I'm just an actor

Chapter 191 Children

Chapter 191 Children
Liu Jiang couldn't help laughing when he heard the bitterness of Lin Yongjian's return from the three of them.

It was not natural for Zhang Xilin and Ren Zhengbin to act with Xu Rong during the actual shooting during the day. Firstly, they had just started the machine and had not yet formed a tacit understanding. Two, he also saw that Xu Rong had completely changed his acting style and no longer Carrying people away so desperately during the filming of "Daughter-in-law".

In addition, Xu Rong himself was born in spy war dramas, and the three dramas "Yangcheng", "Night" and "Latent" which are milestones in his acting career are all spy war dramas, which led to him being the most thorough in this area. Knows best how to perform in line with audience expectations.

From his personal performance, the Liu Xinjie he portrayed is more brilliant than Aftertaste, but if we evaluate it from the whole point of view, it is not so interesting.

Only then did the task of arranging four people go out to drink.

Passing a cigarette to each of the three people who were sitting on the ground, Liu Jiang lit it on his own, paced back and forth in the room, and said, "I plan to reshoot all of today's scenes."

"Reshoot both scenes?"

It was rare for Xu Rong, after a drink, his head was only a little dizzy, and he couldn't help raising his head when he heard Liu Jiang's words. Although he didn't watch the replay, he thought to himself that there was nothing wrong with the first scene.

Liu Jiang smiled and said: "I just watched the replay with your sister-in-law. She said that with your figure, you must give a full-scale close-up, so that your female fans can feast their eyes, otherwise it would be too wasteful."


Ren Zhengbin was also a little dizzy. Hearing this, he silently made up his mind. When he has time, he must strengthen his training. He originally wanted to play the role of Qi Peilin, but Liu Jiang disagreed desperately. Liu Jiang's reason was that he His image and character are closer to Sun Dapu.

"no problem."

On the second day after starting up, early in the morning, the dressing room was much more lively than usual.

When the big girl and the young daughter-in-law of the crew hadn't arrived on the set, they got a gossip.

The director wants to reshoot yesterday's scene!

The teachers in the make-up group are also kind-hearted. The make-up session starts with Xu Rong's wound, which means that Xu Rong needs to be bare-chested throughout the process of make-up.

"The audience is quiet, don't look at it, don't look at it, the audience is quiet."

"Preparation, action."




"Madam" Wang Tong retched abruptly and interrupted the filming. Liu Jiang took off the earphones, looked at her with concern, and asked, "What's the matter, are you okay?"

Wang Tong smiled and said, "I woke up early in the morning, and the food I ate was greasy, so I felt a little uncomfortable."

"Would you like to go back to the hotel for a rest?"

"No, no, just drink some hot water and you'll be relieved. I'm helping you."


"Preparation, action."

After the filming of a scene, Liu Jiang's "card" sound just fell, Wang Tong couldn't bear it anymore, lay down on the corner next to him and retched again.

Now Liu Jiang couldn't help but care. He reckoned that he had just arrived and was not acclimatized, so he said to a seventeen or eighteen-year-old director assistant: "Xiao Zhang, take your aunt back to the hotel to rest."

Wang Tong spit out all the breakfast, rinsed his mouth, but frowned, and said in a low voice: "Tell me, could it be that she is pregnant?"

Liu Jiang "wheezed" and shuddered, and grabbed Wang Tong's arm with both hands: "Are you sure?"

"You let go, so many people are watching."

Liu Jiang immediately changed his mind: "Xiao Zhang, drive a car and take your aunt to the hospital for a check-up. Hurry up and don't dawdle."


Since Wang Tong left, Liu Jiang couldn't sit still. He is forty this year.

"Director, are you still filming?"

"Shoot, shoot, why don't you shoot? Let a few teachers walk around first."

Sitting behind the monitor, Liu Jiang couldn't concentrate on the screen that was close at hand. No one knew how much hardship they had put in to have a child over the years, and how many eyes they had received.

After walking around, Zhao Tiegang came over and asked, "Director, shall we start shooting?"

"Ah, oh, let's start." Liu Jiang looked at Zhao Tiegang suddenly, and nodded his head twice.

"Preparation, action."


"Old Liu, it's time to shout." Seeing that Liu Jiang had regained his composure, Chen Kunhui elbowed him.


Not to mention Chen Kunhui who was sitting next to Liu Jiang, Xu Rong and the others also noticed that Liu Jiang was abnormal. There was something wrong with the cooperation of the few people just now, and they should have called "stop".

In the process of readjustment, Liu Jiang's phone rang.

