I'm just an actor

Chapter 187 Mourning

Chapter 187 Mourning
After taking graduation photos and having a break-up meal, Xu Rong originally planned to pack up the few things left in the dormitory and go home directly.

Tomorrow Xiao Zhang will report to the theater troupe, and the day after tomorrow, he will also report to the People's Arts, officially starting his career as a part-time drama actor.

According to the usual practice, there will inevitably be several days or even longer training for newcomers.

The two of them were still in school, only one bedding and some toiletries were left, but since they bought a car to go home conveniently, they have never been used at all.

After putting the last bit of old books into the trunk, Xu Rong and Xiao Zhang stood side by side downstairs in the dormitory, looking at the many students who were dragging large and small suitcases and preparing to leave the campus, and suddenly felt a little bit reluctant.

Here, they spent four years of youth, happy and sad, and now, it's time to say goodbye.

"Teacher Xu."

"Huh?" Xu Rong turned to look at classmate Xiao Zhang, and found that her eyes were shining, "What's the matter?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang held Xu Rong's hand and asked, "Is there anything you regret in college?"

Xu Rong thought for a while, and said: "There are a lot of regrets, such as not passing a test, not playing recklessly, and not having a vigorous love affair."

At first, classmate Xiao Zhang curled her lips when she heard it. Although she didn't fail the subject, which time didn't she try her best?

"Huh?" But at the last sentence, she was not calm anymore, "Say it carefully, what do you mean you didn't have a vigorous relationship?"

"Well, it's like the Qiong Yao drama. In the pouring rain, I stand here and scream, to save you or something."

Classmate Xiao Zhang squeezed his palm and asked, "Then, do you want me to help you realize it?"

Xu Rong glared at her, saw Xu Xing approaching, and said, "Let's go, go home."

After getting in the car, Xu Rong glanced at Xu Xing. The matter he entrusted to Zhao Baogang had already been decided, and the scenes were neither too many nor too few, more than 110 scenes.

"When you get the script in a while, you have to read it carefully. In two months, you go to Zhao Baogang to report. You know the rules of the crew. It's the same sentence, don't do less of what you should do, and what you shouldn't do Don't touch it either."

Xu Xing nodded lightly and said, "I know."

After probably not seeing each other for a while, Xu Xing faced Xu Rong again, a little cautiously. At this time, she no longer doubted the correctness of Xu Rong's choice, but after she really started to practice, she realized the hard work involved.

Facing boring theories and video materials, she couldn't sit still at all, neither could read nor listen to them. When she chose to take the Nortel exam, she came with the goal of becoming a big movie star, but she didn't expect that before that, And such a tormenting process.

"Mr. Xu, you said that I asked Junyan to stay with us first, why did she refuse?" Xiao Zhang is now more proficient at driving, and can chat while driving.

During the break-up meal, several people talked about renting a house. Xiao Zhang heard Jiao Junyan talk about the hard work of finding a house, so he wanted to help her first and let her live at home temporarily, but Jiao Junyan refused.

Xu Rong thought for a while, and said, "Maybe it's inconvenient. Our home is in the suburbs, and we can't get a taxi for a long time after we go out. You can't go back and pick her up by car if you have something to do."

"Oh, too."

Xu Rong vaguely understood the reason for Jiao Junyan's refusal, she also had a strong temper.

He also disapproved of Jiao Junyan moving into the house. University life was too comfortable, so it was necessary to experience the hardships of life. When he first came to Beijing, he lived in a youth hostel.

Of course, after experiencing the tempering of life, people, especially a beautiful woman, will face two completely different choices. Some choose a more positive path, and some choose a faster way to go straight to the goal.




"Haha, Teacher Xu, someone must have scolded you."

"Drive your car with peace of mind."

Xiao Zhang's guess was right. Shi Lanya was rolling out dumpling wrappers. After seeing the text message notification, he yelled at Li Youbin who was in the study: "Old Li, go downstairs to pick up a courier."

Shouted twice, but did not hear Li Youbin's answer, Shi Lanya stood up, pushed open the door of the study, and saw Li Youbin wearing glasses, writing and drawing in a notebook while scratching at the script.

She gave a wry smile helplessly, since Xu Rong and Bai Yulan won the title of TV Emperor a while ago, Li Youbin seemed to have been greatly stimulated, and got into the script of the new play without leaving the door all day long.

