I'm just an actor

Chapter 192 Encounter

Chapter 192 Encounter
The scene to be filmed is related to Li Bohan's first return from the "Trojan Horse Project" base, and it is also a scene that officially kicks off the internal struggle of the Eighth Bureau.

The first one was that Zhang Xilin was sitting in the conference room, waiting for Ren Zhengbin to come in.

"Preparation, action."



Standing outside the arena, Xu Rong listened carefully to the lines of Zhang Xilin and Ren Zhengbin, because he had to enter the arena later, so he couldn't go behind the monitor to carefully watch their comprehensive performance.

But just from the lines, what Zhang Xilin said was right, he could indeed act, and Ren Zhengbin did exactly what he guessed, forming a fixed acting routine.

When Sun Dapu borrowed someone from Qi Peilin, Qi Peilin politely refused, and Wu Xiaodong, who played Ma Weiran, pushed the door in.


"Brother Weiran."

Wu Xiaodong looked at the two with a smile, and asked, "Will I be included in today's meeting?"

Xu Rong was also preparing to enter the stage, while Wu Xiaodong's back was turned to him at this time, but from his lines, Xu Rong also tasted something, Wu Xiaodong's lines were very light, even if he fell into the "meeting" The accent was just an insignificant point, a sentence that was not sure whether he could participate in the meeting, coupled with a line that was not very confident, immediately highlighted the role of a marginal figure in the conference room.

But Xu Rong always feels that Wu Xiaodong's presentation is still not perfect. If Wu Gang comes to this sentence, he will definitely pause for a while after the word "meeting". So as to make up for the logic pause loophole that should not exist.

Wu Xiaodong is currently working in Mandarin, and belongs to the same unit as his teacher Li Xuejian. It is a brother unit with his Renyi, but Wu Xiaodong is not a full-time actor. He also works as a director in normal times.

To act well is to direct, to some extent, it is praise, but in essence, it is also a kind of helplessness, because after they have been standing still for many years and even regressed, they have already awakened. It limits their room for improvement, and if they want to go further, they have to find another way.

Xu Rong heard Ren Zhengbin say to Wu Xiaodong, "It means I have you", and began to enter the scene. When he said "sit, sit, sit", he officially entered the camera, and said to Wu Xiaodong who was carrying him: "Brother Weiran, you it is good."

His voice was not as fast-paced as Zhang Xilin and Ren Zhengbin, nor as gentle as Wu Xiaodong, as if he had just woken up, with his shoulders slumped and his hands in his pockets.

But there is no doubt that the four people in the camera have identified their own positions, and their characteristics are extremely distinctive.

Wu Xiaodong turned around, smiled and said, "Hey, Xinjie."

Standing at the door, Xu Rong raised the corner of his mouth slightly, then raised his chin slightly towards the meeting room, and asked, "Go in or come out?"

"I, go in." Wu Xiaodong made up for the previous sentence through a pause between the three short words.

"I'm waiting for you."


When he turned to close the door, Ren Zhengbin sat on the chair, turned his head, and said, "Xinjie."


"You have a nice hairstyle, you are getting more and more handsome."

"Hi." Xu Rongxiao's smile widened a little, and he shook his head at Ren Zhengbin, with an expression of "you're talking nonsense".

He walked to the side of Zhang Xilin and Ren Zhengbin, supported the backs of their chairs, looked at Zhang Xilin, and asked, "Guess who I saw?"

Unlike Ren Zhengbin, whose tone is straight down and the emphasis is placed on the "hairstyle", he completely abandons pauses, accents, and changes in intonation, and only speaks a line slowly through a deliberately slower rhythm and breath. The purpose is mainly to fit his character setting.

"Who do you see?"

"I saw Li Bohan."

"He's back? Where did you see him?"

"In the corridor."

The four of them went to their respective positions, Ren Zhengbin said: "Hey, let me tell you, this guy is really getting out of the way. You said, I haven't seen you for a few months. When I come back, I won't come over to meet my brother." Say hello, it's not very human."

Ren Zhengbin had worked with Xu Rong before, and with the blessing of Bai Yulan Shidi's title, he didn't dare to have the slightest doubt about his professional ability, but he was actually a little apprehensive about Xu Rong's changes to his lines. Xu Rong is a smart guy, he can do whatever he wants, but he is just a young actor, so after the words fell, even though his expression was normal, but in his heart, he was afraid of hearing Liu Jiang's voice of "stop".

