Chapter 190
Among the four, except for Xu Rong, who didn't like to hang out during filming, the other three were no strangers to the neighborhood, especially Ren Zhengbin, who was the most acquainted. I got a private room.

After taking his seat, Xu Rong opened the Moutai he bought on the road. He usually doesn't drink much and there are quite a variety of varieties, but Bai's usually drinks only the sauce, and Niulan Mountain really can't stand it.

I was also afraid of delaying tomorrow's shooting.

While drinking, Xu Rong said: "Let's talk about it first, the meal money is paid by the crew, and we will buy wine in turn according to the number of plays. I have the most plays. I will start first, then I will go to Teacher Lin, then Teacher Zhang, and finally Teacher Ren."

"no problem."

"It's done."

The three of them fell silent, feeling something was wrong, they couldn't help but turned their heads to look at Lin Yongjian who was smiling and silent.

Lin Yongjian looked at the wine bottle in front of Xu Rong and Xu Rong, and asked, "How much is a bottle of this wine?"

"Eight hundred and eight."

"Hiss." Lin Yongjian gasped when he heard the words, "I prefer to drink Niulan Mountain."


Ren Zhengbin took out the cigarette. He knew that Xu Rong didn't smoke, but he handed it over and said, "Mr. Xu, the cigarette is not good. Don't mind. Come on, practice first."

Xu Rong hesitated, but still accepted it. According to the script, there are a lot of smoking scenes in the play, and there are even two scenes, which still revolve around smoking.

During the reading of the script, he expressed relevant concerns to Liu Jiang, after all, the previous "Shanghai Bund" caused a lot of controversy.

But Luo Liping said, "It's okay, don't worry about shooting boldly." This reassured him and Liu Jiang.

Ren Zhengbin smoked a cigarette, lit it for Xu Rong, and asked, "Hey, what do you mean by the director? The crew pays us to go out to drink? To be honest, it's the first time I've been filming a scene for so many years. See you later."

Lin Yongjian immediately picked up the conversation, in order to cover up the embarrassment of not buying wine just now, and said: "It's not because of the second scene today, the few of us, especially the three of you, don't have enough tacit understanding, and not only There is a tacit understanding, and there must be that subtle brotherhood."

"No, colleagues in the agency, brotherhood?"

Xu Rongren let the smoke ignite, and said: "This is the role of Liu Xinjie. What kind of person is the most popular in the unit? Someone who will not pose a threat to colleagues and has certain value, Liu Xinjie is such a role."

Lin Yongjian also said: "That's what it means. Think about it. You guys clearly know that Xinjie is the most suspected person. There is a reason why you want to go all out to fuck Li Bohan. Xinjie is in the bureau and doesn't fight or grab. He never went into the details of your greedy notes, and signed them directly, and there was no direct conflict of interest, which paved the way for this kind of brotherhood."

After hearing what the two said, Ren Zhengbin puffed out his cigarette and said, "Is it because we didn't perform well today?"

"It's okay." Xu Rong said against his will. In the second scene, Ren Zhengbin had a problem with a line, not only because of Ren Zhengbin himself, but also the script itself was flawed, but Ren Zhengbin didn't smooth it out when he dealt with it. flaw.

He originally wanted to mention it to Liu Jiang, but it turned out that the biggest problem they encountered was not a technical problem at all.

"It's not easy to order food for 200 yuan. One is only fifty or sixty. If you ask me, we might as well buy some peanuts and go back to the hotel to drink." Lin Yongjian flipped through the menu, silently calculating in his mind how much he could order with the budget of 200 yuan. Several dishes.

Zhang Xilin couldn't stand it anymore, grabbed the menu in his hand, and said, "Yongjian, you're a smart guy after all, can you stop being so stingy?"

"I'm saving, saving, do you understand?"


After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Zhang Xilin picked up the cup and said, "Teacher Xu, I respect you."

Zhang Xilin was the oldest among the group of people. Hearing what he said, Xu Rong also picked up the wine glass and suggested, "Whoever respects you, let's go together."

Zhang Xilin waved his hands at Lin Yongjian and Ren Zhengbin, and said, "I don't want to say much to thank you, why are you toasting this wine? I saw you in a play today, and I understand how to act."

Xu Rong couldn't quite understand the meaning of the other party's words, but he felt that Zhang Xilin was a bit exaggerated, and the performance took away experience, technical things, just looking at them, you can't see the way.