Li Youbin took off his glasses, looked at Shi Lanya, and asked, "What did you buy?"

"Give the child a set of homework for the summer vacation." Shi Lanya said, "By the way, Xiao Xu has called so many times, and it happens to be making dumplings today, so you ask him to bring Xiao Zhang to eat at home."

"Don't shout!"

As soon as this incident was mentioned, Li Youbin became angry. He took off his glasses, threw them on the table, and said bitterly: "The award was awarded at [-]:[-], and you should call me at [-]:[-]. Duzi deliberately wanted to show off to me, hey, I just won't let him do what he wants."

Shi Lanya smiled and watched Li Youbin change shoes and go out, but soon, she remembered something again.

I'm afraid Lao Li won't be able to see Xu Rong anymore.

When Li Youbin turned back with the two couriers, Shi Lanya asked: "Old Li, I'm afraid I'm going to mourn old Mr. Ouyang in two days. Are you going?"

"Then why don't you go?!" Li Youbin sighed while unpacking the courier, "No matter where you come from, you have to go to send it. After all, once old Mr. Ouyang leaves, although your Renyi Temple is still there Yes, but there are fewer and fewer gods. I see, if this continues, sooner or later it will be no different from other theaters. This one of yours is better, with Pu Cunxi and the others standing up. Although it is almost meaningless, but how much I can still make do with it, but I can't take the next one seriously. I haven't made money, and I haven't practiced my kung fu. When Mr. Yu was young, shopkeeper Wang's air, look at the shopkeeper Wang now , one in the sky and the other in the ground.”

Shi Lanya didn't bother with these things for a long time, and said: "Then what can we do? It's just that the market has recovered in the past two years, and there are more people willing to come to the theater. Now the attendance rate is basically 2000%. Last year, the theater sold all the tickets. It’s more than [-] million.”

"Now that the standard of living has risen, the spiritual needs of ordinary people are also improving, and the production standards of TV dramas and movies are declining in an all-round way, and dramas have a second spring. Overall, they are still improving, but if you want to see them again It is estimated that the situation of queuing up overnight to grab tickets decades ago is probably impossible."

Li Youbin raised his neck and said: "Speaking of which, it's not that you are incompetent. Look at Meng Jinghui, the venue is full and you can't get tickets. If the current momentum continues, sooner or later you will be punished by the surname Meng." Comparing it, when the time comes, it will be a big joke if Tangtang Renyi is not as good as someone else's studio."

Shi Lanya didn't care about these things at first, but the "you" in Li Youbin's mouth made her unhappy, and said: "Don't say that, we juniors can't do it anymore, after two years of training, Xiao Xu might be the one in the temple. the new God."

"How dare you say it"

Li Youbin's words came to an abrupt end, as if someone had strangled his neck, and he could no longer utter a single sound.

Shi Lanya waited for a long time, but didn't hear his second half. Turning around, he saw him squatting at the door like a statue, staring at a courier box that had just been opened in front of him.

"What's the matter, Lao Li, is it damaged? If it's broken, it won't work. I'll contact the seller and I'll have to change it for me." Shi Lanya said, walking up to Li Youbin, and saw the courier box in front of him. A black gift box.

The gift box had already been opened by Li Youbin, and in the middle of the gift box filled with pearl bubble film, lay a trophy upright, shaped like a white magnolia, extremely dazzling golden.

Next to the trophy, there is a note: There are too many trophies in the house, and there is really no room for them, so I will temporarily save your few days——Xu·Bai Yulan Shidi·Rong>_<.

"Hehe, Xiao Xu, it's true." Shi Lanya looked at Li Youbin's tense face and joked, "Yo, are you still angry?"

Li Youbin slapped his thigh abruptly, stood up, and scolded angrily: "I was blind at the beginning, and took this puny kid to film, if I knew I should have hacked the role of Monk Wei today!"

"There is no hero in the time, make Shuzi famous!"

"There is no hero in the time, make Shuzi famous!"

After swearing around the room for several times, Li Youbin turned back to the study, and after a while, wearing glasses again, walked out, arrived at the door, squatted on the ground, carefully opened the gift box, and picked up a flower that looked like a white magnolia. The trophy, carefully scrutinized.

He had dreamed of this trophy countless times, but it was the first time he actually held it in his hand.

"Xiao Xu is able to have today, I have at least half of the credit. It stands to reason that this trophy must be at least half of me, right?!" Li Youbin caressed the trophy and said to himself.

