I'm just an actor

Chapter 188 Same

Chapter 188 Same
Zheng Rong's stern face was quite peaceful, and he let Xu Rong hold his arm and asked, "Xiao Xu, how are you preparing for "Thunderstorm"?"

When Xu Rong heard the old man's question, he felt a slight heat on his face. At this moment, how much he wished that the old man could treat him like a cloud of air and completely ignore him.

He has never carefully analyzed "Thunderstorm" with the mentality of acting. All his understanding is limited to past research, but the old man in front of him is the most optimistic about him among the seniors in the courtyard. , not only helped him when he was in crisis, but even gave him his life's creation notes.

Xu Rong hesitated for a while, and said in a low voice with concern: "Not yet, I haven't had time to prepare yet."

Afraid that the old man would mind, he hastily added: "I also took on two plays this year, and I've been busy with those, so I'm afraid I'll mess it up."

The peace on the old man's face did not fade in the slightest, and he said: "Okay, okay, okay, it's good to act in a down-to-earth way. If you have time, you have to watch it. When you come back to perform, don't forget to tell me, I will go and watch it too." .”

"Well, please criticize more then."

When he arrived at Zhu Xuna, Xu Rong was about to reach out to help him, but the old man stretched out his hand and opened his arm, without even looking at him, he said in a low voice, "Get up."

Xu Rong scratched the opened arm awkwardly, for a moment, it was not right to keep up, and it was not right not to keep up.

Looking at the back of the old man, Xu Rong was full of doubts, what's the matter?

Wasn't it fine the last time I visited?
Could it be that the old man didn't deal with any senior in the yard, and he went to the door by himself, making him unhappy?
But regarding the attitude of the old man, he could only watch. Due to the occasion, he couldn't step forward to ask why.

Don't be afraid of the raw, but the familiar.

Xu Rong looked at the old men who had gone away, especially thinking of Mr. Zheng Rong's concern, and felt a little pressure in his heart.

He didn't expect Mr. Zheng to ask him how he was preparing for "Thunderstorm". In the past, he had always positioned himself as a film and television actor, and he never thought about how successful he would be in the drama industry.

Because his foreign language is not very good, he can cope with general exams, but if it involves daily communication of professional terms, he is completely a layman.

Acting in a drama, relying on the experience of the past predecessors in the early stage, there shouldn't be too many problems, but in the later stage, if you want to reach the top, you must go to Europe to experience it.

Even Mr. Yu, who mainly focuses on "soil", goes abroad for exchanges every now and then.

At this moment, he was a little afraid of seeing Mr. Zheng. He would rather face Zhu Xu than face Mr. Zheng again. I feel so guilty.

"Sister-in-law, slow down."

Xu Rong bid farewell to Shi Lanya, and was about to talk to Li Youbin, but seeing him frowning, he closed the car window directly, without any intention of chatting at all.

In this regard, he could only shake his head and sigh, but he was completely regarded as a donkey's liver and lungs because of his fistful heart.

He just wanted to motivate the old regiment leader, so that he would have a little more forge ahead.

Wu Gang sent teacher Lin Liankun to the car, walked over, and asked, "Hey, isn't Teacher Zhu your uncle? What happened just now?"

Xu Rong was more puzzled than him, and said, "Turn around and help me find out what's going on."

Wu Gang quickly waved his hands and refused: "You can pull it down, I don't want to ask, he should slap you, that's what it should be, I'm an outsider, why are you just joining in the fun?"

Xu Rong shrugged helplessly, he really couldn't refute this.

Zhu Xu and his teacher Li Xuejian have a close friendship, and they are called brothers. Originally, Xu Rong thought that this would be his biggest backer after entering Renyi, but he unexpectedly turned out to be the first senior who disliked him.

No matter what, I'll ask tomorrow what's going on, anyway, I won't be able to escape sooner or later.

On the second day after the memorial service, and the day before "Before Dawn" was launched, Xu Rong first went to Zhu Xu's house and had a terrible meal. If they were not all colleagues, he would have to shed a few tears on the spot.

After this incident, he also understood the reason why Zhu Xu didn't want to see him. Before he knew the door, he paid homage to the hill in the courtyard first. He looked like a bureaucrat, not a serious actor at all.

Now Xu Rong understood why the teacher asked him to call Zhu Xu his uncle, he was really a kind of person.

In this regard, he can only promise with convincing words that it will not be an example.