After Liu Jiang put down the phone, he stayed there for a while, and then after a few seconds, he suddenly put the earphones in his hand directly on the table, and his fat body jumped up from the chair with unreasonable lightness. , blatantly writhing strange dances on set.

The whole crew was dumbfounded.

"Director, are you crazy?"



Liu Jiang hugged the nearest Chen Kunhui excitedly, and said, "Old Chen, I'm going to be a father, I'm going to be a father, hahaha."

Chen Kunhui suddenly came to his senses, and even felt that Liu Jiang's performance was too restrained.

Unlike most people, Liu Jiang's fate is quite bumpy.

Although he was born in Nortel, he still failed to achieve anything until he was in his 30s. He is simply a standard old leftover man. He is poor and ugly, and he has not been left behind.

And the weirdest thing is that besides being poor and ugly, luck is extremely bad. The scenes he filmed either failed to pass the trial, or were banned after the trial, or could not be sold at all.

His only luck should be that Wang Tong did not dislike him, and even supported and encouraged him silently. A few years ago, the main source of income for the family was supported by Wang Tong.

Regarding the children, considering that both of them are over forty years old, although Liu Jiang is still making various efforts, in fact, he does not have too much expectation in his heart.

But today, it was too unexpected, this surprise came too suddenly.

"Director, congratulations, congratulations."

"Director, congratulations."


Amid the congratulations from everyone, Liu Jiang gradually recovered his calm. He slowly took out the cigarette case from his pocket, took out one, and stuffed it into his mouth. , did not light the cigarette, and in the end, it was the director of photography Chen Kunhui who helped him light the cigarette.

It was the first time Xu Rong saw Liu Jiang lose his composure. He looked stupid, but he couldn't restrain the smile on his face.

This time the crew stopped filming, and everyone was looking forward to Wang Tong's return.

When Wang Tong returned to the set, Liu Jiang went out early to greet him. Halfway through, he hurriedly extinguished the cigarette in his hand, and turned around and shouted: "Puff out the cigarette for me."

"Hey, slow down, watch your step."

"Madam's treatment is as fast as the Empress Dowager's" welcomed Wang Tong back. Xu Rong sat side by side with Lin Yongjian, Zhang Xilin, and Ren Zhengbin. He was about to make a joke when he caught sight of Lin Yongjian and Zhang Xilin with their heads lowered. Not only was there no joy on their faces , but much heavier.

It was as if they were about to be abolished by the party-state in the eighth game.

And he saw clearly, the eye sockets under Lin Yongjian's brown glasses were clearly moist, but he probably noticed his gaze, Lin Yongjian smiled hurriedly and said, "I'm happy for the director."

Xu Rong stared blankly at this scene, what's wrong?

Madam is pregnant, you two are so preoccupied, why are you doing this?

He had a bad premonition in his heart, but when he thought about it carefully, Lin Yongjian and Zhang Xilin didn't have much contact with Wang Tong, right?

And from the more than a month of getting along, he didn't think the two of them would be that kind of person.

Wang Tong didn't stay on the set for long, and after a while, Liu Jiang took her away from the set and went home!
Because the director ran away halfway, the crew had to rest temporarily for an afternoon.

"Xu Rong, Xi Lin, Zheng Bin, let's go and have a drink."

Xu Rong looked at Lin Yongjian who could barely force a smile, and knew that he probably had something on his mind.

He heard from Zhang Xilin yesterday that Lin Yongjian had to order on the hour every day after work, not too much, just a small cup.

But today is not busy, I only took one more shoot in total.

Back at the hotel, seeing that Lin Yongjian and Zhang Xilin had returned to their respective rooms, Xu Rong grabbed Ren Zhengbin and asked, "Zhengbin, what's going on? How do I see that Yongjian and Xilin are preoccupied."

Ren Zhengbin sighed, stretched out four chubby fingers, and said, "Xilin is 43 this year, Yongjian is 40 this year, and they don't even have children yet."

Looking at Xu Rong's puzzled expression, Ren Zhengbin said: "Oh, you may not understand, but the reason is actually very simple, just one word, poor, poor people can't even marry a wife, how can they have children? Xilin, all year round 365 days, 360 days in various crews, no matter what role, he will take it, why, to make money."

"Yongjian is even more difficult. In the early years, he couldn't make money at that time. The first child was poor, not to mention whether he could afford it, and he couldn't even give birth. There was no other way, so he died The second one is because of being poor. In order to earn money for participating in the skit competition, the work was too tiring and I couldn’t keep it. In the past few years, I went to many hospitals and tried various folk remedies, but nothing worked.”