After waiting for a few seconds, he didn't hear any interruption, and at the same time his heart fell to the ground, he glanced at Xu Rong who was sitting on the sofa with lowered eyebrows, and an impulse gradually sprouted in his heart.

He didn't suppress this impulse for too long. After the second filming started, as Lin Yongjian came in and explained a few words, he turned and left the meeting room. He hurriedly ran to open the door. This was what he was supposed to do in the script. thing.

But when Tian Xiaojie got up, after Lin Yongjian left, before Tian Xiaojie was about to go out on the back, he closed the door with a "bang", gave him a sideways look, and walked back to his seat proudly.

Although Tian Xiaojie didn't expect Ren Zhengbin to come so suddenly, but his reaction was not slow, and he tilted him expressionlessly.

"By the way, I still say the same thing, this undercover agent may be in this room."

"Crack." Liu Jiang looked at Ren Zhengbin. Both of Ren Zhengbin's performances were a bit, a bit beyond his usual level, and also exceeded his expectations. Whether it was the handling of the lines or the closing of the door, this This is something that has never happened before.

"Zheng Bin, yes, keep it up."

Ren Zhengbin grinned, and when he closed the door, he was very nervous, but at that moment just now, the impulsiveness in his chest had accumulated to the extreme, and closing the door became his outlet, and he felt that it was in line with the previous one. The sentence "It's not very human." It also completely shows the relationship between Sun Dapu and Li Bohan.

And this matter can only be done by him, even though Qi Peilin is also at odds with Li Bohan, but Qi Peilin's character does not allow him to do such things that cannot be put on the table.

Tian Xiaojie looked at Ren Zhengbin and said, "Zhengbin, your performance was really good just now, I almost didn't realize it."

"Hey, it was Xu before"

Xu Rong hurriedly stopped Ren Zhengbin's second half, and said with a smile: "I feel that when this drama is broadcast, if it really becomes a big hit like Producer Luo said, Da Pu, when you closed the door just now, it will definitely become a big hit." One of the famous scenes."

He didn't call out his name anymore. From Ren Zhengbin's state just now, he saw some clues. What he has to do now is not to help Ren Zhengbin play a play, but to maintain his previous state.

Ren Zhengbin glanced at Xu Rong, and quietly gave him a thumbs up.

Xu Rong accepted it with peace of mind. With his enthusiasm, the film's schedule and early ratings should not be a problem. As long as the ratings keep rising, Ren Zhengbin can maintain the state just now, and within three to five years, he will not worry about not getting the show.

At the same time, he also remembered another thing related to himself.

Xu Rong looked at Liu Jiang who was sitting behind the monitor, walked over, and said, "Director, do I have to have a double penetration?"

"Double penetration?"

"Yes, no matter which identity Liu Xinjie is in, this penetrating action can be connected, so as not to make the two sides of the character so obviously separated."

"You let me think about it, you let me think about it." Liu Jiang scratched his head, took the test for a while, then raised his head to look at Xu Rong and asked, "What do you think?"

He knew that if Xu Rong didn't have any ideas in his mind, he would definitely not come to him.

"I think this penetrating action will play a huge role in the plot. Is Mr. Huang's ending okay?"

"not yet."

"What about the general direction?"

"What was calculated before is that you and Tan Zhongshu will definitely part in the end, such as outside the Changting Pavilion, by the side of the ancient road."

Xu Rong nodded: "Farewell? The ending also ended with a farewell?"

Liu Jiang pondered for a while, shook his head and said, "No, it's a bit formal. If you put it in the present, it will definitely have a certain funny effect, and it will be sublimated in an instant in the end, but at that time, this kind of statement was more conventional and more formal. of."

Liu Jiang thought for a while, and suggested: "How about Sayunara?"



"Okay, then I'll try it later."

While waiting for the adjustment of the plane seat, Ren Zhengbin was suddenly more enthusiastic about Xu Rong than before. After Xu Rong's pointing just now, he was praised by Liu Jiang and asked him to "keep it up", that is, He said that in the subsequent filming process, he was allowed to play reasonably and filmed several scenes of Liu Jiang, which was the first time in history.

He reckoned that if it could continue forever, the director would have to add plays to himself.

"Xu Rong, smoke a cigarette."

Xu Rong waved his hand and said, "You know, I don't smoke, by the way, don't call me Xu Rong, call me Xinjie."

This is a way of shouting that is good for both of them. It has little meaning to him, but it has a great impact on Ren Zhengbin. This is a small trick he used often in the past.

Ren Zhengbin smiled and said: "Cheng, Cheng, Cheng, I will listen to you whatever you say, hehe."

