Chapter 189

Liu Jiang glanced at Lin Yongjian who was coming, and paused for a moment on the brown glasses on the bridge of his nose. When Lin Yongjian expressed his intention, he didn't nod immediately, but looked at Xu Rong.

The brown glasses were originally designed by him for Xu Rong, because Liu Xinjie played by Xu Rong has two identities, one is the director of the General Affairs Department of the Eighth Bureau, and the other is the undercover code-named 031, corresponding to the two identities, Xu Rong also designed It reveals the duality that runs through the action, one is the carelessness of many colleagues, and the other is the cautiousness of being an underground worker.

The glasses were the inspiration Liu Jiang had two days ago. He hoped that with the help of such a pair of humble glasses, he could add Xu's inconspicuous side and at the same time increase his own sense of mystery.

After "Latent", although Luo Liping, as a producer, was full of confidence in "Before Dawn", he felt a lot of pressure. The starring roles were all Xu Rong, and the supporting roles had certain similarities. It became a problem that he urgently needed to solve.

On the one hand, he strengthened the technical aspects of the story, making the plot and techniques "look awesome and rigorous", on the other hand, he started from the actors.

Xu Rong is the top priority.

In his opinion, the biggest difference between "Dawn" and "Latent" is that Liu Xinjie has always been the focus of suspicion since the very beginning. The Internet suspects and even investigates his identity.

But the starting point of the investigation of the three people is different. Tan Zhongshu and Qi Peilin want to cast him out, while Li Bohan hopes that he will be a real undercover agent. As for Li Bohan's motive, screenwriter Huang Ke is still thinking about it.

Facing Tan Zhongshu and Qi Peilin, what Liu Xinjie needs to do is to give them a reason to pick him out.

Seeing Liu Jiang's inquiring eyes, Xu Rong said, "I don't care, but I feel that Mr. Lin's wear is more suitable than mine."

The reason why he resists glasses is not that he is not confident in himself. Whether emotional or rational, he feels that it is unnecessary.

There are two types of acting, acting and acting.

Acting is a process from the outside to the outside. The actors put on airs and the audience is disgusted.

Acting is a process from the outside to the inside and then to the outside. The actor feels the heart according to the outside, that is, the body, and then presents it through the body.

Just as he learned Yu Zhi's walking posture before, he knew why Wang Lifa walked like that, and finally, he walked out in his own way. This is a series of whole processes from outside to inside and then to outside.

In the process of trying on the glasses just now, he didn't feel the reason for their existence.

Seeing that Xu Rong didn't mind, Liu Jiang nodded. After all, Lin Yongjian was born as a comedian, and he really needed some attire to embellish the stereotype he left on the audience.

On the first day of the filming, two scenes were arranged. The first scene was Xu Rong's, where he bandaged his own wound, and the second scene was a group scene involving many main actors.

During the preparation process, Xu Rong heard Zhao Tiegang finished the scene, walked slowly behind the camera, looked at the two machines that had been set up, and asked his old acquaintance Chen Kunhui, "Mr. Chen, are both close-ups?"

"Yes, one for the back, focusing on your arms and back, and one for the front."

Xu Rong nodded and came to the stage to stand still. Although "hugging the theater" is a stage technique, in his opinion, the principles are common, but stage actors feel that it is the theater, and on the set, they feel the prescribed situation.

The reason for asking is that he wants to grasp the scale of the performance more accurately, and he also needs to prepare for the movie.

Standing in front of the camera, he unbuttoned his shirt, ready to start filming the first scene.

"The audience is quiet."




The moment Xu Rong took off his shirt and put it on the back of a chair beside him, strange sounds suddenly erupted on the set.


Assistant director Zhao Tie just stood up and shouted: "What are you doing, what are you doing, this is the actual filming!"

The chubby executive director Du Jun with a mustache under his chin could hear it clearly. Among the chaotic voices just now, Wang Tong standing behind Liu Jiang was the loudest, and said with a smile: "Tie Gang, the first one, don't be angry, don't be angry! , just start over.”

He said, looked at Xu Rong who was standing in front of the camera with his upper body bare, and said, "Mr. Xu, how did you practice?"

The exclamation was not due to anything else, but Xu Rong's strong figure.

When Xu Rong heard the voice, he was also quite embarrassed. Ever since he got close to Wang Qingxiang and discovered the secret of his youth, he has never left behind. Anyway, the gym at home is also idle.

"Hey, I haven't practiced much."

Liu Jiang touched his strong arm, hehe laughed, and shouted: "You have to watch it, hurry up, let me tell you first, the whole show is just this scene with no clothes on, after passing this village, there is no such scene shop."


