Chapter 196

Whether it was Xiao Zhang and Jia Ling who didn't want to go to work while he was injured, or Jin Fangfang who came here with an excuse, they didn't stay on the set for too long.

They all have their own affairs to be busy, and he is also busy with filming, so it is difficult to spend too much time with them.

After the three of them left, Xu Rong called up the system interface in his spare time.

Acting training system
Name: Xu Rong

Expression: A
Lines: A
Limbs: B
Eyes: A
Rhythm: A
Comprehensive evaluation: A-
Experience Points: 35/100
Glory value: 0/100
Traits: Baji Grandmaster (unmounted) Baji Introduction Baji Mastery (Analysis progress: 21%)

The root of his fractured little finger was the already installed "Baji Primer", although the remaining two traits would be loaded sooner or later, but now, he didn't look forward to it at all.

From the current point of view, this thing does not have corresponding training for years and months, and it is impossible to fully display the corresponding power-generating skills.

However, these didn't mean much to him. It's no joke that he was sick all the time. What he was looking forward to most now was to see if he could draw other traits after the analysis of the "Octopolar Proficiency" trait was completed.

Such as constant peak, photographic memory and so on.

What makes him most melancholy is the experience value that has fallen into a tortoise, which is the foundation of his survival. No matter how gaudy the baji and other traits are, they are just icing on the cake.

Although he has always been evaluated by many people as extremely talented, he is very clear that the upper limit of his talent is limited, but because the upper limit and lower limit are higher than most practitioners, it appears that he is "extremely talented".

Because many people in this industry are not born to eat this bowl of rice, but forced to squeeze in to make up the number.

"Daughter-in-law" was filmed for three months, and he only accumulated 26 experience points. After participating in the graduation performance, he gained 4 points, and the remaining 5 points were accumulated during the recent filming of "Before Dawn".

According to the current progress of the increase in experience points, when this drama is finished, there will only be 30 experience points at the top. This is because of Liu Jiang's personal style, he has shot a lot of material that may not be used in the future.

After two days of careful observation, he vaguely discovered something.

In terms of the overall level of actors, the crew of "Before Dawn" is higher than the crew of "Latent", and "Before Dawn" is relatively more generous.

But in the top match, the difference is not 01:30.

The performances of the crew members can basically be evaluated as "textbook-like performances". They are strict and serious, even Lin Yongjian is the same, which also led to the increase of his experience points like a turtle crawling.

The bulk of the 5 experience points came from the period of cooperation with Yuan Wei.

The performances of Lin Yongjian and the others can't be said to be bad, they are very standard, no matter for the audience or their peers, they can't fault them too much, but they are too rigid.

The most obvious contrast is Wu Jingzhong, who is portrayed by Feng Anhe.

The settings of the two characters are different, and the way of handling them is even more different. Feng Anhe is always smiling, like an old man next door, while Lin Yongjian is always gloomy, and appears to be very thoughtful and capable of thinking. It is more in line with the typical villain in the audience's mind, but in Xu Rong's feelings, Wu Jingzhong is a real old fox, he seems to understand everything.

In contrast, Tan Zhongshu, as the chief of the eighth bureau with a more important position, is much more immature.

As for the smiling tiger Lu Qiaoshan created by Wu Gang in the lurking, whether it is Zhang Xilin or Ren Zhengbin, the difference is more than 01:30.

As Mr. Lin Liankun said, the vast majority of actors are still in the second realm, and they haven't fully grasped it yet.

He was a little helpless, the experience value was too difficult to mix.

Textbook-style performances have the benefits of textbook-style performances, and they will not pull the hips, which means that the upper limit of this drama is on him alone. No matter how high his upper limit is, the height of this drama can be as high, but for There is no benefit for him to mix experience points.

According to the current progress, he doesn't even know if it is possible to get an S-comprehensive evaluation before the age of 30.

After all, judging from the growth rate of experience points in the past, the difficulty of obtaining experience points will gradually increase with the improvement of comprehensive evaluation.

He had always had a bold idea in his heart.

After obtaining the "constant peak" trait, the comprehensive evaluation has also been improved, and the teacher Li Xuejian was invited to let him truly feel the resentment and helplessness of the 30-year-old Hedong and the 30-year-old Hexi!