After a while, he turned his head, looked at Shi Lanya, and said with a smile: "Tell me, what if I don't return this trophy to him?"

After making a dumpling, Shi Lanya rolled his eyes at him and said, "This is from Xiao Xu, how can we have it?"

Li Youbin nodded, pondered for a few seconds, and asked: "Then it's possible if the mail is lost?!"

Shi Lanya couldn't help laughing when she heard the words, she couldn't understand the two showing off to each other, let alone their obsession with the trophy.

"Then we meet tomorrow, you have to ask him what he means first."

"Come tomorrow?"

Shi Lanya said: "Xiao Xu is also an artist now, he must go to Mr. Ouyang's memorial service."

After listening to Shi Lanya's words, Li Youbin looked down at the trophy in his hand, and murmured: "This is really difficult."

Xu Rong has not paid attention to the Internet for a while. The information on the Internet is too noisy. He is really too lazy to distinguish which sentence is true and which sentence is false. With that time, he can do many other things. Interesting things.

Moreover, Jin Fangfang has been watching all the developments about him.

He didn't pay attention to the obituary issued by Renyi, nor did he hear any movement related to it.

He still knew the news when he went to the theater to report.

On the day of the report, before entering the door, he found that the atmosphere in the courtyard was not right.

It was too quiet, a little too quiet.

When he met Wu Gang who was waiting for him in advance, he pointed to the solemn staff members passing by, and asked in a low voice, "Old Wu, what's going on?"

If it were in the past, Wu Gang, as a veteran of Renyi and the mainstay of today's theater, would have to hold his tone, give him a sideways look, and then say solemnly: "What old Wu, old Wu, you have to call Professor Wu."

But today, Wu Gang had no intention of joking, and also lowered his voice and replied, "Old Mr. Ouyang, he passed away."

"After the report is over, you go back first, don't go out and run around these few days, I will inform you of the memorial service, and you have to attend it."

Hearing Wu Gang's suppressed voice, Xu Rong was taken aback for a moment, and soon realized who the "Mr. Ouyang" he was talking about was.

One of the founders of Renyi, Ouyang Shanzun, even if the achievements in art are not mentioned, what he has done should be given a thumbs up.

After all, he was a master who deliberately let the teacher pick up the ball.

Xu Rong was silent for a long time before answering: "Okay."

Mr. Ouyang's departure also means that the original four giants of the Academy of Arts and Sciences have all withdrawn from the stage of history.

The entire reporting process was almost completed in a quiet atmosphere. Originally, according to the usual practice, there were still a few days of training sessions to familiarize yourself with the culture, history and some rules of Renyi. However, due to the special situation right now, all performances are suspended. It can only be postponed temporarily.

As the captain, Yang Lixin only said a few words to him, and left in a hurry.

Old Mr. Ouyang is the founding elder of the academy. Many old people are his students. Some of those old people have passed away, and some are still alive. The students did the errands for them.

On the day of the memorial service, Xu Rong was dressed in black and participated with the arts group. Ouyang Shanzun, as the son of Ouyang Yuqian, the old Mr. Ouyang, had a rare scene where a large number of people from the opera, drama, and film and television circles came to express their condolences.

During the process, Xu Rong saw Li Youbin in the crowd, but because the occasion was inappropriate, he didn't go forward to have a chat.

He has never been in contact with Mr. Ouyang. In addition, the works directed by Mr. Ouyang are mainly before the 80s, and there are few preserved nowadays. For this old man, his understanding is mostly from the mouths of other seniors, but he feels it. Not deep.

What is completely different from him are many elderly entertainers who are still alive today. At the memorial service, there were even a few old people crying on the spot.

He understands that this is due to the tradition of human arts training classes. The school holds training classes for individuals. In name, they are head teachers. In fact, they just change the name of the former "master". , maybe it's just a small piece of bamboo serving.

After the memorial service was over, Xu Rong left the funeral home. Although Xu Rong was a newcomer, he had visited all those who should have visited, and he was familiar with each other. He stood aside, as if he was really a newcomer, supporting the elders in the courtyard. Seniors get in the car.

Before getting into the car, Lan Tianye turned his head and glanced in the direction of the funeral parlor, sighed softly, then turned around, patted the back of Xu Rong's hand lightly, and said: "Son, in the future, our Renyi Temple can still If you can’t work, it’s up to you.”

(End of this chapter)

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