In just a few tens of seconds, the studio was besieged unknowingly. Today is the opening ceremony. Except for those who didn't come to Hengdian, even if they need to stay up late for editing, people also came to the studio.

The most eager ones turned out to be the married actresses and staff members of the film crew. They were not as coy as the unmarried girls, they looked upright and made no secret of it. Even Wang Tong didn't care about Liu Jiang. Rolling his eyes, he took out his mobile phone and snapped random shots.

Zhang Xilin, who played Qi Peilin, and Ren Zhengbin, who played Sun Dapu, looked at each other, you looked at my big belly, I looked at your big round face, and laughed.

"The audience is quiet, put away your phones and don't take pictures."


Xu Rong lowered her eyebrows, her cheeks were protruding, her lips were tightly closed, her left hand was slightly bent, and her right hand was holding gauze gently wrapped around her left arm. Several lines were faintly visible on her back.

Suddenly, his movement of wrapping the gauze stopped abruptly, and the lines of his body suddenly became prominent. At the same time, he grabbed the wine bottle in front of him and drank two mouthfuls of the juice that the props group had prepared.


Zhang Xilinhe stared blankly at the one just now, and said after a long while, "That's awesome."

Ren Zhengbin patted his belly and sighed: "Don't be envious, it's just us here, even if we lose our lives, we won't be able to practice."

Zhang Xilin shook his head and said, "That's not what I said, didn't you notice the lines on his back just now?"

Ren Zhengbin looked at Xu Rong who was putting on his clothes, and said, "Pay attention, it's so obvious, can you not pay attention."

"How do you feel?"

"Pretty, anyway, I can't do it, I'm getting fat."

Zhang Xilin looked at him helplessly, and said, "I'm not talking about his figure, you didn't feel anything when you looked at his tight body just now?"

"How do you feel?"

"He is in pain. In addition, the lines on his body fluctuate. In other words, he is not very good at treating wounds, and there is no anesthetic at home, otherwise this situation would not happen. This is in line with the setting of the plot."

Ren Zhengbin frowned, and asked doubtfully, "There are still so many ways?"

Zhang Xilin looked at Xu Rong, who had already put on his shirt, and a group of females who were still interested, and said with a smile, "I feel like I can act."

"Come on, your character is very similar to Qi Peilin, it doesn't matter if you can act or not?!" Ren Zhengbin looked at him with disbelief. He had worked with Zhang Xilin on "Depart Now" before, and the director was also Liu Jiang , so it is also considered familiar.

During the time of plane adjustment, Xu Rong immediately walked all the way back to the rest area.

"Mr. Xu, I would like to ask you a question. In terms of pure performance, what do you think is the highest level of performance, or what is the ultimate goal?" Lu Jianmin saw Xu Rong approaching again, and couldn't help asking the doubts that arose just now.

He watched the previous scene standing behind Liu Jiang, and it felt very special, but he couldn't figure out where it was so special for a while.

Xu Rong shook his head slightly, and said with a smile: "The highest level? Teacher Lu, you think too highly of me. How can I understand such profound things."

As he spoke, he glanced sideways at Lu Jianmin, and it happened that Lu Jianmin was also observing him.

The two looked at each other, and couldn't help but feel bored. They both wanted to regard each other as the object of their "observation", but they didn't expect to run into each other by coincidence.

Lu Jianmin looked at him seriously, and said, "Really, I sincerely ask for advice."

Xu Rong looked at him for a while, before saying: "My understanding is, control."


"Hmm." Xu Rong didn't intend to explain in detail, because he was also groping for this thing, and the reason why he knew it was because it was a common answer given by several teachers.

Regarding this point, it was Tong Zirong and Li Xuejian who awakened him. The first lesson Tong Zirong taught him was to loosen control anytime and anywhere.

And Li Xuejian told him that the ultimate goal of acting is to control.

The most basic foundation in performance, but also the most peak and most difficult skill, the difference is that controlling relaxation is only about controlling relaxation, while "control" is to control everything in the specified situation, not only referring to oneself, even Since the co-actor made a mistake, how to ensure that the play does not fail is also within the scope of "control".

The second scene is a scene in the meeting room of Xu Rong, Lin Yongjian, Zhang Xilin, Ren Zhengbin, Tian Xiaojie and Wu Xiaodong.

After filming back and forth five times, Liu Jiang reluctantly yelled "Cut", even if he went on stage to talk about the scene in person, but the effect of the filming always had a certain gap with his vision.