But still touched the notebook with him, and said: "Don't look at me, I'm just half a bottle of water, Teacher Lin and Teacher Duan are experts."

At the wine table, he doesn't talk much, and most of the time, he is a listener. Even if he speaks, he mostly starts with "you" instead of "what about me".

Everyone still cares about themselves, especially at the wine table, they are more willing to talk about themselves.

As for Liu Jiang's expectation, he put it aside for the time being. Although wine can bring people closer together, it is impossible to suddenly make a few unfamiliar people like brothers, especially when there are differences in age and fame among the few people. .

Lin Yongjian rolled his eyes and said, "Forget it, we are blind, how can the Magnolia judges be blind?"

Xu Rong smiled "hehe" and said, "I was lucky to catch up."

After Zhang Xilin saw a few people put down their wine glasses, there was a brief vacuum of topics on the wine table, and he said slowly: "When I was in school, I heard a speech by Mr. Lin Liankunlin. He said that actors should read scripts, but not The words in brackets, so many years have passed, I still don’t understand it, how can I act without reading the words in brackets, do you know what’s going on?”

Xu Rong patted the fat hand of Ren Zhengbin, who was about to rush to pour the wine, poured it for several people, and didn't answer immediately. He understood what he meant, but the topic Zhang Xilin brought up was rather deep, and he didn't say a word or two at all. not understand.

When the screenwriter writes the script, he will not tell the actors how to act, but will describe the states that the actors should have, such as (excited), (angry) and so on.

In the school's acting class, when teaching how to read scripts, the teachers in the school's acting class always stressed repeatedly that we must pay attention to the content in the brackets.

So is the teacher wrong, or is Lin Liankun wrong?

Lin Yongjian raised his head and said: "There is such a saying, I guess, what he means is that you have to watch the plot before and after, because the content in the brackets is too thin, if you only study 'excitedly', 'sadly' ’, it’s easy to lose your grip on the play.”

Among the four, only Lin Yongjian did not come from a major, but was honed by a drama troupe.

Ren Zhengbin picked up a peanut, put it in his mouth, and said, "There is another problem here. For example, the screenwriter said to be excited, but such a long paragraph of words, where does the excitement start, to what point does the excitement reach? From what point did you slow down?"

"By the way, have you heard Mr. Xu's recording?"

"Which part?"

"You don't even know this, I'll let you listen."

Ren Zhengbin just took out the phone, but found that Xu Rong was staring at him strangely, and quickly explained: "Mr. , really, I swear to God, I didn't stab the media."

Zhang Xilin didn't know the whole story, but when he heard the word "recording", he had a bad feeling and said, "Mr. Xu, you can rest assured that Binzi is definitely not that kind of person."

"Haha, I was teasing him."

"Hey, let's go one by one."

After putting down his glass, Ren Zhengbin played the recording: "Actually, we have been reading scripts for the past two days. Very few teachers do have a little problem, and they are not very involved. I am reading the script."

After the three of them finished listening to the recording, Ren Zhengbin looked at Lin Yongjian and Zhang Xilin and asked, "How do you feel?"

Zhang Xilin thought for a while, then asked: "What if I still don't feel anything after getting to know a certain person? Even if I neither like him nor dislike him, even if he passes by me, I can treat him as nothing. "

Ren Zhengbin put away his phone, pointed at him with his index finger, and said, "Aren't you talking about it? People you know well around you will definitely have an attitude. With an attitude, you will have a liking. You can't treat him like air."

Xu Rongying said softly, "I think what Teacher Ren said makes sense."

"Hahaha, Mr. Xu, you are too slippery."

The four of them picked up the cups tacitly. Xu Rong couldn't help being surprised while raising his head to drink. After thinking about it for a few minutes, his evaluation of Zhang Xilin suddenly increased a lot.

This is a well-rounded person. Although he was slow to comprehend Liu Jiang's meaning because of his professional ability, after understanding the inside story, he acted better than the three of them.

Is he interested in exchanging acting skills?
Maybe he was interested, maybe not at all, but he brought up a topic that was very common, and the other three people in the room were interested and willing to discuss it.

In the process of chatting just now, Xu Rong discovered that the growth experiences of several of them are completely different, and there is also a certain gap in age. Even if it is a woman or gossip, there will always be someone who is not interested.

And this link point was found by Zhang Xilin.