Ren Zhengbin sighed and said: "Don't look at the two of them laughing and joking all day long, but the matter of the child is simply a heart problem for them. Every time they drink, they cry when they get too drunk, and cry when they get too drunk."

"People are looking at how much money we earn in a glamorous industry, but there are really not many people like you. According to official data, our industry has less than 100 million employees, but If you add the group performers from various film and television bases, 100 million won’t be enough, and the vast majority of them are of a young age and don’t even have a nest.”

Xu Rong sighed softly. He also came here at that time, and knew what Ren Zhengbin was telling the truth.

Not to mention ensemble performances, even some small actors, the income of one or two plays a year may not be able to cover the expenditure.

The only good thing is that the few friends around him, Lin Yongjian and Zhang Xilin, have no such worries for the time being.

Sure enough, as Ren Zhengbin said, Lin Yongjian and Zhang Xilin were on the wine table, and before the food was served, they poured cups into their mouths.

He didn't need anyone to accompany him, and he didn't need anyone to persuade him. The two of them drank half of the bottle of Moutai he bought in a short time.

But when people pass middle age, no matter how difficult things are, they still have to be pressed to the bottom of their hearts and move forward with a heavy burden.

On the third day after starting the machine, although he was looking for a babysitter and contacting acquaintances in the hospital after returning home, he was busy all night and stayed up for two hours on the plane. Bloody.

In terms of energy and spirit, it is completely different from the past. In the past, he could not say that he was not devoted to filming, but he was more interested in producing entertainment products for the public. But today, as he is about to become a father, his awareness seems to suddenly Raised a lot.

As a father, he wanted to create better living conditions for his children's future. As for Lu Yijun, who Wang Tong was supposed to play, he didn't have many roles in the first place, and he could replace him with someone else. As for Wang Tong, he didn't dare to take that risk.

But Lin Yongjian and Zhang Xilin acted as if nothing happened yesterday, they were still cheerful as usual.

But because of yesterday's drunkenness, the relationship between the four became much closer.

Last night, Xu Rong and Ren Zhengbin called the crew's car and took them back to the hotel. The three of them carried Lin Yongjian on their backs, but the two of them carried Zhang Xilin and Lin Yongjian. No one could carry them.

It was still the second scene of the first day to be filmed. Before the filming started, Xu Rong found Ren Zhengbin and said, "Zhengbin, you have a sentence to deal with later."

Regarding Xu Rong's point, Ren Zhengbin didn't dare not pay attention to it. This is Bai Yulan Shidi, who is famous for his acting skills. He immediately asked a little nervously: "Which sentence?"

"It's when you heard the news of Li Bohan's return and said, 'This guy is really out of touch. You said you haven't seen him for several months, but when you came back, you didn't come over to say hello to my brothers. It's not very human. 'This sentence, we are not meeting Li Bohan for the first time, but we are old colleagues who have been together for many years, everyone knows who is what, just listening to your voice, I don't know how good our relationship was before."

"Hey, what you reminded is indeed true." Ren Zhengbin was stunned, but then asked, "How to deal with it?"

Xu Rong thought for a while, and said: "You change it to: This guy is really getting out of the group, you said, I haven't seen you for several months, and when I came back, I didn't come over to say hello to our brothers, didn't I?" So human."

"I feel like it's better that way."

This involves a common mistake that actors make. When performing, because they do not have corresponding professional experience, many people always habitually act "for the first time", which is the appearance of the first day at work, such as playing a doctor , Telling the patient's family members "We have tried our best" can be sympathetic, but it must be very professional, because he faces life and death every day, which has long been commonplace.

But in the process of filming, most of the actors are often accustomed to mourning, as if their relatives are terminally ill.

Such a mistake is not just a small mistake in the performance, because its inducement will inevitably lead to a deeper problem and crux, and this deep crux is that Ren Zhengbin chose to ask Liu Jiang for the name "Qi Peilin". Character's motivation.

But Xu Rong didn't say it, it would hurt Ren Zhengbin's confidence in acting, and for the time being, he could only choose to help him treat the symptoms.

And the reason why I chose to tell Ren Zhengbin was also because of the previous cooperation, and the two days of drinking and drinking that led to a close relationship, and I wanted to help him.

Lin Yongjian watched the two of them meet, leaned over and asked, "What are you two talking about?"

Seeing that Ren Zhengbin was about to speak, Xu Rong patted him and said, "Haha, it's nothing, it's nothing."

Zhang Xilin looked at Ren Zhengbin and said, "We've been filming this scene seven or eight times, why don't we go and just shoot?"

"to make."

"no problem."

"All quiet, all quiet."

"Preparation, action."

(End of this chapter)

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