Zhang Xilin looked at Ren Zhengbin strangely, and asked, "Binzi, do you and Xu Rong have something to hide from us?"

"How can it be, how can it be, hehe."

Zhao Tiegang came over and said with a smile: "Teachers, can you find a cool place, let's get ready?"

"to make."

"Are you still going?"

Ren Zhengbin waved his hand and said, "Don't leave, just shoot, shoot directly."

"Preparation, action."


While Xu Rong was busy shooting, Xiao Zhang drove the car with all his attention, followed the navigation, and came to a hot pot restaurant.

After she parked the car and got out of the garage, she realized that she had parked in the wrong place, and it was a street away from her destination.

Today, one of her kindergarten and elementary school classmates invited her out, saying that she wanted to introduce a friend to her.

She doesn't have a deep impression of this elementary school classmate named Liu Wei, but only vaguely remembers being a bitch, who doesn't look like a purebred Northeast man at all.

She turned on the navigation and took a look, and it was only a street away, so she didn't go to the basement to drive the car out.

After all, it was not easy to find a garage with two empty parking spaces connected to each other. She would rather travel a long way than park the car for half a day.

For a long time, I couldn't stop going in and didn't talk, and I still got angry at myself.

Stepping on the spot, she ran to the appointed place in a hurry, she walked around the hot pot restaurant, but couldn't find anyone.

Only then did she remember that Liu Wei looked different from when she was a child, maybe even more motherly.

Just as she was looking around in a daze, a voice came from behind him: "Xiaofei, Xiaofei, this way."

Xiao Zhang turned his head and stared blankly at the "beautiful" young man with a long, thin face wearing black-rimmed glasses who was waving at him, and asked uncertainly, "You, are you Liu Wei?"

"Haha, I saw you a long time ago. It depends on whether you can recognize me. You haven't changed much."

Seeing that Jia Ling also stood up, Liu Wei hurriedly introduced, "This is Sister Jia Lingling, you have been admitted to the Art Troupe, and Sister Ling is also in the Art Troupe."

"Sister Ling, this is my classmate Zhang Xiaofei."

Classmate Xiao Zhang just felt dumbfounded. She didn't have much impression of Liu Wei, and she had never heard of this slightly fat girl. But at this moment, she still squeezed out a smile and said: : "Ah, long time no see, um, hello Miss Ling."

Seeing Liu Wei and Zhang Xiaofei as if they didn't know each other, Jia Ling tried not to show the dimples on her face, and asked uncertainly, "Are you really classmates?"

Liu Wei handed the menu to Jia Ling and said, "Yes, but we haven't seen each other for many years, and we only got in touch a few days ago."

Seeing Zhang Xiaofei's sweating profusely, Liu Wei asked, "Do you live far away?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang nodded and said, "Well, it's so far away, it's all in the suburbs, and you can't get a taxi for half a day."

Hearing this, Liu Wei couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He didn't expect that this young man who went to Nortel had a worse life than himself. He knew that kind of place where everyone lived. Not to mention unhygienic, it was quite unhealthy. Safety.

Jia Ling didn't order food immediately, but frowned and looked at classmate Xiao Zhang, and said, "Why do you always look familiar when I look at you?"

"Ah, is that right? I've filmed a movie, and it was "Latent" not long ago, where I played Mu Wanqiu."

The dimples on Jia Ling's face suddenly became obvious, and she said, "Ah, oh, I remembered when you said that, the acting was pretty good."

"Why didn't I pay attention." Liu Wei turned his mouth when he spoke, "Hey, how did you get such a hot scene?"

"Well, Teacher Xu took me at the time."

"Teacher Xu?" Jia Ling asked uncertainly after listening to her voice, "You mean Xu Rong, right?"

"Yes, it's him."

Liu Wei didn't know the relationship between Zhang Xiaofei and Xu Rong, but when Zhang Xiaofei mentioned Xu Rong, he was afraid of causing Jia Ling's displeasure, so he quickly changed the topic and said, "Sister Ling, please take care of my classmate in the future."

In Liu Wei's cognition, Xu Rong and them are not from the same world at all. Even if they are in the same crew, there will be no intersection except for filming.

When Zhang Xiaofei mentioned Xu Rong, in his opinion, it was like many people are used to bragging at the wine table, saying that I know so-and-so. In reality, the other party may not remember meeting such a person at all.

Jia Ling waved chubby hands and said, "No problem, by the way, Xiao Fei, how old are you this year?"


(End of this chapter)

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