Liu Jiang sat and pondered for a while, then said to Zhao Tiegang, "Go and call Liu Xinjie, Tan Zhongshu, Qi Peilin and Sun Dapu over."

When the four of them gathered in front of them, Liu Jiang said with a smile: "Teachers, I will assign you a task. Later, you will find a place to drink together."

"Director, is there such a task?"

Listening to Liu Jiang's arrangement, Xu Rong was a little puzzled at first, but after seeing his mysterious face, after thinking for a while, he gradually understood the reason.

Zhang Xilin and Lin Yongjian have worked together, and he and Ren Zhengbin are a little familiar because of "Daughter-in-law", and Ren Zhengbin and Zhang Xilin have worked together in "Depart Now", but the friendship between the four is not deep, or even familiar.

Lin Yongjian raised a key question: "Director, this is our job, right? What about the cost?"

Liu Jiang was amused by his words: "No, you are still short of a meal, right?"

"They are all from poor families. How can we say that we are contributing to the crew."

The three of Xu Rong immediately answered, "That's right, director, it's not like you don't know that I still owe a lot of debt."

Although Zhang Xilin didn't understand Liu Jiang's intentions, seeing that Lin Yongjian and Xu Rong didn't refuse, he said the same: "Director, whoever has the old and the young has tightened their belts to live."

Ren Zhengbin: "That's right."

Liu Jiang looked at the four of them speechlessly, and said, "I'm really convinced by you guys, two hundred, no more."


"Didn't you let us drink?"

Liu Jiang raised his neck: "Could it be that Niulan Mountain is not wine?"

"Alright, let's go back to the hotel to take off our makeup first, and we'll meet up in the lobby at five o'clock later."

The restaurant business near the film and television city is very good, not because of the chef's skills, but because there are so many choices.

The four of them were walking around, and suddenly, when they passed a T-shaped intersection, Xu Rong's footsteps suddenly stopped, and his eyes were looking straight at a transparent chess and card room at the intersection.

The chess and card room faces the street with a glass window, and the air conditioner should be turned on inside. At a table next to the glass window, four or five old people are standing or sitting on the ground watching two old men in their sixties playing chess. , I can't feel the heat of the weather at all.

Xu Rong's focus was not on the chess and card room, but outside the window, a sanitation worker wearing a worn-out straw hat, leaning on a broom, tiptoed, staring at the chessboard inside the glass window.

The sanitation worker was wearing a loose, unclean white shirt that didn't fit well, and his lower body was a pair of fat and dirty military pants and green rubber shoes. His figure was slightly stooped, and because he was facing sideways, he couldn't see his face clearly, but he was dark Xu Rong's eyes were deeply imprinted on his profile face and gray temples.

Looking at the air, the old man outside the window is older than the old man inside the window, maybe the actual age is younger.

"Teacher Xu, what's the matter?" Ren Zhengbin walked and found that Xu Rong had fallen behind, so he turned his head and asked.

Xu Rong didn't say anything, just raised his chin slightly.

The three of them retreated and followed his line of sight, but they didn't see why.

Xu Rong said softly: "Tell me, what is that old man thinking at this time?"

"What the hell?"

Perhaps noticing the voices of the four people, the old man turned his head, glanced this way, hurriedly raised the same dark palm, rubbed his face, showing a mouthful of sparse teeth, seemed to be smiling, and seemed a little Sorry, but pressed down the brim of the worn-out hat.


Xu Rong exhaled lightly, and the brisk mood of the day was swept away in an instant.

Keeping the inner continuous active is a skill he has always been proud of in the past, but at this time, he is no longer complacent, and even becomes a burden for him.

Very early on, he knew that compared to many older colleagues, his experience is a huge shortcoming. Therefore, he specially summed up a special technique based on the creative experience of many domestic and foreign seniors in the past. .

Keep the inner constant active.

It can be traced back to the forty-year-old middle-aged man he saw on the street. When he was so tired and helpless, he cried and called his mother and said: Mom, I am so tired, I really don’t want to Earn money.

Thanks to this technique, he can be so keenly aware of many details that others are not easy to detect, just like Zhang Guofeng can dodge before, but because of this, he is more likely to cause emotional fluctuations than others.

In other cases, he would go to the old man, borrow his broom, imitate his appearance, step on his feet, and look into the chess and card room, so as to feel the old man's state of mind.

But from the follow-up actions just now, he has enough understanding of the old man's thoughts.

"Let's go."

After he said that, his thoughts became more and more determined. He understood the state of mind of the old man outside the window and sympathized with him, but he was even more determined not to become that kind of person in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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