiled and said, "This guy is different from the rumors, he has a serious temper."

Huang Xiaoming shook his head without commenting.

Wang Zhonglei knew that he had a bad habit of not talking about people behind his back, so he said: "You go, I will go back first."

"Okay, you slow down."

The main purpose of Huang Xiaoming inviting a group of people today is to introduce Yang Ying to them, so that she can come to the mainland to develop, but I didn't expect that Xu Rong and Naying couldn't pee in the same pot at all.

In the past, he thought he knew Xu Rong well enough, but today, he realized that he didn't seem to understand him completely.

Just like in the past, he also thought that he knew Wang Zhonglei well enough, but when he saw his disappearing figure, he realized that he also didn't understand him.

Wang Zhonglei made him feel like, like he made this trip specially for Xu Rong.

For the first time, he regretted that he did not accept Wang Zhonglei's previous transformation proposal.

The unknown young man who needed to be covered by himself back then is now the number one niche student in the mainland, Bai Yulan Shidi, and he himself was overtaken by the other party unknowingly.

Xu Rong was sitting in the car. Although what he said just now was not polite, he was not angry. In every industry, there are too many people immersed in the glory of the past, always habitually putting on the airs of their predecessors, taking Instructing the younger generation with a domineering attitude, and thinking that the other party should take it for granted.

But not him.

What happened today may not reach the ears of the media, but it is definitely not a secret among the peers, and it may not be long before it will spread to half the industry.

In the end, I have to add another sentence, that guy Xu Rong is not easy to mess with.

This is the philosophy of survival developed by the crew. To be a person should be kind, but you must not be too talkative, because too many people can't tell the difference between being talkative and being easy to bully.

After entering the house, he saw that the lights were off, so he went upstairs lightly in order not to disturb the rest of the two of them.

Pushing open the bedroom door, their eyes met, and the two of them froze in place at the same time.

I saw classmate Xiao Zhang sitting cross-legged on the yoga mat, holding a box of ice cream and biting a spoon in his mouth. The smile on his face gradually faded as he watched.

On the TV, her favorite "Country Love" is playing.

Xu Rong looked at her: "When did you buy the ice cream?"

"You, didn't you say you would come back later?" Xiao Zhang licked the spoon lightly, staring straight at Xu Rong, she said, and glanced at the newly dug in the box from the corner of her eye. Two scoops of ice cream, she probably licked that just now, maybe it was the last bite of the day, she decided to dig another spoonful, and stuffed it into her mouth with lightning speed, but she was afraid of being scolded, so she could only move around Eager to try but dare not put it into action.

"Don't change the subject."

Xiao Zhang's voice became lower and lower: "I, I don't know, there is, just, an extra box of ice cream in the refrigerator."

Xu Rong was amused by her words: "Then it came out of nowhere and came into your hand, and brought you a spoon?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang laughed: "Yeah, not really."

Xu Rong walked over, grabbed it with his hands, and said, "I'll eat it in two days."

Xiao Zhang looked at Xu Rong and was about to close the lid, poked his head, and gestured with a spoon: "Mr. Xu, take another small bite, really, just a small bite, okay?"

"Not good, two days ago it was still hurting, it hurts, who do you hurt if you don't hurt?"

"That's good." She said, licked the spoon again, and watched Xu Rong go downstairs with the ice cream reluctantly.

When Xu Rong opened the refrigerator and saw a grid full of ice cream and a cup of milk tea, he was stunned.

Xiao Zhang definitely went to the supermarket to wholesale a box and came back!
No, no, not a box, because he took a closer look and found that the taste and style were different.

Good guy, did you choose carefully for a long time when you wholesaled?

At this moment, he couldn't help feeling confused, how much ice cream did Xiao Zhang secretly eat when he was not around?
After taking a shower, Xu Rong lay on the bed, glanced at Xiao Zhang, who was half lying on his lap, and asked, "By the way, when are you going to report?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang said vaguely: "The second day after our show, yours is the third day."

Xu Rong nodded and said: "Go and see the situation first, and resign if you don't adapt."

"Well, I know."

She still had a mask on her face, so her speech was a little unclear.

"Actually, Mr. Xu, you don't have to worry about me. I don't compete with others for anything."

"I'm not worried about you, I'm afraid that ninety catties of meat will be lost just like that."

"You're talking nonsense, I don't have ninety catties!"


Amid the busy schedule, the graduation show officially ended.

The effect of the show was not satisfactory, and it wasn't like "many directors and producers will come to watch" as the class teacher said at the beginning, but the most came were some small agents.

Probably hope to find good seedlings.

But there is little hope. After one play, although most of the students don't have many roles, but Xu Rong's level has also been found to be seven or eighty-eight. In truth, Xiao Zhang is considered top-notch among them.

The other one that he feels is a pity is Yang Mi, who is very talented, but she is "tired" in acting. She has committed the same mistakes that most child actors make. Even though she has been in college for four years, she is still acting by instinct. .

Although he was born as a serious child actor, since the beginning, because of his limited talent, he has received relatively professional guidance, especially after getting acquainted with Li Youbin, he has not formed the cognition and habit of "acting is very simple". .

After the performance, it was the last ceremony in the university, a group photo.

Xu Rong only felt that the muscles on his face were almost stiff with laughter. Since the group photo was taken, he was dragged by his classmates to take a group photo one by one. Later, there were also graduates from other majors.

It's not easy for him to refuse, after all, he is an alumni, and he is still in front of many media.

Looking at Xu Rong who was dragged to take a graduation photo in the distance, Jiao Junyan held the camera and asked, "Yang Mi, don't you want to take a photo with Xu Rong?"

Yang Mi turned her head to look in the direction where Xu Rong was, and said, "No, look at how busy people are, I guess he's so annoyed to death right now."

"What a big deal." Jiao Junyan laughed and said, "You stand here, and I'll take a picture of you two in a wrong position. It's definitely closer than him and Zhang Xiaofei."

"it is good."

Jiao Junyan stared blankly at the serious Yang Mi, the smile on her face quickly faded, and said, "I, I was joking."

"Let's shoot."

Yang Mi smiled and said: "Anyway, I have been classmates for four years, if I don't have a graduation photo, I will be ashamed to tell people that I am Xu Rong's classmate when I go out."

Jiao Junyan stared at her for a few seconds before silently looking for a suitable angle. She just looked at the calm smile on Yang Mi's face and Xu Rong who was more than ten meters away from her and didn't notice her at all. Suddenly I felt a little panicked.

(End of this chapter)

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