This is also the reason why he urgently needs to enter the film market. His salary, placed in any TV drama crew with a total investment of less than 3000 million, cannot accommodate the second top line, unless someone is willing to choose to lower his salary.

However, there are no such concerns in the film industry, and it is common to star in with reduced pay or even zero pay.

The two news brought by Jin Fangfang made him feel refreshed.

At present, the film industry mainly contacts two Hong Kong directors, Wang Jing and Du Qifeng.

The other piece of news is about the Feitian Awards. He will definitely attend this year's Feitian Awards Ceremony. Although the competition this year can be said to be the most intense in ten years, nominations are also a good experience.

As for the trophy, if you get it, I am lucky, if you don’t, it’s my life.

Anyway, with Magnolia Shidi next to him, he doesn't feel a head shorter than anyone else.

Looking at the peaceful performance of Ren Zhengbin and Lin Yongjian, Xu Rong always felt a little bored.

Can't say it's bad, it's just too patterned.

The more he read it, the more he felt uncomfortable. The book Liu Heping is currently preparing and revising is not considered a spy war. If there is no accident, this "Before Dawn" should be his final work in the field of spy war dramas.

He doesn't know if it will be comparable to "Latent" in the future, but as one of the core creative staff of the crew, he feels the need to do his best to reach that height.

He took a sip of water, held it in his mouth for a while, and swallowed gently.

He is going to make it more difficult for the opponent actors, and at the same time, he also wants to see if he can stimulate the creativity of the co-actors through this behavior.

"Binzi, let me tell you, this drama is on the air, you are definitely the first line." After a scene was filmed, Lin Yongjian asserted with a smile.

"Okay, I'm leaving, I'm leaving."

Ren Zhengbin didn't believe a word of Lin Yongjian's words, because Lin Yongjian liked to say that to every actor who had a good relationship and was not too famous.

When he heard it for the first time, he was so happy because he heard that Lin Yongjian's predictions were very accurate, but he later figured out what was going on, because the ones who confirmed the fulfillment of his predictions were all those famous people. That's right, a young actor who is not popular doesn't have the courage and opportunity to repeat his words at all.

When Lin Yongjian was preparing for the next scene with him, Xu Rong first ran to Liu Jiang and murmured for a while, and after obtaining his consent, he entered the stage and sat opposite Lin Yongjian, crossing his legs: "I feel The few of us are like princesses, you sit behind this desk for a long time, good guy, we take turns playing with you."


Lin Yongjian smiled, glanced at his hand, and said, "Hey, Xinjie, what's going on, why is it that when you get hurt, the people who come here are all girls?"

Xu Rong didn't look at him, but put his hands under the table, and said, "I can't tell who wears your glasses. The first two who came were my girlfriend and her colleague, and the one who came later was my manager. Talk to me about something."

"Oh." Lin Yongjian suddenly said, "So it's the manager."

"No, why are you so loud?" Xu Rong glared at him hurriedly. Although Jin Fangfang ran over and only asked about the injury on his hand, he didn't know what she was thinking. Facing Lin Yongjian's question , the inside is really a little weak.

He knew that in front of many people, it was not suitable to talk about these things, so he said, "Let's take a look first."

Lin Yongjian put the script aside and said, "Success."

What was going to be filmed was a scene where Tan Zhongshu had a conversation with Liu Xinjie after he found out that Zhuang Yunqing, the ship tycoon, was in touch with him.

"The bloody collective evidence, this person is simply a communist bandit." In order to make Lin Yongjian relax his vigilance, Xu Rong's expression was quite conventional, almost unchanged from before.

"Then what do you say?"

"Catch him, seize his company, and confiscate his ship."


"This party-state is clamoring to suppress the Communist Party all day long. The four major families of Jiang, Song, Kong, and Chen are all related to the shipping company of the Communist Party. Our Eighth Bureau is still doing nothing."

Lin Yongjian sighed and said, "Yes, the most terrifying enemy is often created by oneself."

Originally, the scene was about to be cut at this point, but Xu Rong suddenly smiled again, leaned forward, and said: "Boss, let me tell you, we both voted together, hey, don't care about the surname from now on." Whoever has the surname Jiang or Mao is in the country, and we brothers will have a bowl of food."