Then, he paid a visit to Yang Lixin, the captain of the actor team. Although he had already opened up the joints on Pu Cunxi's side, the county magistrate is not as good as he is now.

He also expressed his appeal tactfully, in a short period of time, he will not perform on stage for the time being, but only study.

If he has time next year, he really wants to play a few plays in a serious manner. Anyway, let's step over the threshold first, otherwise he doesn't know how to face Mr. Zheng in the future.

After entering Renyi, Xu Rong discovered another benefit.

There is no need to buy a ticket to watch a play.

The only bad thing is that if all the tickets are sold out, he can only stand on the side curtain railing and paw, and the impression is naturally much worse.

However, this is also one of the compulsory courses for newcomers in human art. First, let’s watch how the old-timers perform, and then play tricks, and finally go on stage.

Of course, Xu Rong has always been very clear that his current focus should not be on dramas, but on TV dramas and movies.

He hadn't had the time to read the book handed over by the film industry carefully. Although he also participated in two movies, they were both guest appearances. He still paid more attention to the "first time" to test the waters on the big screen.

On July 7, "Before Dawn" was officially launched in Hengdian Film and Television City.

This is his first play after graduation.

It is also a new beginning.

According to the shooting plan, he needs to switch to Shanghai Magic City and Chedun Film and Television Base for filming in the middle. He is no stranger to these two places. Over the past few years, he has lost count of how many times he has come to Hengdian, and it is easy to predict. Will come more times in the future.

Revisiting the old place again, he couldn't help but think of an incident a while ago, Zhang Guofeng was arrested because of the hit of "Latent".

He really didn't expect that such a kind middle-aged man would be a fugitive with his life on his hands.

It wasn't until he heard the news that he realized why Zhang Guofeng always deliberately avoided his attention and disguised his accent.

People always have to pay the price for their actions, Zhang Guofeng, no, it should be said that it was an auspicious time, and he paid the price for his youthful impulsiveness and recklessness.

"Mr. Xu, it's time to turn on the phone and worship God." Liu Jiang looked at Xu Rong. He originally wanted to ask if there was anything else to pay attention to, but when he thought of the previous "Daughter-in-law" turning on, Xu Rong also worshiped the sky as usual, like most people. After offering incense, he stopped.

"Okay." Xu Rong unbuttoned the collar of his shirt. The weather is too hot. Fortunately, for a long time to come, it will be an interior scene, so there is no need to stand under the sun.

After the ceremony, Xu Rong immediately ran to the rest area, for no other reason, it was air-conditioned.

Lu Jianmin watched Xu Rong trot over, and said with a smile, "Mr. Xu, you've adjusted well?!"

In his impression, Xu Rong is usually more stable, especially the light in his eyes, which is quite restrained, it is hard to believe that he is just a student who just walked out of school, but today, his behavior is quite out of the ordinary.

This should be the state of Liu Xinjie he shaped.

"Haha, that's what happened."

Lu Jianmin looked at him carefully and asked, "Are you under a lot of pressure?"

Xu Rong made a gesture and wiped his new hairstyle with a lot of wax. "Dawn" stylist He Qian gave him a very unique look this time, almost copying Qiao Yitai in "Year of the Dragon". To put it bluntly, he is one of the few artists in the entire crew and even the film and television industry who can perfectly control this style.

For a long time, Xu Rong has been deliberately avoiding getting closer to a certain famous actor, for example, he usually doesn't wear long hair, but now, he doesn't have to worry about this anymore.

No one can be his template.

He looked at Lu Jianmin in surprise, and asked, "What do you say, Teacher Lu?"

Lu Jianmin sighed: "Our experience is very similar. When I was your age, I was only nominated for Feitian. I didn't have such a high achievement as you are now. When I just graduated, I was very tormented. The starting point was too high. I have higher expectations of myself, and I am not afraid of your jokes. For many years after graduating from college, I lived in my own shadow."

Xu Rong nodded, expressing his understanding, but shook his head lightly and said: "Fortunately, Mr. Lu may not know much about it. I am a child actor. If you really count it, the filming time is not too short. The Magnolia Award was a bit of a surprise, but it wasn't enough to put too much pressure on myself."

As if meeting him for the first time, Lu Jianmin asked in surprise, "Tong Xing?"

"Yes, before I was a minor, I played relatively few roles, so it's normal not to be remembered."