He is not the oldest person. Compared to his working time, both Ren Zhengbin and Li Yongjian are older than him, and he is not the most famous. After all, he is sitting across from the new Christie.

But his words became the core of the four people's closer relationship.

This point is worth learning for him, not self-centered, but topic-centered.



Xu Rong put down his wine glass, had just picked up some food with chopsticks, and turned his head to take a look. At some point, Lin Yongjian dragged his chin with his elbows and fell asleep.

"Hey, this is Mr. Lin?"

Zhang Xilin laughed, and said: "He is so energetic, he likes to drink, and he will feel uncomfortable if he doesn't drink for a day, but he doesn't drink much. Let me tell you, if it wasn't the first time he drank today, he might have a bottle of beer. Let's get drunk with you."


Xu Rong smiled and said, "How about we send Teacher Lin back?"

Zhang Xilin waved his hands and said, "No, no, you let him sleep for 10 minutes, and he can drink another [-] or [-] when he wakes up later. It's an old problem. He drinks in two sessions."

Xu Rong looked at Lin Yongjian, he had learned a lot today.

"By the way, what does Teacher Xu think about the question I raised just now?"

"Let's not make the teacher long and short, just call the name." Xu Rong immediately changed the subject.

"That's a good relationship." Zhang Xilin observed Xu Rong's expression, hesitated for a while, and then asked, "Xu Rong, what do you think?"

Seeing that the two of them turned their gazes to him again, Xu Rong thought for a while, put down his wine glass, and said slowly: "If I guessed right, it should be Brother Xilin, you misremembered, I guess, you are saying that sentence Before speaking, Mr. Lin must have prefaced the words, such as seeing mountains as mountains, water as water, or vulgar and elegant."

Zhang Xilin tilted his head and thought for a while, then nodded lightly: "Hey, you seem to have a little impression when you say that, no, how do you know? You were still in school at that time, right?"

"His assertion cannot be used forcefully. It mainly involves three stages of performance. The first stage is to perform with true feelings. When a newcomer is filming, he can’t cry. If he has a good temper, the director will help him recall the sad things in the past. If he has a bad temper, he will be over with a swearing.

"The second stage is to fully master the technique, which is commonly referred to as the 'golden stage', also known as Daya or watching the mountain is not a mountain. The technique is very good, and the acting is not wrong at all, but it lacks emotion and explosiveness. And the vast majority of actors will stay at this stage."

"The third stage is 'bring your own light', or it is called Dasu, and some people say it is to see the mountains or the mountains, but it is completely different from the first stage. For example, a character, he did not cry, but the audience cried. , he was very serious and serious, but the audience laughed. The point you just said should be paid attention to after the third stage, because at that time, you don’t need to read the content in brackets in the script, and you also know where to go. Outburst, which word, which word, and where to put emotion into, when you cry, you don’t cry with your own emotion, but with the character’s mentality. At this stage, you put emotion into the character , with technology as the support, at that point, you can cry immediately."

"So you can't say it's right not to read the words in brackets, and you can't say it's wrong not to read the words in brackets. This depends on your own situation."


The three of them were startled by Lin Yongjian who suddenly came back to his senses. He patted the table and stared at Xu Rong with piercing eyes. Gotta go one."

For the first time in Xu Rong's life, he carried the person who was drinking with him back to the hotel.

Of course, four people couldn't get drunk from one bottle of wine, but after drinking and chatting, the four of them couldn't get enough of it, so they simply bought another bottle.

As a result, Lin Yongjian's second half was over before he finished drinking.

A few minutes after the four of them returned to the hotel, Liu Jiang ran over. Seeing the three of them sitting panting on the floor of Lin Yongjian's room, he laughed and asked, "Where's Teacher Lin?"

Zhang Xilin panted heavily, pointed to the inner room of the suite, and said: "Inside, I'm asleep inside, I drank too much, we waited for half an hour by the side of the road, but we didn't see a car, if it wasn't for Xu Rong's energy , I have to sleep outside tonight."

When Liu Jiang heard Zhang Xilin address Xu Rong, his heart became more at ease. He heard the chatter in the corridor just now, and he guessed that several people had returned.

The effect was better than he expected.

His plan was correct. In terms of business ability, Zhang Xilin was far behind Xu Rong, but in terms of active atmosphere and being kind to others, Lin Yongjian and Xu Rong couldn't match Zhang Xilin.

There is one more tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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