Lin Yongjian had been filming the scene for most of the day, and he was a little tired at first, so he was suddenly stunned by Xu Rong, and he laughed after a long while: "No, you can't fix it all at once, at least you should tell me in advance. "

Xu Rong also smiled and said, "I just remembered that too."

Lin Yongjian carefully recalled Xu Rong's words just now, and said, "But you added this sentence, it's really good, very confident."

Xu Rong nodded lightly. This is the mutual confirmation of his real life experience and character experience. His heart is elsewhere, but he is in Hairun. Going to ask for some resources.

This is the most essential difference between Liu Xinjie and Yu Zecheng, but he never thought of this breakthrough before.

When the actual filming took place, Lin Yongjian was ready, and when Xu Rong mentioned the matter of "voting to the Communist Party" again, he accepted it firmly.

"If corruption is not eradicated, the party will perish and the country will perish."

Seeing that Lin Yongjian had returned to the fixed mode, Xu Rong felt that he had not achieved his desired goal, so he slowly retracted his body into the back of the chair, and said with a serious expression: "My mother, is it on your back? The four characters of "loyalty and dedication to the country."

Lin Yongjian was completely dumbfounded, staring at Xu Rong in a daze, but didn't react at all for a moment.

Xu Rong wanted this kind of reaction, and said with a smile: "You are sitting on the chair now, like Yue Fei."

"Then the current situation is Qin Hui."


Liu Jiang looked at what Lin Yongjian said after he came back to his senses, patted his legs and smiled, and said, "Mr. Xu, you are about to take Mr. Lin into the ditch, hahaha."

Lin Yongjian took off the brown glasses on the bridge of his nose, wiped away the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, and said, "Xinjie, you played too hard, if I reacted a little slower, the non-response just now Can't stop."


Xu Rong also smiled. Lin Yongjian's sluggish reaction for a few seconds just now was the performance he wanted to see the most. It was different from the rigid stereotype, and it was also the most attractive part of the performance.

Before a second, you will never guess how your opponent will act, and how you should respond.

Just like the online novels emerging on the Internet today, the author only knows the progress of the plot a little earlier than the readers, let alone guessing how the readers will comment.

"Teacher Xu, come here."

After watching the replay, Liu Jiang got up, walked to Xu Rong, and said in a low voice, "Don't worry too much, as long as you don't deviate from the outline, you can act as you want, whatever you want."

Liu Jiang looked at Xu Rong's strange expression, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Don't worry, the crew has enough funds. The effect just now is very interesting. It's best to have some of each one, and then we will keep it according to the script." One, keep one for what you want to use, and use whichever is better.”

Xu Rong forced a smile and said, "I'll try my best."

It's just that after three days of continuous filming, Lin Yongjian, Zhang Xilin and Ren Zhengbin, who played many scenes with Xu Rong, complained incessantly. They originally performed step by step according to the preparation and there was no big problem. Completely overthrow the setting during the rehearsal, but there will always be a surprise.

Words such as "If I am an undercover agent, I will definitely kill you first!", "After get off work, I will not be allowed to work overtime with the salary paid by the party and the state!" Be ready to respond.

The reason why Xu Rong dared to do this was based on three points. First, he had Liu Jiang's approval; second, his own status allowed him not to communicate with other people in advance; The foreshadowing effect of going out to drink every day.

"If you still have a role that you think is suitable for me in the future, you can contact me directly. You have my phone number." Yuan Wei said with a smile as he looked at Xu Rong who came to see off with Liu Jiang and others while carrying his luggage.

Her part is done.

Although she panicked every time she thought of Xu Rong's violent smashing of the car door, after more than half a month of cooperation, she felt that it was quite interesting to work with him.

In her feelings, he is completely two people in normal times and during filming. As soon as he stands in front of the camera, his mind seems to be full of all kinds of whimsical ideas, and he can't predict what he will do next. What to think, what to say, what to do in a moment.

But away from the camera, it will immediately quiet down.

And based on her judgment and intuition, she felt that Liu Ye's evaluation of him was too subjective.

"Director, goodbye."


Yuan Wei waved his hand at Xu Rong, and seemed to think of something again, turned around and said to Xu Rong and Lin Yongjian: "I wish the two teachers Feitian Award all wishes come true."

(End of this chapter)

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