Lu Jianmin looked him up and down carefully. After reading the script for nearly a month, he didn't find even the slightest characteristics of a child star in Xu Rong. He hesitated for a while before asking: "Where is your family?" Didn't you work in this industry?"

From his observations, Xu Rong's level, even if he was born as a child star, must have been taught by a master.

"No." Xu Rong smiled without thinking, "I may be lucky. Some teachers took me to act very early. When I first came into contact with this industry, many people said that I was born to eat. This bowl of rice."

"Haha, I used to always tell people that it's all about luck."

The two looked at each other and smiled "haha" at the same time.

Wang Yaqin walked over with a pair of brown eyes, and said, "Ms. Xu, Mr. Xu, the glasses prepared by Mr. Props for you, you can wear them and see if they suit you."

Xu Rong took it, with a little resistance in his heart, this thing hinders the expression of the eyes too much, but the thought came to his mouth, but it became: "I always feel that this thing affects my handsomeness."

Wang Yaqin was stunned, it was the first time she heard such frivolous words from Xu Rong's mouth, and at the same time, she answered in a strange way: "It's okay, I can definitely leak it."

Xu Rong frowned slightly, lowered his head and looked at Wang Yaqin, and said with a smile: "Xiao Wang, there is something wrong with you."

Although he resisted, he still put it on, walked to the dressing room, and ran into Lin Yongjian who had just come out.

Lin Yongjian passed him by, and soon fell back again, tilting his head and looking at him: "Mr. Xu, your glasses are not bad."

Xu Rongzheng didn't want to wear it, so he glanced at him, took off his glasses and handed them over, saying, "Try it?"

"Haha, try it."

Lin Yongjian has a very positive and optimistic temperament, except for being stingy, he is good in everything, and he is very similar to He Zhengjun.

"Hey, that's great, that's great."

Lin Yongjian looked in the mirror for a while, then turned his head suddenly, the expression on his face froze immediately, squinting his eyes, staring at Xu Rong: "Xinjie, how are you?"

"Fuck." Xu Rong stared at him blankly, "amazed" said, "These glasses are tailor-made for you."

"I think so. I'll discuss it with the director." Lin Yongjian said, turned around to find Liu Jiang, took two steps, and turned back, "Mr. Xu, thank you. I'll treat you to dinner later."

"Don't look back, I'm free today."

"Haha, Cheng, Cheng, I can't wait anymore, I can't wait anymore."

During Xu Rong's glasses test, Lu Jianmin took out his mobile phone and searched his past. He did not deny Xu Rong's talent, but in the process of reading the script, what he felt more intuitively was Xu Rong's skillful lines. Pause, stress, intonation, rhythm, breath and other techniques are at your fingertips.

As a senior, and he has been used to seeing the seniors of his juniors and juniors all year round, he knows that Xu Rong's basic skills may have been practiced in the school, but those skills may not be mastered by the school's teachers.

Xu Rong, as a popular male artist who can still overwhelm Hu Ge even if "Sword of Sword and Three" is on the air, news about him is not difficult to find.

It's just that following Lu Jianmin's search, he couldn't help but feel awe. The off-campus teachers that Xu Rong publicly admitted were simply tingling, Zhang Fengyi, Li Youbin, Li Xuejian, Tong Zirong, and Wang Qingxiang.

And what surprised him the most was that Xu Rong spent more than 200 million yuan learning lines from Tong Zirong.

What a madman!
After seeing a photo in the second news article, he couldn't help but be happy. He saw Xu Rong carrying two boxes and running wildly happily.

The place is Renyi Senior Family Home.

He continued to scroll through the text of the news, halfway through, he pressed the keys a few more times, and returned to the photos.

Looking at the box in Xu Rong's hand, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind, and he vaguely guessed what was in it.

It is very likely that it is the creative notes of an old senior, otherwise, with Xu Rong's steady personality, he would not be so excited.

The photo was taken at a certain moment, and it was static, but looking at Xu Rong who showed his big white teeth in the photo, he could roughly imagine the situation at that time. He was probably trotting all the way, with joy and wind. , so as not to give the original owner any room for repentance.

Lu Jianmin raised his head, looked at Xu Rong who was joking with Lin Yongjian, and fully understood the reason.

Xu Rong is different from most people in this industry. Many people regard acting as a job or a means of making a living and making money, but this young man does it out of love.

He can understand this feeling very well, because he is the same person.

(End of this chapter)

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